P age B6 J anuary 2 4 , 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver A L T E R N A T I VE S Concordia U niversity Awards The Church (honorary (Degree to ‘Rev. Cjdmore by M a k g a k k i I saacs __________ The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ, the Lord. The Church is based on the Word of God, and he is the comer stone, the rock that holds her together, united and safe; secure until he comes again for the greatest wedding earth and heaven will ever know. What man, bom of a woman, in sin, dares to call God’s Church by his own insignificant powerless name? What earthly man dares to put him­ self in God’s place and proclaim himself as the originator and orga­ nizer of The Church? God calls men to preach his gospel and the only gospel known and believed by godly people is that Jesus, the Christ is anointed, by God, the Father, as the only Savior of mankind. Jehovah God is well pleased with his son. The Church is the creation of Christ; secured by water and The Word. Christ came from heaven to seek the church to be his holy bride. With his blood, he bought his Church, and for the life o f the Church, he died. Who, in all good conscious, can claim ownership or leadership of God’s Church? The Church is made up of the elect from all nations, who are united as one body over all the earth. T he Church is not in competi- tion with itself. The Church’s charter is salvation; one Lord, one faith, one birth. The Church blesses only one Holy Name and partakes of only holy food. She clings to one hope and is endued with on Saving Grace; The Grace of Jesus, the Christ. Through out the ages, through toils, tribula­ tions and wars; the true Church awaits the consummation of peace forever­ more. The Church expects to behold the glorious vision o f Christ’s coming; where blessed and victorious, she will be at rest. While here on earth, the Church will remain united, under the God Head Jehovah, Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Church fervently looks for­ ward to the mystic reunion with those who have gone to their rest; those happy and holy ones; those who are now changed from corrupt to incor­ ruptible; now viewing the face of our Lord. Jesus is the resurrection and the life and those who die, believing and covered by his Grace, are al­ ready dwelling with God. The Elect Church, alive and re­ maining on earth, holding fast to a sure hope; a hope that we, meek and lowly, forgiven, holy and sanctified; may I ike them who have gone before, meet Jesus in the air and dwell with Clackamas Women’s Services him on high. The love of Christ for this Church will not allow his Elect Bride to be taken away by proud and vain men; nor even by that antichrist, who is destined to come; For Christ is the maker and Monarch and Savior of all who bel ieve that he is the Son o f God, the anointed one. These are the be­ loved of God and members of this universal Church. Nations are in commotion as God’s Church prepares for zion’s war. Guard your heart well, lest you be­ lieve any man who claims that God only speaks to him; that he is the only one who understands God’s Word; that he has a special blessing and special powers and special gifts that guarantees he be obeyed; that he be lifted up by the elect, to a higher plane above the Elect and exalted above the people. God is ajealous God and him only must his Church serve and exalt and praise. God is no respecter o f per­ sons, and gives gifts, powers, visions and voice to whom he chooses, that he and he alone may be glorified. Jesus, The Christ is the head o f his Elect Bride, The Church and no pros­ tituted version will be accepted in his kingdom. To God Be The Glory Now And Forevermore, Amen. Rev. Rozell Gilmore, pastor at both Lutheran Inner City Minis­ tries and Martin Luther Memorial Lutheran Church in Portland, was awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws at Concordia University’s Winter Commencement on Decem­ ber 16. The LL.D is granted by the Concordia University Board of Re­ gents to individuals who have made significant contributions to the field or profession in the area o f civic leadership and social welfare, ac­ cording to Concordia president Charles E. Schlimpert. In addition to Gilmore’s doctor- F ebru ary i s H la c k H is to r y H o n ill Call (L ite ^ . l i u t k u i b ( O b s v v u i 'v ’ at 288-0033 to advertise. G reen peppers large size for stuffing Undergraduate College Students in Psychology, Women’s Studies, Alcohol & Drug Treatment, Child Development, Sociology or Com- muhity Health: you may be able to earn college credit and practical ex­ perience by volunteering at Clacka­ mas Women’s Services. We have lots of opportunities for developing on-the-job skills in your field of study. Our next training begins January 23, 1996. Please contact Carol at 654- 2807 for more information and a volunteer packet. PEPPERS FOR RED PEPPERS POUND PRODUCTS and SPRITE Diabetes Awareness ▲ tion encourages learning the risks and symptoms of diabetes, how to control the disease to avoid compli­ cations and what resources are avail­ able to maintain the best quality of life. Diabetes is a chronic disease where the body either does not produce, properly use or make enough insulin to convert food into energy needed for daily life. Currently, there is no cure for diabetes. EACH PLUS D E P O S IT LITER BOTTLE Continued from Metro ..._ ocecn,,_ _ _ The FRIENDLIEST STORES in Town since 1908 WE RESERW THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY JANUARY 23 through 28, 1996 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW’S STORE CALL: 659-5220 STORE HOURS WEEKDAYS 8 a.m . to 9 p.m. SUNDAY 9 a.m . to 8 p.m. HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. ate, a record 130 undergraduate de­ grees were awarded, according to Concordia Registrar Mickie Bush. “Gilm ore has been a champion for the Lord in P ortland’s inner c ity n e ig h b o r h o o d ,” said Schlim pert. Gilmore’s primary focus has been outreach to the children of the com­ munity by organizing small groups such as The Summer Street Bible Club. After stints in the Air Force and private business, Gilmore began a career in social work and ministry. From 1973-77 Gilmore served as director of minority student affairs at Concordia. He left Portland to study at Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and subsequently served Lutheran congregations in three states. In 1989 he accepted a call to serve as pastor for Lutheran Inner City Ministries and Martin Luther Memorial Lutheran Church His civic contributions have included board level involve­ ment with the Portland branch o f the NAACP, the N/NE P ort­ land Mental Health Center, the A lb in a M in is ria l A llia n c e , Lutheran Family Services, and the N orth/N ortheast Coalition o f N eighborhoods. ®bituarp Shirley Elois Golden, maiden name Williams Born Jan. 22, 1935 in St. Louis, Missouri. Died Jan 14, 1996 in Portland, OR. Cause: Diabetes Complications She lived in the Portland area over 40 years and attended Girls Poly High School in Portland. Occupation: Homemaker She was a member of St. Paul C.O.G.I.C. Church. Shirley married Anthony J. Golden March 21, 1984. Survivors: Anthony J. Golden, Husband, Portland, OR Louise P. Bills, Mother, Portland, OR Frederick G. Bird, Son, Portland, OR Carl B. Bird, Son, Oakland, Cal. Deborah A. Bird, Daughter, Portland, OR No Brothers or Sisters Services were held, Jan 18, 1996 at St. Paul Church of God In Christ, 2859 N.E. Rodney, Portland, OR. Officiating at the services was Bishop J.C. Foster and his son-Elder Donald Foster. Burial at Lone Fir Cemetery, Portland, OR Here’s A “Wonder’ -Ful Way To Help Needy Families By dropping off empty Wonder Bread bags, local residents will help donate fresh Wonder White Bread to Oregon Food Bank By dropping off empty Wonder Bread bags at local grocery stores, Oregon and Southwest Washington residents can help Oregon Food Bank collect fresh loaves of Wonder-brand bread for needy families. The promotion, called “Remem­ ber the Wonder,” will be sponsored during January by Interstate Brands Corporation of Portland, makers of Wonder Bread. Local residents can participate in the drive by placing empty bags of Wonder White Bread (Regular or Thin-Sliced) in specially marked bins at participating grocery stores. All Fred Meyer and Albertsons grocery stores in Oregon and South­ west Washington are participating in this campaign, as are a number of independent grocery stores, said Mike Conway o f Interstate Brands. Donors who do not shop at Fred Meyer or Albertsons are urged to ask their local grocers if they are partic- ipating in the Wonder Bread cam­ paign. “This effort by Wonder Bread to deliver fresh bread to hungry people is especially appreciated,” said Rach­ el Bristol Little, Oregon Food Bank’s executive director. “The Oregon Food network of agencies will wel­ come the opportunity to put fresh Wonder bread in the emergency food boxes they distribute to people in need.” “After the holiday rush, January historically is a period when low- income families need our help,” said Interstate Brands General Manager Larry Postlewait. “We hope our cus­ tomers will team up with Wonder Bread and the Oregon Food Bank during this time o f profound need.” Oregon Food Bank, based in Port­ land, distributes food to more than 650 helping agencies in Oregon and Clark County, Wash. For more information about the W onder Bread prom otion, call Kirsten Lee, 282-0555, Oregon Food Bank, or Mike Conway, Interstate Brands, 287-1114. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR Cox Funeral Home Inc. t. \^yiivet (503)281-4891 Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles A.A. COX, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. Rut it con he mode easier If you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio Ministry: Sundays; 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Wednesdays; 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 AM on KBMS Rev. James E. M artin, Ph.D. Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson S enior Pastor Assistant Pastor 2338 N.E. Alberta Street 284-1198 WE FEATURE: GROCERIES SODA POP/JUICES & MORE ASSORTED FROZEN TREATS HOT, DELICIOUS COFFEE CIGARETTES/CIGARS VARIETY GOODS CANDY & SNACKS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COME TASTE THE BEST “LOUISIANA” STYLE BBQ. BBQ RIB DINNERS...................................... $6.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS............................ $5 00/EACH BBQ RIB SANDWICHES.............................. $4 00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICHES.................... $3.00/EACH CREOLE GUMBO..........................................$4.00/BOWL “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE”