Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 24, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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Native Plants Returned To Site
C la rk County crews have begun
a habitat restoration project in its
storm water facility adjacent to the
Teal Pointe subdivision.
The work w ill add native plants
to a three and a h a lf acre site and
enhance treatment o f storm water
runoff entering the facility.
Planing w ill be done between
now and A p ril, from the south shore
o f Salmon Creek, through 200 to
400 feet o f reed canary grass wet­
land, to Northwest 133rd C ircle .
Native species from C la rk C o u n -
ty’s M abry Nursery, plants such as
ash, cedar, w illow , vine maple, ha­
zel, salai and Oregon grape w ill be
planted by county crews.
Maintenance, weeding and water
w ill continue for two years. A fter
that the plants should be sufficiently
established to survive on their own.
N o m ow ing or trim m ing w ill be done
because the goal is to re-established
a natural plant community.
The work is paid for by the C la rk
County W aterQ uality D ivisio n, from
developer contributions to the C a p i­
tal Im provem ent Fund.
A s s is t a n c e from n e ig h b o rs is
a ls o re q u e ste d . A r e a re sid e n ts
are a ske d to be c a r e fu l not to
step on o r d a m age y o u n g p la n ts
and to re m em b e r that re s to rin g
nature ta k e s tim e. R e s u lt s w ill
not take p la c e o v e r n ig h t, but
w ith in a few y e a rs.
A nyone with questions or con­
cerns regarding the project, can
contact P h il G a d d is at the C la rk
C ounty W ater Q u ality D iv isio n at
699-2375, extension 4865.
Vancouver Assumes Watershed Duties
Vancouver city crews are now
I maintaining the Burnt Bridge Creek
[ watershed within the city lim its.
mation o f the Burnt Brid ge Creek
Storm and Surface Water U tility in
The work w ill include debris re­
m oval, stream bank maintenance
I and managed vegetation.
Burnt B rid g e C re e k residents
w ithin the city lim its can ca ll 696-
8244 to report problem s such as f
H ow ever, annexations and the
adoption o f a city-w ide utility, have
made it feasible for V anco uver to
assume these responsibilities within
its boundaries, city o fficia ls said.
flooding, bank erosion, debris block­
ing the channel and other problem s.
C o u n ty residents can report prob­
lems to the C la rk Cou nty O pera-]
The work had been performed
| by C la rk County crews since for-
continue through A p ril 13.
C la ss times are from 9 a.m. to 10
a.m. for kid s age 6 to 12; for fam ily
the times are 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and
open dance is held from 11 a.m. to
tunity to discover how to analyze
those articles and to evaluate the
difficulties facin gjo u m alists in de­
cidin g how and what inform ation to
I present to the public.
Gordon Jackson, inhisthirdterm
I as an Inquiring M ind Speaker for
' the W ashington Hum anities C o m ­
mission and a Professor in the C o m -
I m u n ic a tio n s D e p a rtm e n t o f
Whitworth College in Spokane, w ill
presentation January 30,
1996, from noon-2:00pm in Foster
I Auditorium at C la rk C o lle g e in
Vancouver. H is topic w ill be “ M edia
Ethics.” he w ill discuss the challeng­
es editors and reporters face in choos­
ing between competing values.
Mr. Jackson grew up in South
A frica where he completed his un­
dergraduate studies then obtained a
Ph D. in M assCom m unicationsffom
the School o f Journalism at Indiana
U niversity.
In addition to his professorship,
he has worked as a jou rnalist and
authored a book entitled “ B reaking
Sto ry, the South A frica n Press” ,
w hich dissects the attitudes o f the
South A frican press and its aff ects on
apartheid as w ell as assessing the
idea o f a national media policy.
M ayor Vera K a tz credited new
efforts by the Portland P o lice B u ­
reau and citizen involvem ent for
the c ity ’s first decrease in auto thefts
in five years.
There were 9,307 motor veh i­
cles reported stolen last year, com ­
pared to 9,777 in 1994, a decrease
o f 4.7 percent.
“ W hile I ’m excited that our anti­
auto theft efforts seem to be paying
off, I ’m staying cautiously optim is­
tic, said K a tz. “ We must keep the
pressure on car th ie ves, so that these
The class is geared to people who
are about two years away from buy­
ing a first home.
The class covers the basics o f fi
nancial and personal advantages,
what lenders look for, how to repair
a credit history and special loan pro­
gram s for first-time buyers.
Pre-registration is required. The
The cost for four weeks o f les­
sons is $25.50 or $ 17 for city resi­
dents drop in fees are $6.50 or
$4.25 for city residents.
C la sse s meet in the Le w is R iv e r
Room at the B a g le y Center.
In his presentation he w ill use
case studies to outline the w ay in
w hich newsroom s decide ethical
questions about what and what not
to cover and how they determine the
manner in w hich news and informa-1
tion should be presented.
H is presentation is challen ging,
his subject is h igh ly provocative
and w ill enhance ones ab ility to I
determine for them selves the re li­
a b ility o f inform ation in the media.
The program is free and spon­
sored by C la rk C o lle g e ’s Fo cu s on |
The M ultnomah C o u n ty D istrict
Attorney’s O ffice has been recruit­
ing people to jo in a new neighbor­
hood crim e prevention program.
The effort is an outgrowth o f the
federal A m e riC o rp s program initi­
ated by President C linton.
In the Portland area, the district
attorney’s A m e riC o rp s Members
O .J Sim pson has granted B la c k
Entertainment T e le v isio n ( B E T ) a
live interview that w ill air as part o f
the netw ork’s two and a h a lf our
s p e c ia l p ro g ra m e n title d O .J .
Sim pson. Beyond the Verd ict, for
Wednesday, Jan. 24 beginning at 9:30
The interview w ill be conducted
by B E T N ew s A n ch o r Ed Gordon
and broadcast live from an undis­
A n army o f sensors and comput-
erized heating and co o lin g systems
are working behind the scenes keep-
I ing county buildings com fortable
I while saving energy and
I dollars.
Y o u don’t see these dozens o f
sensors when you enter county
I buildings such as the new 9-1-1
I Center, the Health D istrict, Court-
1 house. Ja il and Com m unity D evel-
I opment, but they hum away 24 hours
I a day
m aking sure systems run at
| their optimum.
Sensors send inform ation to two
I main computers (a sort o f M ission
I Control)
in the county's Mainte-
I nance and Facilities headquarters.
T h is information assists the com-
puters in “d e cid in g’ such things as
whether to turn on giant blow ers on
top o f the Courthouse or whether to
shut a system down. Sensors react to
such things as room temperature, time
o f the day or week and the amount o f
energy b eingu sedbyasystem . Much
more sophisticated then the thermo­
stats and systems we have at home,
this technology is super sensitive,
fisca lly conservative and energy con­
“ These energy efficient systems
save the county about $100,000 a
year in energy costs. 11 takes $ 16,000
yearly to maintain the system s,” said
Darrel Stum p, Fa cilitie s and Mainte­
nance M anager for the county.
Another plus with the system in-
volve s maintenance. I f there’s a
problem in a bu ilding, such as a
com plaint about a pu blic bu ilding
being too co ol, maintenance staff |
can use the m ain computers to call
up a graphic o f the heating/cooling
system for the area. The graphic
(some look I ike a design for a galactic
vehicle!) shows temperatures and
othertechnicalpiecesofinform ation.
Sometimes a problem can be pin­
pointed this way and quickly reme­
died. I f a maintenance employee is
w orking on a problem away from the
computers and on-site in a specific
bui Iding, he can cal I a staff member at
the main computers and information
about the system can be quickly called
up and relayed via radio.
Commissioner Magnano Rules Out Third Term
C la r k C o u n ty C o m m iss io n e r
Magnano has announced he
I w ill not seek a third four-year term
I John
I on the board o f C la rk Cou nty Com -
| missioners.
“ I believe that in eight years as a
county com m issioner I ’ve accom -
plished the things that were im por-
tant to the com m unity,” M agnano
said Friday. “ It ’s time to try new
I things and to start a new chapter in
| my life.”
“Announcing m y intentions now
gives C la rk County citizens time to
evaluate po ten tial ca n d id a te s,"
| Magnano added.
Lo o kin g back on his time in of­
fice, Magnano said he is particular­
ly proud o fh is involvement in adopt -
I ing the new Com prehensive Growth
I Management Lan d -U se Plan for
I C la rk County, which he considers a
I sound foundation for m aintaining
I the county’s livab ility
in the years
I ahead. He also pointed to the a c q u ­
is itio n o f critical public open space
during his tenure - Frenchm an’s Bar
in the Vancouver La ke Low lands,
L u c ia F a lls in North C la rk County
and considerable use o f C on serva­
tion Futures dollars to protect low­
lands along the East Fork o f the Lew is
Otheractions Magnano noted were
his support o f progressive program s
for youth and im proving go vern­
ment’s responsiveness and profes­
sionalism .
“ The professional team in C la rk
County government that has come
together in the last eight years is
meeting the challenges facing this
com m unity,” M agnano said. “ I,m
proud to have been a part o f this
He cited other achievements as
• Restructure o f the county’s entire
budget process including more com ­
m unity involvement.
• Com pletion o f the new Depart­
ment o f Em ergency Services 9-1-1
Center building.
• Developm ent o f a revised social
services delivery system in vo lvin g
p u b lic /p riv a le partnerships that I
solve problem s instead o f address­
ing the sym ptom s.
• Im p ro v e d n e ig h b o rh o o d and
com m unity outreach programs.
• Expansion ofCorrectionsD epart-
ment program s that put offenders to
• Im proved w o rkin g relationships
with cities, ports and other public
and bi-state agencies.
Magnano said there is still much
to do in the 12 months to come as he
completes the remainder o fh is term
and serves as newly elected chair o f |
the C -T ra n Board o f Directors and
chair o f the Washington State A sso ­
ciation ofcounties, Western District.
M agnano said he enjoys com ­
m unity service and w orking with
the pu blic. “ W hen I began this jo b ,
I was positive, optim istic and ideal­
istic about the future. I still am .”
agencies in N ovem ber to form an
Auto Theft T a s k Force.
T h e task fo rc e is fo c u s in g on
m a k in g arrests in h ig h auto-th eft
areas and on f in d in g new stra te ­
g ie s fo r th w a rtin g c rim in a ls .
“ We realize that auto theft is not |
just a Portland problem ,” said Katz.
“ T h a t’s why w e’re w orking with I
regional partners on strategies that
w ill help lower auto theft rates for
all o f O regon.’
for Neighborhood Safety w ill be com ­
prised o f 11 full-tim e com m unity
safety advocate positions starting in
early February.
I he advocates w ill perform com ­
munity service in the areas o f transit ’
safety, graffiti abatement and youth
A m e r iC o r p s m em bers w ill re-
c e iv e a l i v i n g a llo w a n c e o f l
$ 7 ,9 0 0 d u rin g the 10 m onth p o -f
sitio n and are e lig ib le to re c e iv e I
an a d d it io n a l c e r t if ic a t e fo r
$ 4 ,7 0 0 afte r c o m p le tin g 1,7O o[
h o u rs o f c o m m u n ity s e rv ic e .
The goal o f A m e riC o rp s is to I
create leaders for the future, while |
im proving comm unities.
closed location in L o s Angeles.
“ Although the prim ary focus o f
Beyond the Verd ict is a look at the
life for Mr. Sim pson and Am erican
after the trial o f the century, there
have been no restrictions placed on
the questions we w ill be allow ed to
ask,’ said Jefferi K . Lee, president,
B E T Networks.
“ W e lik e a ll o th er m ed ia o u t­
le ts, have been s e e k in g an in te r­
v ie w w ith M r . S im p s o n f o r
m onths. W e are p le ase d that he
has agree d to sp e a k w ith B E T
N e w s and we lo o k fo rw a rd to
b e in g the firs t n e tw o rk to b rin g it
to A m e r ic a ,” L e e sa id .
B E T is the nation’s first and only
national television network provid­
ing a platform for quality program ­
m ing targeted toward an A frica n
Am erican audience.
Working To Feed Local Seniors
Lo ave s & Fishes and other O re ­
gon M eals-O n-W heels program s, the
National A sso ciatio n o f M eals Pro­
gram s (N A M P ) and R eyno lds Met­
als Com pany are continuing their
three year partnership o f p rovidin g
nourishing meals to seniors citizens
in Oregon. Throughout January, the
Reynolds Metals Com pany is donat­
ing a portion o f its profits from sales
mature Le arn in g and the W ashin g­
o f Reyno lds products at participat­
ton H um anities C om m ission. A ll
ing supermarkets. T h is donation to
students and the public are urged to ]
program s like Lo a ve s & Fishes w ill
help feed hungry seniors this winter.
Don Ballinge r, E xecu tive D ire c ­
tor o f Lo a ve s & Fishes, sa id : “ W e are
delighted that Reynolds has once
class costs $5 ($2 for city resi­
jo in ed forces with Lo a ve s &
dents). C a ll the V an co u ver Parks
Fishes and with all o f the N A M P
and Recreation Department at 696-
program s nationwide to make a d if­
8218 to register.
ference in the lives o f seniors every­
The C om m un ity H o u sin g R e ­
source Center is a non-profit, pub-
lic/private partnership sp e cia lizin g
in education and assistance on hous­
ing related issues.
High Tech j _ Sensors
Energy And Dollars
The police bureau also join ed
with several other law enforcement I
DA Hires Crime Prevention Advocates
Home Buying Class Offered
A new class in the basics o f
home buying w ill be presented by
the Com m unity H o usin g Resource
Center through the V a n c o u v e r
Parks and Recreation Department.
“ Home B u yin g Made Sim p le ”
w ill meet at M arshall Center, 1009
E . M cLo u gh lin B lv d ., Tuesday,
Jan. 23, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
numbers don’t turn out to be a one
shot deal.”
K a tz gave credit for the decrease
to the use o f anti-theft devices by
more residents and with citizens sign ­
ing up with the police bureau’sC o m -
bat Auto Theft program.
C A T m em b ers re c e iv e s t ic k ­
ers fo r th e ir c a rs w h ic h a llo w
p o lic e to p u ll o v e r the v e h ic le i f
it ’ s on the ro ad betw een I a.m .
and 5 a.m . K a t z is in the p ro c e ss
o f try in g to get the p ro gra m im -
plem en ted sta tew id e .
Simpson Grants Interview With BET Network
Media Expert To Speak At Clark College
Do you sometimes question the
veracity and ethics o f the items you
[ read in the paper or hear on T V ? I f
| so, you have an outstanding oppor­
Auto Thefts Dip After 5 Years
tions Center at 699-2446.
Line Dancing For All Ages
The Vancouver Parks and Recre
ation Department has started a new
youth and fam ily line dance class at
Bagley Center, 4 100 Plomondon.
No partners are needed.
Sessions started Saturday and
P o l i c e A e ir s
Last year’s cam paign was very
successful and we are hoping that
this year’s cam paign is even better. I
urge everyone to remember that when
you shop in participating stores this
January and purchase a Reynolds
product you are helping to ensure
that no senior citizen in this com m u­
nity w ill go hungry this w inter.”
Lo ave s & Fishes feeds over 3,200
seniors every day. These seniors and
others need nutritious meals daily
and Loaves & Fishes Is A I ways There
Fo r Them.
Lo aves & Fishes is alw ays in need
o f volunteers and donations. I f you
w ould like to learn more about how
you can help, please call 777-2424.
H elp us make this winter season
and everyday better for our seniors.
Tri Met
To Trim
January 23 through February 6,1996
Agency Faces Federal
Cuts In Operations
F a c in g a $2 m illio n cut in fe d ­
eral o p e ratin g a ssista n ce next f is ­
c a l y e a r, T r i-M e t G e n e ra l M a n ­
a g e r T o m W a lsh to ld the B o a rd
o f D ire c to rs that the a g e n c y w ill
propose som e budget ad ju stm ents
to o ffse t the cut.
Federal operating assistance has
been cut by more than 50 percent in
the past 2 years, and T ri-M et is pre­
paring for the elim ination o f all o f
these funds by F Y 1998.
“W e are ta k in g som e m in o r,
yet prudent steps to prepare fo r
the e ve n tu a l e lim in a tio n o f a ll
fe d e ra l o p e ra tin g a s s is t a n c e ,”
W a lsh sa id . “ T h e se a c tio n s keep
us on a so u n d fo o tin g to c o n tin u e
m od est service increases over the
long haul.”
T ri-M e t w ill maintain its current
level o f transit service to the com m u­
nity, redirect some service to meet
increasing demand and elim inate 30
adm inistrative jobs.
O ve r the past 4 years, bus and
M A X service has increased twice as
fast as T ri-M e t's average annual pro­
jected target o f 1.5 percent.
In the next fiscal year, service on
M A X is expected to increase 5 per­
cent; the Alternative Transportation
Program (A T P ), w hich serves people
with disabilities, w ill increase 1.1
percent; and bus service w ill decrease
1.3 percent.
Proposed changes w ill be pre­
sented to the board in m id-M arch
and public meetings w ill be held on
any potential service change.
Founded in 1969, Lo a ve s & F ish ­
es serves seniors through its network
o f 19 neighborhood based meal sites
in Senio r Center, Com m unity C e n ­
ters, and Churches. Seniors interest­
ed in learning more about the agen­
c y ’s nutrition program can call 777-
40’ OFF
Sale includes: Calicos. Draper) and I plmlstery Fabrics,
Bridal and Special Occasion, Silkies, Rayons, Children s
VIear, \ninial l ake Fur. Active Wear, Denims.
Outerwear Fleece, Corduroys
Includes Outerwear and Sweatshirt Fleece
• McCall’s
• Simplicity
• Butterick
* Burda
•Discounts (in ma annk in
Ml )\-| Kl o im.iin-1) oopm
I s \ 11 |(| ) Wi mi.nn-’pm
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OHnted or marked down items 1/2) thru 2/6/%
Plenty o f
OO S.E. 122nd Ave
Portland, OR
2 5 2 -9 5 3 0