A* XT* I B H " -J I he P ortland O bserver » J anuary 17, 1996 P age B3 r^Æzâ ®tje ^lortlanh © bserlier T A IH M E P iT The Rentals R entals: M a tt Sharp and Cherielynn West rich I A Favoring the sounds ofold Moog synthesizers, buzzing g uita rs,! technicolor female background vo­ cals and elegant violins. The Rent- als are making their mark on the modem rock scene with their debut I album, "Return ofThe Rentals.” On | 1 I tour with Blur, the Maverick re­ cording group is heading your wav The Rentals didn 't start like most bands which is appropriate since they sound unique to typical radio! I I I fare. The $4(X) video clip for their Top IO debut single, "Friends O ff h ^ 9' St° Ck m arket e pitom ized^ ° ° ^ ^ o n o m y ^ r o m i s i n ^ ^ u t ! l r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S . DU o c ^ n H 6 g '? V o p tim ism was b a tte r e d . The Am erican Experience: The Crash o f 1 9 2 9 . encores on p BS Monday. Feb. 19. to ch ronicle the exuberant, reckless ye ar when the sto ck m a rk e t rosb, seem ingly z a X T y ° f o c > 29 » c^ "Zf Z,o _ Where Are The Ads? Part 1 f ? P m bo Pmfflt /,* y M O V IE re v ie w r ^ i by Lanita I) uke The life blood o f any newspa­ per is a dvertising. Since I started w ritin g th is m ovie re vie w the Pacific Crest Chamber Players • I » A d v e r tis in g M a n a g e r o f The P ortland O bserver has been un­ able to secure m ovie ads from A c t I I I theaters. People o f c o lo r flo c k to the m ovies d a ily to be insulted, edu­ cated and o c c a s io n a lly e n te r­ ta ine d. B eyond the c h a rita b le c o n trib u tio n s w hy a re n ’ t we de­ m anding A c t III and other m ajor departm ent stores, car lots and large businesses advertise in our loca l newspaper. The co m m u n ity press, such as the P ortland O bserver and the Seattle Facts, are exam ples o f p riva te enterprise f u lf illin g an in fo rm a tio n a l need. L oca l news, sports and view s are given a p la t­ form supported by local adver­ tis in g . I believe the reason com ­ m u n ity newspapers have not ad- dressed this issue is in p o lite so­ c ie ty you do not w ant to burn a bridge in hopes that one day these large businesses m ig h t place an ad. The P o rtla n d O b s e rv e r and other local newspapers cannot w a it! T he B la c k c o m m u n ity launched a b oycott o f A c t III once and I believe it is tim e 'to enter that discussion again. A t the same tim e we need to educate o ur read­ ers to support the businesses who are a d v e rtis in g and to support the local c o m m u n ity press. We came to ge th er to support E & M M arket. M aybe, we can come together to support the Port­ land O bserver in securing adve r­ tis in g from A c t I I I theaters. P ,” co-directed by band leader Matt Sharp, is an M TV "Buzz Bin" sta­ ple. Lyrically the ten songs on the, album are forthcoming and intimate | with a touch o f w itty sarcasm. Standout tracks include the frenetic I forthcoming single, "W a itin g ,” Friends O f P ,” “ The Love I ’m , Searching For,” and "Please Let That Be You.” Radio and video outlets aren't, the only ones embracing the band's, 1 sound. National press coverage in - eludes Spin. Details, Entertainment, Weekly, Musician, Request, Alter-1 native Press, and many others. LOOKING FOR A WAY TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR? COME O N IN TO ... c700& ¿Tût T h e N e w A lb u m F rom L e g e n d a ry P r o d u c e r /W r ite r A rra n g er (Next week - Are Black Con­ sumer 's chumps) E n te r To W in Q U IN C Y J O N E S T h e D u d e is B a c k ! The Chamber Players o f the Pacific Crest Wind Ensemble, directed by Daniel Cole-McCulIough, assistant professor o f music at Warner Pacific College, w ill present a concert in Schlatter Chapel on the College cam­ pus, southeast 68th and Division, Jan­ uary 25 at 7:30 p.m. The program w ill feature the pre­ miere o f a 1993 work by English com­ poser Guy Woolfenden. Two Mozart numbers w ill be in­ cluded on the program, Overture to Die Zauberflote (The Magic Fluet) and Serenade #12 in c minor (k 388/ 384a). Five movements from a new chamber music arrangement o f Carl O rffs Carmina Burana and Old Wine in New Bottles by Gordon Jacob w ill round out the concert. Twelve o f the most accomplished members o f the Pacific Crest Wind ensemble make up the Chamber Players. (^ W c x s s ^ o o t / J e w s A $100 Video Production Services f t i n 99 vPO 4) 13 ÌQ 4 4 & Storyboards ★ Cassette Com Compact Disc ★ Script Writing ★ f t Video Writing & f t Editing fa i f Producing i f (■iff < vi tifivafv tn a Portland Area R estaurant tM usl be 21 ut uiden. O ffer good thru 1-2-96 East Portland 32nd & Burnside 231-8926 © M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M NW Portland 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 Educational • Informational • Marketing Entertainment • Business Com m unication 257-9074 SWEETHEART MEMORIES $120 Show the one you love how much you care with a gift that lasts forever! P.O. Box 12259, Portland, OR 97212 Communications Since 1979 A Beautifully Framed 16x20 Wall Portrait No Sitting Fee Tasteful Posing Direction PO RTLAND ART M U SEU M PR ESEN TS THE 5IBIKW A PLAYERS Color or Black & White. Studio or On Locetion. Professional Make - Over Included Couples Men C? 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