Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 17, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    P age B6
J anuary 17, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
For Chemical-Dependency Professionals...
The C o rp o ra tio n : C O DA, In c , a private non-profit corporation, has
pioneered comprehensive addiction treatment services to a diverse
and complex population throughout Northwest Oregon. Operating
from one large outpatient site and three residential sites (which also
provide child development and limited outpatient services), our
services include intensive drug-free outpatient, methadone mainte­
nance, short- and long-term residential, and detoxification. Our client
population is extremely large and diverse. We are a leader in design­
ing services for pregnant women. Women with young children, and
to families.
W ith our rage o f services, locations, and client profiles, CO D A offers
a challenging and multifaceted environment in which chemical de­
pendency professionals can grow and advance. CODA further en­
courages professional advancement with an energetic training pro­
gram consisting o f monthly in-service events, frequent special events,
and cash and paid-time allowance for off-premises training.
Recent and continuing expansion has created an exceptional range o f
career opportunities. Dedicated chemical-dependency professionals
are encouraged to apply. CO D A is currently recruiting for the
follow ing positions:
S e n io rf o un selorC -V : Two Outpatient positionsavailable. Starting
salary $ 1,9 17-$2,100 per month plus benefits. Positions provide
treatment to complex caseloads, perform clinical supervision, devel­
op and implement clinical procedures. Requires Master’s Degree and
relevant experience. Inquire about C5060, C 5 0 6 I.
P art-Tim e C h ild Development Specialist: Pays $7.05-$7.50 per
hour plus benefits. Position works 22-24 hours per week at our
Gresham facility. Inquire about C2A32.
We Are Currently Recruiting For All Relief Categories:
Residential R elief S ta ff (G resham , Lents, and T iga rd locations):
Pay $6.62 to $7.50 per hour. Positions work on an on-call, as-needed
basis, usually evenings/weekends, providing residential house cover­
age in the absence o f regular staff. Responsible for milieu supervision
and assistance with other non-counseling tasks. Inquire about CBR00
and C l TOO.
R elief Nurses (RN and LP N ): RN earns $ 10.24 to $ 16.49 per hour;
LPN earns $8.86 to $ 14.55 per hour. Positions work on an on-call, as-
needed basis, often weekends or evenings (no night shifts). Respon­
sible to assess methadone clients, administer and control medications,
m onitor U A ’s, maintain medication and client records. Inquire about
Information System
Analyst -
Portland Development
Blue C ross Blue S hield/H M O O regon is currently recruiting fo r
the follow ing positions:
Individuals currently serving any federal, state or county parole or
probation are ineligible for these positions. Candidates must consent
to a criminal background check.
Lead Analyst (#293)
Methods and Procedures Analyst (#324)
Medical claims Analyst (#006)
TO A P P LY , obtain an standard CO D A application form and detailed
For m ore inform ation about current openings call o u r JO B
Inform ation Line:
T reatment R ecovery P revention
C O D A is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity /A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n Employer
Engineering, Sr.
Transit Operator
City of Eugene, Oregon
M ust be available fo r w ork as
needed five out of o u r six o p ­
erating days (M onday through
Saturday). No previous bus
driving or large vehicle expe­
rience necessary to apply. W e
train. W age is $10.89 per hour.
S uccessful part-tim e opera­
tors are considered fo r fu ll­
tim e positions as full-tim e po­
sition becom e available. Pick
up a de ta ile d vacancy a n ­
nounce m e nt w hich lists re­
q u ire m e n ts a nd an o fficia l
a p p lic a tio n fo rm a t S alem
A rea M ass T ra n sit District,
3140 Del W ebb Ave. N.E.,
Salem , O R 97303. C om plet­
ed applicaiton form m ust be
received by D istrict by 5:00
p.m. on Jan u a ry 26, 1996.
Equal O p portunity Em ployer.
P ublic W orks, E ngineering Di­
vision is seeking a qualified
person fo r the position of a
S e n io r E ng in e e rin g te c h n i­
cian. The person selected for
this position w ill exercise a
w ide range of responsibilities,
ra n g in g fro m a c tin g as a
project M anager fo r com plex
street, sewer, and drainage
projects to assisting in policy
form ulation. R e q u ire d : Bach­
e lo r ’s d e g re e w ith m a jo r
course w ork in civil engine er­
ing technolo gy o r a related
field; 4 years' experience in
civil engineering w ork; and a
dem onstrated ability to super­
vise diverse technical staff in
a d ynam ic team -oriented en­
v iro n m e n t. C lo s in g D a te :
F ebruary 9 ,1 9 9 6 . O btain ap­
p lic a tio n and s u pplem en tal
question naire from the City of
E u g e n e , H um an R esource
and Risk S ervices, 777 Pearl
Street, E ugene O R 97401.
(5 4 1 )6 8 7 -5 0 6 1 . AA/EO E
The D ow ntow n P ortland Office
of Northwest Natural Gas
Company has an im m ediate
opening fo r a M otor M essen­
ger, P art-T im e>20 hrs/wk; for
job inform ation and qualifica­
tions, contact:
J o b In fo rm a tio n Llne-
P ortland Area
(503) 226-4211, Ext. 2434
A n Equal O p p o rtu n ity
Our Most Important Asset Is People
W e are strongly com m itted to equal opportun ity in all p h ases of
em ploym ent.
Part-tim e position perform s ja n ­
itorial, building m aintenance,
and grounds keeping duties.
R equires one ye a r o f experi­
ence in ja nitorial and building
m aintenance in a large fa cili­
ty, and a valid O regon d river’s
license. W o rk schedule v a r­
ies. M ust be a va ilable b e ­
tween 5:00a.m . and 1:00 p.m.,
7 days/w eek. C lo sin g Date:
F ebruary 2 ,1 9 9 6 . O btain a p ­
plication packet from Hum an
R esource and Risk Services,
777 Pearl S treet, Room 101,
Eugene OR 97401. (541) 687-
5061. A A /E O E
R N /LP N O p p o rtu n ities — Salem & Portland Facilities
Now accepting applications for full-time, part-time and job-share LPNs, Staff RNs, Charge RNs, and
Supervising RNs. Rewarding positions in psychiatric nursing are available immediately on Forensic. Adult,
Geriatric and Child/Adolescent wards.
• Excellent Benefit Package
• Competitive Salaries
• Shift Differentials
• Additional Compensation for BSN M S W
C o ntact: Em ployee R elations. Oregon S ta te H ospital. 2 6 0 0 Center S treet NE, Salem , OR 9 7 3 1 0
or call ( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 8 2 2 for application pac ket. Portland area, please call (5 0 3 ) 7 3 1 -8 6 2 8
( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 9 9 6 .
Mental Health Specialist
Oregon State Hospital in Salem. Immediate openings. Positions provide evaluation and treatment of
individuals who have substance abuse problems, are sexually deviant, mentally ill or emotionally disturbed,
or developmentally disabled. Positions may require specialized treatment expenence in one or more of the
above areas. Current vacancies require a Master's degree in a related field. Salary range: $2,261 to
$3,008 monthly. Excellent benefit package. Call (5 0 3 ) 945 -2 8 1 5 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 9 9 6 for application
packet that Includes description of duties and requirements.
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
H M O O re g o n
Career Opportunities
State agencies use a centralized applicant list to fill most office support positions. There are over 4600
positions located throughout the state. In order to attract good candidates, the process is improved to
make it easier for applicant to be considered for state employment. The process applies to Accounting
Assistant, Cashier 2, Office Assistant 2, Office Coordinator, Office Specialist 1 and Office Specialist 2,
Payroll Assistant, Payroll Technician, Human Resource Specialist 2 B 3 . Public Service Representative
Job Announcement
Blazers Boys & Girls Club
5250 N.E. Martin Luther King Boulevard
Title: Program Director (Full Time)
R esponsibilities: R esponsible to the Club Director, S upervise
staff and program s.
Q ualifications: Bachelors degree preferred, 3 years experi
ence in planning, organizing, im plem enting, initiating, and inter­
preting program s fo r youth ages 6-18. Strong leadership, com ­
m unication, verbal, and w riting skills. M ust have experience in
selecting, supervising, m otivating, and evaluating staff and vol
unteers. Know ledge of com puters is a must.
Title: Youth Development Specialist (Full-Time)
R esponsibilities: R esponsible to D irector, organize and run
sm all prevention groups
Q ualifications: B achelor’s degree preferred, 2 years experi
ence w orking w ith youth ages 6-18. M ust have experience in
planning, w riting, organizing, supervising, m otivating and fa cili­
tating sm all groups. A bility to supervise staff.
Title: Learning Center Director (part Time-20 hours per week)
R esponsibilities: R esponsible to Program Dir., tutor youth with
hom ew ork.
Q ualifications: K now ledge of com puters, ability to tutor youth
ages 6-18, excellent w riting and com m unication skills. A bility to
dem onstrate enthusiasm fo r education.
Title: Arts and Craft Director (part Time-25 hours per week)
City of Eugene-Hult Center
$774.50 -$946.50/mo., based
on 20 hr/week
Program working w/ at risk
families has positions open.
Senior Accountant
FT - T e a c h e r A id e : resp. incl.
P o rtla n d b a s e d in v e s tm e n t
assisting in clssrm & in-hom e
$26,855 - $38,950
m anagem ent com pany seeks
childcare. HS D iplom a/G ED
a highly m otivated individual PDC has an im m ediate op e n ­
+ 1 yr related exp. Exp. &
w ith d e m o n s tra te d e x p e ri­
ing fo r a highly m otivated team
know ledge of A frican-A m er.
ence in com puter hardw are
oriented S enior Accountant.
culture preferred.
and softw are support and sys­
D uties include loan a ccount­
FT - P re s c h o o l T e a ch e r: Resp.
tem s developm ent. T he suc­
ing, land inventory, fixed as­
fo r c la s s ro o m c u rric u lu m ,
cessful candidate will w ork in
sets, notes payable , grant
coaching parents, & interven­
accounting and reporting and
our corporate office located in
tion. R equired AA in ECE + 3
dow ntow n Portland. C a n d i­
audit w orkpaper and financial
G reat o p p o rtu n ity available fo r
yrs o r BS in ECE +1 yr exper.
date m ust be a service orient
statem ent preparation.
s e lf-m o tiv a te d individ u a l to
in related field.
ed team player with good com- C andidate m ust posses a Bach-
install cable services. Q u a li­
R esum e/Appl: Fam ily Nursery,
m unication and interpersonal
elors degree in accounting or
fied a p p lica n t m ust have a
Attn: Lorraine Barton 537 SE
skills. Main responsibilities will
equivalent experience in a c­
high school diplom a or e q u iv­
Alder, Portland, O R 97214.
include: prim ary support of a
counting; 3-5 years progres­
alent valid d rive r’s license and
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
central N ovell 3.11 LAN and
sive governm ental a cco u n t­
a good driving record. B o n d ­
ing e xp e rie n ce . P ublic a c ­
support of rem ote office P C ’s
able, exce lle n t custom er rela­
Administrative Assistant/
and LA N ’s. A pplications sup­
counting experience w ith m u­
tion skills, able to lift 75 lbs,
Asst. Position.
p o rt in c lu d e s W in d o w s ,
nicipal auditing a plus, CPA
able to w ork flexible hours,
Full-tim e
W o rd P e rfe c t, L o tu s 1-2-3,
preferred; E xperience w o rk­
including evenings and w e e k ­
Access, MS O ffice, and E-
ing w ith c o m p u te riz e d a c ­
ends. M ust be able to w ork up
Mail. Experience in M icrosoft
counting system s. PC literate
to 40 feet. P revious custom er
Fri, 1-5 p.m. R equires 2 yrs.
NT and HP m ini-com puters a
to include advanced sp re a d ­
se rvice/sales experience p re ­
in. asst, experience.
plus. C om petitive salary/ben-
sheet and w ord processing
ferred. E xperience in a relat­
M ust posses strong com puter
e fits p a cka g e . W e are an
ed field a plus! P re-em ploy­
skills (W P 5.1, W ord fo r W in­
equal opportunity em ployer.
In te re ste d a p p lic a n ts sh ould
m ent p h y s ic a l e xa m in a tio n
database). M ust be able
If you are interested in w o rk­
pick up a m ore detailed job
and drug test is required.
independently and
ing w ith a great group o f p eo­
de scrip tio n and a p p licatio n W e o ffe r a drug free w ork e n v i­
itia tiv e . S tro n g
ple and a com pany that be­
packet at PDC. A pplication
ro n m e n t a nd an e x c e lle n t
and com m uni­
lieves in em ployee d e ve lo p ­
m aterials m ust be returned by
com p e n sa tio n /b e n e fits pa ck­
ssist in grant
m ent and training, send re­
5:00 pm, January 29, 1996. If
age including co m plim entary
and out­
sum e to Vicki Reber, O ne SW
outside Portland m etro area,
cable. A pre-em ploym ent drug
C olum bia, Suite 1720, P ort­
please call our jo b hot line
test required. Q ualified ca n d i­
work. Apply at T he Boys &
land, O R 97258.
(503) 823-3463 and request a
date a pply now at P aragon
Girls Aid Society of Oregon,
C able 30 7 5 NE Sandy Blvd.,
S. W. B oundary Ct., Ptld,
Portland Development
(503)-222-9661, ext.
Paragon is proud to be an Equal
p lic a tio n d e a d lin e
O p p o rtu n ity/A D A Em ployer.
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, #1100
fo r Developm ent departm ent re-
Mon., Jan. 22. Benefits. S ala­
Portland, Oregon 97204
— 7-—
q u ire s stro n g o ffic e /a d m in
ry DOE. Equal O pportunity
P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t
skills incl. 60 W PM, com puter
E m ployer
C om m ission values diversity Employment
(W ordP erfect & Q uattroPro),
in its w orkforce and is co m ­
detail oriented, file m aint. and
itted to equal opportun ity
excellent com m unication, in­
affirm ative action.
terpersonal and organizatio n­
al skills. FT + benefits. Mail
Multnomah ESD
resum e, cover letter w ith sal­
salutes the achievem ents of Dr.
ary requirem ents by 1/26/96
M artin Luther King, Jr., in his
to O regon Food Bank, 2540
efforts to bring equal o p p o rtu ­
J / n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers
NE Riverside W ay, Portland,
nities to all Am ericans.
available statewide. Currently, openings exist in the following agencies:
OR 97211. Equal O pportuni­
Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr.
ty Em ployer.
R elief C lerica l Specialists: Positions work on an on-call, as-needed
basis. A ll shifts would take place between 8 A M and 6 PM M-F. Both
S-2 and S-3 Range available. S-2 pays $6.62-$6.90 per hour; S-3 pays
$7.05-$ 10.51 per hour. Positions provide general receptionist, secre­
tarial and medical-records support to our clinical staff As positions
may work at any o f our five service sites, m obility is requires Ir quire
about S2COO/S3COO.
position announcement for each position sought. Screening question
responses are demanded for each position sought. CODA cannot
accept resumes in lieu o f application forms. Application materials
Are Available A t And Must Be Returned To: C ODA, Inc , 210 NE
20th Ave., Portland, OR 97232; Tele: (503) 236-2290 Ext. 254.
R esponsibilities: R esponsible to P rogram Dir., teach skills in
A rts & Crafts.
Q ualifications: M ust have experience in planning, and initiating
arts and crafts activities fo r youth ages 6-18. M ust have the ability
to provide exposure to and develop skill in crafts and the visual,
perform ing and literary arts.
Title: Health and Physical EdJAthletic Director
(Part Time-25 hours per week)
Responsibilities: R esponsible to Y outh D evelopm ent S pecial­
ist, run P.E. program s.
Q ualification: M ust have experience in planning, organizing,
and teaching age appropriate health & physical ed. activities.
Experience in coordinating and im plem enting athletic leagues.
A bility to recruit, train, award, and retain q uality adult volunteers.
Salary: For full tim e position-based on background and experi­
H ourly Rate: fo r part tim e position-based on background and
Deadline: Send resum e and current references no later than
January 2 3 ,1 9 9 6 to: Club Director, 7602 N. Em erald, Portland,
OR 97217
I B 2, Purchasing Assistant. State Ubrary Technician I B 2 . lob announcement #LE95O682. Request
an application and detailed job announcement from your local Employment Office.
Executive Director, Principal Executive Manager B
Announcement #ES 81100
Salary: $2.511 to $3,536 monthly
Location: Salem. OR
The State of Oregon is seeking candidates to fill the position of Executive Director, Oregon Board of
Chiropractic Examiners. The agency is responsible for regulating chiropractors and chiropractic assistants
to assure the highest quality care for Oregonians. This position manages a state organization consisting
o, fire employees and a biennial budget of over $750.000. Major duties Include: develop/implement
administrative policies/procedures of the agency, manage budgetary resources, recruit, hire, supervise
and evaluate agency staff. Interested parties must obtain an application packet from Gail Ramirez DAS
1 5 5 Cottage Street, NE, Salem , OR 9 7 3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 0 4 0 Deadline is February 2 .1 9 9 6 .
This Is )ust one of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For additional information,
a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the
State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , visit your local Employment Department,
or log onto the Internet at gopber.state.or.us The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to
employ opportunity equally.
Sub B ids R equested
Snake River Correctional Institution
Ontario, Oregon
Bid Pkg #4 - Construction and
Bid Date: February 15,1996 at 4:00pm
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Sub-Bids Requested
Fifth Avenue Plaza, Senior Living Apts.
North Plains, Oregon
Bid Date: January 25,1996, @ 3:00 PM
We request sub-bids for all applicable trades including bids from MBE,
WBE & ESB firms.
Yorke & Curtis, Inc.
10125 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy.
Beaverton OR 97005
(503) 646-2123 Fax (503) 643-5531
Builder’s Board #55644
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer