• ! * ’¿SC 5 *‘ 7 ”* ..B '-•■:• ••' ••' P age B4 A L T E R N A T IV E S (Tree Medicine “Servant Or Serpent?” M argaret I saacs _________ felt. Man must choose to serve other who empowers his servants and fully Before they spring forth, he will tell It is a time of year when we should men, if he would cancel the negative equips for the service he has called us us of them. We are the servants of take stock of our lives. Where we effects of the works of the serpents of to perform. Christ; and Christ is the perfect ser­ were; Where we are and where we this world. We are not to publicize our good vant of Jehovah God; thus, all things are going; and also what the end will In the years to come, God’s peo­ works; making loud noises and de­ given unto the Son are also given be If we get bogged down in one of ple must realize that they are called manding thanks, to be seen in public unto us through him, who now sits at these areas....then, it is time to re­ as Christ was called; servants upheld places for the praise of men. Matt the right hand of God, the father. verse our steps until we find the fork by God; servants anointed by God 6:2. We must not imitate the ser­ We enjoy a covenant with God in the road; that fork where we made and spirit filled...so that ...we will not pents, lest we become as they are; and are ‘called’ or selected to do a a wrong turn in our pilgrim’s jour­ fail in our duty to our God, to our thus losing the blessings of God. We great work here in this world. A work ney. families, nor in our duty to serve the must learn and practice the art of assured o f success because God’s Christ (the anointed) was cal led to human creations that know not our meeting the temporal and spiritual omnipotent power has made us, and be a servant of Jehovah God; doing God. By our service will men know needs of the elderly. will continue to make us victorious only that which God instructed him that we are a people set apart; not We must meet the needs o f the over the serpents, the to do. Christ, the perfect servant spo­ foolish or proud, but confirmed in abuse, of the poor, of the lost and adversaries...even death itself. I Cor. ken o f in Isaiah 42 ch. is set forth as our belief that if we cannot serve the afraid, ofthe young and brokenheart­ 15:54-57. an example to floundering men. people who are in need; the people ed and fearful members of our soci­ Past prophecies have been ful­ In this world, since the birth of who appear physically like unto us, ety. Those who are at the mercy of filled; testifying to the grace, wis­ Christ, we are either servants or ser­ then, we cannot serve God, whom we the serpents of our land have none to dom, power and kingship o f Jesus pents. There are only two choices in have not seen. If we are not servants assist them but the servants of God. Christ. He is eternal, seeing the this life, and our actions and attitudes o f God, then, we are serpents, slither­ They are like bruised and crushed beginning and the end. We are determine the choice we make. In ing about in darkness, in the realms reeds; a wick without oil; who are the chosen tools o f universal out­ recent days gone by, I felt full of joy of satan, nipping at the heels o f God’s caught in the maelstrom of this life. reach through the Servants Com­ because I’ve come in contact with peculiar people. Isaiah 42: 1-9. Isa. 42:3, Matt. 9:20, John 5:7. mission (Isa. 42:7); Acts 26:18; more servants than serpents; but the When the serpents strike, the ser­ We, as servants of Christ, are as­ Col 1:13. works of the serpents are more ap­ vants of God must not become dis­ sured of a successful mission o f ser­ In this newyear will you touch and parent because they are never ex­ couraged; but remember that the “Per­ vice We are called in righteousness change men as a servant or as a pected; they are devious, secret, un­ fect Servant” is our protector; he and God himself will hold our hands; serpent? The prayers of the Saints be derhanded and destructive and the who opens blind eyes and sets pris­ he will direct our paths and light our with all servants for a blessed new far-reaching effect is more quickly oners free; he who gives gifts; He way. He will declare all new things; year! bv (Mathew 1:23) Without your continued prayers and financial support, none of this would be possible, We invite you to attend our Tchula ‘96 African-Amer­ ican Medical Missions Conference, June 27-30, 1996, in Yazoo City, Mississippi. We also invite you to attend the Juneteenth ‘96 Confer­ ence, January 24-28, 1996, in New Orleans, LA. 1 will be preforming a Music for Medicine, Delta AID Ben­ efit Jazz Concert and coordinating an HIV/AIDS education workshop New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies with the AIDS Advocacy in Afri­ can-American Churches outreach at the conference. In Christ, your African-American Medical Missionary Family, "The Myers” (Ron, Sylvia, Eric, Vinnie, Michael, Joshua and Neoma) “And let us not be weary in well doing.” Galatlons 6:9 The Archdiocesan Office of Min­ istry Formation has announced the 1996 Spring Semester schedule of classes for the Ministry Certificate Program. Classes are scheduled to be held in Portland and Medford. Port­ land classes will be held on Satur­ days and Tuesdays at the Pastoral Center, and classes in Medford will be held at Sacred Heart Grade School Original “Works o f A rt “Watercolors • “ P ottery • Acrylics ■ ‘J lorals • ‘Tapestries dr Linens Cards dr ‘B ooks • “WonderfulScents • Nome ‘Decor Imported dr Mandmade g ifts SOTNIA’S PLACE 521 S “W 11th Suite 102 Portland, Oregon 97205 POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus Line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street (503)223-9794 Sun. 12-4 Mon-Thurs. 11-5:30 J ri. 10-3:30 Bring In “Ibis A d J or 10% O ff Everything In Our Store Offer 'Empires 1/31/96 We salute Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 's quest fo r equality. ffiP E S Q 228-4651 FINE M EXICAN * AMERICAN CUISINE A BJhCL 7/2CWWC Mien Tempte ‘Revived A revival sponsored by the Youth and Young Adults o f Allen Temple CME Church will be held on Monday, January 29th through Friday, Feb­ ruary 2nd The guest speaker will be Rev Sylvester Williams, Pastor o fth e Southside CME Church o f Birmingham, Alabama. Services will be held nightly at the Allen temple Church located at 4236 N. E. 8th Ave, Portland. For more information contact the church office at 503-287-0261. Ministry Certificate Classes Scheduled ‘Myers jT oundation, Christian Family Health Centers “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpret­ ed is, God with us.” II you are 55 years of age or older and have high blood pressure, you maybe able to receive the latest oral treatment available FREE, for the next seven years. Family Health Center of Tchula 114 Hwy 49 East P.O. Box 637 Tchula, MS 39169 - (601) 235-4227 Family Health Center of Belzoni 201 West Jackson Street P.O. Box 29 Belzoni, MS 39038 - (601) 247-1471 1940 N« WILLIAMS OPEN 11 A .M . - IO P.M. PHONE 2 8 4 -0 1 0 4 on Saturdays. continue on March 2 ,9 ,16 from 8:30 The Medford sessions begin on a.m. until 12:00p.m. The second half Saturday, February 17 with o f the sem ester will be the “Christology” being offered from “Christology” course taught by Fa­ 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The “Sacra­ ther Michael Maslowsky, beginning ments of Initiation” will be offered Saturday April 13 and continuing from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Father April 20, May 4 May 11 from 8:30 M ichael M aslow sky, STD a.m. until 12:00 noon. Archdiocesan Director of the Pasto­ The Saturday afternoon courses ral Services Department, will be the will be “Catechetical Content and instructor for both of these courses. Methodology” taught by Brother The “Christology” being offered from Robert Rodrigues, OFM. Brother 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the “Sacra­ Robert is the Archdiocesan Director ments of Initiation” will be the in­ of Religious Education. His course structor for both of these courses. will look at the various approaches to The “Christology” course will look Catholic Religious Education cur­ at the articulation of the Catholic riculum and literature with a critical faith in Jesus Christ, true God and evaluation of religious education true man. An examination ofthe his­ models and materials. The course tory and theology of the sacraments will run from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. of Baptism, Confirmation and Eu­ Saturdays February 24, March 2, 9, charist will be the focus of the second and 16. John Brehaney, and instruc­ course. tor of moral theology at Mt. Angel There will be three options of­ Seminary, will present a course fered in Portland with sessions of­ “Teaching Christian Morality.” His fered Saturday mornings, Saturday course will present the foundational afternoons and Tuesday mornings. principles of Catholic moral teach­ The first track will offer “Liturgy and ing. It will run Saturdays April 13, Sacraments,” a review ofthe liturgi­ 20, 27, and May 4 from 12:30 until cal and sacramental dimensions of 4:00 p.m. the Church. It will be presented by The third track in Portland will Tom Carawan. This course will be­ include Don Ciffone, Archdiocesan gin on Saturday, February 24 and Director of Youth Ministry. J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR Cox Funeral Home Inc. 5808 N. Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97217 (503) 289-1132 U, Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On B iblical Principles A. A. COX, SR. Mortician <& Funeral Director CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager uft ¡Set.................. $22 & up W .7 ...^ jular Haircuts..$6 leiMers................ Ask about our “Bring A Friend“policy. livet (503)281-4891 JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Jerome G. Tanner A Funeral Director The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he made easier i f you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio Ministry: Sundays; 8:00 AM, 11:00 AM & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM Wednesdays; 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 AM on KBMS Rev. James E. Martin, Ph.D. Rev. JefTery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor