.X f, ■M l N R O ft • ♦’- •--? ¿. •” * ■-£*-XW - - x ^ - v f s 3c ,* r •- . -.-< •. T he P ortland O bserver » J anuary 10, 1996 P age B3 * r /f ®I)£ IJortlaub ODhserucr ENTERTAI PiM ENT C o m in g A t t r a c t io n s O f 1 9 9 6 Wz» Hnibff ¡fpMwf '■' ; 7 . . 7771/^,5 1*1« V I E r c \ic \v /•v Lanita Duke People o f color are given honor­ able mention on the silver screen in 1996. Noticeable are Shaquille O ’Neal as Kazaam , a genie with an atti­ tude. His master is a 12 year old boy named Max (Francis Capra) whose mother is raising him alone. Max is being tormented by a group o f bul lies and one day while hiding in an aban­ doned building Max accidentally opens the door o f a battered boombox. Kazaam appears and unleashes his power to help Max cope with the changes around him. Whoopi Goldberg continues her yearly cinema presence as “Eddie”, a Manhattan limo driver who is a bas­ ketball nut. The owner o f the New A M K A /T z v lV York Knicks overhears her advice I- ~ ----------------------------------- -------------- and advises the coach to use it. The team wins. Eddie becomes Head t oach and leads the team to victory. Sinbad is given another chance to prove he is as funny on the big screen as he is on the little screen. In "First Kid” Sinbad stars as Sam Simms, a secret service agent assigned to look after the President’s son through many of his youthful skirmishes. Together, the even foil a threat to the first family’s security. Until African-Americans and oth­ er people o f color develop their own scripts and produce their own mov­ ies we will continue to regurgitate stereoty pe. These latest offerings are just an example o f why we need more independent studios. "K azaam ”: NBA superstar Sha­ quille O ’Neal stars as a genie with an attitude whose rusty magic goes up in smoke when he’s conjured from his home in a boombox and tries in vain to demonstrate his powers to a skep­ tical young Max Connor (Francis Shaquille O 'N eal a s "Kazaam" C apra), in Walt Disney Pictures’ new liv e -a c tio n co m ed y ad v en tu re play by Christian Ford & Roger left) is a secret service agent whose "K azaam ." Soon, however, he’s back Sofifer, story by Paul Michael Glaser. sense of style keeps him off the elite on course and when Max really needs Producers are Scott Kroopf, Paul force assigned to protect “The Ea­ a friend, Kazaam is there to cast an Michael Glaser and Bob Engelman. gle,” President o f the United States, outrageous spell o f comedy and cha­ Co-producers are Leonard Armato Daniels. When the President’s teen­ os. A Walt Disney Pictures presenta­ and Beth Jelin. Executive producers aged son Luke (Brock Pierce, right) tion o f an Interscope Communica­ are led field, Shaquille O ’Neal and makes the nightly news mooning a tion PloyGram Filmed Entertainment Robert W. Cort. Buena Vista Pic­ crowd at a shopping mall opening, production, “Kazaam” is directed by tures distributes. Simms is assigned to look after him. Paul Michael Glaser from a screen- “ First kid” : Sam Simms(Sinbad, Going through adolescence in the / i ci x-x — - « . n o ™ ^m oaa, Go.ng through adolescent ONYX Fo Wreck Shop On Four Across The Countru! p » t n r > > role r r .l o in ¡M On the wheels heels o f their f feature the just-com pleted D ef Jam College Tour, hardcore rappers Onyx will be touring the U.S. starting in New Lon­ don, Connecticut on December 12th and ending in Los Angeles, Califor­ nia on January 20th. The hardcore rap trio, celebrated for the super­ charged energy o f their live perfor­ mances, will be joined on tour by Das EFX, Group Home, and the Insane Clown Posse. O nyx’s new JMJ/RAL album, All We Got Iz Us, was released on Tues­ day, October 24th and debuted at #2 w ithabulleton Billboard’s Top R&B album charts the week o f November I Ith. Produced entirely by Onyx them­ selves, the set is the eagerly awaited R aised en tirely on slick rhym es and funky funky b eats, they w ere born the y e a r G ra n d m a ste r Flash sang “ The M e ssa g e ," and started first grade at the sam e tim e Pub­ lic Enem y hit the stage. They are the true ch ild re n o f hip hop and now they are com ing o f age. Make way for K ris K ross phase tw o, all ground up and ready to rock the hip hop w orld w ith a slick new album and sm ooth new sound. People get read y . Y oung, Rich And D an g ero u s, the new K ris K r o s s a lb u m on C o lu m b ia / R uffH ouse, is ab o u t to d rop on ya. No one can forget how Kris Kross — — — ONYX (Chris Kelly, now 17 and Chris Smith, now 16) blew up in ‘91 as the two White House isn’t all that easy, but Simms helps Like through his first state dinner, firs, kiss, first tight and together they thwart a threat to the first family's security, in Hollywood Pictures’ new comedy, “ First Kid.” R obert G u illa u m e , T im o th y B usfield, Jam es N aughton, Art LaFleur, Bill Cobbs and Zachery Ty Bryan also star. A Hollywood Pic- along with Francis tures presentation in association with Caravan Pictures, "First Kid” is di­ rected by David Mickey Evans from a screenplay written by Tim Kelleher. Roger Birnbaum is the Porducer. Riley Kathry n Ellis, Dalede La Torre, I ime Killeher and Sinbad are the executive producers. Jeffrey C'hemov is the co-producer. Buena Vista Pic­ tures distributes. ___________________ IN Kris K ross: Chris S m ith Chris Kelly Sinbad (left) sta rs a s S a m S im m s in “First Kid Capra (as Max Connor). precocious shorties with backwards jeans and an infectious debut album, Total ly Krossed Out. Now the Chrises are playing with the big boys, offer­ ing an album with a slow sexy groove that permeates every track o f their latest release, Young, Rich And Dan­ gerous. Like a fine w ine, the C hrises have m ellow ed w ith age and so has th e ir sound. G one are the sh rill, p re p u b e sc e n t cries o f eu­ p h o ria, K ris K ross now sound un m istak ab ly w o rld-w eary and w ise Four years o f fame have given them the insight to d e liv e r an album filled w ith hum or and tr u th a b o u t th e f o r tu n e an d fakeness o f life at the top. Check out Kris Kross Young, Rich and Dangerous. PORTLAND ART MUSEUM PRESENTS THE SIBIKWA PLAYERS follow up to their incendiary 1993 debut album, Bacdafucup. All We Got Iz Us is already being hailed by the hip hop faithful. One Nut Net­ work’s Paris Bennet called it "a wel­ come change to M C's who are too cool to sweat." Tafrija’sG-W iz loved the album's "hyperactive lyrics over dope beats. Beat Down’s Large Marge predicts that it will “conscious­ ly scintillate Hip-Hop." And Dillon Moulder in England’s Hip-Hop Con­ nection, declared: “ In an era where we might as well be Better O ff Dead,’ as Onyx proclaim, here stands a unit that scream in the face o f all our problems and act as a perfect remedy to them.” See Onyx live in Portland on Fri­ day Jan. 12 at the Roseland Theatre. Portland Opera is seek­ ing bright, enthusiastic Ticket Services Representatives. Full/ Part-Time positions available. L andidates must possess com­ puter skills, customer service experience and experience working in a high volume, fast- paced environment. Subscrip­ tion knowledge and experience in computerized ticketing (pref­ erably ticketm aster) a plus. Please send resume to: Attn: Carol Kennedy, Portland, Op­ era, 15 15 S. W. Morrison, Port- and, OR. 97205. LOOKING FOR A WAY TO CELEBRATi THE NEW YEAR? COME O N IN TO... The N e w A I hunt T rom L e g e n d a r y P ro d u c e r/W rite r A rra n g er Q U IN C Y J O N E S The D u d e is B a c k ! Friday, February 9 * 8 p.m. Portland Art Museum, Grand Ballroom 1119 SW Park Avenue $10 General Admission/$8 Members, students, seniors and artists Advance tickets may be purchased at the Portland Art Museum box office and all Ticketmaster locations or by calling 790-ARTS. For more information, call 226-2811. Enter To Win A $100 (•iff ( crtificatc $8- $13,S, to a Portland Area Restaurant (Must be 2 1 or older» O ffer good thru 1-2-96 East Portland 32nd & Burnside 231-8926 MUSIC MILLENNIUM NW Portland 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163