P age B2 J anuary 10, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver Simpson Jurors Write looks, Six Figures Paid Prom otion Helps A rea Schools TCI o f Portland raised $12,000 for area school districts during their recent consumer promotion. Customers who signed up for ca­ ble or added to their service during the cable operator’s Fall campaign received a lower-priced installation and TCI donated up to $5 for each installation to the school districts. This was the second year TCI has conducted such a promotion. The 1994 campaign raised $6,000 for local schools and $1.4 million dol­ lars nation-wide. As a result o f the promotion, area teachers will be awarded expense- paid g ra n ts to atten d the J.C . Sparkman Center for Educational Technology in Littleton, Colorado. The center is one o f the leading technology education facilities in the United States, offering individual­ ized courses for teachers and parents on advanced communications tech­ nologies, such as CD-ROM , the Internet, interactive video and dis­ tance learning Additional funds will be used to­ ward the purchase o f computers and other equipment for the school dis­ tricts. Computers are an integral part of today’s multimedia learning envi­ ronment, allowing teachers and stu­ dents access to on-line services such as Ingenius Xchange, a real-time glo- bal news resource delivered to schools via cable. Dr. Jack Bierwirth, Superinten­ dent o f the Portland School District said, "Like modem life, modem ed­ ucation is tied to technology We also know that our future depends on being able to connect resources oul- side the traditional bounds o f the classroom TCI provides resources outside the traditional bounds o f the classroom. TCI provides both the access and the partnership to move all o f our youngsters forward.” “I wish to thank Superintendent Bierwirth and his staff for their sup­ port o f this program. We were thri I led to see the response from our custom­ ers, as well,” said Bill Tierney, Gen­ eral Manager o f TCI stated: TCI o f Portland serves 82,000 cus­ tomers in Portland, West Linn, Bea­ verton, Gladstone, Oregon City, and Clackamas County. Jurors in (he O J. Simpson case covered the case — Vanity Fair’s d e ro g a to ry s ta te m e n ts a b o u t are writing books defending their Dominick Dunne, the New Yorker’s blacks...” speedy “not guilty” verdict, saying Jeffrey lobin, Joe McGuinness and At the time, Cryer dismissed de­ the defense did not win the sensa­ Joe Bosco. fense attacks on Fuhrman as a racist tional trial — the prosecution lost it. C ryer said flatly he does not as nothing more than “a dog and At least two such books are know if S im pson was guilty or pony show" designed to deflect at­ planned One written jointly by three not — all he know s is that the tention from the strong prosecution panelists will be out soon. p ro secu tio n never proved its case case. Black juror Lionel Cryer and New beyond a re a so n a b le d oubt, as it But he said once it became clear York lawyer Donald Cayea say they had to do. He said he was im ­ that Fuhrman had lied about fre­ want to dwell on how an initially p ressed in itially w ith the p ro s­ quently using the racial epithet impressive prosecution case fell ecu tio n case and its star w itness, "nigger," he began tothink the detec­ apart, creating wide areas for reason­ L os A n g e le s p o lic e d e te c tiv e tive may have lied about everything. able doubt over whether Simpson M ark F uhrm an, who told o f fin d ­ "I thought it was possible he had murdered his ex-wife Nicole and her ing a bloody glove at the Sim pson planted the glove,” he said. friend, Ronald Goldman. estate. Cayea said Cryer wanted to write Their book will offer an extensive C ry er, in a note dated M arch the book because the jurors were critique of the trial system, espe­ 16, wrote, "The defense will need an being criticized for being too stupid cially sequestration of juries in con­ extremely credible witness to dis­ to understand the evidence in the troversial cases and how televising pute his (Fuhrm an's) testimony if S h o w th e o n e y o u lo v e h o w m u c h y o u c o r e w ith a g if t th a t la s ts fo r e v e r ! case. Instead, he said, they under­ trials turns them into circuses. they want me to believe that he made stood it only too well. Cryersayssequestration made him feel like a prisoner — "meat on a hook” — and at times he wondered if the guards could tell the difference between the jurors and the criminals they usually supervised. "I wanted out of there. I would say that seques­ tration was a contributing factor to the speedy verdict," he said in an interview. The mostly black jury has been criticized forreaching a verdict within Color or Black & White. Studio or On Location. hours of getting the case. Their ver­ Professional Make - Over Included dict, finding the black football hero THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE I S THE WEST Couples Men Women not guilty of killing his ex-wife and her friend, both of whom were white, also exposed a gaping racial divide in America. The book by the three jurors, forewoman Armanda Cooley, Carrie Bess and Marsha Rubin-Jackson, will be published by Dove, a Los Angeles publishing house that has turned the Simpson case into a cottage industry. "This book will really change everyone's view of the jury,” Dove publisher Michael V inersaid. He said the three jurors received a six- figure advance. f Iksisikikr ~ ~ Viner said there was comment in the book on how the prosecution L"«— i 2 percoupon" ValldJa n - 9 - i an- failed and on the hardships, cliques and frictions created by sequestering Walnut Park Retail Center ♦ 424 NE Killingsworth Street ♦ (503) 284-9570 the jury. These points are also strongly made by Cryer, who in notes made during the trial wondered if two ju ­ rors were developing a romance. The jurors’ writing plans come at a time when almost everyone involved in the case except Simpson himself has r ■ a book deal or is reportedly looking for one. li e x te n d e d h o u rs S a tu rd a y o p e n til 9 p m Prosecutor Marcia Clark has a "I L im ited to s to c k o n h a n d ! Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special reported $4.2 million book deal and her associate Christopher Darden has W in te r % a $1.3 million contract. Defense at­ S e w in g C la s s e s ! Lined & U nlined A ny Size O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r torney Johnnie Cochran has a $3 ( h e r 4 dozen topics Io choose fro m at million agreement, his bitter former Of $12.00 or More o u r P alm er Plelsch SEWING SCHOOL: associate Robert Shapiro has a $ 1.5 sewing • q u illin g • hom e dec • w earable Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only ON THESE PATTERNS a r l • craft • teens • ch ild re n • beginner I million deal and Alan Dershowitz, Professional Pleated • Piek-up & Rehung Extra Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons • McCall's • Vogue * advanced Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only another defense lawyer, has a con­ * Butterick ■ Burda COME IS FOR SCIIEM I E OK CALI. W I-744J tract for less th a n $ l million. JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS SURF TO f HFCK ° lJR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS’’ « •« in v « « a mn ~rchaM ‘ or prtNiousI) discounted or marked down Hems I 9 thru I 2 VX> Publishers have said they had feel­ E x p ires 1-31-96 E x pires 1-31-96 L. ers from “representatives” o f Judge J RETAIL HOURS: RETAIL-WHOLESALE 1-84 M< >VI Rl 9< HUm-91 Mlpni Lance Ito, something of which the F n "1 s \ l l K l)\> 9iM F.tni-'|iin Plenty of FREE PARKING jurist said he was not aware. SI \D A 1 l(MNkun-"*pm 55 CARS • B U SE S • RVs ? f U H O IJ SAI I HOURS: Publishers Weekly News Editor a 700 S.E. 122nd Ave / STARK M< >VI Rl " Ao,iin-5 SOpni Maureen O ’Brien said Simpson tried P ortland, OR s M l RI>\> 9 l*h im -5 p m Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special / street ! Inflation Buster Laundry Special si \ l ) \ > 11 Ilh a m -ip m lopitchabook withLawrenceShiller, with whom he collaborated on an earlier bestselling book in which he O n A n y D ry C le a n in g O r d e r answered letters about the case. But Of $20.00 or More W ith $ 1 0 .0 0 Incoining D ry C le a n in g O rd e r she added, ‘At this point he appears Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only shut out of the book business.” Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Publishers said they doubted there was anything more Simpson could JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS say. But some said they feared a E x pires 1-31-96 I E x pires 1-31-96 major backlash both from readers dl and from their own authors — so strong was the feeling that Simpson was guilty. These books are in addition to Inflation Buster Drv Cleaning Special I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | ones planned by four writers who complete decorating service S W E E T H E A R T M E M O R IE S abric A $120 Beautifully Framed 16x20 Wall Portrait No Sitting Fee Tasteful Posing Direction January7 9 through January 23,1996 M A IL E R SA LE! 0/ OFF Everything in the store* ¿V" -¿A j Simplicity Patterns ' It's my kind of foce! Specuiliiinp in people of (d vr SPECIAL SALE 2 DAYS ONLY - JANUARY 19-20 JE A N IE ’S C LEA N ER S 5403 NE 42N D A V E N U E • 287-0008 4 X f V l% OFF ALL FABRIC ¡COUPON! ’4.00 OFF 50 OFF — ■COUPON! A ★ 252-9530 |4 ’8.00 OFF I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I ■COUPON! "1 I I I I I I I I I I Drapery Cleaning 99e A PLEAT I I I I I ■COUPON! Laundered Shirts 95‘ NO LIMIT I I I i I I 1 I ■COUPON! I I I ID r y C le a n in g o r L a u n d e r e d P a n ts l ’10.00 OFF I O n A n y D ry C le a n in g O r d e r Mens or Womens I I ’3.25 j Of $30.00 or More I ! Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I | Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I | Nol Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS I I I I E x pires 1-31-96 j ¡^= côupôn " = ] FOR ALL OCCASIONS AND EVENTS PDC PORTLAND •W EDDINGS »GRAND OPENINGS • •CORPORATE FUNCTIONS «BANQUETS • •BIRTHDAYS «FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL • emission COMMISSION MEETING Date: January 17,1996 Place: PDC - Commission Rm. 1120 SW Fifth Avenue Suite 1100 Portland, Oregon T im e 9 D 0 A .M Commission meetings arc open to the public. A complete agenda is available at PDC or by calling 823-3200. Citizens with disabilities may call 823-3232 or T D D 823-6868 for assistance at leas! 48 hours in advance. ALSO G IR IN A BALLOON BOUQUETS OF BALLOONS HOURS: M O N DAY - SATURDAY 1 0 :0 0 - ■COUPON' A :O O Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special (503) 331-1101 a» PDC to the Q ty of Portland's urban renewal, housing and economic development agency. i Sleeping Bag Cleaning j J Special $5.99 I ■ Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons S to rk f o r R e n t! “UJe d e liv e r w h e n y o u d e l i v e r ’1 I JEANIE’S CLEANERS 1 E x p ires 1-31-96 J J I I j