• 1- ■» » * £• » ''P - i ' t ì w “ ■ v M ä « -;■ A Á U ■*■■ ' * î c it ^ . . --. • ! * ft4 s î-A » Volume XXVI, Number? Committed to cultural diversity. January 10, 1996 Œljr Jlnrtlanfi ©bserliEr SECTION Local Company Manufactures New Park Cover 'aagm eester, Incorporated, a W Wallpapers On Review Wallpapers by intemationally-recog- I nized designer Bradbury and Bradbury w illgoondisplay inabenefit,Feb. lO from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m at Trinity Episcopal Church, 147 N.W. 19th. Gene Harris Performs The Gene Harris Quartet performs Fri- | day and Saturday at the 8 p.m. at Red Lion/ Downtown The quartet w ith Dennis [ Springer, Marc Fendel and Nola Bogle w ill perform Sunday 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. at | the Benson Hotel. Meeting Honors Activist A public meeting celebrating the life o f I Gloria Martin, 79, author, civil rights ac­ tivist and leader o f the women’s move­ ment, w ill be held Saturday, Jan. 20 at 5 p.m. at the Koinonia House, 633 S.W. I Montgomery St. Martin died Nov. 22 o f | I cancer. second-generation company lo­ cated on N ortheast A lberta, soon will com plete one of its largest structures-a cover for the tension struc­ ture over Cathedral Park ’s stage. Thanks to the firm ’s expertise and generosity and donations from a granting com m it­ tee and an other local company, a brand- new, heavy-duty waterproof canopy will be installed for the first of a series of free concerts in the park this summer. Concert Series Chair Clarice White re­ cently received the last installment from Metro t entrai Enhancement Committee, which gave $10,500 toward the purchase. David Berg from Simpson Timber’s Oregon Overlay Division also presented Simpson’s contribu­ tion of$2,380 to company President and Co­ owner Steve Waagmeester. While the canopy manufacture was in progress at Waagmeester’s large pieces o f the heavy material were spread over the shop flo o r. Len Breazeale, sewer, and K urt Waagmeester, awning manufacturer, two o f the firm ’s 12 employees, were marking the outline o f one o f four huge sections for the cover, which consumed more than 150 yards o f eight-foot-wide material. For the past seven years, musicians and vocalists from every style o f music have pei formed in Cathedral Park under a disinte­ grating coverthat let in the wind and rain, was an eyesore and a security risk,” says White. “ The dark stage area under the old orange All-Teen Dance Is Friday S T ^ agm,eGSter' l6ft' StitChGS thG heavy du