P age A6 J anuary 10, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver 503-351-3413 Cellular E v e r C hanging Styles 4 E ve r C hanging I Z Featuring, Visionary Creative Stylist: ( ^ y h ^ e r i n d McMURPHY'S APPURNCC CCNTCR a ' 4011 N.E. M.L.K. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-3233 Vicious May Be Habit Forming V A N N ESS A M A R T IN Owner “My cleaning is the expression o f love through service” Home/Commercial Sales Sales • Service • Parts Pun in ' down Styles best described as "Attitude Changers" or simply “ Tight" Shop: 289-5040 • Pgr.: 1-800-616-5706 CAUTION: Extremely ANDREWS WHOLESALE C h u c k H in to n ’s R IB EXPRESS = Vessels Catering & Take-Out R E S ID E N TIA L & C O M M E R C IA L C LE A N U P Maid Service • General & Deep Cleaning • Special Projects & Hauling Specializing in: New Construction &, Neglected Properties Ph. 283-0188 Licensed Bonded Insured Pgr. 202-7351 C.C.B #110195 SERVED O n 3328 N E (503) 249-1952 2 3 0 0 NE NI K Portland, O K 97212 io iiin «SN 9M X W IN E QP W IO 7 1 3 .rtr& th rtZ V3) J oe s P lace F r ie n d ly 2605 NE M L K Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Corner of NE Russell 2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 K IL L IN G S W O R T H li The Tues. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Real Hickory Sm oked Bar-B Q Santina Washington Stylist HERE T a p o p in Our Specialty bathroom , and kitchen. M O N T H U R 1 I 30am 9 00pm • FRI SAT f 1 3 0 a m -11 OCpm SUN 1 00pm 7 00pm PHONE 288-8768 L e C o U iB E E P ^ *■ '’ / / I 1 V O wner 1801 N E ALBERTA PORTLAND, ORE. 97211 JOSEPH BENJAMIN a 're A lw ays Fresh IT c 1724 ne A lb e rta P o rtla n d , OR ill I lf 33 pager: 237-6777 — Hair Connection Full Service Salon 4603 N. Williams Ave Portland, OR 97217 (503) 288-3171 FISH & MEATS E arl 7406 N. V a n c o u v e r Ave. 503-285-4750 P O. Box 4667 Portland, OR 97208-4667 Hair Design GARDEN COFFEE HOUSE Dannella Bietson Rosa Washington Stylists Leisure Curl Technicians 3939 MLK Portland, OR 97211 282-2006 Tropicana Restaurant t S e rving B reakfast, Lunch & D inne r S p e cia lizin g in B a rbe que Ribs & Beef Tues. - Thurs. 10:00 A M. to 6:00 P.M. , d 3217 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97212 R W e 1-800-556-2146 4 0 3 8 M. A TA N E W LOCA T IO N ! 3410 N. W illia m s Ave., P ortland, OR 97220 • Car Wash. $8.00 & up . • Shampoo. Buff & Wax. $69.95 & up . ( 5907 N. LOMBARD PORTLAND. OR 97203 CZABA'f BAR-B-Q (503) 232-6263 Call For Appt. 240-0615 “Have you been ribbed today?” Michael “ Czaba” Brown In te rsta te A v e . a rc h in e W c itjn e W a g n e r Auto Body Repair & Painting I (5 (H ) ?SS- M i l (503) 284-9061 lours: I no. - Sal. 10-6 2XI -4 0 10 1451 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97211 H o u rs: 8 -5 :3 0 IM -F, 8 -2 :0 0 S a tu rd a y 4 4 5 N .E. K IL L IN G SW O R T H Exhaust, Brakes, Shocks. Struts C .V. Joints. Front End Repair. Hitches, W elding SPECIALIZING IN AUTO TRANSMISSIONS COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL & ACCESSORIES 288-9367 F is h & C h ip s We Have O ld Fashioned Ideas About Quality 3945 NORTH WILLIAMS AVE PORTLAND, OREGON 97227 M usic M illennium ? Jerry Williamson, Owner ASF. C e rtifie d 25 Yrs, Exp T e rriy a k i C h ic k e n & B e e f H a m b u rg e rs 4525 N E M .L. King, Jr. B lvd. Portland, OR 972 I I M O N D AY - SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ( d e s t e S Beauty Salon UN4ONzAVENtlE< Specializing ia Hair Weaving 32nd & E.Burnside 231-8926 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 Bus. (503) 288-1247 1-800-524-6102 P H IL L Y C A F E BARKER MUFFLER & BRAKE J E N K IN S A U T O S E R V IC E BEEF RIBS PORK RIBS B-B-Q CHICKEN HOMEMADE SAUCE Mac Allen & Sons Body Shop , lu ir Stillisi I , Bulk Herbs & Spices M iddle Path Herbs Specialty Teas/Powders Bulk Teas/lngredients Essential Oils Medicinal Uses/Essiac Homeopathy Futuristic Books Cell-Tech S.B.G. Algae 1926 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 G o ld e n s House o ( S ig le t ë S f / •> DINE IN TAKE OUT CATERING t . FULL SERVICE SALON Once Again Super Girl’s Back on Track OPEN MONDA Y - SA TV RD A Y CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS Mrs. Phillips, Management A h a ïr a s s i g n ’J Œ ^ a p p e n d h i » 1* ' LU E PARKER (503) 281-8696 Fri. & Sat. 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. OLALEKAN OLAOENJNJOYE 280-8652 A l BEKTA STREET • PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 14~»,ft A NA ’I M ’S SWEETS - S a tu r d a y S:OO A M - 6 : 0 0 P M ' (503) 284-4144 2728 N.E. MLK BLVD. PORTLAND, OR 97212 Tuesday ART JENKINS g (MW) Christopher Proprietor ■ T H E E S S E N C E O F M IN D , B O D Y & S O U L « GC DDF55 I5KAIDS ♦ FJNöLK WAVES » UP-DO S E a r l's B a r b e r Shop SUPER CIRI O T a v e rn (503) 280 - 7977 S ty lis t " T a b le w a re W ith M e a n in g " Ethnic Accessories for d in n in g room, C h ic k e n • P o rk R ibs • B e e f Ribs In te g r ity C le a n in g S ervice 7127 N. Leonard Portland, OR 97203 Jefferson Andrews Owner A clás V cqmpany ^, A ll areai of Hair Care (503) 287-3813 All Types of Auto. Plate and Window Glass Storm Doors »no Windows 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Tue-Sat. 305 N.E Wygant; Portland. OR 97211 Barber Nathaniel Wilson <709 NE MLK Ji Blvd LORRAINE HLAVINKA Woman Owned _ Poilland Oregon 97211 DK Phone 249-5886