P age A4 J anuary 10, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver ‘A ro u n d A b o u t Town ” For The New Year! tn C ora S mith In preparation of a long evening, two high-energy divas, S h irle y L e v e rto n and R o salin d S to n e, choose to chauffeur M s. C o ra “ A rou nd A bou t To w n ” to ce lebrate with those brave enough to endure the loud clashes o f drums, horns, hand-held noise makers, bal loons and other special New Year’s Eve events in downtown Portland. Ms. L everton’s invitation to an early dinner was timely and an ex­ traordinary experience. Setting the table were crystal glasses and gob­ lets, antique place settings and spar­ kling shining grand brogue silver­ ware, placed on pearlized place mats upon a beautiful glass table held in position on the shoulders oftwo beau­ tiful pearlized swans. I he pace o f the even ing was set by the beginning o f appetizers o f fresh oysters and large bay scampi with Shirley’s special seafood sauce. Nev­ er mind the "rack o f lamb” surround­ ed by cranberry sauce, fresh aspara­ gus, sauteed mushrooms, mouth wa­ tering melt-in-your-mouth butter let­ tuce salad, rice and a special challah bread A wine salute and conversa­ tions about good health and wisdom for the new year followed. An ex­ quisite silver MacClau bird vase, filled with purple orchids, added to the atmosphere and a dessert was served o f tasty lemon squares with fresh organic non-fat milk. The diva’s out dressed me, I wore a black mohair and lace sweater with black pants, they however, dressed more in the glitz of the new year spirit. Shirley’s son, G reg Synder, a dress designer from Paris, France, now in Orlando, Florida, wore a handsome silk pleated back, belted front fabric evening suit in oiive grey and silver, highlighted by a beautiful pair of ear­ rings from Paris. Rosalind and Shirley’s guest from Seattle wore silver as well. Education With no rain in sight the venture began. Locating Sangos’ was easy enough, however, the parking was more difficult, it seemed all o f Port­ land was downtown - never mind in the midst o f all the traffic, was the preparation for the annual midnight new year’s walk-a-thon and race. After locating an unattended parking lot, we were able, with the help o f several others, to figure out how to validate the car space. W alkinga few blocks, we bumped into Brittany Parrish, an image con­ sultant, pepped up about her upcom­ ing fashion show. She looked radiant in black, however, it seemed to be the color o f the evening. Our first stop was “Shango’s Bar and Grill” a place of peace and unity, located at 333 S. W. Park Ave., where owner Brian Tate was a perfect host. He led us to an area where a buffet of refreshments were being served. The entire wall counter was filled with a basic soul food menu. Shirley’s first comment was “ifyou’d told me all this wasavailable, I wouldn’t have cooked.” Sorry Sh irley, the food was included in the package and anyway we can ad­ vance to the next entertainment loca­ tion quickly. Besides, Shirley, your favorite singer Linda Horn buckle and her band is perform ing. Ja n ic e Scoggins at the keyboard, prompted Linda to sing her heart out and had guests commenting that with such a fabulous voice why hasn’t she made it on the national charts. S angos’s was filled with the hol­ iday spirit, the beautiful people were in strapless, sequin, lace, backless short exciting holiday fashion with exquisite h a ird o ’s and gorgeous make-up, notably the universal changes o f predominantly mixed couples were on the scene. As the evening continued, we reached the two-month-old French restaurant “ T oulouse’s” and its New Y ear’s Eve gala. The former site o f a french bakery, the Toulouse featured the sophisticated sound o f the Shirley N anette Jazz Q u a rte t and a full six course dinner. The French rural menu was a concept away from the Pari­ sian french style which are smaller portions. This restaurant provides food for hungry Americans with large appetites C h ef Paul Doeg explained its food similar to what a French grandmother would make. The open pit stoves with wood fire grills made a beautiful presentation o f the rotis­ serie Cornish chicken. The menu boasted oven roasted mussels with sun dried tomatoes, baby greens sal­ ad with house-cured salmon on lox and an entree o f roasted Poussin with savory bread pudding and a red wine hunter sauce. As usual, songress diva Shirley looked beautiful from head to toe. Seen were Dale Allin, T racy W ill­ iams from KMHD, the Sean C ru z s’, C arl and Ju d g e M ercedes Dietz and frie n d s A lvena and J u d g e A aron Brown As midnight approached, every­ one was armed with enough horns, hats, and noisemakers to alert the entire city. With hugs and kisses Toulouse welcomed in 1996. Shirley and Rosalind are you tired?, Don’t be, silly girl, let’s get going. Atwater’s was still alive and well, the band o f legendary Mel Brow n, Leroy Vin ngea r, G eoff Lee and Bob H ernandey was absolutely w onder­ ful. It was dream music for dancers and they were out there having fun, plus everyone was dressed to perfec­ tion, many fashionable long dresses were seen - also this was tuxedo city. Seen was S h irle y B row n, G ail P atterson, Je a n e tte and Ray Rook, Gail and R obert Johnson, and Nellie and M ilton Flynn from Seattle. A train to old acquaintances and a broad rangeofexciting music even allowed Pain may be eliminated for millions (S P E C IA L )-A new drug has been approved that is exciting research­ ers in the treatm ent o f pain. This material has been form ulated into a new product know n as "Arthur ltis,>," and is being called a "M edi cal M iracle" by som e, in the treat m entof debilitatingconditionssuch as arthritis, bursitis, rheum atism painful m uscle aches, jo in t aches sim ple backache, bruises, and m ore A lthough the m echanism o f action isunclear.e.xperim entsindicatethat Arthur Itisr« relieves pain by first selectively attracting, and then d e­ stroying the m essenger chem ical which carries pain sensations to the brain, thus elim inating pain in the affected area. Arthur Itis,,. is an odorless, greaseless, non-staining cream and is available im m ediately w ithout a prescription and is guar­ anteed tO Work. Use only as directed * Xl«llar Adsertomg (irxup Ins extra fancy la rg e size from M edford Roma V ariety large size 69 79 POUND 0 CARROTS m ini peeled BRUSSEL SPROUTS G re a t with cheese sauce POUND 0 Ready to use ONE POUND BAG 98 0 69 CELERY POTATOES larg e size crisp stalks Idaho grown U.S. No. 1 Russets g reat with dips EACH STALK NEW TON P IP P IN APPLES large size extra fancy Tart and crisp Good to b ake or for pies POUND 59 MOUNTAIN DEW Dr. PEPPER TheFRIENDUEST STORES in J own since 1908 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTTOLIMIT QUANTITIES STORE HOURS WEEKDAYS 8 a m . to 9 p m. SUNDAY 9 a .m . to 8 p.m . SPFCIAl S EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY IANUARY 9 through 14 1996 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW S STORE CALL: 659-5220 HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 AVAILABLE AT C u r r in ’s F or D rugs 8438 N. Lombard St. 286-0207 H ealthtek P harm acy 1423 Lloyd Center 284-6978 Andrews Wholesale Home/Commercial Sales New Park Cover Begins Right Now bitter about having been “given” a high school diploma only to find that he was not adequately prepared ei­ ther to enter the work force at a “cost- of-living wage”, or to pursue a mean­ ingful academic experience. Most interestingly, he detailed for his au­ dience an almost point-to-point cor­ respondence between this early sce­ nario and contem pory workforce problems facing his firm and other high-tech or medium-tech corpora­ tions. I kept thinking, “I was address­ ing this problem over twenty years ago.” This Beaverton executive got more of the rapt attention of an audience of both personnel people and line su­ pervisors, when looking pointedly at me, he said, “on the advice of McKinley, here, I took some rather innovative steps to further my educa­ tion and to ensure a decent future.” He went on to describe a modified academic structure which, combined with a series of related work experi­ ences, permitted him to move steadily up a career ladder o f his own real istic design. Waving his copy of a handout (Oregonian article o f 12/29/95, “New Learning Standards Will Get Public Scrutiny”), my fellow member of the Associated Oregon Industries con­ tinued; “Importantly, Professor Burt provided a necessary degree of flex­ ibility with options at key points which permitted me to stay on track even when slowing the process to take seemingly non-relcvant jobs. W e’re still talking upward mobil­ ity’, even while accommodating a stable family structure. And we see some applications, here, to our ever- increasing family o f high-school dropouts." He clo sed w ith reference to key p o in ts o f the p ro cesses I in ­ teg rated in the 1970’s and ’80s: From tailoring w ork-study p ro ­ gram s at technology firm s to leas­ ing busses to take stu dents and “ p a re n ts" to m edical c en ters and jo b site s—from sp ecific C om m u­ nity C o lleg e cou rses to an e v e n ­ tual return to the university with an e x p erien ce-b ased course load. C ontin u ed next w eek. Continued from Metro ▲ but was not interested in doing any repairs," he added with a grin. “ We also completed a special, separating canopy for one of the dams on the Columbia.” Every bit o f work on the Cathedral Park canopy except heat welding o f some seams (more durable than sew­ ing because it is completely water­ proof) was completed on site at Waagmeester. “The old hardware and cables were in good shape,” said Waagmeester. "But we have to man­ ufacture hardware permanently in­ stalled into the old tarp.” The new cover will make its debut on Sunday, July 28 during a special performance that will be announced later. Admission to the concert se­ ries, which continues Sunday, Au­ gust 4 and ends Sunday August 11, will be free, as always, says White. She say contributions o f time, tal­ ents and funding like those o f W aagmeester, Metro Central En­ hancem ent Com m ittee, Sim pson Timber, Portland Parks & Recre­ ation and Friends o f Cathedral Park Neighborhood Association make it all possible. “With the help o f local people we can continue to improve the park and to offer great local mu­ sical entertainment free o f charge,” White says. JEFFERSON ANDREWS Owner 503-240-0368 Home i. A c u /s 6804 Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 (503 735-3792) Specialize In Long And Curl SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS • • • Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law URANI) "Professional Manicurists ” Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. • 503-351-3413 Cellular 7127 N. L eonard, Portland, OR 97203 CHOICES . • Landlord / Tenant Small Business Law • Product Liability • Crim inal Defense • Collections n Full Set I r- Fill $14 I WITH COUPON EXP. * 1 3 1 9 « I ______________________________CAr Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. I WITH COUPON I_______________________________ EXP. 1 3 1 9 « i i------------------------------------------- Manicure ' ' Pedicure $8 $14 WITH COUPON i I i I I________________________________ EXP 1 31 96 , L n WITH COUPON r • •Gel S e t1 Oil $10 WITH COUPON EXP. 1 t 3 z 1 l 9 r 6 J _________________________________ Z _ A R K E T Nails Art Airbrush $2 up ” txr. l 2334 N.E. Alberta Street 284-1198 WE FEATURE: GROCERIES SODA POP/JUICES & MORE ASSORTED FROZEN TREATS HOT, DELICIOUS COFFEE CIGARETTES/CIGARS VARIETY GOODS CANDY & SNACKS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COME TASTE THE BEST “LOUISIANA” STYLE BBQ. BBQ RIB DINNERS...................................... S6.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS............................S5.00/EACH BBQ RIB SANDWICHES..............................S4.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICHES....................$3.00/EACH CREOLE GUMBO.......................................... S4.00/BOWL “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE” n WITH COUPON EXP. 1-31 96 □ L WITH COUPON ________________________________ EXP 1 3 31 1 9 96 6 , r • Free Airbrush With Full Set Charm WITH COUPON or Fill ____________ EXP. 1-3 1 9 6 L . Quality Products • Comfortable Environment Sterilized Implements • Guarantee Natural Beauty Open 6 Days- MON-SAT 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM Open Sunday by Appt. Only W alk-In Welcome Parking in Rear The Girl Of Your Dreams!!] 1-900-255-27(10 ext. 7053 • $2.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Touch-Tone phone required • SF.RV-U (619) 645-8434 8 0 PEPSI COLA PRODUCTS For The Local Company Makes Next Millennium B y P rof . M ckinley B ijrt T here may be hope. F in ally , I am reaching that h ard -co re group o f friends who w ere so adam an t that I had launched an a ttack on their m ost ch erish ed in stitu tio n , “The T rad itio n al Black C o lle g e .” I sim ply intro d u ced the id ea that there was a seco n d and m uch larg er group o f youth w hose ur­ gent ed u catio n needs dem anded an altern ativ e stru ctu re. Several o f these frien d s are g rad u ates o f U N C F sch o o ls and have know n me for m ore years than they w ould have me recount here I cannot say it any lo u d er or any clearer than my clo sin g sta te ­ ment in my a rtic le , “The B lack C ollege, III": “ We have to re a c h ” all our youth and for m ost it is increasingly the case that a four- year co lleg e ex p erien ce may not be an option -b lack , w hite, poor or low er m iddle class. And, c e rta in ly , that is not an im m ediately ach iev ab le goal for m any, m any m ore in these u n c e r­ tain econom ic tim es. I com m end those who have m oved from an e a rlie r state o f u n c e rta in ty or su sp icio n to accep tan ce o f the reality and survival tech n iq u es in that old m axim , “d iffe re n t strokes for d ifferen t fo lk s." C o n ­ sidering the years o f d ed icatio n to stru ctu rin g su ccessfu l tra d i­ tional and n o n trad itio n al e d u c a ­ tional p ro cesses to rem edy the situ atio n , som e suggest I am due a little rig h teo u s in d ig n atio n . Be that as it may, my position was further reinforced several weeks ago by a former student who is now a senior executive out in Beaverton computer-land. The circumstance was a session on “Educating For Diversity In The Workforce”, where I, the consultant, sat back while this white, middle-aged baby boomer described his own educational expe­ rience. As a freshman in 1974,he had dropped out of my Portland State Uni versity class and a little later aban­ doned the entire university experi­ ence. It was several years before he returned. Now, this was a man who was still for a moment to play Happy Birthday for yours truly, Cora Smith. Shirley and Rosalind, it’s time to go home, but it’s difficult to leave the beautiful ambiance o f the 30th floor with the spectacular sight o f the city. At a glance, it was calm, beautiful and serene as we welcomed in the new year. Happy New Year, Shirley and Rosalind, it’s 1996! COMICE PEARS TOMATOES