»» r ti- . ~ . i *•*•*•*• .* -• - ,•<■•*■<»¿1 VI, Number 2 C o m m itie d to Canvas Stitched In Northeast Alberta Street firm is producing a waterproof awning for north Portland’s Cathedral Park concerts. See Metro, inside. cultural diversity. Our Martin Luther King Jr. Edition Rod’s On All-Star Trail A special section with articles and salutations to the great political activist. Blazer Rod Strickland, with 20.4 points and 9.8 assists per game, is headed toward NBA all star selection. See Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Section C. See Sports, page B4. (Elie jjJoril auf) (P THEIR .... T» King Legacy Remembered BI Alliance Honored By Japanese Michael Dente' is the artist for "Let Freedom Ring," a grass roots project to erect statutes at the Oregon Convention Center in honor o f civil rights in Oregon and the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. I okyo-based Kanto Corp, recently I awarded the Albina Ministerial Alliance o f north and northeast Portland $5,000 for its 40 years ofservice to inner-city children I and families. The award was presented during an opening ceremony for Kanto’s I new chemical refining plant, the compa­ ny’s first in North America, intheRivergate Industrial Park in north Portland. Wyden, Smith To Debate Democrat Ron Wyden and Republican Gordon Smith have agreed to debate Jan. 14 in Portland on KGW Channel 8. The two candidates are running in the January- I election to succeed Bob Packwood in the I Photo by Michael B. Halle. U.S. Senate. Trl-Met Excavates Tunnel 1 The first o f two tunnels for the Westside Light Rail Project recently reached “hole- through by drill and blast excavation. A boring machine used in the work will be moved to the project’s eastbound tunnel. New Guidelines For Health New dietary guidelines say it’s okay to be a vegetarian, and that moderate use o f alcohol can lower the risk o f coronary heart disease in some people. In advocat­ ing that people keep their weight low, the government also for the first time pushes exercise - for about 30 minutes a day. P ortland is facing a challenge for people to commit themselves to the creation of a symbol of truth, justice and love for all ofthe to see. The symbol is “The Dream” a proposed statute dedicated toeveryone who believes in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s vision. Thousands o f people have personally an­ nounced their support for this project. Thou­ sands o f people are anxiously awaiting the glorious day when we the people stand to­ gether and dedicate this beautiful bronze monument. The moral support and enthusi­ world asm for the project have never been in ques­ tion. What is in question is can we the people come together and make a small monetary donation to make this monument to truth a reality? The southeast corner o f the Oregon Con­ vention Center on Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. has been designated as the site o fthe sculpture and was enthusiastically endorsed by Metro, then directed by Rena Cusma, and MERC which governs the convention facili­ ty- Committee members o f this non-profit organization project include State Sen. Bill Mc( oy, chair, Cheryl Perrin, Vice President Public Affairs Fred Meyer, John Jenkins, Betsy Brumm, & Mathew Prophet. S u p p o rter that have given, to nam e a few, are P ortland T rail B lazers , P hillip M orris Co. S teinfeld P ickles, and U .S. Bank. I nterest and pledges have come from P.G. E. Pacific Corp., NW Natural Gas, Bank o f America, the Portland Urban League and private industries. The North-Northeast Neighborhood Coa­ lition has enthusiastically embraced the project and will sponsor a fund raiseryet to be announced. E & M Community Market Owner Robert Malone (left) earns praise for the quality of service and goods at his store. Saturday, a rally was held to draw 1,000 new customers to the supermarket, maintaining it's vitality as an asset to the community. Grocer Vern Labeck (below) stocks the produce bins at E & M Community Market, the grocery outlet noted for customer treatment above and beyond what you can expect at other similar establishments. Police Use Photo Radar Portland police have started using the state’s first photo radar system to control speeding. The unit automatically clocks passing vehicles that exceed the speed limit. It then takes a picture ofthe speeding vehicle’s driver. The photos are stored in a computer and a citation will be mailed to the registered owner within six days. Photos by Duane Lewis Massive Job Cuts Loom A T & T Corp, announced plans to elim­ inate 4 0 ,0 0 0 jo b s. The n atio n w id e downsizing is the largest by an American company since IBM cut 63,000 jobs and General Motors pared 50,000. | James Brown’s Wife Dead Adrienne Lois Brown, w ifeofsoul sing­ er James Brown, died Saturday at a Los Angeles hospital two days after elective surgery. A hospital statement said the cause I o f death was unknown. She had been mar­ ried to Brown for more than 10 years and their story relationship included several accusations o f wife-beating. But each time Adrienne Brown, 44, a former hair stylist for 1 V shows, recanted her accusations or dropped the charges. Welcome To Club Fed The taxpayer-financed House gym re­ mained o p en despite calls it should be closed during the partial government shut­ down. The perk for members o f Congress was kept running on specific orders o f I Speaker Newt Gingrich. EDITORIAL s the 1 9 9 6 King Holiday falls on birthday party they have ever been to when the date of Dr. King’s birth - O regon’s and Washington finest choirs, January 15 -World Arts Founda speakers and other perform ers take the tion will host Oregon’s largest Martin Jefferson stage.” Luther Kind, Jr. celebration at Jefferson Berry, who was instrumental in the birth o f High School Center for the Performing the program 11 years ago says people can Arts (5 3 1 0 N. Kerby). expect to see familiar faces on stage as well “ Keep Living the Dream- A Tribute to as some new ones. “One o f the things that Martin Luther King, Jr.” will begin at 11.30 makes this program successful,” says Berry, am and run continually until 5:00 pm. Ac­ “is combining acts that have been with us for cording to Ken Berry, the celebration’s Ex­ years, like Tracy Harris, with new ones we ecutive Producer, “the audience will be tak­ encounter throughout the year, like the Cho­ ing part in the biggest and most entertaining ral Crossties professional Chorus o f Ore­ A HOUSING KING SPECIAL SPORTS gon. Highlights o f the llth annual event in­ clude a nationwide bell ringing ceremony at noon, Portland’s Cultural Recreation Band, the Portland Metropolitan Youth Mass Choir and Miss Black Oregon Donna Knight. Fea­ tured artists include Tracy “Trey” Harris, the Northwest Atrikan Ballet and the world re­ nowned gospel choir Total Experience from Seattle, Washington. Under the national theme “On the King Holiday Help Somebody; Every American Can make a Difference” audience partici- ENTERTAINMENT METRO pants will be asked to give a $ I donatio two cans o f non-perishable food for ad sion. The food donation will be donate the local food bank The program will, ( again, be broadcast simulcast on KBOC dio (90.7 EM) and Paragon Cable. Major sponsors include the Portland A ciation o f Teachers, Collins Foundation, I menical MinistriesofOregon Education A ciation. First Interstate Bank, U.S. West C munications, Portland Public Schools, KBi Paragon Cable and World Arts Foundat Inc. For more information call 222-1457. CLASSIFIEDS B5