Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 03, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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Î he P ortland O bserver • J anuary 3, 1996
JJortlanb ©bserucr
Gene Harris Quartet Plays Portland
For the already converted, the re­
lease of a new Gene Harris recording
serves as a renewal of the faith. For
the uninitiated, a fresh disco from
Mr. Harris is an almost spiritual as
well as musical awakening. On his
latest Concord Jazz release Brother­
hood, Gene Harris, joined by his
skilled accomplices - Ron Eschete’,
Luther Hughes and Paul Humphrey -
- perform a baptism awash in the
deepest of blues, delivering their
unique brand of funky, incessantly
swinging jazz to the grateful masses.
This album spans the breadth of
the quartet’s considerable expertise.
On The Brotherhood O f Man, from
which the recording’stitle isderived,
Gene and the boys preach their ser­
mon with the fiery passion and intu­
ition that can only come from years
of inspired camaraderie.
When You Wish Upon A Star
shows the band in a different light,
creating a delicate, shimmering mood
which draws the listener into a world
where dreams may very well come
true. The traditional gospel flavor of
This Little Light Of Mine is enough
to soothe the weary souls of even the
most hard-boiled of cynics.
Every one of the disc’s nine stellar
cuts fully utilizes Mr. H arris’ impec­
cable sense of dynamics as well as
his associates’ ability to turn it up
from a simmer to a boil within a
m om ent’s notice.
So turn on the music. Let it fill
your heart Be a part of the "Brother­
The Gene Harris Q uartet with
Gene Harris on piano, Ron Eschete,
guitar, Luther Hughes, bass and Pual
Humphrey on drums will be in Port­
land to perform at Club Max, Red
Lion/D ow ntow n Friday, Jan. 12,
andSaturday, Jan. 13, at 8 pm.
The quartet with Dennis Springer,
Marc Fendel and Nola Bogle will
perform in the Mayfair Room, Benson
Hotel, Sunday, Jan 14,2-6 pm .Tickets
for the Friday & Saturday shows $ 15
advance, $17 at door. Sunday prices
are $20 advance, $22 at door. (JSO
10% discount with membership card)
Call Fastixx: 224-TIXX.
The American Experience
Winter Spring 1996 Line-Up
The Battle ever
Citizen Kane -Jan. 29
at 9pm, 120 minutes
Freedom on My Mind Monday, Jan.
15 at 9 pm, 120 minutes
Daley, the Last Boss
Jan. 22 at 9pm, 1 2 0
Gene Harris
On African
Reflections Bookstore,
Coffee & MeetingPlace
Presents Series
A series of three Saturday morn­
ing Presentations and Discussions
will be offered to the public from
l():00to 11:30 AM, on January 13th,
20th, and 27th at Reflections Book­
store, Coffee, & Meeting Place, 446
N.E. Killingsworth at Martin Luther
King in the Walnut Park Shopping
Center (behind Videoland).
The series will highlight African
American history issues and topics -
that’s Portland’s African American
History — and focus on the relevance
of that history in life Today.
The series will open on Saturday,
January 13th in an Overview O f
Portland’s African American His­
tory. The opener will feature Kim­
berly Moreland, author of “The His­
tory of Portland’s African American
Community - 1805 to the Present”,
and Cathy Galbraith, Director of the
B osco-M illigan Foundation and
P ro je c t C o o rd in a to r fo r the
F oundation’s recent publication,
“Cornerstones of Community: The
Buildings o f P ortland’s A frican
American History”. A slide show of
people and places significant to both
publications will be featured and both
publications are available at Reflec­
tions Bookstore.
The Saturday, January 20th ses­
sion will focus on African American
Businesses & Economics. The ses­
sion will be moderated by O.B. Hill,
Chairman of the Black Dollar Days
Task Force, and Reflections Book­
store owner. Panel participants will
include Floyd Booker, founder of
Courtesy Janitorial, Willie Harris,
o w ner o f H ouse o f S o u n d ,
Sportsman’s Barbershop, and the
Williams Avenue, Going Street, and
15th Street markets, along with other
long-time African American busi­
ness founders who paved the way for
today’s businesses.
The Saturday, January 27th ses­
sion will focus on Political Empow­
erment In The African American
Community. The session will be
moderated by Lurlenc Shamsud-Din,
and panel participants will include
present and earlier African Ameri­
can elected officials.
The general public is invited to
attend any or all of the three sessions,
and a $3.00 donation is suggested to
support the program. Coffee and
pastry will be available for purchase
at Reflections Coffee & Espresso
and the public is welcome to browse
in Reflections Bookstore, and visit
other Walnut Park businesses.
After the holidays, after all the
I parties, after all the dinners, after all
I the snacks, one look into the mirror
I screams, “ What did I do to myself?”
I “That is not me.” “Is that me?” “ Where
I is my former self?” Or is it, “ What
I happened to my physique? “My fig-
I ure’s been altered.” “ Why or how did
I I let this occur?” “This was not in the
I plans.”
J Remember last years’ new year’s
I resolution. Wasn’t the first thing on
I your list a reminder to watch your
I weight a little closer, to eat right, to
I eat less, to eat three balanced meals a
I day, to count calories, to eat slower,
I to count my food chews and to stop
I eating before I became so full I
I couldn’t hardly shallow another bite.
Ah, the pleasures o f eating deli­
cious, decadent, succulent, appetiz­
ing, delightful smelling and tasting
food. The consequences and fears of
stepping up on the scales can dilute
the mentality o f “I didn’t know,” “ I
can’t believe it,” or “ Is this scale
| working properly?”
We just have to be forgiving of
oneself and advance to the most log­
ical next step. Pul 1 out the New Year’s
resolution check list for 1996, make a
commitment to start at the top and
remain true to your belief system.
Apply the “I can do it attitude,” go
complete decorating service
for it, but simply just do it.
Stick to it and see what
Are you eating from
1996 has to offer.
McDonald’s and Burger
What is the most effec-
King’s or from the local
tive m eans o f losing
delicatessen and mall
weight? How much did
food fares? Or is it the
you gain over the past
Bistro'sand Asian foods,
year? or did the unmen­
the ice creams and des­
tionable begin around
serts? Whatever it is, be­
Thanksgiving and remain
gin the fight with one-a-
in that vein until now?
day vitamins, lots of wa­
By Cora Smith
Weigh in daily to see the
ter and unadorned food.
truth or just maybe to
For assisted exercise,
watch the scales go the opposite direc­
try Jazzercize, Gold’s Gym, the neigh­
tion to your favor.
borhood favorite spa “Resort to Fit­
Whether it is walks, jogging, per­
ness” or maybe try Jane Fonda’s ex­
sonal stretches of 5 to 30 minutes or a
ercise video or the flamboyant Rich­
one hourexercise programs, developa
ard Simmons on TV or his personal
daily routine and pattern the workout
video, but preferably purchase Port­
to implement your weigh lost goals
land’s own Victoria Johnson’s train­
and stay focused. Studies show that
ing videotapes.
between the combination o f exercise
Y ou can bring your own spa and
and d iet, exercise only or diet only, that
fitness home (the lucky ones have a
the most sensible approach and effec­
spa center at home) purchase a tread-
tive method is to “push away from the
mill, bike, climber, home gyms, free
table.” Another concept is to fill your
weights and exercise benches - the
plate to capacity, then humbly divide
most popular brands consist o f Nor­
your portion in half, share it or save it
dic T rack, Precor, Tunturi, Para Body
for another meal.
and Schwinn. But for some, it’s the
Remember to eliminate the fatty
like’s o f the Princeton, Raleigh Hills
foods, heavy cheeses, rich buttery sauc­
Racquet and Health Club, YWCA-
es, greasy fried foods, highly seasoned
Willamette and then the over popu­
and too spicy foods, along with foods
lated Multnomah Athletic Club. Any
over adorned and saturated with rich
way you can do it, just do it.
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