t o • « 1 Hb P ortland O bserver • J anuary 3, 1996 H ealth ffifirifnrr Blood Recipient Encourages African Americans To Roll Up Their Sleeves In c re a sin g the n u m b er o f A fri­ can A m erican b lo o d d o n o rs is a ca u se n e a r to E v e re tte R ic e ’s heart. R ice, D ire c to r o f A m eri­ can Red C ro ss B lood S e rv ic e s’ M arrow D onor S e rv ic e s D e p a rt­ m ent, has been on both the g iv in g and re c e iv in g end o f lifesav in g blood d o n a tio n s. In Ju ly 1994, R ice n e e d e d m a jo r su rg ery to re p a ir organ dam age cau sed by gall b lad d er d ise a se and sto m ach c o m p lic a ­ tions. D u rin g and a fte r the p ro ­ c ed u re, he rec e iv e d nine units o f blood. "U n til then, I ’d alw ays know n the im p o rtan ce o f g iv in g b lo o d , but it had n ev er p e rso n a lly im ­ p acted m e,” Rice said . “ B lood d o nors are very sp ecial peo p le. They help ed me, so m eo n e they d id n ’t even know , at a tim e when I really need ed it.” For five y ears p rio r to his su r­ gery, Rice d o n a te d b lo o d once or tw ice a year. He first becam e aw are o f the need for blood w hen he was ten years old and his m oth­ er need ed blo o d as a resu lt o f a kidney d iso rd e r Blood and blood co m p o n en ts also played a key ro le in the re c o v e rie s o f sev eral re la tiv e s injured in car accid en ts. Since Rice receiv ed his tra n s ­ fu sio n s, he has been activ ely in­ v olved in in c re a sin g aw areness o f the c ritic a l need for blood. “ I ’d like for peo p le to re a liz e the im p o rtan ce o f giving b lood w ith o u t hav in g to ex p e rie n c e the need for blo o d first-h a d ,” said Rice. “ I d o n ’t w ant others to have to go th ro u g h w hat I did, I w ant them to know how im portant an a d eq u ate b lood supply is.” Rice feels fo rtu n ate to be able to fo rw ard his p e rso n a l cau se th ro u g h his w ork. As D irecto r for A m erican Red C ross B lood S e rv ic e s’ M arrow D onor S e rv ic ­ es D onor D ep artm en t, ac tiv e ly re c ru itin g p eo p le o f co lo r to give blo o d and jo in the N ational M ar- row D onor R egistry is one o f his p rim ary re sp o n sib ilitie s. R ic e ’s involvem ent w ith m a r­ row donor recruitm ent began se v ­ eral years before his w ork w ith Red C ross, w hen he v o lu n te e re d for several b lood and m arrow donor drives d ed icated to a friend w ith leukem ia who needed a m ar­ row tra n sp la n ts. “ My friend is alw ays in my heart when I re c ru it,” Rice said “ H e ’s the d riv in g force behind my e ffo rts .” R ic e ’s w ork is also an o p p o r­ tunity to pay back the v o lu n te e r b lood d o nors w ho gave him a n ­ o th e r chance at life through th e ir blo o d do n atio n s. “ I think that if you’re a responsi­ ble person, you always remember where you come from,” Rice said, “ I want to make sure others are there for people who need blood and marrow. I guess I’m living testimony for why it’s important to give blood for peo­ ple you may never meet.” noiiywood senior Center Special Events 1 8 2 0 NE 4 0 th , Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 2 A rth ritis—Tuesday, January 16, 10:30 AM. Ms. Goodhue will dis­ cuss range o f motion exercises and present slides and video tape o f therapy to keep joints as flexible and pain free as possible. M em ory P ow er-T uesday, Jan­ uary 23, 10:30 AM. Tips To Im­ prove Your Memory will be pre­ sented by Judy Likavec Davis, MS, CCC-SLP. This practical and inter­ active workshop will provide In­ formation on memory. Causes o f memory loss, and Strategies to im­ prove everyday memory perfor­ mance Feel free to bring questions re­ garding normal aging memory loss to discuss and solve. Ms. Davis is a local speech lan­ guage pathologist as well as a re­ searcher, published author, nation­ ally known speaker, and senior cit­ izen advocate. Slides—T ues., Jan. 16, 10:15 a.m. D on’t miss this...L eonard Schoessler to show his own slides from his recent tour in Germany and Austria. Breakfast With Seniors — Sat., Jan. 1 0 ,9 - 11:30 AM. All-you-can- eat pancakes, w/ bacon & eggs, juice & coffee. Adults $2.75, Chil- dren $1.25 A fternoon Van T rip: T hursday, Ja n . 25 a t 2 pm - The Portland Art Museum. W e’ll see an outstanding exhibit of master photographer Mi­ nor White. Exquisite black & white photographs o f two o f Portland's Vic­ torian masterpieces—the Knapp and Dolph residences, both incredible buildings and works o f art, are pre­ served in this remarkable collection. Cost is $5. Call soon to sign up. S troke C lu b - Tuesday, January 2 at 10:30 am. Living, Loving, And Laughing will be presented by Dan Miller, an individual who has over­ come extreme physical hand ¡caps and developed a positive attitude to life. A lz h e im e r’s S u p p o rt G ro u p , Jan, 10, 1-3 pm. A chance to meet with friends, old and new, who listen with understanding and compassion to your problems and frustrations, and share ideas for coping and car­ ing. A lzheim er’s Social (¡ro u p (for patients)...E very W ednesday, 1-4 pm. Our music and activity thera­ pists and caring volunteers add zest to life for persons with memory loss and/or confusion. Fee is $15 for 3 hours. Please call Pat for information or to register, 288-8303. Dancing....Every Tuesday at 7 pm. Live M usic....$2.00 Exercise: Hi-Steppers Exercise Class-E very Tues, Wed & Thurs 9 - 10 am W eekly Potlucks - Bring a dish or make a donation (suggested-$2) • Tuesday Potluck at noon fol­ lowed by Bunco • Thursday Potluck at 11:45 am with live Entertainment M iscellaneous: Bridge, Pinoch­ le, Bingo, Square Dancing, Ceram ­ ics, Crafts, Quilting, Monthly book discussion group (the last Wednes day), and Monthly Movie Matinee (the las, Monday). Call 288-8303 for times. Winter term classes begin week o f Jan. 3. PC C classes — Drawing & Wa­ tercolors, Drawing for Beginners, Conversational Spanish for Begin­ ners, German Conversation for Be­ ginners, and Better Home Video Movies. O th e r classes — Piano, Tai Chi, Creative Writing, Writing Your Life History, Billiards, and a new slide/ lecture class on “forgotten Stories about the Greco-Roman Civiliza­ tion.” Call HSC for times and fees. anit bsertier GAP Helps Low-Income Families Stay Warm To help low-income families stay warm this winter, Northwest Natural Gas Company is soliciting donations for the G as A ssistance Program (GAP). GAP funds are distributed throughout Northwest Natural’s ser­ vice area in northwest Oregon and Southwest W ashington and are used to help low-income people pay their heating bills. Since its inception in 1982, GAP has collected $2,392,578 from North­ west Natural Gas customers, employ­ ees, shareholders and others. Last year 1,599 households received $141,709 in assistance. “Every dollar given to GAP goes to those who need help,” said Robert L. Ridgley, president and chief exec­ utive officer o f Northwest Natural Former KPTV Reporter Catches Eye Of Met Home Editor Former KPTV Reporter turned Interior Designer, Sharon Holland, is featured on the E ditor’s page in the January issue o f Metropolitan Home Magazine. Holland captured the editor’s at­ tention after entering an Interna­ tional Interior Design Talent Hunt. The editor singled out Holland for “mixing natural materials, per­ sonal treasures, and a feast o f tex­ tures to transform a tiny, dreary apartm ent.” Holland left KPTV last February after being charged with imperson­ ating a Police O fficer at a popular Portland Brew Pub. “That experience changed my life. Professionally, personally and spiritually,” says Holland. Holland recently offered viewers interior design tips on KATU’s Am Gas Company. “Because o f the gen­ erous support the program has re­ ceived over the years, GAP has helped almost 31,000 households stay warm during the winter.” G A P funds are c o lle c te d by the U nited W ay and then dis persed to com m unity action agen cies th ro u g h o u t the c o m p a n y ’: se rv ic e area. Each ap p lic a n t is screen ed by an agency to d e te r­ m ine e lig ib ility . Northwest Natu­ ral customers should look for the red and green envelopes in theirNovem - ber gas bill in which to send in their tax-deductible donations. Others can send their donations to United Way/ GAP, 619 S.W. Eleventh Avenue, Portland, OR 97205. A nyone re q u irin g a ssista n c e should contact their local communi­ ty action agency. Dad’s LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 19/6 Singles & Seniors, I can help youl " /s f Class Guarantee" A -Z E B R A R/wis Service Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote O Realty Inc. 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA, GRI. Broker (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 Andrews Wholesale Home/Commercial Sales heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 GHKISYMAS T B K M B Sharon Holland Northwest. Holland owns Castle Designs in Lake Oswego and is work­ ing to finish her first book, The Spirit O f Home, by the end o f 1996. A R K E T 2334 N.E. Alberta Street 284-1198 WE FEATURE: GROCERIES SODA POP/JUICES & MORE ASSORTED FROZEN TREATS HOT, DELICIOUS COFFEE CIGARETTES/CIGARS VARIETY GOODS CANDY & SNACKS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COME TASTE THE BEST “LOUISIANA” STYLE BBQ. BBQ RIB DINNERS.......................................$6.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN DINNERS............................ $5.00/EACH BBQ RIB SANDWICHES...............................$4.00/EACH BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICHES.................... $3.00/EACH CREOLE GUMBO.......................................... $4.00/BOWL OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOU! “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE” Are you concerned about what to do with your old Christmas Tree? Boy Scout Troop 7 1 will be happy to recycle your tree for you. Would you like to help the environment and get rid o f that old Christmas tree at the same time? There are two ways you can do it You can bring your tree to the North Interstate and Lombard Fred Meyer on any Saturday or Sunday from 9:00 a m. to 4:00 p.m. until from December 30th to January 14th. The cost is $3.00 Ifyou live in North Portland or West of82nd in Northeast Portland, just call and the Boys Scouts o f Troop 7 1 will come get it. Cost for pickup is $6. The phone number for more information or to arrange pickup is 285- 10I0 Christmas Tree Re-Cycling at Fred Meyer on N. Interstate & Lombard is to be done on the following weekend dates. December 30, December 3 1, January 6, January 7, January 13, and January 14, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Cost is $3.00. Noflocked trees.please! Benefits Boy Scout Troop 7 1. Help the Boy Scouts re-cycle your tree. They will also be happy to pick up your tree for $6.00 on above days. (North & NE West O f 82nd Only). Call 285-1010 to arrange pickup or for more information. C H O IC E S Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law Landlord / Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. JEFFERSON ANDRE Owner 503-240-0: Home 351-3413 Cellular 7127 N. Leonard, Portland, OR 97203 I Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company John McVeety □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts 282-9233 □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™ □ Oil to Gas conversions $200 rebaie berms apply) □ Central Air Conditioning □ Gas Firelogs & Fireplaces QGas Wa(er ||ea,ers Q C u s to m □ Financing Available O.A.C. 4| k Call today for free consultation License #81322 Bonded & Insured