P age Ü2 D ecember 27, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver the branches, but she knew them all... There is Maude Larrabee (Nan­ cy Marchand), the modern matriacrch o f the Larrabee Corporation; Linus Larrrabee (Harrison Ford), the seri­ ous older son who expanded a suc­ cessful family business into the world’s largest communications com­ pany; and David (Greg Kinnear), the handsome, fun-living Larrabee, who was the center o f Sabrina’s world. Until she was shipped o ff to Paris. After two years on the staff o f Vogue magazine, Sabrina has re­ turned to the Larrabee estate, but now she has blossomed into a beau­ tiful and sophisticated woman. And she’s standing in the way o f a billion dollar deal. D irect by Sydney P ollack, Sabrina stars Harrison Ford, Julia Ormond and Greg Kinnear in a mod­ ern-day fairy tale about the art o f love and the art o f the deal. A contempo­ rary updating o f the 1954 film by director Billy Wilder, Sabrina is pro­ duced by Scott Rudin and Sydney Pollack. Ronald Schwary and Lind­ say Doran are executive producers. The sc re e n p la y is by B arb ara Benedek and David Rayfield based on the Billy W ild^-Sam uel Taylor- Ernest Lehman scrithiplay for the original version, which was in turn based on Samuel T a y lo r’s play “Sabrina Fair.” I he film is a M irag e/S co tt R u d in /S an d o llar p ro d u ctio n for release by P aram ount P ictu res, part o f the e n tertain m en t o p e ra ­ tions o f V iacom Inc. OUT I 1C JLvCrfllSOO F o r Tlw R e a s o n M ount Olivet C h u rch was alive with the sound o f music in N orth P ortland on Sunday, Dec. I 7 with the musical Christmas ex- | travaganza production “ Born to in the production. Singing “Not Til I’ve The extravaganza Seen Jesus," and raising opened with the choir his hands to God, Pastor m arching and singing Robinson was magnifi­ “ Born to Die.” The clas­ cent, definitively a con­ Die,” written by Glenn E dw ard sical, operatic, soulful, gregational delight. The Burleigh and religious production enactment o f ’Rachael” The dramatic spectacular the­ unveiled the talent ofTif- by F rances Jackson atrical production was an exciting fany M artin who per­ and cast had a passion­ experience that showcased perform­ formed the role o f M ary, ate impact, the effect ing arts in the area o f drama, music, singing “ My Soul Doth held everyone’s atten­ I acting, dance and song The skills By Cora Smith M a g n ify the L o r d .” tion. I o f the stage crew was also well- Martin delivered her role The Christmas ex­ | orchestrated. with commitment andconviction, her travaganza’s success was built on Performances at 4 p.m. and 7 vocal talent inherited from her moth­ everyone’s talent playing an inte­ | p.m drew audiences o f approxi­ er, L ynetteM artin .an d asap ro d u ct gral part in the production, blend­ mately 2,000, who clapped and o f the Youth Ministries as well. ing to gether for ou tstan d in g I praised the efforts o f d irecto r A wonderful surprise was the teammanship. Sharon W ilson-W heller and mu- commanding baritone voice o f former “Bom fo Die,” the reenactment | sical conductors Alexis Rainbow , Chancel Choir Director Roland H a r ­ o f the birth o f our Lord and Savior T e rry Davis and M ary Alice ris, who’s projection o f King Herod Jesus Christ, is the “The Reason for Collier. This dynamic foursome, gave a star performance. He sang the Season,” - again that is why blessed with natural talent, coupled “ Why Do The Heathen Rage" and Senior Pastor Dr. Jam es E. M ar­ I with professionally-trained skills, left everyone applauding. Soloist tin said: “This is not just a simple bought the caliber o f the produc­ Rose Jo rd a n , singing“Go Back An­ little story, it s about why Jesus was tion to premier status. other Way,” coupled with the perfor­ bom and why he died!” The play focused on the real mance o f the unsavory character por- H earing c o m m e n ts from I meaning o f Christmas, it was not tray ed by R a y m o n d R ip p e n - ch u rchgoers “ A ro u n d A b o u t just another story, it was about how kroeger, along with other cast mem­ Tow n,” the city loved the continu­ I God sent Jesus C h rist to “ Die for bers, filled the church’s semicircular ity and particularly how all ages Us.” The play was built with sever- stage with ambiance and grace. It utilized their talents to present this I al emotional attitudes - sadness, was an exciting scene with an endless amazing and spiritually-inspired happiness, humor and reality - com- amount o f talent. musical, and most are pleased that I bining to create a harmonious up- Still another revelation was the M ount O livet has developed a I beat musical overview. About 150 portrayal o f Simeon by the Youth strong creative ■■■■■110X ministry with the ............o — 1 J W illi lilt church members were participants Minister, Pastor Wendell Robinson performing arts to showcase talent. New Year's Changes Curbside C ollection Schedule Christmas and New Year’s Day both fall on Monday this year, and that means a change in Portland gar­ bage and recycling collection for the next two weeks. The collection day for all residential customers is post­ poned one day throughout the Holi­ days. For exam ple, for resid en tial cu sto m ers w hose cu rb sid e p ic k ­ up is n o rm ally on M ondays, the resch ed u led c o lle c tio n days are Tuesday, D ecem ber 26 and T u e s­ day, January 2 If pickup is n o r­ mally on Fridays, co llectio n days are T uesday, D ecem ber 26 and T uesday, January 2. If pickup is norm ally on F ridays, co llectio n days are resch ed u led to S a tu r­ day, D ecem ber 30 and S aturday, January 6. Dad’s Service Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote Here’s another Holiday remind- er. Gift wrapping, gift boxes and holiday cards, are all recyclable Portland residents can put wrapping paper, cards and boxes together with other scrap paper and recycle them at the curb. Portland residents can recycle Christmas trees at the curb too. There are two curbside recycling options for Christmas trees: Cut the trees into yard debris bundles. Limbs can be no longer than 36 inches and no more than four inches thick. Bundles must weigh less than 45 pounds. Make sure to remove all decorations and tinsel. Remove all decorations and tin­ sel and put the whole tree at the curb on yard debris pick up day. Haulers charge $4 to take trees under eight feet and $6 for taller trees. If it’s not yard debris day, the tree is treated as sol id waste and the cost is $6 for trees under eight feet and $8 for taller trees. • Some processors don’t accept flocked Christmas trees. If your tree is flocked, contact your hauler be­ fore you put it out for recycling. Metro Recycling Information also has a schedule o f Christmas tree drop-off locations or pick-up servic­ es in Portland neighborhoods. Call 234-3000. The Bureau o f Environmental Services provides city residents with water quality protection, sewage treatment, w astewater collection, sewer installation, and oversees sol­ id waste collection and recycling ser­ vices. Corporate magnate Linus Larrabee (Harrison Ford) can manipulate others with ease but doesn't know how to deal with his own feelings for Sabrina Fairchild (Julia Ormond), his chauffeur's daughter, in the romantic comedy "Sabrina." Directed by Sydney Pollack, the film is produced by Scott Rudin and Pollack. The screenplay is by Barbara Benedek & David Rayfield based on the Billy Wilder and Samuel Taylor and Ernest Lehman screenplay, from Samuel Taylor's play. Sabrina is a Mirage/Scott Rudin/Sandollar production for release by Paramount Pictures, part of the entertainment operations of Viacom, Inc. 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Earn college credits Eligibility forG .I. Bill. For more information, call I 800 GET USCG or visit us at AFRICAN AMERICANI Paramount Pictures’ modern- day fairy tale, Sabrina, starring Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond and directed by Sydnev Pollack, oriened in theatres everywhere on Friday, December 15, 1995. W hile grow ing up, Sabrina Fairchild (Julia Ormond) spent more time perched in a tree watching the Larrabee family than she ever did on solid ground. As the chauffeur’s daughter on their lavish Long Island estate, Sabrina was invisible behind □ Oil to Gas conversions $20(1 rebate ,,™s □ Central Air Conditioning □ Gas Firelogs & Fireplaces S' n ° uz . „ He^ ra, □ Custom Duct Work □ Financing Available O.A.C. Call today for free consultation License #81322 Bonded <& In sured