Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 27, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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    P age B6
T he P ortland O bserver
State Of Oregon Department Of Transportation
Notice To Contractors
January 25, 1996
Sealed proposals on the following projects will be opened and
Oregon Department of Transportation in Room
122, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon, at 9 a.m. on
Thursday, January 25, 1996. Proposals shall be submitted to
Manager of Contracts Unit, Room 309, Transportation Build-
ing, prior to 8:30 a.m. on the above date. After 8:30 a.m., bids
| shall be deposited in Room 122. For these project, bidders
shall be prequalified in the classes of work indicated.
asph. in HMAC); 81,000 sq. yds undowelled plain cone, pbmt.;
173,500 sq. yds. dowelled plain cone, pvmt.; 41,230 lin. ft.
cone, curbs; 15,530 sq. yds cone, walks, driveways & islands;
5,202 lin. ft grd. rail; 430 lin. ft. cone, barrier; 4,800 sq. ft.
thermoplastic pvm ’t. line; 4,000 ea. pvm ’tt. markers- 2 448 sq
ft. signs; 20 ea. traffic sig poles: 2 ea. traffic sig. pedestals- 4 ea
ped. sig. pedestals; 43 ea.
vehicle signals; 42 ea. ped. signals; 6 ea. Model 170 controller
in Model 332 cabinet; 16 ea. int. ilium, signs; 1 ea. fiberoptic
sign; 22 ea. fire pre-empt, systems; 174 ea. trees; 1,300 lin. ft.
ence, 4,028 sq. ft. sound walls; 20,986 lin. ft. telecomm unica­
tions conduit; 1,970 lin. ft. lower telecommunications conduit-
various hazardous materials removal; 14,350 lin ft w aterline
pipe; various water system items. Requ. RR Ins. Completion
Time: November 15,1997. Classes of Work: 1) Earthwork and
Drainage, or 2) Aggregate Bases & A.C. Pavement and Oiling
or 3) Portland Cement Pavement. T his P roject C o nta in s
A sp h a lt & Fuel E sca la tio n Clauses. T his P roject C o nta in s
An 18.5% DBE Goal. The DBE is S u bje ct To C o m m ercia lly
U seful F u n ctio n (CUF) R equirem ents. W ork To Be Per­
fo rm e d B y The C o n tra c to r’s Own O rga niza tion W ill Be Not
Less Than 30 P ercent Of The A w arded C o n tra ct A m o u n t
For T his Project.
Prequalification by prime contractors will be required by the
Department of Transportation 10 days prior to the bid openina
,d a te . A $100 FILING FEE M UST A C C O M P A N Y THE
PR EQ UALlf ICATION APPLICATION. The telephone number
for prequalification information is (503) 986-3877. The last day
for filing for this letting will be January 16, 1996.
On State Projects, no bid for a construction contract shall be
received or considered by the public contracting agency unless
the bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors
Board or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board
[ as required by ORS 671.530. Registration is not a prerequisite
to bidding on Federal-Aid Projects; however, the contract will
not be executed by the State until the contractor is registered.
‘ ‘ A ls o On State P ro je cts, C o n tra c to rs A w arded P ublic
W orks C o n tra c ts Of §25,000 o r M ore M ust Pay A Fee To
The O regon Bureau Of L a b o r A n d In d u s trie s For Each
C o ntract. The Fee Is 0.1 Of 1% Of The C o n tra ct Price The
Fee Can Be No M ore Than §5,000 A nd No Less Than §100
Per C o n tra ct, R egardless Of The C o n tra c t Size. See S u b­
s e ctio n 001 Z0.67 Of The Special p ro v is io n s For Fee S ub­
m itta l In fo rm a tio n .***
"BUY AM ERICA” requirements apply on Federal Aid Projects.
Where the Department has assigned a DBE participation goal
on a contractor and subcontractor must comply with the com ­
mercially useful function (CUF) provisions which require that
the DBE actually perform, manage, and supervise all assigned
responsibilities. Where the Department has assigned on-the-
job training (OJT) participation goals, the contractor must
comply with the relevant special provision requirements.
Additionally, the contractor and subcontractor are subject to
contract wage and equal employment-opportunity (EEO) work
force composition requirements contained in the affirmative
action special provisions of each contract.
Plans, specifications, and proposal booklets may be obtained
in Room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, OR 97310, or by
telephoning (503) 986-3720 or by facsim ile (503) 986-3224.
The cost is $20 per set of plans and specifications. ALL
Up-to-date bidder information is available through O DO T’s
| remote electronic bulletin board service (RBBS). Total bid
prices and awards are available for the most recent bid opening
through a voice mailbox system (503) 986-3901. Information
available for download to your com puter includes: Notice to
Contractors, itemized bid tabs, prequalified contractor list,
planholders' bidder results, schedule of contract lettings and
average until bid prices. Contract Dave Hirte (503) 986-3869
The Notice to Contractors and planholder’s lists are also
i available through Dept. of Adm inistrative Services Vendor
I Information Program (VIP). For information contact Nancv
Ahibin at (503) 378-2497.
This project does not require a contractor or sub-contractor to
have an asbestos abatement license as required by ORS
This project does include an asphalt escalation clause or a fuel
escalation clause.
C ost-R ange §15.000.000 - §25.000.000
1 •
C o lu m b ia C o u n ty: Columbia City NCL-Warren Section
of the Lower River Highway (US 30) beginning south of
Columbia City and ending at Warren. FAP NH-S02W(9).
($15,000,000 - $25,000,000) Req. approx. 4,000 hrs. on-the-
job training; 900 sq. ft. temp, signs; 475 lin. ft. temp, cone
barrier, 4 ea. temp, impact attenuators; 200,000 lin. ft. temp
striping; 6,500 hrs. flaggers; 45 acres seed, fert., & mulch-
11,495 lin. ft. temp, silt fence; 213,000 cu. yds. gen exc •’
46,000 cu. yd. rock exc.; 9,200 lin. ft. blast holes; 12,130 sq.’
yds. geotextile; 1,735 cu. yd. riprap; 17,680 cu. yds/ ditch & tr.
exc., 57,870 lin. ft. drain pipe; 4,002 lin. ft. culv. pipe; 19,7008
lin. ft. storm sewer pipe; 49 ea. manholes; 173 ea. inlets; 630
cu. yds. str. exc.; 117,200 lbs. reinforcement (37,100 lbs
coated); 810 cu. yds. str. cone.; 1,174 sq yd. reinf. cone, end
panels; 2,794 lin. ft. 15-inch precast prestressed slabs; 502 lin.
ft. cone, br rail; 40,000 tons aggr. base; 63,000 tons plant mix
aggr. base; 250 tons tack coat; 108,500 tons HMAC (4,01 Otons
No proposal will be received or considered by the public
contracting agency unless the proposal contains a statement
by the bidder as a part of this proposal that provisions of ORS
279.350 or 40 USC 276a shall be complied with.
The policy of the Oregon Department of Transportation is to
provide equal opportunity for participation in its contracting
activities to all persons and firms in compliance with applicable
Federal and State laws, rules and regulations. The Department
of Transportation hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirma­
tively insure that DBE will be afforded full opportunity to submit
proposals in response to invitations to participate in any con­
tract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, in consider­
ation for an award, persons or firms will not be discriminated
against because of race, age, color, sex, religion, national
origin, mental or physical handicap, political affiliation or
marital status.
Plans and specifications may be inspected at this time at the
Transportation Building in salem; AGC Offices in Seattle and
Spokane, Builders Exchange Coopertive, Northeast Business
Center, Daily Journal of Commerce, Portland; Oregon Con­
tractor Plan Center, Clackamas; and Eugene Builders Ex­
A ll P ro je cts Have M inim um W age Rate R e quire m en ts
Inclu ded In The S pecial P ro visio n s. Federally-F unded
P rojects A re S u bje ct To M inim um Wage Rates Of The
D avis-B acon Act. State-Funded P rojects A re S u bje ct To
O regon W age Rates.
The Department of Transportation may reject any proposal not
in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures
and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all
proposals upon a finding of the Department of Transportation
that it Is in the public interest to do so.
S u b B id s R e q u e s te d
Invitation To Bid:
Snake River Correctional Institution
Ontario, Oregon
Bid Pkg #4 - Construction and Furnishings
Bid Date: January 31, 1996 at 4:00pm
Pre-Bid Conference: January 10, 1996 at 1:00pm
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
Project Coordinator
1995 VHA Infill Home Ownership, Phase IV
New construction, 3 two-story, three-bedroom homes on
adjecent lots in Vancouver, WA. Bids will be accepted for a
General Contract, Including Mechanical and Electrical work,
until 2:00 p.m., February 6, 1996. All bids will be on a lump
sum basis; segregated bids will not be accepted. Invitation to
Bid and proposed forms of contract documents, including
plans and specifications, will be on file as of January 2,1996
at the local plan centers. Plans and specs may be obtained at
the Housing Authority of the City of Vancouver, Phone: (360)
992-0202, Ext. 102. A $50 refundable deposit is required.
Development Director
Oregon Health Division has full
$4,863-5,373/MO. City and
time, limited duration position
Borough of Juneau, Alaska.
available within the Center for Will supervise a staff of 12,
disease Prevention and Epi­
Works with the Planning Com­
demiology, HIV Program to
mission, its committees, citi­
serve as a Project Coordina­
zen committees and commit­
tor. The Project Coordinator
tees of the Assembly. Imple­
will assist the HIV Program
ments and revises the Com­
and the m ulticultural HIV/
prehensive Plan, Zoning Or­
AIDS Alliance of Oregon in
dinance, Wetlands Manage­
conducting a statewide needs
ment Plan, Coastal Zone Man­
assessment for people of col­
agement Plan and Sign Ordi­
or. Applicants must have four
nance Master’s degree in ur­
years of experience as an
ban planning and four years
executive assistant, adminis­
of experience at the level of a
trative analyst, researcher or
senior planner, including su­
administrative officer. Two of
pervisory responsibilities.
the required years must have
Closes January 26,1996. Job
included adm inistration or
Announcement and applica­
oversight of an on-going
tion (907) 586-5250. EOE.
project or program.
A Bachelor’s degree in Busi­
Washington County
ness Administration, Manage­ Technical Services Supervisor
ment, Public Administration or
S4181 - $5082/mo
a closely-related field may be
Apply by January 5, 1996
substituted for up to two years Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
of the required experience.
693-4898 for inform ation.
Applicants must also demon­
County applfcafion and sup­
strate ability to work well with
plemental application forms
diverse cultural populations,
required. Apply to:
ability to coordinate a variety
Washington County Human
of complex tasks, excellent
Resources Division
mediation and negotiation, 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
problem solving, and commu­
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
nication skills, and must dem­
Women, minorities and people
onstrate skills that work to
with disabilities are encour­
establish credibility and trust
aged to apply.
among diverse groups with a
variety of interests, needs, and
Salary range $2605-$3471
monthly. Applications must be FT-T e a c h e r/ln te rv e n tio n is t
working w/ Families at-risk.
received by January 23,1996.
Resp. for classroom curricu­
Please contact Oregon Health
lum & parenting information/
Division, Personnel Office
intervention. Required AA in
(503) 731-4005.
ECE + 3 yrs or BS in ECE + 1
yr experience in related field.
Resume/Apply to: VOA - Fam­
ily Nursery, Attn: Lorraine
Barton 537 SE Alder, Port­
iV e ir
land, OR 97214. Equal Op­
lt* « r
portunity Employer
City Of Portland
Bureau of Environmental Services
Columbia Slough Tree Planting
Proposals Due 5 p.m., January 12, 1996
Request For Proposals
The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services
requests proposals for professional services which will con­
sist of planning, organizing and supervising planting street
trees within the Columbia Slough Watershed. The contract
will also include post planting tree care for a specified period
of time, and public awareness activities.
A complete description of the project, specific requirements
and evaluation criteria for the proposal may be obtained from
Steve Kenworthy, Bureau of Environmental Services, Room
400, 1120 S. W. Fifth Ave., Portland, OR. 97204, (503) 823-
7100. Proposals shall be received at that office until 5 d m
January 12, 1996.
Proposals shall be reviewed by a consultant selection com ­
mittee in accordance with Chapter 5.68 of the City Code.
Interviews may be held with the highest rated firms.
Consultants shall be required to conform to the City MBE/
FBE and Equal Employment Opportunity Programs. The City
of Portland Is committed to increasing participation of m inor­
ity and female owned businesses in its professional service
contracting endeavors. Minority and female businesses are
encouraged to submit proposals and other proposers are
encouraged to utilize minority and female businesses, where
appropriate expertise exists.
Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 of the City of Portland
Code relative to certification as an Equal Employment O p­
portunity Employer. Details of certification requirements are
available from the Bureau of Purchases and Stores, Room
3 1 3 ,1120S.W . Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204,(503) 823-
disadvantaged, minonty, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Waterfront Park Utility Implementation Plan
City of Portland
Bid Date: January 9, 1996, Bid Time: 2:00 p
S u b B id s R e q u e s te d
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital
Concrete Package
Bid Date: January 12, 1996 2:00pm
@ Oregon Health Sciences University
(Hoffman intends to bid the Concrete Package)
Site Concrete Package
Bid Date: January 19, 1996 2:00pm
@ Hoffman Construction Company
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minonty, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises
Sub-Bids Requested
Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of
careers available state-wide. Currently, openings exist In the following agency:
Corrections Plant Maintenance Worker
P.0. Box 687 • Oregon City, OR 97045
(503)656-7000 Fax 656-0686
C C B #33196
We are an equal opportunity employer
and request sub-bids from women and
minority business enterprises
Position coordinates, instructs, trains and directs unskilled and semiskilled inmates In the
maintenance and repair of the physical plant and equipment at the Columbia River
Correctional Institution in Portland. Also performs a wide variety of building trades. Three
years experience in the maintenance and repair of a physical plant and equipment
necessary for the operation of the facility, and overseeing or training others is required.
Salary range: $ 1 ,9 1 2 to $ 2 ,7 2 5 per month. Medical and dental insurance, retirement,
vacation and sick leave benefits. A detailed job announcement and State of Oregon
Employment Application can be obtained from any locel Employment Division office or by
calling th e Oregon D epartm ent of C orrection* Personnel Office, 2 5 7 5 C enter S treet NE.
Salem. OR 9 7 3 1 0 , ( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -9 0 1 0 Recruitment closes January 10, 1 9 9 6 .
This Is just one of the current openings available with the State of Oregon. For additional
Information, a copy of the State of Oregon Application Form and more complete announce­
ment listings, call the State Jobllne (Oregonian Inside Une) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 4 7 7 7 7 , visit
your local Employment Departm ent, or log onto the Internet at gopher.state.or.us The State
of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to employ opportunity equally.
Sub-Bids and Material Quotes Requested
Portland Bureau of Water Works Bid #72
Bid to us by 10:00am January 4th 1996
(Bid Date January 4, 1996)
P.o. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97230
Phone: (503) 252-1180 Fax (503) 252-1730
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­
taged, women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#28397