T he P ortland O bserver » D ecember 27. 1995 P age B5 G uilty Or Not G uilty? O p e ra tio n s S u p e rin te n d e n t G a r lin g to n C e n te r B e h a v io ra l H e a lth c a re Salem Area Mass Transit Dis­ trict is seeking an individual to coordinate and oversee the daily operations of its fixed route transit system. Candi­ dates must have the knowl­ edge and ability to effectively supervise a large number of employees and be proficient at im plem enting methods practices, and procedures in­ volved in operating a public transit system. Salary range $33,917 to $47,512. Cover letter, resume, and salary his­ tory must be received by the district by January 26, 1996. Send to Personnel Manger, 3140 Del Webb Ave NE, Sa­ lem, OR 97303. Equal Em­ ployment Opportunity Em­ ployer. Crisis clinician needed 19 hours/ week to provide phone and walk-in triage, community out­ reach, assessment, on-call & hospitalization services to di­ verse population of chronical­ ly mentally ill adults. Min 2 yrs prior exp req. Masters degree in mental health related field req. Ref# AD-C. Competitive salary. Send/Fax cover letter & resume to: Garlington Cen­ ter, 4950 NE MLKing Blvd Portland, OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax: 331-5956 EOE. Commit­ ted to diversity. No phone calls pis. Robert Jones erred in not telling the jury that a guilty verdict on the aggra­ vated murder charge required proof that the k illin g was related to the victim ’s status as a witness. Jim M cIntire o f the district at­ torney’s office, who heads the unit where Rrown’s case was tried, could not be reached for comment. M ea nw h ile , H e in ric h s and Leonard are undaunted in their pur­ suit o f justice for Brown. “ A ll that we need is to have someone with courage to work with us to get Mr. Cornelius Brown a polygraph,” said Leonard. C ontinued from front ▲ law courts. The Oregon State Attorney Gen- eral’soffice said it would investigate theclaiins, but deputy PeterCogswell said he was only familiar with death penalty aspect o f the case, which the office had argued before the supreme c o u rt's death penalty review ing board. He said Brown had filed an ap­ peal on June 6, 19 9 1 and withdrew it three months later. No reason was given for this action. In approving the death penalty by injection, jurors concluded unan­ imously, that Brown killed Ander­ son "deliberately” and said he was a threat to commit future acts o f vio­ lence. But in reviewing the ju ry sen­ tence, the Supreme Court said Brown should not die because Circuit Judge F uneral S ervice were h eld Thursday, D ecem ber 21, 1995 a t Z 1:00 a.m. a t Ross H o llyw ood C hapel R everend Ron K eeling O fficiated C om m ittal S ervice was a t the Rose City C em etery Bloody M ary or M argarita EACH 3 2 o z . BO TTLE 1 .7 5 Lt. BOTTLE ALL COCA-COLA PRODUCTS FRESCA, BARQ's and SPRITE C ontinued from front COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ANO EVENTS •W EDDINGS • GRAND OPENINGS • •CORPORATE FUNCTIONS «BANQUETS • •BIRTHDAYS »FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL • PLUS DEPOSIT ALSO GIFT IN A B A LL O O N B O U Q U E TS OF B A LLO O N S COCA-COLA PRODUCTS an d SPRITE J503) 331-1101 LITER BOTTLE PLUS DEPOSIT NOW' HOURS: M O N D A Y - S A TU R D A Y 1 0 : 0 0 - 6 : 0 0 The FRIENDLIEST In Town since 1908 DLIEST STORES IrfTown ' rh 'R ht SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through MONDAY DEC. 26,1995 through JAN 1,1996 R h u I m tit I cc T QUANTITIES M E M B E R O F U N IT E D G R O C E R S FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW’S STORE CALL: 659-5220 STORI HOURS W IIK D A TS • a.m . la 9 a.m. SUNDAY 9 a .ff l.to lp .« . HOME DELIVERY IS A VAILABLE CALL: 2 4 5 -4 5 9 5 Stork fo r Rent! "Ulc d e liv e r uihen you d e liv e r' JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42N D A V ENU E • 287-0008 " " T c ö ü p ö iv ■COUPON! | In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p ecial | I M .0 0 O F F I | O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r Î | O f $12.00 or More | | Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons D e c e m b e r 12 th r o u g h J a n u a r y 9 , 1 9 9 6 • • SCISSORS gingker ’ BOOKS SEWING BASKETS In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p ecial | I $8 .0 0 O F F I O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r ! | O f $20.00 or More , | Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only ■ A ll CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE • WOOL • OUTERWEAR /0 ACT1 FLEECE U rr » fur and p la n tin g evidence on them. | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons ’ (INCLUDES CHILDREN'S 4 PLAIDS) • CORDUROY JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 12-31-95 " off ON THESE PATTERNS • McCall's • Simplicity • Vogue • Butterlck • Burda 50 OFF 0 D U RAI & U KK,IH S Kl I I ( IIKISÎMAS RIBBON i <>>) ÿ <><) put kh i 99* A P L E A T Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only « JEANIE'S CLEANERS u __ ____ Expires 12-31-95 | In fla tio n B u s te r L a u n d r y S p e c ia l j , L a u n d e r e d S h ir t s 95* N O L I M I T | With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order | j I I ’ I r t —— — — Expires 12-31-95 n i y / STARK / STREET ■COUPON! i In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l | | I ’ 1 0 .0 0 O F F I ID ry C le a n in g o r L a u n d e r e d P a n tsl I | I On Any Dry Cleaning Order ! & O f $30.00 or More j Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only ■ Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | J JEANIE'S CLEANERS £ Expires 12-31-95 N< | Mens or Womens NE 42N D A V E . I ’3 .2 5 j Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | I j JEANIE'S CLEANERS I i —— — — Expires 12-31-95 ■COUPON S p e c i a l s5 .9 9 Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons 700 S.E. 122nd Ave Portland, OR Jean ie's C lean ers 5 4 0 3 N E 42nd Ave. I | In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l CARS • BUSES • RVs 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 I In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l RETAIL-WHOLESALE Plenty of FREE PARKING I JEANIE'S CLEANERS S le e p in g B a g C le a n in g 184 ■ J | Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only ■ | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | BE SURE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “MANAGER’S SPECIALS” i Rl IM I HOI Rs M( »VIKI "«»pm s \ l l K|)\> •» tu. in-’ pni si \l> \\ |n «> "pm U IIO II S \|| HOI Rs M< »VI Kl " ^».mvs vipm 'U I KDW'H.i.imSpm s| \ l )\\ II'» L iiti - ipm | | | 0/ Lined & Unlined Any Size « ■COUPON! • ALL FLANNEL D r a p e r y C le a n in g ■COUPON! | I Q/ j ■COUPON! (iPP • V 1 1 I I Expires 12-31-95 In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S pe c ia l ■ ! J JEANIE'S CLEANERS | { > THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IS THE WEST L .A . p o lice , as S im pson’ s d id But S im p s o n ’ s le g a l “ dream te a m " w ent fu rth e r show ing that D etective M ark Fuhrm an, a key p rosecution w itness, had lied on the w it­ ness stand over his use o f the ra c ia l slu r “ n ig g e r.” They in ­ tro d u ce d tape reco rd ing s in w hich he not o n ly used the N - w ord repeatedly but boasted | about beating black suspects As a result, the U.S. Jus­ tice D epartm ent is pro bin g the Los Angeles p o lice fo r possi­ ble c iv il rig h t v io la tio n s and the C a lifo rn ia A tto rn e y G en­ eral is lo o k in g into whether Fuhrman should be trie d fo r [ p e rju ry. Perhaps the most v o la tile issue to arise from the Simpson tria l is w hether te le visio n cam ­ eras should be allow ed in c o u rt­ room s th ro ug h ou t the U nited States. W h ile the debate con­ tinues, ju d g e s have shunned c o u rtro o m cameras in cases across the co un try. T V cameras have been con­ spicuous by their absence in high- profile trials from Snoop Doggy Dogg to Susan Smith, the mother convicted o f killin g her two chil­ dren afrer claiming they had been kidnapped, and the founder o f Tejano music star Selena's fan club, who was convicted o f mur­ dering her. B orn: August 30, 1973 Died: December 15, 1995 M r. & M rs. T. COCKTAIL MIXES Simpson Trial Debate May Go On For Years party, it is the g overnm ent,’' C ris tin a Arguedas o f C a lifo r ­ nia A ttorn eys fo rC rim in a l Jus­ tice, a defense attorneys group, said. Abbe S m ith, deputy d ire c ­ to r o f H a rv a rd U n iv e r s ity C r im in a l J u s tic e In s titu te , speaking at a conference on p o lice m isconduct in N ove m ­ ber, said, “ F or those A m e ri­ cans who got th e ir legal educa­ tio n through the Simpson tria l, they m ig h t th in k C hicken L it ­ tle was ta lk in g about the c rim ­ inal ju stice system when he said the sky was fa llin g .” The fie rce debate o ver the ju s tic e system generated by S im pso n ’ s tr ia l prom pted the n a tio n ’ s top law yer, A tto rn e y General Janet Reno, to say she w o u ld re c o m m it h e r s e lf to m aking the system “ as fa ir as I can and make it appear to be fa ir .” B ut she added, “ one ju r y v e rd ic t should not re fle ct on a w ho le system .” When the next Los Ange les c e le b rity tria l, o f black rap star Snoop D oggy Dogg on m urder charge, began in No ve m b e r, the q u e s tio n in g p o te n tia l ju ro rs reflected how deeply the Sim pson case had affected the legal process. J u ro rs w ere q u e stio n e d c lo s e ly o v e r th e ir fe e lin g s about the Sim pson case, the L .A . p o lice departm ent and the c rim in a l ju s tic e system. The case is s im ila r to Sim p son ’ s in that both defendants are famous, w ealthy blacks, and the ra p p e r’ s law yers pledged | to attack the competence o f the Laurie Venable JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 12-31-95 I !