A*» « to cultural diversity. o * ■ ■ I )eecm ber 2 7, 1995 1LVV « *» • « I f • Sabrina Spins R om antic Tale Harrison Ford and Julia Ormond star in the romantic comedy Sabrina. /W • + '■ • 1996 Issu es o f Race, War Bring Fall Until being undermined by the issues of his day, C hicago Mayor Richard J. Daley was one o f the most powerful politicians in American history. See Entertainment, page B2. (Lije ' XX 250 Simpson Debate May Go On For Years REW I t was the most-watched trial audience also heard tales of wife beating, in history and in its wake police bungling, evidence tampering and America’s justice system — downright lying. juries, the media and above all the There were the gory details of the mur­ police - are on trial. ders as a coroner explained in a no-punches- Emergency Readiness Questioned Portland’s emergency radio commu­ nications network, a new $8.5 million sys­ tem for police and firefighters, malfunc­ tioned for more than five hours during the Dec. 12 windstorm. The failure raises con­ cern over whether the city is prepared to respond to a major earthquake or other disaster. I > j Smith-Wyden Race At Dead Heat ' Republican Gordon Smith and Dem­ ocrat Ron Wyden unleashed another round of attack ads after the latest polls showed their U.S. Senate race was a dead heat. Election ballots are scheduled to be mailed in January. Dole Guessed Wrong About Nixon Newly released Watergate papers show Bob Dole was loyal to President N ixon in h is last months as president and thought the , Vatergate scandal would blow over. The aocuments show Dole, now the frontrunner Republican candidate for president, had sought a private meeting with the president “to offer his personal encouragement.” The legal debate sparked by the O.J. Simpson case could well rage into the 21st century . In addition, the trial in which the former football hero was found not guilty of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman exposed a gaping racial divide in America. Polls taken after the verdicts were an­ nounced showed the vast majority of blacks believed Simpson wasjustifiably exonerated of the murders while the vast majority of whites felt the predominantly black jury had set a murderer free. Simpson is black and both victims were white. The trial lasted eight months and was televised live gavel-to-gavel in the United States and seen in other countries around the world, providing a soap opera that no Holly­ wood scriptwriter could have dreamed up. There was high drama as lawyers from both sides postured before the television camera and Judge Lance Ito threatened to pull the plug more than once. A worldwide pulled manner how the victims were stabbed and slashed to death and how the murderer committed the coup de grace by slitting N icole Simpson's throat so viciously that her head was almost severed from her shoulders. In his closing arguments, defense attor­ ney Johnnie Cochran urgedjurors to "send a message" to what he termed, a corrupt Los Angeles Police Department, returning not guilty verdicts. Many whites believe the jury chose to follow his advice with verdicts that spoke more o f their distrust of the police than their belief in Simpson’s innocence. One of those is Fred Goldman, Ronald Goldman s lather, who launched a campaign to have the jury system in California changed so that juries can bring in non-unanimous verdicts. “Something needs to be done about a system that is broken, b^Jly broken,” he said in launching the campaign in November. "When I learned o f my son’s death, I never imagined I would be thrust into a system that I mistakenly thought was there for the pur- O.J. Simpson and his attorney Johnny Cochran at last summer's trial in Los Angeles. pose o f justice and honesty. Instead, I found that we were in a system that condoned dishonesty, unfairness, manipulation of the truth and, least of all, justice.” Criminal trial lawyers around the coun­ try have argued that the Simpson case was an aberration that in no way reflects the justice President Nixon’s daughters, Tricia I Cox and Julie Eisenhower, said Oliver Stone’s new movie “Nixon,” contains cooked-up scenes “that are ealeu lated solely and maliciously to defame and degrade the late president and Pat Nixon’s memories in j the mind of the American public.” Far Left: Mike Brant (from left) and Kevin Moedica are two of the volunteers that help make the Police Activities League one of the biggest sponsors of youth activities for kids in the Portland metropolitan area. (Photos by Cliff Jensen) Lloyd Center Expansion Eyed The owner of the Lloyd Center is planning an eight-block expansion, north of the shopping mall to Broadway that would cost $ 100 million and include retail, food and entertainment businesses. Guilty Or Not Guilty? Portland Schools Face Layoffs Bierwirth unveiled a budget that would cut more than 400 employees, mostly teachers. Tyson To Face Bruno Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson’s next opponent will be World Box­ ing Council Champion Frank Bruno on [ March 16 in Las Vegas. The bout comes after Tyson’s recent third-round knockout | over Buster Mathis Jr. Clinton Blamed In Drug Fight Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Joseph Biden, D-Del. accused President Clinton ot tailing to wage a vigorous fight against drug abuse by young people. “To borrow a phrase, President Clinton has between AWOL, absent without leadership on the drug issue,” Hatch said. EDITORIAL A2 ▼ Continued to page B5 Near Left: Karey Schoenfeld (from left), Sgt. George Weatheroy Jr. and his wife, Corie Weatheroy were on hand for the annual Police Activity League Holiday Gala. Nixon Film Termed Malicious With less state money next year, Port- I land Public School Superintendent Jack system and have resisted calls to change it. “The Simpson trial was in no way typical of how the criminal justice system operates on a daily basis. Most cases result in guilty pleas or convictions. If the system favors any K, WaS J“StiCe Served Whe" A Jury Convicted A Black Man To Death In Portland? My m otiva­ produced and no proof exists that any death tion to fight for occurred,” she insists. Brown is justice. Heinrichs contends that the prosecution I'm Caucasian, but relied too heavily on the testimony of a anybody with a justice center inmate. good conscience Brown’s criminal past and his prior con­ shouldexaminethis viction in 1984 for distribution of a con­ case,” Heinrichs trolled substance may also have hurt his told the Portland ability to gain public support. Observer. During the trial, the court heard that Heinrichs said Brown, 55-years-old at the time, had abduct­ Cornelius Brown there was a miscar­ ed his estranged girlfriend before killing her. riage o f justice be­ Police have never recovered her body. cause the assistance provided by the defense Court records obtained by the Portland attorney was ineffective. Observer show that Mu Itnomah County Dep­ She also believes that Anderson is alive uty District Attorney Gregory Homer told and well. Heinrichs even holds sworn affida­ jurors that the abduction had occurred at the vits by people who said they have heard or end of an abusive five-year relationship in saw the alleged victim since the alleged death. which Anderson had grown tired of physical A claim defense counsel Robert McKee had and psychological abuse from Brown presented to the jury. Homer told jurors that Anderson was "There was no physical evidence linking killed just before she was about to testify Mr. Brown to any crime, no weapon was ever against Brown concerninga restraining order vonne Heinrichs and Carolyn Leonard did not think justice was served when an all-white jury decided that Cornelius Brown, a black man, should die for killing Hope Anderson, his white girlfriend in 1987. Y Both Heinrichs and Leonard are cam­ paigning relentlessly, hoping to fan public attention to the case. logether, they are proclaiming that Brown was a victim of a trial fraught in racism and should be set free from the clutch­ es of the law. Brown is currently serving a life term at the Oregon State Penitentiary after the Su­ preme Court commuted his sentence to life as a result o f a faulty jury instruction. The jurors had found Brown guilty of aggravated murder of a witness, felony mur­ der, kidnapping and burglary in connection to the Nov. 3 0 ,1987 disappearance of Ander­ son from her north Portland home. HEALTH A5 HOUSING A5 METRO Bl ENTERTAINMENT B2 FOOD B4 and misdemeanor assault cases pending against him. He said Anderson had given police drug records to be used in a hearing on revocation of probation related to Brown’s previous drug conviction. William Bates, a convicted robber and burglar, held the key for the prosecutor’s case during the trial He testified that Brown had made admissions about Anderson’s death while both were in custody at the Portland Justice Center Jail. In exchange for his testim ony. Bates received a five-year term o f probation for a burglary and was returned to W ash­ ington where he was to face other charg­ es. Heinrichs and Leonard are demanding that polygraph tests be given to Brown, a demand legal authorities say is not relevant because of inadmissibility of a polygraph in ▼ Continued to page BS CLASSIFIEDS B6 I