Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 1995, Page 9, Image 9

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    T he P ortland O bserver • N ovember 29, 1995
P age B3
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Toys Rule In “Toy Story
M 4H ir
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Just Do It
G ladys
K n ig h t
[looking chic in black
I stated "I’m happy to be
with a room full of peo-
| pie going somewhere”-
I Brown mentioned be-
ingcourted for well over
a year before finally suc-
Jcumbing to a relation-
Iship resulting in mar-
A happy Knight was reintro-
Iduced as Mrs. Gladys Knight
Brown by her dynamic husband
I Les Brown The two have formed a
I partnership, teaching each other's
I trade secrets have produced an ex-
I citing platform that of high excel-
llence, principals and standards.
1 Brown coaching knight-brown on
effective methods to deliver music
land motivation has been a brilliant
[success however Knight-Brown
| contends Brown’s musical talent will
[not lift to status of a “Pip”. Brown
| said, “Shake hands and say you have
| something special" officially open-
1 mg the three hour lecture. Labeled
[mentally retarded (RMR). he con-
| tends you can be anything you want
| to be but only if you reinforce your
| belief system and follow thru.
An advocate o f Norm an
[Vinceint Peale produced a spring-
| board which has now spiraled into a
[million dollar business. Look at
[who you are! Areyousatified? Have
T—-. .
(Vancouver, B.C.) - Make con­
tacts, get wild, expose yourself! The
Swatch Music West Festival, May 2-
5, 1996 is calling for submissions
from developing artists in Canada
and around the world. Over 200 solo
acts and bands, including all styles of
music, will be chosen to showcase
for independent and major record
labels and industry professionals,
from Canada, America, europe and
Music West has been commit­
ted for the past five years to provid­
ing talented new artists with the op­
portunity to gain publishing, man­
agement and record deals and make
valuable industry connections
To be eligible for a showcase
you must be an independent artist
currently performing your original
material live. The call for tapes dead­
line is January 15 , 1996. (Pleasenote
this is one month earlier than pas,
years). All submissions require a
completed application form and a
non-refundable processing fee
($10.00 until December 15, 1995,
$20.00 after that). To obtain an ap­
plication form and more information
contact Music West by phone: (604)
684-9338, Fax: (604) 684-9337. or
e-mail. festival(S)musicwest.com.
Z t !
iin i/ ii
/ )//A
c o m p u te r g ra p h ic an im ated
“ Toy Story” . Disney is prom ot-
ng the anim ation rather than
the story line and that is a m is­
take. The story o f Andy’s toys
and their interaction is spiced
with humor and sarcasm. Buzz
Lightyear(Tim Allen) is the new
toy in town and his rivalry with
Woody (Tom Hanks) is the ba­
sic theme in “Toy Story” . How-
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ever, factor in toymates such as
Slinky Dog, Mr Potato head and
a platoon of soldiers and you have
personality, chemistry and a tti­
Woody plots to get rid of Buzz,
but events backfire and he finds him­
self lost in the outside world with
Buzz as his only companion. Joining
forces to find their way back home.
Buzz and Woody set out on an ad­
venture that lands them in the clutch­
es of Sid, a sadistic neighborhood
Together, the cowboy and the
spaceman forge a friendship and
learn only through mutual trust and
respect do they have any chance of
survival. “Toy Story" is a ideal
holiday movie for children 6-60. Its
seems a bit too long because their is
only so much of this computer ani­
mation you can watch. Given the
slim picken’s of holiday movies for
children “Toy Story” is worth see­
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RU Ready For R Kelly
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R. Kelly’s self-titled new album features
guest appearances from N otorious
B.I.G., Ronald Isley, Ernie Isley and
features 12 new tracks of sensational
ballads, up tempo grooves plus much,
much more. In the last four years R.
Kelly has sold over 8 million records as
well as writing and producing records
for Quincy Jones. Take a listen to what
is sure to he one of this years biggest
R & B Albums.
O ffe r good th ru 12-5-95
East Portland
32nd & Burnside
Dynamic Duo: Two rival toys join forces in a fast-paced finale to reunite with their beloved owner,
Andy. The first animated feature to be created entirely using computer technology, “Toy Story" was
produced in collaboration with Pixar, a Northern California-based pioneer in computer graphics, and
directed by John Lasseter. Ralph Guggenheim and Bonnie Arnold were the producers with Edwin Cat-
mull and Steven Jobs serving as executive producers. Based on an original story by Lasseter, Pete
Docter, Andrew Stanton and Joe Ranft, the screenplay is by Joss Whedon, Andrew Stanton, Joel
Cohen and Alec Sokolow. The supervising technical director is William Reeves. Renowned songwriter
Randy Newman wrote and performed three new songs for the film and composed the underscore.
and their social order
1 take Toys
center stage in disn ey ’s
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$3.99 per min.
Must be 18 years
Touch-tone Phone Required
Serv-U (619) 645-8434
verse lifestyle in home and career,)
a disc Jockey, a polititian, a consult­
ant, TV producer, Talkshow spokej
person, a proclaimed risk taker with|
a truly adventurist heart and soul.
After being fired from his be-|
loved Talk Show, stated it was the[
embrassament of his life but stilll
alive and moving forward, the heal-,
ing process is still taking course.
Leap and the net will appear, walkj
by faith/not by sight, stating success,
is not a logical path.
Brown repeatably said “be wi ll-|
ing to be challenged, if you believe[
it you’ll see it.”
He took a look at h i msel f dec id-
ed “ I’ve had it”. Being sick and tired,
of being sick and tired, after training,
a new employee. He being promot-,
ed before Brown, left Brown very)
Thus began the journey to his,
own business. Broadcasting was an,
opportunity that built the juice of h is |
passion, encouraging other not to,
always think with their heads, but to,
bring up the fire from your Hear,
Encouragment should be in the
forms ot a daily affirmation or some,
inspirational book. Positive think-,
ing and your belief system are the,
very best tools, use them or be a part,
o f a lost graveyard of dreams.
The next Masters ofExcellence)
Series will be on January 10, 1996,)
at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. For,
information 1-800-996- 8338
Music West
Call For
you made it but still have
a gleamer of something
greater, has comfort left
you in your rocking chair
feeling unfulfilled, do
you still yearn for adven­
ture. The crowd total­
ling appromiately three
thousand sat in awe as he
strutted with confidence
making the bold state­
ment, "95% of people will end up
with failure, don’t know that they
know that they think they know, they
suffer from possibility blindness,
don’t know why you are here, where
are you coming and what are you
looking for.”
Brown’s current success has
bought him peace of mind and great
health, spending quality time with
wife and family, is debt free, and a
desire to leave the planet a better
place to live. Plus he loves kids.
Stating he is happier now “than I’ve
ever been before in my life. Being 1/
10 of a million sperm, you survived,
it is your obligatation to be all that
you can be. A profound statement,
dreams that you didn’t act on or
didn’t do anything about, stated that
ideas come to you, now they must die
with you. What gifts, what talents are
you just sitting on? The cemeteries
are tilled with great ideas no, mani­
fested. music that was never played
or great dances preformed.”
Brown has enjoyed a very di­
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