P age B? N ovember 29, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver äß» ... j & s W DUCKS FLYING EAST FOR COTTON BOWL Final Four Next For Lady Pilots The U niversity o f Portland earneda second consecutive NCAA Final Four berth and rem ained un­ beaten in the process with a 1-0 victory over the University o f M ary­ land Saturday at M erlo Field. The second-ranked Pilots ( 19- 0-2) broke the scoreless lie on se­ n io r A ll- A m e r ic a n S h a n n o n M acM illan's goal at 37:39. Jody Dutra provided the setup with a pass to the box. M acM illan ran onto the ball and her 13-yard shot angled past Terrapin goalkeeper Kassie K necht to the far post. The team s played through a steady rain for most o f the gam e. Each fired lO shotsongoal. Knecht made seven saves for the Terps. Portland keeper Erin Fahey re­ corded five and earned her 16th shutout o f the season. "It was a tough gam e, espe­ cially the first 30 m inutes," said Pilot coach Clive Charles. "I was relieved to see Shannon score and as the game went on, we felt more com fortable. Pilot Soccer Playoffs On TV T he m en 's and w om en’s soc­ cer teams at the University O f Port­ land are advancing in the NCA A national soccer cham pionships. The m ens s team will play a NCAA quarterfinal gam e at Santa C larao n S atu rd ay at 7:30p.m . The Pilots w om en’s team will play a NCAA sem ifinal gam e against Southern M ethodist University on Friday in Chapel Hill. N.C. with kickoff set for 4 :30 p in. (PST). The cham pionship gam e is scheduled for Sunday at 10:30a.m . (PST). Both the w om en's sem is and final will televised live on (he Prime Sports Network (Photo by Duane Lewis) Rose Garden Proceeds Allocated Opening Weekend Festivities Net $156,000 For Four Area Charities T he O re g o n A re n a C o r p o r a ­ tio n a n n o u n c e d to d a y th a t th e g la n d o p e n in g f e s tiv itie s at the R ose G a rd e n ra ise d $ 1 5 6 ,0 0 0 fo r foui lo c al n o n - p ro f it o r g a n iz a ­ tio n s. B o y s an d G irls C lu b s o f M e t­ ro p o lita n P o rtla n d , the P o rtla n d M e tr o p o lita n S p o r ts A u th o r ity (P M S A ), T h e U rb a n L ea g u e o f P o r tla n d a n d L e g a c y E m a n u e l C h i ld r e n 's H ospitftl w ill re c e iv e c o n t r i b u tio n s to ta lin g $ 3 9 ,0 0 0 each. T h e fu n d s w ill be d is trib u te d d u rin g a s p e c ia l p re -g a m e p r e s e n ­ ta tio n at th e T ria l B la z e rs vs. C h i­ c a g o B u lls g am e on M o n d a y , N o ­ v e m b e r 27 at the R o se G a rd e n . " W h ile th is d o n a tio n c o m e s A insworth D rug 3002 NE Ainsworth 282 0787 See us for an your Prescription Needs $3.00 off Your next new or transferred prescription. Sports Fan? Results, Spreads, Trivia Call Now!!! For insurance co-payment, lesser of: copay or $3.00 1-900-388-2700 Ext. 7797 $2.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Touch-tone Phone Required Serv-U (619) 645-8434 The U niversity o f O regon Alumni Association isoffering tour packages to Duck fans eligible for tickets to the 1996 Cotton Bowl on Jan. I in Dallas, Texas. Brochures are being mailed to UO football season-ticket holders dues-pay ing members o f the associ­ ation and donors to the university. Tour features include deluxe accom m odations at the Wyndham A natole, the Duck team headquar ters hotel, plus a N ew Y ear’s Eve dinner and dance, the UO pep ral­ ly, the traditional Alumni A ssoci­ ation pre-gam e party at the stadi­ um, plus Cotton Bowl souvenirs and all airport transfers. Prices for double occupancy are $I,O I4 for a three-night pack­ age and $1,086 for a four-night package. Land-only packages and o th­ er option tours are also available. Interested alum ni and friends may call the UO Cotton Bowl hotline num ber at ( 5 4 1 ) 346-8636, (541) 346-5656 or toll free at I- 800-245-2586. One prescription per coupon Coupon expires 1 2 /3 1 /9 5 T V U nited D rugs . «e** f » W * M l UP, M A C CONVERSE Featuring the nations fly e s t designers HPHW» «O« “* ■milxgy HIKE to th e se fo u r w o rth y n o n -p ro fit g ro u p s v ia th e T ra il B la z e rs and the O re g o n A re n a C o rp o ra tio n , th e re a lly d e s e rv e all the c r e d it,” sa id B ob W h its itt, B la z e rs and O re g o n A re n a C o rp , p re s id e n t. “ T h is d o n a tio n tr u ly e x ­ c e e d e d o u r w ild e st e x p e c ta tio n s and rea lly h am m ers hom e the c o m ­ m itm e n t to c o m m u n ity an d c iv ic p rid e h ere in P o rtla n d ." W h its itt said . G ra n d o p e n in g w e e k e n d to o k p la ce O c to b e r I 3 - 15, an d in c lu d e d F rid ay n ig h t's “ U ltim a te G a rd e n P a rty ." h ig h lig h te d by a sp e c ia l a p p e a ra n c e from c o m e d ia n D an a C a rv e y . T h e R o se G a rd e n w as o p e n to the p u b lic b o th S a tu rd a y and S u n d ay and in clu d ed a c tiv itie s like s h o o t i n g h o o p s o n th e R o s e G a r d e n 's new c o u rt, s k a tin g on the new N H L -re g u la tio n ice rin k , to u rs o l th e -d ig ita l p ro d u c tio n fa c ility - P o st-U p P ro d u c tio n s, and v isits to an E x e c u tiv e S u ite . I he ev e n t a lso in c lu d e d liv e m u sic fro m a v a r ie ty o f lo c a l b an d s. Urban League Thankful For Award W hen the Portland Trail B lazers first announced plans to build the new Rose G arden arena, it signaled an expanded com m itm ent to the greater Portland com m unity But few knew just how deep that com m itm ent would run Now, thanks to the Trail Blazers and the O regon A rena Corp., the U r­ ban League o f Portland has learned lirst hand with a $ 3 9 ,0 0 0 donation for the Rose G arden's opening w eekend. "T his su b stan tial co n trib u tio n adds a crow ning touch to our 50th anniversary year," said L aw rence J D ark, president and C E O o f the U r­ ban League. “T he U rban L eag u e's focus on education, em ploym ent ant equality has received a boost that wil benefit North and Northeast Portlanc C itizens im m easurably. We are very grateful Io the O regon A rena C o rp o ­ ration and the Portland Trail Blazers lor choosing the Urban League as a beneficiary." Grand Opening Events Boost Portland Sports Scene Efforts to attract sporting events to Portland have been enhanced with a dona­ tion to the Portland Metropolitan Sports Authority from the Portland Trail Blazers and Oregon Arena Corp The authi city last week announced the receipt of $39,014 from the Rose Garden arena’sopeningmght Ultimate Ganlen Party and public tours held the weekend of Octo­ ber 14 and I5."I want to congratulate Paul Allen, the Trail Blazers and the Oregon Arena Corp, for their foresight in using the grand opening ol this marvelous building to benefit kxal charities, said authority presi­ dent Will Glasgow. English Classes Were N ever Like This. At¿ ^ £ C^ caí e> you can ,earn to use knguage m ore skillftilly, w hile exploring subjects that have personal relevance to you! 1 * WR 123 English Composition: Ethnic Communities (CRN 11251) Mon, Wed, Fri, 12 to 12:50 p.m. Students of all ages and backgrounds will explore their own or another’s family history and ethnic community through interviews, recording family stories, and exploring histori- CallSheii'a BroVn 300 produce a descriPtion of an ethnic community HUM 205 African Literature (CRN 13543) Thurs, 6 to 8:40 p.m. Get a taste of the written and oral literature from various historical periods and geo­ graphic locations throughout Africa. Explore the themes of freedom and identity as vou experience these stories. Call 978-5250. y y '‘Y1* 2,1/ ’ Advanced Composition: The Art o f the Memoir (CRN 16773) Mon, Wed, Fri, 9 to 9:50 a m. Join a group who are writing for their lives! You'll have the opportunity to create revise and be in control of your life - or at least the way in which it is recorded Rachel Stevens, 978-5230. And an art course . . . Art 116 Basic Design (CRN 11509) Mon, Wed, 12 to 2:50 p.m. Explore color relation­ ships in the context of the contemporary visual world Consider how the elements of a £ 2 , ape’ texture' value and sPace express aspects of pattern, rhythm and composition A creative experience awaits you! »Mpuoiuon. Mary Cernyar, 244-6111, ext. 3463. M LKS TEN’ NA SHOES ~ WHERE THERE’S ALWAYS A SALE GOING ON. LOCATED: 3 5 3 2 A NE MLR JR. BLVD. 335-0905 WE CARRY ALL BRAND NAME TENNIS SHOES. NIKE. K-SWISS ADIDAS. LUGS. FILA. CONVERSE. y ilJ n rin simes See your PCC schedule for full course selection. W in te r term starts Jan. 2. ('.ascade Campus 705 N. Killlngsworth S t Portland Community College