Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 1995, Image 7

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    • W & j.
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Volume XXV, Number 48
C ommitted to cultural diversity
November 29, 1995
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Hospice Volunteers
V olunteers are needed to p ro vid e
tran spo rtatio n , p ick up m edications,
run errands and g ive o the r p ra ctica l
support fo r hospice patients. T ra in in g
is p ro v id e d . F or in fo r m a tio n c a ll
K ilia n K untz Kaiser Permanente at
Struggle Profiled
C on ditio ns fo r A fric a n A m erican
sharecroppers in M is s is s ip p i in 1965
and the struggle o fa fa m ily to p ro vid e
a decent education fo r th e ir ch ild re n
w ill be the subject o f a real life story
when Constance C u rry, auth or o f Si
ver R ights and Mae Bertha C arter
whose fa m ily is the subject o f the
book, v is it P ortland. A book sign ing
and reading is scheduled fo r Wednes
day, Dec. 13 at Barnes & N oble, 123
N .E. Broadway.
Festival Features
Lights, Music
Reggie Petry (left) holds out a beautiful tapestry for a customer at his new “Our
Dream" gallery at 4356 N.E. 33rd. Other artists, including Diana McKnight (above)
of the African Village boutique on northeast Alberta, joined Petry for his recent
grand opening celebration.
The W ashington Park zoo w ill be
transform ed into a s p a rk lin g h o lid a y
display as 500,000 lig h ts illu m in a te
the grounds fo r the h o lid a y season
beginning Friday at 5 p.m. O ver a
hundred com m unity m usic groups w ill
perform d u rin g the Z o o L ig h ts F esti­
val w hich w ill run every n ig ht th is
m onth except Dec. 24 and Dec. 25.
Seattle Band
Plans Concert
The Seattle rock band C andlebox
has scheduled a P ortland perform ance
Thursday, Dec. 28 at 8 p in, at the
Roseland Theater. T icke ts are a v a il-
| able at Fred M eyer F astixx locations
Enchanted Christmas
(Photos by Duane Lewis)
Portland Exit Of 300 Jobs Draws City's Ire
Iv o r V
era Katz
K a t z and
a n r i the
th e Port­
D n rt.
n _ people
city c,.__
Some m 300
currently work in the
land City Council are calling
PF.RS office
on Gov. John Kitzhaber to
In a letter to Kitzhaber, Katz and the
re co n s id e r m oving the Public
council urged the PERS Board and the Gov­
Employees Retirement System office
ernor to complete a full evaluation o f Port­
from downtown Portland.
land central business district sites before
The PERS Board o f Directors recently
announced its intention to build a new head­
quarters at a suburban location near a free­
way interchange in Tigard, rather than con­
tinuing to lease office space in the central
acting on the relocation
I he council cited Oregon Executive
Order No. 94-07, which requires sate fa cili­
ties to strengthen central business districts
and mixed-mixed-use centers. They also not-
ed K itzhaber’s work to encourage state agen­
cies to work together with othergovemments
on growth management strategies and re­
gional planning
" Ih e proposed PERS re-location turns
its back on these efforts, the council wrote.
I he proposed PI RS site is a suburban free­
way site, plain and simple. It does not support
our regional planing tools and it does not
meet PERS’ responsibility to demonstrate
corporate leadership.”
Funds Run
Short On
Energy Help
Michael Allen Harrison presents En
I chanted Christmas, Volume II, Saturday,
Dec. 2 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert
Hall. The concert w ill also feature the
I Jefferson Dancers, singer/song w riter B ill
Lamb, the C hildren’s C hoir and Fred
Korman and Dawn Weis, principals with
the Oregon Symphony. Tickets are avail-
| able at Ticketmaster outlets.
Fishing experts w ill percent a hands
I on clinic covering the techniques o f winter
I steelhead fishing on the Sandy River, Sat
Rosie Dean and
meals for the
urday, Dec. 9 from 10 a m. to 2 p.m. at
I Oxbow Regional park. Participants are
encouraged to come prepared for the weath-
| er and bring their fishing equipment.
Lawmakers Address
Crime Proposal
Photo by Mark
Sen. Shirley Gold. D-Portland and
| Rep. George Eighmeny, D-Portland. w ill
host a town meeting Saturday, Dec. 2 at
[ Sunnyside United Methodist Church. The
I topic w ill center on the governor’s com­
Multnomah County Sheriff Dan Noelle
has been invitedtodiscusshowthe law w ill
affect our communities.
Workshop Held
Your invited to build and decorate
your very own gingerbread house and take
it home with you at the end o f the day The
Berlin Inn. German Bakery and Restaurant
holds classes Sunday at 10 a m and 2 p.m.
There is a $5 cover charge with snacks and
beverages provided and a $35 charge to
buy a package gingerbread house kit which
[ includes all the ingredients, framework
I and decorating needs.
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
n energy assistance program
run through the Albina Mini­
sterial Alliance of North and
Northeast Portland will not start up in
December due to a lack of federal
money, representatives of the Portland
agency announced last week.
Fishing Clinic
At Oxbow Park
munity corrections bill which may be the
I subject o f a special legislative session.
I he proposed site is about a h a lf mi
from the edge o f Tigard and at least one an
a h a lf miles from Washington Square.
There is also limited mass transit of
tions; two o f the four bus lines the PER
Board said w ill serve the site stop three
quarters ofa mile away A third is at least one
quarter o f a mile away.
‘‘No matter which bus you take, the sit
is in an area that is heavily auto-oriented,
wrote the council
Thanksgiving Dinners Served Free
I by C ora S m ith
Dean and Thomas has built theirown loyal
osie Dean and Jewell Thom­
customer base for volunteers who came out to
as’s love of cooking Holiday
support this special Event launched the H oli­
dinners inspired them to op-
day Celebration by contributing lovingdinners
I en up their home to Elderly people
to approximately 1.100 residents in the north/
who were left out on Thanksgiving 9
I years ago.
Portland Community volunteers included
Others who were shut-ins and seniors
I unable to prepare their own began to receive
I meals from Dean and Thomas on a annuallly.
McDonald s Afro- American Network black
salaried managers who are involved in career
orientation and Youth activities within the
district. Regional director James Tims and
managers Robin Wisner and Steve Jackson
sported Trailblazers aprons along with 10
beautiful T ra ilblaze r dancers. Dancer
Michelle Burton was seen boxing up lunches
wearing a handsome Trailblazer jacket.
The partnership ofNabisco, Concession
International. New Song Church, Trail Blaz­
ers, and DorisCafe made this deliciousdinner
a pre-holiday success.
City Homeless Shelter For Singles Opens
he Singles Homeless Assess­
transitional programs or permanent housing,
ment Center, developed by the
according to o fficia ls o f Commissioner
city of Portland and operated
Gretchen M iller-K a fou ry’ s office
by Multnomah County, held a public The center was established in part due to
opening Monday.
the closure o f Recovery Inn in July 1995 It
Located at 1212 N .W 9th Ave., the
center w ill provide assessment services and
shelter lor 82 men and 14 women
It is expected that people w ill stay at the
center from 7 to 30 days and then move into
w ill remain in operation on the site north o f
the Police Horse Barn until March 1998
Meanwhile, special facilities for women
and mentally ill homeless persons are in
development A facility or m ultiple facilities
for single men is under discussion by a task
force convened by the Portland Develop­
ment Commission at the direction o f the City
"M a n y people have re a lly w orked
hard to get this fa c ility open so q u ic k ­
ly. M ille r - K a fo u r y said. “ The coopera­
tio n and good w ill o f the c ity and county
departm ents w o rk in g together made it
“ This is very important information for
low-income persons who may be counting on
this assistance," said alliance spokesperson
Eileen Burnes
I he agency is encouraging needy resi­
dents to continue paying their u tility bills and
to contact their u tility company to make'
payment arrangements i f they are having
difficulties paying their bill
O fficials said i f u tility service is discon­
tinued because o f non-payment, it w ill not
qualify as an emergency under the Oregon
state energy assistance plan
Alliance officials also are encouraging
residents to voice their concerns to Gov John
Katzhaber at (541) 378-3111, Sen Mark
I latficld at 326-3386. Rep. Elizabeth Furseat
326-2901 and Rep Ron Wyden at 2 3 1 -2300
Kids To Get
Free Holiday
Area boys and girls w ill have an op­
portunity to look their best for Christmas
thanks to donations by professional hair­
stylists and barbers and the Salvation Army.
Free haircuts to area children 16 and
under w ill be available on a first come, first
served basis, on Monday. Dec 18 from 10
a m to 3 p.m at the Salvation Arm y Moore
Street Corps Community Center. 5430 N
For information call 239-1241