—AVv* f« . » (X* ' '“’v-rate T a "*. í* ■ « /•** s Ini P or f l a n d O bserver « N o v e m b e r 29, 1995 P age AS latti» hacruer New The Energy Directory Kit From Rocky Mountain Institute Quick: k ie n , Where w i n d can o w you X o buy S w ener­ n? gy-efficient windows in your town? Who sells weather-stripping? What’s a compact fluorescent lamp? The answers to these simple questions could save the average homeowner hundreds o f dollars a year on u tili­ ties. But they aren’t found in any phone book. I hat’s why Rocky Mountain Institute, a nonprofit think tank based in Colorado, has brought out The Energy Directory K it, a software package that enables communities to create their own local directory o f energy-efficient products and servic- es. Producing a community energy directory is a desktop publishing project that puts money back in the B u s l T s o s f e community V t h a t T e f residents. lZ L ^ ^ ^ packets Businesses that sell the products and services listed in the directory bene­ fit from increased sales. A ll that boosts the local economy and fosters community spirit. Local energy sav­ ings also mean global benefits to the environment in the form o f reduced emission from power plants and re­ duced reliance on the fossil and nu­ clear fuels that run them Creat ing an energy d¡rectory is a rewarding project for any environ­ mental organization or civic group looking for ways to “ think globally and ac, locally." It’s a great high school involvement project, or term project for a college environmental studies class. And although it is best thought o f as a nonprofit public ser ’ !S° « enen“ T ,hat vice, it may also generate funds that can be used for other worthy projects 1 his user-friendly kit provides everything needed to create a local energy directory: a fill-in-the-blanks “ template" directory on disk; an in- struction manual that explains every- thing from funding to printing; art­ work; a copy o f a sample directory; and a copy o f Homemade Money, RMI s how-,o guide to home energy savings. The Energy Directory K it costs $99 plus shipping & handling and is available from Rocky Mountain In­ stitute, 1739 Snowmass Creek Road, Snowmass, CO 81654, (970) 927- 3851 The software is available in a variety o f word-processing applica­ tions. Other new publications from —------------ uum Rock Mou" ‘" " '"« itu te include: Rock Mountain Institute include: Homemade M oney: how to Save Energy and dollars in Your Home. A do-it-yourself manual, this book is devoted to measures that help the environment and save mon­ ey at the same time. It features hun­ dreds oftips on\veatherization, insu­ lation, heating and cooling systems, windows, water heating, appliances, lighting and solar design, plus and extensive appendix listing everything from books to mail-order services. $14,95 plus shipping & handling. A Primer on Sustainable Build­ ing presents a new way o f thinking about architecture that’s not only better for the environment, but also more cost-effective, efficient, com ­ fortable, ana and healthful A IA Arch Archi- loname, From Magic Marters And A Map A Community Grows I takes many shovels to build a foundation. On hand tohelpNECDC's Walnut Park townhouses aet off 0JS R°e°nj i aT Bria" Stewart (Washington Mutual), Scott Christensen (Key Bank), Karen Totvstad (Portland Trai1 Bla^ rs ) , NECDC board member George Richards Shiela Holden a n ^ s' c Z S X 'a,‘° n>- m NECDC 7 '■ While the groundbreaking cere­ mony for N EC D C ’s Walnut Park was intended to be an event for the community to celebrate, it was quick­ ly turned into a show o f appreciation for NECDC as speaker after speaker thanked the organization for helping to improve the quality o f the neigh­ borhoods in North and Northeast Portland. Once one o f the most distressed parts o f the city, the Walnut Park neighborhood has been targeted for Free CoHousing Orientation And Video Screening Interested in having more community in your life? Cohousing communities are pedestrian o ri­ ented neighborhoods comprised o f individual residences clustered around shared greenspaces and common facilities. CascadiaCom- mons, a Portland area cohousing group, w ill offer an introductory presentation about cohousing at 7:30 p.m.. Tuesday, Dec. 5 at the French American School located at 1849 SW 58th A video, CoHousing: Neighborhoods for People, w ill be featured along with an introduction to Cascadia Com­ mons' plans to create an environ­ mentally sustainable ecovillage in Portland. Admission is free. Call 650- 7 169 for directions or more infor­ mation Dad's revitalization by both the city and community groups. A new police precinct with community rooms and new retail spaces now fill what was previously a vacant building on the comer o f M artin Luther King Blvd. and Killingsworth. A m ulti-m illion dollar Boys and Girls Club is being built on the adjacent property. To complete the effort to turn around a previously unsafe neighborhood, NECDC w ill build a total o f 40 new housing units. Neighborhood residents could not be more pleased. “ M y family has lived on the same street since 1968,” Delores Warner told an attentive audience. “ I raised my family here. I saw this neighbor­ hood deteriorate and was sad. I kind o f lost hope But I saw NECDC come in and ask us for ideas about how to bring it back. They were so friendly and so kind I watched them build a house right across the street and it just seemed so unbelievable, like a tec, praised the book as “ the nHm, r tect praised the book as "the primer we’ ve been waiting for ..the most complete introduction to date on the principles o f sustainable design and construction." $ 16.95 plus shipping & handling. T he C o m m u n ity E n e rg y W o rkb o o k provides a step-by- step strategy fo r id e n tify in g and deve lo pin g pro je ct to use energy more e ffic ie n tly th ro ug h ou t the com m unity. $ 16.95 plus shipping & handling. Greening the B u ild in g a n d the Bottom Line: Increasing Productiv­ ity Through Energy-Efficient Design is a landmark study that makes a new economic case for green design in the workplace Eight documented case studies show that while resource- dream come true Through their ef­ forts, I have seen this neighborhood improve and become a really good neighborhood again. We have a new start that we can be proud of.” Portland Police C hief Charles Moose likewise praised N ECDC’s considerable efforts to revitalize Walnut Park, and area once known as a drug district. The neighborhood was neglected, with numerous build­ ings in disrepair and vacant lots, all o f which contributed to the neigh­ bor-hood’s crime problems. Say Moose, “ It is exciting to be here The police precinct is in place and all the pieces are coming togeth­ er. As you walk around the area, it really feels good. The more home owners we can get to buy houses in this once troubled neighborhood, the more we can turn it around.” Portland D evelopm ent C om ­ m is s io n s p o k e s p e rs o n Jan Burreson expressed her own sat­ is fa c tio n w ith developm ent in W alnut Park. “ We sat down w ith magic markers and a map, and now it is being re a liz e d .” The c o n s tru c tio n o f 16 townhouses w ill begin this October Jokingly, Moose asked NECDC Executive D irector Jaki W alker, “ What are you going to do next Jaki?” Stay tuned. You can bet there’s plenty more NECDC intends to ac­ complish. Give Thanks This Holiday Season! I \ t h ci lis e In IL lie o ftlaiiò (O b s tru e r z LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1976 Singles & Seniors, I can help you! “1st Class Guarantee" A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. (503 735-3792) Specialize In Long And Curl i Full Set WITH COUPON r ■ $14 I I I_______________________________ EXP 1 2 1 9 5 I n Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company John Me Veety 282-9233 □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts □ Oil to Gas conversions $200 rebate (terms apply) □ Central Air Conditioning □ Gas Firelogs & Fireplaces □ Gas Water Heaters □ Custom Duct Work □ Financing Available O.A.C. S ’ Call today for free consultation License #81322 -jfc. Bonded & Insured Important News for Rental Property Owners/Managers II With Pacific Power's free energy- savings project my tenants are comfortable and save money" hat s not all Teresa DeLorenzo, owner and T WITH COUPON manager of the Timbercrest Apartments in Northeast Portland, has to say about the free energy-efficient products and services her property recently received. "I believe it makes a difference when it comes to renting out available apartment units. A standard question I hear from potential renters is how much can I expect my utility bill to be?'" Teresa and other owner/managers of apart­ ments can't say enough about Pacific Power's multi-family enerqy efficiency project. "At Timbercrest, we received bathroom and kitchen faucet aerators, energy-efficient showerheads, extra insulation, compact fluorescent fight bulbs and water heater wrap." Qualifying properties can also receive high- efficiency thermostats and water heater and pipe insulation. All FREE, including installation. Interested? Call EBCON, our local energy efficiency contractor, at 1-800-253-6225. Don't delay, it's a limited time offer and time is running out fast. I_______________________________ EXR. 121 -9S , r ■ WITH COUPON WITH COUPON EXP 12 1 95 . Nails Art Airbrush WITH $2 up COUPON EXP 1 2 1 9 5 , 282-5111 □ Storm Windows & >"■ Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™ Manicure ' 1 Pedicure $8 $14 EXP 1 3 1 9 » r i I I I_______________________________ EXP 1 2 1 -9 8 , B est C a sh P rices 104 N E R ussel Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 2 (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-0837 6804 Marlin Lulher King Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 WITH COUPON heating oils 3OO NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 George A. Hendrix MBA, QRI, Broker Silk-Gel S e t ! 'Oil Manicure1 ■ana energy “ generated” through e f f i­ ciency. Seeking m arket-oriented so lu tion s to resource problem s, it focuses its research on energy, “ green" developm ent, tran spo r­ ta tio n , w ater, sustainable eco­ nom ic d evelopm ent and se curi­ ty . For more in fo rm a tio n about R M I o rto order p ub lica tion s, call (9 7 0 )9 2 7 -3 8 5 1 . V ' Professional Manicurists ” $10 WITH COUPON ___________EXP. 1 2 1 >» , i Free Airbrush With Full Set Charm WITH COUPON or Fill EXP 12-1-95 Quality Products • Comfortable Environment Sterilized Implements • Guarantee Natural Beauty Open 6 D ays- MON-SAT 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM | Open Sunday by Appt. Only W alk -In W elco m e P a rk in g in R ear , efficient design can pay for itself in reduced energy costs alone, it may also produce vastly greater benefits in higher worker productivity, lower absenteeism, fewer errors, better quality, and increased retail sales. $12.00 plus shipping & handling. R ocky M ou nta in In s titu te is perhaps best know n fo r in v e n t­ ing the concept o f “ negaw atts" - ( all 503-288-0033 i Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote ________ Property ow ner/m anager Teresa DeLorenzo shows o ff one o f her new compact fluorescent lights, courtesy o f Pacific Power 's free M ulti-Fam ily Energy Efficiency Project. > PACIFIC POWER THE MIGHT KIND O f ENEKC Y A Ottwion of PecijKjtrp