I ne P ortland O bserver » N ovember 29, 1995 P age B 5 lacks, Jews And Gentiles: Conclusion ik±KO bJVl< K im . e > B vwt as my reflections have so far indicat­ ed, there is a several-centuries-old inter-action between the races that not only produces realistic evalua­ tions in the respective groups—but, in each, a body o f tradition and even folklore that can yield more truths than all the scary headlines generat­ ed by the media circus'. This lays the groundwork foi productive dia­ logue as opposed to the contempo­ rary frame o f reference established by those submerged in heated debate over the pronouncements o f M inis­ ter Farrakhan. Several black readers have re­ minded me o f comments I made in these columns almost a decade ago. In particular I had described a fric­ tion at the interface between jewish theatrical producers, playwrights, agents, etc. and the African Am eri­ can actors, actresses and other per­ formers who they packaged, publi­ cized and sold to the great American public; On Broadway, in Hollywood, on the airwaves and, early-on, the I his series has brought an inter­ esting response from all segments o f Portland s very diverse population. I would mention a communication front a Jewish family informing that when I write o f ethnic dislocations by “ Urban Renewal (removal) Pro­ grams" I might consider the scatter­ ing o f jewish homes, shops and plac es o f worship by the I960 “South Auditorium Urban Renewal Project.” Many ofthe calls I got expressed concern that I had not yet addressed the "critical or "momentous” issues that were "disastrously divisive" in current Black/Jewish relations. I sup­ pose that it is perfectly natural that each reader would consider the con­ cerns upper most in hisor her mind as the' most critical or momentous.” My viewpoint, established over a period o f a lot o f years and through close social or economic contact at various times, is something entirely different. I think that this is good because, ~r i\\-l Hl ’ «bin -5 AHptn streft | ★ Announcement o f winners w ill take place on February 24th 1996, at the 1996 Oregon Association o f American Mothers, Inc Mother ofthe Year Recognition Banquet (Gala Extravaganza) s \ l l R l ) \ \ 9(NI,tin*5pin sl \ l ) \> I l ini.iin-ipm RETAIL-WHOLESALE Plenty of FREE PARKING CARS • BUSES • RVs 700 S.E. 122nd Ave. Portland, O R 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 I’ gM M UB Job Announcement J E A N I E ’S C L E A N E R S 5403 NE 42N D A V ENU E • 2 8 7 -0 0 0 8 Secretary/Receptionist - Cus­ tom er relations skills a must, ability to deal with a diverse public in a professional man­ ner, good oral and written communication skills, typing and computer skills. Starting salary $17,296. Contact Rorie Gilbert at 288-1515 for appli­ cation materials. Deadline for application submission is 5:00 p m., 12/8/95. Portland Cable Access is an EEO/Affirmative Action employer. 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