P age B4 N ovember 2 9 , 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver A L T E R N A T I V E S S tron g h old s O f Evil Continued Hl M. ISA A CS Nepotism exists in the Church today. If you are not a close friend or relative of someone in a high Posi­ tion in the Church...you will never find the opportunity to use your gifts from the spirit. Satan has all avenues covered with prideful, envious, self- important, self-appointed saints, ready to shoot down those who stand for right and righteousness. When anyone dares to speak the Word of God, they mock by saying, “listen to the satan, that’s just the devil speak­ ing”. Do not join through Christian experience expecting to work in the Church and through your Church in the community, using your gifts giv­ en you by the Holy Ghost, for all will be suspicious of you and accuse you of thinking you know everything. This stronghold, my friends, is a long standing one in the Church, and it will take a level of Christianity not yet attained by most members, to be destroyed R ighteous members in the Church are too complacent, to toler­ ant of the evil among them; weak and ineffective, they pour cups of water on raging infernos. “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doc­ trines the commandments of men.” Like children, they flounder from pillar to post, yearning for approval, never understanding that "We hence­ forth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleigh of men, and cunning craftiness, where­ by they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may Grow Up into him in all things, which is the head. Even Christ; From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase in the body unto the edifying ofitself in love. “Ephesians 4:14,15,16. The Church is full when some­ one dies; Church members cry, moan and lament the death of Saints; When the Bible tells us to rejoice, for their pilgrimage is over, their work is done and they rest with the Lord They proclaim at every funeral that the end is coming; but their weak worship and their selfish service to mankind never changes. They are afraid to stand on God’s Word; Afraid to speak out against evil on every hand. Church members afraid to confront evil in their homes, their Churches, their jobs, in all walks of their lives, yet they expect the forgiveness of God and His saving Grace. There are those whom men praise, whom they call holy and filled with the Spirit, whose names are written through out the Church His­ tory; the offices they held; The pro­ grams they headed; The money they raised to aid Church and pastor; but...is this name also written in the Book of Life? If they have not boldly condemned evil with the Word of God. wherever they’ve found it; If they have not proclaimed Christ and lifted Him up for men to see; If they’ve only courted the praises of men; then...they are not the servants of God, but they have another master controlling their minds and main­ taining strongholds in their bodies, for if we are not for God, we are against him We cannot serve two masters; for we will hate the one and love the other Oh! for a Church that commits to perfection in the Lord; to a break­ ing down of strongholds of evil; To boldly recognizing and identifying to the world the works ofthe Devil. A Church committed to the loveofGod amongourownChurch family;Com- mitted to a faithful un-ending decla­ ration of the Gospel o f Christ; I d a dependence on the Holy Ghost as the giver of the Power of God to over­ come all the works of the Devil; To a committed, sober, watchful, wise, set- apart Church o f Christ-followers, awaiting His appearance in the clouds. For He will return, as He promised; and for all that we suffer in our bodies, at the hands of evil peo­ ple, as we break down satan 's strong­ holds; “ I Will Repay, Saith The Lord” Therefore, let the True Church pray without ceasing; “Let us there­ fore come Boldly unto the throne of grace, that we might obtain mercy, and find grace To Help In Time Of Need”. For the true fol lowers of Christ” are persuaded, that neighter death, nor life, nor angels, nor principali­ ties, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38,39. It is Written, So Be It! • f l i t fit As Grammy award winners, Rev. Milton Brunson and The Thompson Community Singers are one of America's premier Gospel choirs. The group’s latest release, "Shout," picks up and moves on from where their Grammy award winning predecessor, "Through God's Eyes," left off. Demeuah Maybel Coleman Date of Birth: 02 November 1995 Sex: Girl Mother’s Name: Victoria M. Brown Father’s Name: Micheál Coleman All of Portland, OR. Weight: 8 1/2 Length: 19 3/4 Grandparents/ Maternal: Eileen & Roger Brown o f Gladstone, OR Great Grandparents/ Maternal: Isabel Brown of Sun City, AZ J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR Christian ‘Women Against Crime - 1 0 ‘year Celebration On October 18, 1985 Christian Women Against Crime was incorpo­ rated. The purpose that God had giv­ en and continues to give is to bring children and youth from “Lostness to Savedness” by investing in their lives and by sharing the hope of a living Savior in the midst o f a dying world C W AC began as a group of wom­ en concerned about what they saw happening to the young people of their neighborhoods: violence, death, de­ structiveness, purposelessness. At first, they got together to pray. Then, God said, “I have something for you to do.” The outcome is that the programs of CWAC came to be Through the years a variety of programs, ministries and events have developed and happened. Underly­ ing all had been the foundation of sharing Jesus’ love for each child/ youth and of supporting and strength­ ening them in their education. Since CWAC began, over one-thousand children and youth have been in­ volved in the ministry program. In the next column, read the highlights ofCWACs history. CWAC Historical Highlights • July 11, 1985 - Group of con­ cerned people organized to pray for youth of North/Northeast Portland. • October 1 8 , 1985 - CWAC Incor­ (Ebbituarp porated. • 1985 to present - Tutorial servic­ es and GED testing preparation. • 1987 to present - Suspended stu­ dent classes begin Monday through Friday, grades 1-12. • 1988 to present - Summer Day Camp for K - 12 in cooperation with Portland Parks and Recreation and Portland Public Schools. • 1992 - Multicultual Fair held - promotingcultural understanding and celebrating differences. • 1992-YEEPfYouth Employment Empowerment Program)established. • 1994 - CWAC Youth Association to develop youth leadership and pro­ Cox Funeral Home Inc. A.A. COX, SR. M ortician & Funeral Director OR ■' Member of Walnut Park Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses. Has lived in Portland since about 1947 Lived in Dallas, Texas prior to Portland. She did domestic work for at lease 46 years until about 1992. FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm FRIDAY Evangelistic Service 7:00pm DAILY Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm (503) 774-5470 PASTORS: Bishop Robert Simpson. Jr. • Dr Ida M. Simpson CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Survivors: Husband - Roy Granville Portland, OR Sons - Douglas Granville, Roy Leslie Granville, Roy Lee Granville, all of Portland, OR Nieces - Katharine Andrews of Portland, OR; Elizabeth Wynne of Dallas, Texas; Thelma Parks of Dallas, Texas; Myrtle Reed and Maggie Griffin o f Dallas, Texas; Melody Fairiof Los Angeles, California G randdaugh - Melody James, Nikia Granville, both of Portland, Or Burial at River View Cemetery in Portland, OR Breeie JÉ Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he made easier i f you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd., at W illis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY Studio o f Nail Design Fills $16.00 • Pedicure $ 18.00 Walk-Ins Welcome 2BBH Liscensed Nail Tecks. Airbrush, Nail Art, Jewelry Paraffin Therapy Wax Open 6 Days, 9:00am - 9:00pm 7048 NE MLK (Between Dekum & Lombard) 735-0715 I $5.00 OFF FULL SET I Regularly $29.00 Expires 12-1-95 (503)281-4891 Mary Ann Granville Maiden Name Of Fair O f N. E. Portland August 1, 1911 - November 15, 1995 mote positive youth involvement in community. • 1994 - New school program add­ ed: full-time school for conduct dis­ order students. • 1995 - Sister House purchased, renovated, furnished, staffed, all ap­ provals and permits acquired (by the end of the year, we’ll be ready to open). • 1995-New staffperson, Rev. Scott Mayes, Director of Christian Out­ reach begins in September. • 1996-Sister House opens early in the year; After school ministry to children is happening; Weekend youth outreach ministry begins. LAND OPENING SALE ¿ F a m e ( V Kids • Mens • Womens Clothes • Big Sizes Hats • Caps • Hair • Wigs • Purses • Jewelry • Gifts Electronics • Watches • House Shoes • Slippers • Toys T/Shirts • 99e Belts • Stockings • Sox • Sunglasses All Kinds Of Fashion Items & Beauty Supplies. And Much Much More 3904 N. E. M.L.K. 335-8034 Hours 10:00-7:00 Monday-Saturday EVERYDAY LOW PRICES COME-N-SEE • Lay Away • T rane ( TJ T a a* h i a n ) GRAND OPENING SALE 10% Discc.int Coupon Expires After 12-31-95