Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 1995, Image 1

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    Volume XXV, Number 48
Committed to cultural diversity
Join In Celebrating Our
Winter Sports
League Opens
Trail Blazer Jim Paxon
kicks-off opening o f area
youth basketball league.
New Gallery
Northeast Portland's newest
art gallery’, "Our Dream ''
draws artists from around
the area to celebrate.
See Sports, page B2.
See Metro, inside.
artlanù Ö
Urban League
Charges Ahead
In AIDS Fight
Furse Helps
Diabetes Awareness
U .S. Rep. Elizabeth Furse, D -O re.,
and her daughter Am anda B rig g s, gr^ce
the cover o f Diabetes Forecast m agazine’s
December issue. Furse has introduced leg­
islation to help diabetics with Medicare.
Her daughter was diagnosed with diabetes
10 years ago at the age o f 27.
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City Water Works
Rated No. 1
The Portland Water Bureau w asgiven
the highest possible grade for revenue bonds
last week by M oody’s Investor Service o f
W all Street. Th e A A I rating w ill draw
investors as the city issues $20 m illion in
revenue bonds to support planned system
Free Tri-Met
Shuttles To Airport
T ra ve le rs were able to avo id the
T h an ksgivin g holiday traffic and parking
crunch at Portland International Airport
last week with a free T ri-M e t shuttle. The
shuttle nins between the airport and Gate­
way Transit Center. Tri-M et says the free
rides wi 11 be offered again during the C hrist­
mas holiday, Dec. 20 through Jan. 2.
Northeast Senator
To Step Down
Sen Ron Cease, who represents north­
east and southeast Portland, announced
last week that he w ill not seek re-election.
The Democrat has served in the L e g is la ­
ture for 12 years and has one year rem ain­
ing on his current term. H is announcement
gives potential candidates time to organize
a cam paign. Cease said he plans to contin­
ue teaching at Portland State U niversity
Rescue Mission
Needs Help
The Portland Rescue M ission put out
a call for help last week. The re lie f m ission
is being inundated with requests for warm
clothing, blankets and hot meals. D ona­
tions are encouraged. For inform ation call
Student Aid
Cuts Opposed
Attempts to cut federal financial aid
and education loans for students was op­
posed by C ity Com m issioner E arl B lu ­
menauer last week in a resolution before
the city council. " A s a society we encour­
age students to continue their education,
yet make it virtually im possible to pay for
it,” Blum enauer said. “ We may reduce the
federal deficit, but we w ill create an educa­
tional deficit in this county that w ill be
more difficult to overcom e.”
Court Dedicated
On Grand
New housing in northeast Portland
was dedicated last week in honor o f C ity
Com m issioner Gretchen M ille r-K afo u ry.
Kafo u ry was thanked for her commitment
and continued support o f issues related to
affo rdable h o using in a cerem o ny at
Kafo u ry Court, a new five-unit com plex at
4066 N F Grand. The project is managed
by Portland Com m unity Reinvestm ent In­
itiatives, a non-profit, com m unity based
Renovation of the historic downtown Multnomah County Central Library has included work by Dave Schwab (from left) Joe
Squires, Steve Johnston, Barry Woods, Bill Bader and Steve Gourde, members of National Electrical Contractors Association
and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 48.
Nurse Shares
Her History
retired nurse who has followed
the path of one of America’s
greatest African American
public health pioneers was introduced
in Portland last week.
M a ry L . M ills . 81, sp o ke to health
p ro fe ss io n a ls at the K a is e r H e a lth R e ­
search C e n te r in north P o rtla n d
M ills is re c o g n ize d fo r her m an y
c o n trib u tio n s to p u b lic n u rsin g , but a lso
fo r her p ro m o tio n o f t h e a c h ie v e m e n ts
o f b la c k s in the h is to ry o f the c o u n try .
M u ch lik e her p re d e c e ss o r M a ry
E liz a M aho ney (1 8 4 5 -1 9 2 6 ), the first
b la c k p ro fe ss io n a l nurse in A m e ric a ,
M ills is d e d ica te d to im p ro v in g p u b lic
health, the ca u se o f freed om and the
ad van ce m en t o f b la c k s in a ll w a lk s o f
life .
In re tirem ent, she is an a v id h is t o r i­
a n , s u c c e s s f u l l y w o r k in g to k e e p
M a h o n e y’ s a ch ie v e m e n ts a liv e and o th ­
er A f r ic a n A m e r ic a n s b y p ro m o tin g
B la c k H isto ry M onth and by h o n o rin g
o u tsta n d in g b la c k A m e ric a n s on p o st­
age stam ps.
In a ll, she sa id , m ore than 50 A f r i ­
can A m e ric a n s have been now ho no red
on U .S . stam ps.
M ills has w ritten a r tic le s on B e s sie
C o le m e n , the w o r ld 's first b la c k fem ale
a v ia to r who earned her in te rn a tio n a l p i­
lo t ’ s lic e n se in F ra n ce in 1921 afte r
b e in g re jecte d by the e sta b lish e d a v ia ­
tion sc h o o ls in A m e ric a b e cau se o f ra ­
c ia l and se x d is c rim in a tio n .
M ills has an o u tsta n d in g re co rd o f
p u b lic and p ro fe ss io n a l s e rv ic e Sh e w as
aw arded the R o c k e fe lle r P u b lic S e r v ic e
A w a rd in 1971 as a nurse c o n su lta n t in
the co m m u n ity health se rv ic e fo r the
U .S . D epartm ent o f H e a lth , E d u c a tio n
and W e lfare
A t the tim e. P resident R ic h a rd N ix o n
said she p ro v id e d " o u ts ta n d in g le a d e r­
ship and splendid contributions." to the
A n ative o f W atha, N .C ., she se rve d
in the U .S P u b lic H e alth S e r v ic e fo r
m ore than 25 ye ars.
Michael Florin Dente’s model of “The Dream, The Monument, ” a statute
planned for in front of the Oregon Convention Center. Dente was scheduled to
appear Wednesday on the 7:30 p.m. cable access program Northwest
Human Rights Day Celebrated
ortland will celebrate Inter­
treatment o f individuals, guaranteeing such
national Human Rights Day
rights as freedom o f religion and opinion,
with a special ceremony at
security o f person, freedom from slavery,
the First Congregational Church.
trial by law, freedom to marry and raise a
T h e S u n d a y , D e c. 10 event is s p o n ­
so red by the F e llo w s h ip o f R e c o n c ili­
a t io n , the W o m e n ’ s In t e r n a t io n a l
L e a g u e fo r Peace and F re e d o m , and
the M e tro p o lita n H u m an R ig h t s C o m ­
m issio n .
T h e P o rtla n d area c o m m is sio n w ill
re lease its new po ster e n title d “ U n i­
v e rsa l D e c la ra tio n o f H u m an R ig h t s ,"
the d e c la ra tio n first ad op ted by the
U n ite d N a tio n s G e n e ra l A s s e m b ly on
D e c. 10, 1948.
The declaration was the first interna­
tional document that set a standard for the
fam ily and ownership o f property.
O ther rights in the document, include
freedom o f peaceful assem bly, the ab ility to
take part in the government, freedom to
w ork and receive equal pay for equal work
and the right to jo in trade unions.
The right to rest and a reasonable lim ­
itation o f w orking hours, the right to educa­
tion and the right to participate in the cultur­
al life o f the com m unity are also found in
the declaration.
The special observance w ill take place
from I p.m. to 4 p.m. at the church, located
at 1 I2 6 S .W . Park.
he Urban League of Portland
is boosting its efforts at HIV
and AIDS prevention.
The organization w ill observe W orld
A ID S D ay on Fridas as it opens a new
aggressive cam paign to increase aware­
ness ofthedisease in the A frica n Am erican
A ID S is a fatal disease that attacks the
immune system for which there is no cure. It
is transmitted by contact with blood and
other body fluids, most often by sexual con­
tact and sharing needles during drug use.
"There is a lot o f discom fort and deni­
al in our comm unity about H IV / A ID S is­
sues which hampers open discussion and
access to care services.” explained L a w ­
re n c e ! Dark. Portland Urban League pres­
D ark and several Urban League sta ff
members w ill demonstrate their com m it­
ment to preventing the spread o f H IV /
A ID S in the Portland area, by jo in in g a
public walk across the Burnside Bridge on
Friday meant to dramatize the impact o f
H IV A ID S in the city
" B y targeting A frica n Am ericans and
other people o f color, we plan to build a
caring environment in w hich the A frican
Am erican com m unity w ill feel more com ­
fortable about discussing the issue and
those who are H IV positive can be more
open about their condition and use a v a il­
able services.” D ark said
He likened the challenge to the atone­
ment theme o f the recent M illio n Man
March in Washington.
"I believe there should be a sim ilar
atonement, because o f too many brothers’
and sisters' attitudes about the health issue
o f H IV / A ID S . We must get past discom ­
fort and denial to w ork to educate, prevent,
heal and im prove the w ellness o f our com ­
The league w ill sponsor an H IV / A ID S
awareness event in Decem ber called “ A
Christm as in M y So u l.” with m usic, read­
ings. poetry and prayer, and w ill host other
events during B la ck H istory Month in Feb­
The gatherings w ill allow the com m u­
nity to participate and learn more about
sexual abstinence, education. H IV / A ID S
prevention and health services available,
league o fficia ls said.
I Irban I .eague representative Ameera
Saahir is available to help with education
and to schedule inform ational sessions for
individuals or groups and can be reached
by callin g 280-2620
Workshop For
Kwanzaa Holiday
free workshop to learn more
about the African-American
holiday Kwanzaa is being
sponsored by the Black Educational
Center in northeast Portland.
T o p ic s w ill in clu d e the h isto ry o f
Kw anzaa. its rituals and icons, how to pre­
pare for the holiday and creating a Kw anzaa
Kw anzaa is celebrated from Dec. 26 to
Jan I by more than 20 m illion A frican A m er­
icans The w orkshop w ill take place Satur­
day, Dec 9 at 10 a m. at the center at 5919
N .E . 17. Fo r more inform ation, contact
Kam au S a d iki at 284-9552
D r ludith Ram aley, President o f Port­
land State University, is one o f four finalists
for the position o f chancellor o f the U n ive r­
sity o f Maine System. Ram aley agreed T u e s­
day night to be a finalist. The announcement
was made Wednesday m orning from the sys­
tem office in Banger, Maine.
Last week in Portland Maine, Ram aley
met with a sm all group oftrustees and student
representatives from the Maine system for
what the president described as a “ get
acquinted" session. “ I did not apply for this
position” she said, “ but I owe it to m yself to
be open to this level o f career exploration. I
wouldn't leave Portland State University to
serve as president o f another university, but
the opportunity to serve as a system chancel­
lor would be o f interest to m e.”