Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 15, 1995, Page 5, Image 5

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    I Hfc P ortland O bserver « N ovember 15, 1995
P age A5
Volunteers Bring Discovery | Redmond Teacher Named 1996
Oregon Teacher Of The Year
T e a c h e rs a n d
vo lun teers attend
a B o n n e v ille
Pow er
A dm inistration
se m in a r in
P ortlan d a im e d at
bringing excitin g
n ew s c ie n c e
ed ucation a n d
d isc o v e ry tools to
area children.
B P A C h ie f Operating O fficer
Sue Hickey helped present B P A ’s
new science outreach program to
Portland Public Schools Superin-
[ tendent Jack Bierwirth and Beaver­
ton School District Assistant Su-
| perintendent H. Mack C lark on
Tuesday, Oct, 17. forty B P A em­
ployees who volunteer to help teach­
ers implement the science outreach
program also attended.
S O L D , S c ie n c e O utreach
Learning Through Discovery, of­
fers professionally designed cur­
riculum with hands-on activities to
demonstrate issues in energy, the
watercycle and fish and w ildlife for
students in grades K - l, 2-3, and 4-
5. Some o f the captivating activi­
ties within the curriculum include
having students race water drops.
separate ink colors, construct a water
cycle model and make salt and pep­
per dance with static electricity.
“ A llo w in g child ren to lean
through their own discovery makes
science much more exciting and the
information has a greater impact,”
says Joel Haugen, education consult­
ant. “That’s what it’s all about for us-
-showing kids that science and tech­
nology are fun and exciting, and that
these fields offer great opportunities
for their future.”
For more information on B P A ’s
S O L D Program and how your school
or class can learn about electricity
and the water cycle through captivat­
ing experiments call Joel Haugen,
(503) 872-7861.
Bonneville is involved in com­
munity education as an investment
tow ard
r e g io n ’s
workforce; particularly those inter­
ested in math, science and engineer­
ing. I hrough education programs,
B P A provides opportunities and)
work-related experience.
The Bonneville Power Adm in­
istrât ion markets and transm its pow­
er throughout the Northwest, coor­
dinates operation o f the Federal C o ­
lumbia River Power System and)
manages a large portion o f the Pa­
cific Northwest-Pacific Southwest!
Intertie. Bonneville owns and oper­
ates the nation’s largest network of)
long-distance, high voltage trans­
mission lines. Unlike most federal
agencies, B P A does not receive
annual appropriations o f tax dol-1
lars. It covers its costs through elec­
tricity sales.
American Education Week
November 12-18 is American
Education. ME/U Viewers have been
asked to thank cable companies for
carryingeducational T V .
What does American Education
Week have to do with watching televi­
sion? It’s a great time to call your local
cable company and thank them for
carrying the educational T V programs
you watch all year long. That's what
MR/U (Mind Extension University)
believes; and the educational cable
channel will begin airing a public ser­
vice announcement next week asking
its viewers to do just that.
“Channels like ME/U are an oa­
sis for viewers who are thirsting for
knowledge and we often get over­
looked in the day-to-day emphasis on
pure entertainment programming,”
stated Wally Griffin, president of Jones
Education Networks. “ We hear di­
rectly from thousands of viewers each
week who are watching our channel
and now we’re asking them to take a
minute and tell their local cable com­
pany about M E/U’s role in satisfying
their appetite for learning.”
M E/U, a subsidiary o f Jones
Education Networks Inc., is the only
basic cable television network de­
voted to distance education and cur­
rently reaches 26 million households.
ME/U works in conjunction with
more than 30 universities and the
nation’s leading providers o f dis­
tance education, offering a board
range o f professional development,
skills based and college credit pro­
gramming, including achoiceofeight
degree programs.
ME/U also features programming
from Jones Computer Network (JC N )
from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight E T . J C N ’s
programs help individuals become
more knowledgeable about comput­
ers, communications, multimedia, soft­
ware and microcomputer-based tech­
nologies. ME/U and JC N are operated
by Jones Education Networks (JE N ),
a subsidiary o f Jones International,
Ltd. For more information, call 1-800-
777-M IND or visit the Internet Web
site ( http://www.meu.edu)
Industrial technology teacher
Ray Hasart, who played a pivotal
role in the design and construction o f
a $3.5 million technology wing which
opened this fall at Redmond High
School, is the 1996 Oregon Teacher
o f the year. Hasart was notified o f the
award today through a phone call
from State School Supt. Norm a
Described as a “real visionary”
by Dan Purple, principal o f Redmond
High School, Hasart, realizing that
the days of teaching repetitive skills
so common to industrial arts classes
were over, began researching curric­
ulum but also for a new technology
“No public school in Oregon
has the aerodynamic testing, hydro­
ponic gardening, video production
capabilities, laser/fiber-optic sys­
tems, microelectron ic subsystems and
robotics program that Mr. Hasart has
brought to our high school," said
Redm ond S ch o o l Supt. Je rry
“Our students need to be pre­
pared for tomorrow’s workforce with
strong skills in team building, prob­
lem solving and hands-on learning,
said Hasart, who believes that bring­
ing relevancy to the classroom is the
key to successful learning. “Students
work harder and achieve higher ex­
pectations when they can see that the
lessons learned are relevant to their
everyday lives.”
Students in Hasart’s manufac­
turing lab work in teams, becoming
individual companies with the entire
class asthemajorcorporation. Teams
keep budget and accounting books,
develop a product and create a mar­
keting plan. Once the product is sold,
teams meet to evaluate and analyze
the process to determine what mod­
ifications are necessary.
Com pany report are shared with
other teams at corporate meetings.
Hasart has earned strong sup­
port from the Redmond business com-
inunity. The Redmond Chamber o f
Commerce named him its 1995 Out­
standing Educator o f the Year.
“ Ray is an outstanding educator
who looks beyond the boundaries to
make things happen,” said Linda
Swearington, executive director o f
the Redmond chamber. “ He is a gift­
ed dreamer. Unlike many other indi­
viduals who just talk about changes
and making a difference, Ray puts
his hands and feet to his dreams.”
Hasart has been at Redmond
High School since 1987. H is 14-year
career includes Bend and G ilchrist
High Schools and Battle Mountain
High School in Nevada.
Hasart was honored by the Ore­
gon Scho o l Boards A sso cia tio n
Nov 11 at 9 a m. at the Marriott Ho­
tel in Portland With the award, he
becomes a candidate for national
teacher o f the year competition con­
ducted by the Counc i I o f Ch ief State
School O fficers and sponsored by
Scholastic, Inc.
tloh n n ie C och ran K e y n o te s B la c k s
The Puget Sound Education
Chapter o f B la c k s in G o v e rn ­
ments w ill host their first annu­
al fu nd raising dinner in re c o g ­
nition o f the C e ntral A rea M o ­
tivation Pro gram ’s 30th A n n i­
T h is e x citin g event w ill be
held on Saturday, Jan. 13, be­
g in n in g at 6 p .m . at the
M eydenbauer C o n fe ren ce C e n ­
ter, I I 102 N .E . 8th Street in
B ellevu e.
T h is ye a r’s theme is: “ We
hold these truths to be s e lf e v i­
dent that all men are created
e q u al.”
C A M P is the oldest African
American community action agen­
cy serving low-income residents in
the greater Seattle area. T o assist
C A M P in meeting the needs o f the
community, proceeds w ill support
C A M P ’s efforts to raise $2,000,000
to secure and renovate a facility to
house their youth and employment
Keynote speaker is A tto r-
Jo h n n ie C o c h ra n
ney Jo h n n ie L . C o ch ra n , Jr., the
in te rn atio n a lly fam ous attorney.
C o ch ran is fo u n d e ro f the Lo s
A n g e le s and W ashington, D C .
based legal firm s o f C o ch ra n ,
A tk in s & E va n s and C o ch ra n ,
M itch e ll & L o tk in s.
An astute attorney, Cochran is
an inspiring positive African Amer­
ican role model. He has been the
recipient o f numerous awards in
recognition o f this achievements
and community service.
Cochran V illa, a 10-unit, low-
income family housingcomplex, is
just one o f his notable achieve­
ments o f community support.
F rid a y, A p ril 28, 1995, was
designated “ Jo h n n ie C o ch ra n
D a ,” in h is h o m e to w n o f
S h re ve p o rt, L o u is ia n a O ther
d istin gu ish e d achievem ents in ­
clude: Pioneer o f B la c k L e g a l
Lead ership A w ard from the L o s
A n g e le s B rotherhood C rusade,
D istin g u ish e d A lu m n i A w ard
from the U C L A B la c k A lu m n i
A w ard for E x c e lle n c e in P ro ­
fessional Achievem ent from the
U C L A A lu m n i A sso cia tio n , and
a L ife tim e A ch ie ve m e n t A w ard
from the Pasadena B ranch o f
the N A A C P
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seating you can call (503) 282-
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