i * » - • í* • i k ♦» i - i .. . y • •; * • « 4*1 • •''i - * P age B6 * . -‘ *-. N ovember 15, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver 'The Church, JT Body O f Believers bv M, I saacs The very first Truth the follow­ ers o f Christ must believe is that, “Christ is the Head o f the Church ’. Unto no other has this title and this authority been given Not unto any Preacher has the seat o f authority over the Church been given; not to Deacons or Elders or Bishops or Priests or “ Mighty Men” ; nor to any other who would set himself up as “head o f the Church”. Those who are called are called to a specific job and are members o f the body o f Christ, which is the Church. It is an affront to God himself, to have His people called by the name of any man, who stained with sin; prone to the lusts of the flesh; doomed to die, ro, and decay; in whom there is no power to save, to renew or to sanctify. Believers must know and pro­ claim that only Christ is the Head o f the Church and that it is He, Jesus, the Christ, who w ill come again to this earth to claim the Church as his bride The gifts o f the Holy Spirit do not entitle us to claim Lordship over G od’s Church; but gives us expertise only in the areas o f our spiritual gifts, and the ability to develop our talents. Not many people know why the M in­ istry ofthe Gospel exists. They really don't know why they gather together to perform their rituals o f worship. Some say— “ We're here to be fed” . Some say— "W e re here to be in­ formed". Some say— "W e’ve come together to hear 'good preaching’. We must hasten to remember that we believers are the Body O f Christ We are a family, and as such, we show our love o f Christ in many, many more ways than just by going to a religious edifice on Friday, or Satur­ day or Sunday, where we sing praise songs, do devotions, give offerings, pray, open the doors o f the Church and go home; never to be involved until the next ‘come together day’. It seems that these many bodies o f believers, called by men. Church­ es, have forgotten how to Stick to­ gether, regardless o f where they wor- shipor under which, man given name, the group happens to be assembled. These segregated cell groups have forgotten how to allow room for its members to express true feelings— jo y, grief, anger, elation, doubt, dis­ appointment, pleasures, pain, loss, disagreement and anticipation; al­ though these emotions were dealt with on a daily basis by Jesus Christ, when he walked this earth. These are things within a family that makes it a family. G o d ’s fam ily must be a place where members are encouraged to grow; to learn; to exercise; to find rest, refreshment and stability for facing life’s realities. G od ’s family must realize, again, that we are fel- low strugglers, who meet together and relate openly, honestly and free­ ly; never bound or gagged by what one fleshly man thinks, or dictates or preaches. We (all o f us) are to exhort each other; study the Word o f God; seek spiritual revelation from the Holy spirit; be accountable to God and responsible for each other in Christ. This we must do, whether we be, named by men as. Baptist, Cath­ olic, Methodist, and so on— if we would be members o f the Body o f Christ. The Church (in the hearts o f the people) is a training base; a place where compassion and forgiveness and grace are dispensed readily and regularly. A place that follows G o d ’s Wordsand becomes involved in righ­ teous instruction; A place where truth is linked with love; a place where G o d ’s Word is never added to nor detracted from; nor used as a ‘foot’ to (Religious (Diversity Celebrated The public is invited to an inter­ faith meeting to honor family values and religious diversity on Sunday at the Portland Rizw an Mosque in southwest Portland. Speakers will be Rabbi Joshua Stampfer, a well known Jewish lead­ er, Mr. David Strait, teacher o f reli­ gion at Oregon Episcopal School and Mr. Rashed Latif, a Muslim schol­ ar from Los Angeles. Teachings o f their respective faiths regarding the fam ily will be the topic o f conversation. They w ill also explain that adherence to these teach­ ings is not only important for the family, but also crucial to the preser­ vation and the prosperity o f the soci­ ety. The A h m a d iy y a M ovem ent, a dynam ic m issio n ary sect o f Is ­ lam , w as fo u n d ed by H a zra t M irza G hu lam Ahm ad o fQ a d ia n , In d ia in M a rc h 1 9 8 9 . T h e A h m a d iy y a M uslim com m unity has b u ilt m osques and m issio n s St. Andrew’s ‘Present free ‘Thanksgiving ‘Dinner St. A n d re w ’ s C h u rch w ill o f­ fer its annual free T h a n k s g iv in g dinner at St. A n d re w ’ s C o m m u ­ nity Center, 4940 N .E . E igh th A ven ue, from 12 noon to 3 p.m ., T h u rsd ay, N ov. 23. A cco rd in g to Matt Je n kin s, St. A n d re ’ s E m ergen cy S e r v ic ­ es, this is the eighth co n se cu tive year that St. A n d re w ’ s p a rish io ­ ners and volunteers w ill present the free dinner. “ W e ’ re p la n n in g to o ffe r T h a n k s g iv in g D in n e r to about 300 to 400 p eo p le.” Je n k in s said donations o f any tra d itio n a l T h a n k s g iv in g food items, from cooked turkeys to pies, w ill be w elcom ed for the dinner. T h e co n trib utio ns w ill be accepted W ednesday, N o v. 22 and T h a n k s g iv in g D ay, N o v. 23 at St. A n d re w ’ s C o m m u n ity C e n ­ ter. Fo r more inform ation co n ­ tact Je n kin s at 281 -1005 . throughout the w orld and is a c­ tiv e ly engaged in educational and w elfare a ctivitie s. The Religions Founders Day is A Portland First Church o f the Nazarene presents: Max McLean INA “ONE-MANSHOW” OF THE GOSPEL OF MARK looks fo r w a r d to the pleasure o f yo u r presence a t its annual RELIGIONS’ FOUNDERS DAY Sunday, November 19, 1995 Please join us as Jewish, Christian, and Muslim speakers present the teachings of their respective faiths relevant to Family Values. These teachings are not only important for the family butalso crucial to the preservation and prosperity of the society. Program: 12:00 noon Lunch: 1:30pm Mt Olivet Baptist Church 8501 N. C hautauqua Blvd., at Willis Blvd. Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY Y o u are c o rd ia lly in vited to attend a "M u sica l E x tra v a g a n za ” sponsored by Bethel A M E C h u rch Sen io r Usher Bo ard on D ecem ­ ber 2-3, 1995. T h e program b egin s at 12:00pm Saturday, D ecem ­ ber 2, 1995 w ith se llin g dinn ers and lo cal b usinesses w ill be e x h ib itin g their products, se rvice s and/or jo b opportunities. There w ill also be d inn ers sold at $3.50 each On D ecem ber 3, 1995 b e g in n in g at 4:0 0pm we w ill feature lo cal ch o irs and so lo ists ce le b ratin g the h o lid ay season in song. Bethel A M E C h urch is located at 5828 N E 8th, corner o f N E 8th and Jarrett in Portland, O regon. A FAITH TEMPLE CHURCH 4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue (between Powell & Foster) Portland, Oregon 97206 SUNDAY Sunday Sch o o l 9:30am Morning Worship 10:45am Evangelistic Service 7:30pm Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm F R ID A Y Evangelistic Service 7:00pm D A IL Y Prayer 12 :00pm & 6:00pm Sunday, November 19 6:00 PM First Church ofthe Nazarene 6100 SW Raab Rd. Portland II wy. 26 at the Sulvan Exit. (503) 774-5470 P A S T O R S : Bishop Robert Simpson, Jr. • Dr. Ida M. Simpson 297-6100 Cox Funeral Home Inc. (503)281-4-891 C fb itu a rp A .A . C O X , S R . Mortician & Funeral Director John E d Louis CH A RLEN E CO X TAN N ER Manager Oct. 7, 1909-N ov. 3,1995 Cause of Death: Cancer Services were held Nov. 9, 1995 at Killingsw orth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. JE R O M E G. T A N N E R A. Funeral Director John Ed Louis came to Portland in 1944. He worked for Portland Traction Co. as an assistant Foreman for 42 years. H e re tire d Jan .0 1 ,1975. He was a former member o f Bethel A .M .E . Church. The Loss o f it loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. John Louis married in January o f 1945 to Mattie D. Louis. S u rv iv o rs: Mattie D. Louis, Wife o f Portland, OR. Josephine Bellard, Daughter o f Berkeley, Cal. James W ilson, Nephew o f Portland, O R . A llen J. Massey, Nephew o f Portland, O R . R.S.V.P. Portland Rizwan Mosque 9925 S.W. 35th Avenue, Portland 645-4772, 245.9041 Message : (503) 246-0813 obedience is owned to God and not to man. God Has Done A ll There Is To Do For Mankind! The factor that w ill make or brake us all is our freedom to choose. W ill you continue to follow other gods; human gods, alien spirits, fads, cult forms o f worship, hatreds, denomi­ nations, ritual performances, etc ? O r w ill you serve the one and only God, Jehovah, and the Son o f God, Jesus Christ0 “Y o u are witnesses against yourselves that you have cho­ sen for yourselves the Lord, to serve him” . Josh 24:22. Shun anyone who sets him self up as Head O f The Church, Head O f Yo ur Heart Chose to fear the Lord; Chose to serve the Lord; Chose to obey His voice; for choice has a direct bearing on behavior. The church (the heart) cannot be rightly related to others until it is rightly related to God. “Nlitsical Extravaganza” ^ 3 | M ovem ent In Islam an annual event celebrated by the movement in order to develop under­ standing, enhance tolerance and pro­ mote mutual coexistence. trod down others, whether they be saint or sinner. Nor is the Word o f God used to elevate any man above another, whether he be called to preach or to wash the feet o f other travelers o f The Way. The Church to day must remem­ ber that people respond much better to personal models than to verbal demands. People are motivated much more by the Joshua method o f lead­ ership (“as for me and my house, we w ill serve the Lo rd ” ) than by listen­ ing to what a man has done or to where he has been, or to what he has said regarding himself, in the name o f the Lord. A man that sees him self as great and brags about his accom ­ plishments in his service to God, has his reward already; that reward being the awe o f men, and the elevation o f him self above G o d ’s people. The Church (in the hearts o f believers) must remember that its ■>«» y o u Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director k n o w v ’w h o ^ o u r e a lly a ro ? Where is S IR IU S and what part does it play in the times to come? Happy Thanksgiving From Do you know what M E L A N IN is and why it's called the gift from the gods? you are invited to join Delbert B lair, D .D ., Ph. D. A HISTORIAN, MINISTER, POET, WRITER, AND METEPHYSICIAN TO EXPLORE THESE SUBJECTS, AND HOW THE GOVERNMENT RELATES. Dr. Blair represents over 40 years of study and research in the paranormal/metaphysical field, and will offer the benefits of his enlightenment in a lecture that will be given on December 8th, 1995 7pm to 10pm at: Mallory Avenue Christian Church, 126 N.E. Alberta, Portland OR. ^ o rtla n h (OhscrUcr Advance tickets $13.00 / $15.00 at the door. For advance tickets and more information call: Rasheed Shareef 289-3490 TICKET OUTLETS: JP ’S FRAME SHOP • HOUSE OF SOUND • REFLECTIONS 288-2118 287-1960 288-6942