K m ita M M M M M ltii P age B2 N ovember 15, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver PAUL ALLEN - TRAILBLAZER OWNER AND MILLIONAIRE ENTREPRENEUR Dallas-San Francisco Matchup Highlights N-F-L The N atio n al F o o tb a lll League’s “Game o f the Year” in recent seasons, the battle between the D allas Cowboys and the San Francisco 49ers, appears to have lost some o f its importance this sea­ son, but is still the most intriguing) matchup San Francisco has been devas-| tated by injuries o f late, with quar­ terback Steve Young and fullback) W illia m F lo y d m issin g tim e. Young’s sore shou Ider may prevent him from playing against Dallas, and backup Elvis Grbac sprained his ankle last week. Floyd is lost for the season, and maybe his career,) with a severely damaged knee. Dallas, on the other hand, has) won four co n secutive gam es. I nimitt Smith, the league’s leading) rusher, went over the 1,000-yard barrier tor the year against the Ea­ gles and Deion Sanders recorded) his first interception as a Cowboy. Silva, Loroupe Successfully Defend NY Marathon Titles German Silva o f Mexico and Kenya's Tegla Loroupe each won their second consecutive New York| City Marathon titles today. Silva broke away from a lead packTTFl the 25th mile to win in a) time o f two hours, I 1:00 minutes,) live seconds better than Great Brit­ ain's Paul I vans. W illiam Koechof| Kenya was third in 2:11:19, fol­ lowed by fellow Kenyan Simon) opuyet who was an additional eight | seconds back. US Captures Fourth Straight World Golf Cup Title The United States team o f Fred Couples and Davis Love III claimed its record fourth straight World Cup o f G o lf title today by matching its own victory margin o f 14 strokes in Shenzhen, China. Love fired a 5-under-par 67 today while Couples shot 69 as the duo finished with a four-round total o f 33-under 543. The Australian tandem o f Brett Ogle and Robert Allenby was sec ond with a 19-under 557. The event has been played ev cry year since 1953 except for 19 8 1 and 1986. The United States has won 21 times, exceeding the total number o f victories by 11 other countries in the same span. Steeb captures Kremlin Cup G erm an C a rl-U w e Steeb outlasted Daniel VacekoftheCzech Republic in a grueling 2 l/2-hour match today to win the $ 1.2 million Krem lin Cup in Moscow, Russia. Steeb edged Vacek, 7-6 (7-5) 3-6, 7-6 (8-6), to capture his third career title and first since 1991. He was ranked 107th in the world com­ ing into the week and was playing in his first final o f the season. Vacek might have been a little tired, as he also had to play three long sets in upsetting hometown favorite and top seed Yevgeny Kafelnikov o f Russia, 7-6( 10-8), 3- 6, 7-6 (7-5), in Saturday’s semifi­ nal. Hill Wins Australian Grand Prix Damon H ill o f Britain closed the Formula One season today by dominating the Australian Grand Prix in Adelaide. H ill drove his W illiam s to the victory, beating Frenchman O livier Panis by two laps H ill outlasted all o f his major rivals to claim his 13th career victory in Formula One G row ing up in m iddle-class comfort in Seattle, Paul G. Allen fell in love with books, basketball and the electric guitar. Now, as one o f the world’s richest men, he is responsi­ ble for a stunning new university library, owns a professional basket­ ball team and arena that are redefin­ ing spectator sports, and is donating nearly $60 m illion fora museum that w ill be a homage to the guitar licks o f Jim i Hendrix. One can only imagine what nat­ ural history museums might be like if young Paul had played with bugs. Since coming into one o f the greatest fortunes in American capi­ talism at Microsoft, which he co­ founded just 20 years ago, Allen has attracted wide interest for the way he is spending - and giving away - much o f his original bankroll. Among his generation o f com- putertycoons, Allen isoneofthe few who seem to be trying to get a life, as they say here in the Silicon Forest around Seattle. Allen may well be, as Wired Magazine said last year, the acciden­ tal zillionaire. Dressed in comfort­ able casuals, pudgy and bearded, he looks like a community College pro­ fessor on an off-plaid day. And if there’s a pattern to his seemingly scattershot dispensing ofcash, it may be hard to discern. He wants to have fun with his money, he said - to invest in research and technology that could change day-to-day life, and to make a lasting impact. Already, he has given away more than $100 million, for libraries, A ID S research, theater, museums, parks, and the study o f extraterrestri­ al life. He has also invested more than $1.2 billion, buying 80 percent o f Ticketmaster, the ticket vendor, and backing more than two dozen new companies, most o f them in new tech­ nology - many o f them risky invest­ ments that are enough to curl the cuffs o f some financial advisers. B y some estimates, Allen has lost nearly $ 100 m i 11 ion in Asymetrix, the first software company he started after leaving Microsoft. But consid­ er that in the last year alone, the value o f his stake in Microsoft has nearly doubled, going up by more than $2.5 billion. A s the second larges, sharehold­ er in Microsoft, which he co-found- ed with his grade-school friend B ill Gates, Allen is worth $6.5 billion - about $5.5 billion in Microsoft stock - according to his financial manager, W illiam D. Savoy. He owns 55.7 m illion shares o f the world’s largest software company (Gates has nearly twice that), and he remains a direc­ tor. “There’s just so much money,” said Allen, sm iling and shrugging during an interview in Bellevue, the Seattle suburb from which he runs an empire o f new technology firms, in­ vestments, and philanthropy. “ What­ ever kind o f material thing you’re interested in you could buy - crazy cars, boats, whatever. Sometimes that can be exciting. On the other hand, if the battery in your expensive car dies, it still won’t go anywhere.” Maybe it was the cancer scare in 1982, a year before he left Microsoft, that made A lle n ’s approach to mon­ ey so different from that o f Gates. Richer than any business partners in history, either man could become an Andrew Carnegie for the digital age, endowing schools, libraries, or foun­ dations with a century or more o f funds. Carnegie, who made his fortune in late 19th century industry , financed, among other things, the building o f more than 2,800 public libraries in the English-speaking world. In “The Gospel o f Wealth,” written in 1900, Carnegie said the rich should distrib­ ute their wealth in their lifetimes. Gates, though, says he w ill wait until he is relatively old to assume a “philanthropic mode,” and then he plans to give away more than 90 percent o f his fortune, now put at more than $ 12 billion. He has bought the electronic rights to major works o f art and most recently, acquired the p h o to grap h ic treasure o f the Bettmann Archive. GLICKMAN RESIGNS FROM PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS The Portland Trail Blazers an­ nounced that Marshall Glickm an, president o f Trail Blazers Incorpo­ rated ( T B I) and Oregon Arena C o r­ poration (O A C ), has resigned his position effe ctive im m ediately. Glickm an w ill continue as a consult­ ant to T B I and O A C . “ I have enjoyed my association with the Blazers, Paul Allen and Bert Kolde for the last 7 years’” said Glickm an. “ With the opening o f the Rose Garden, it seemed like a good time to explore new opportunities and take some time to see what the future may bring. My association with the Blazers goes all the way back to being a ballboy. It’s been a great run. I leave behind some very close friends and professionals that I w ill always respect and admire. The organization is left in very good hands, and I look forward to serving as a consultant to T B I and O A C during this transition period. Oregon Arena Corporation has a great future ahead with all o f the possibilities o f the Rose Quarter campus. It w ill be exciting to watch. Our community is blessed with top quality ownership and a great staff. I also want to thank all o f the people in the community that have supported our efforts to make the Rose Quarter a reality, and Sports Fan? Results, Spreads, Trivia Call Now!!! 1-900-388-2700 Ext. 7797 $2.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs. Touch-tone Phone Required Serv-U (619) 645-8434 all o f my associates with whom I have developed a close personal and professional relationship.” "We wish to thank Marshall for his numerous and significant contri­ butions to the Trail Blazers organi­ zation during his many years here, especially his role in the develop­ ment and opening o f the Rose Gar­ den,” said Paul Allen, chairman o f the Trail Blazers. “ We wish him the best o f success in all o f his future endeavors.” G lickm an joined the Blazers front office in I983asm anagerofthe team’s cable operations. In 1986 he left the club to accept the position o f broadcast coordinator for the Na­ tional Basketball Association. He returned to the Blazers organization in August o f 1988 as director o f business development and was pro­ moted to vice president o f marketing in June o f 1990. Later in 1990, Allen authorized a fact-finding mission and feasibility study for a new arena in Portland for which Glickm an served as the key point person. In June of 1991, O A C was formed as a sister corporation to the Trail Blazers, and Glickm an was appointed senior vice president. He was named T B I/O A C president last year. LIVE GIRLS LIVE GIRLS LIVE GIRLS 1-900-526-2500 Ext. 6426 $3.99 per min. Must be 18 years Touch-tone Phone Required Serv-U (619) 645-8434 Allen, at 42, is not waiting for gray hairs and honorary degrees. Ask him about the Internet, over which his companies are providing myriad types o f fodder for computers, and he goes on in a civil monotone. But bring up one o f his four charitable foundations, and he is a bit more animated, saying that giving away money is one o f the "most rewarding" things in his life. Or men­ tion the possibility o f his Portland Trail Blazers winningan N B A cham­ pionship, and he almost starts his own wave. ‘This is a guy who has more for some o f the new multimedia ar­ eas.” Allen lives alone on a six-acre waterfront compound on Mercer Is­ land, an enclave o f old Seattle wealth and nouveau cyber-millionaires His mother, Faye, lives on the site, in a house stocked floor-to-ceiling with that oldest o f technologies: books. The compound has become something o f a big-boy sandbox for Allen - 20-seat theater, video screens in different rooms, indoor tennis court, pool, waterfall, and a skylit, regulation-size basketball gym. His Trail Blazers have practiced at his ft There’s just so much money... You think with all this stuff, it will affect you as a person. I don’t think in my case it has. -P a u l A lle n ------------------------------------ money than G o d ,” said D avid Coursey, editor o f P.C. Letter, an industry newsletter published in San Mateo, Calif. “At some point in his life he said, Now that I ’m not dying, I'm going to notice the earth, trees and basketball.’ “ He has also noticed films. In the spring, Allen became by far the big­ gest backer o f Dreamworks S K G , the new studio headed by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen. For a $500 million investment, Allen was given 18 per­ cent o f the company and a seat on the board. Allen may never get a decent return on his money, some analysts say. But, again, it does not seem to matter to him. He says he is in for the long term - and has no craving for the perks o f movie moguldom, like tak­ ing meetings at a poolside shadowed by starlets. “ I ’m not in there telling them who they should cast,” said Allen. “ I ’m interested in learning from them. They may use me as a sounding board home; once, he even staged a private game there between his team and the Seattle Supersonics. “You think with all this stuff, it will affect you as a person,” said Allen. “I don't think in my case it has." He seems somewhat embarrassed by the sheer magnitude of it all. “The numbers are crazy,” he said. “And I also do some crazy things." He has a private jet, which he uses to dash off on diving excursions in tropical wa­ ters, and a 150-foot yacht. But he does not seem to revel in his toys the way, say, the late Malcolm Forbes did. Allen seems more like the Tom Hanks boy-in-a-man’s-body charac­ ter in the movie “ B ig ,” Coursey said. “ I don’t think a venture capitalist would be happy with his portfolio,” he added. “ But so what? He seems to be having fun. You can almost see him dancing on the big piano like Hanks does in F.A .O . Schwartz.” To A llen ’s critics, the vast for­ tune is a fluke, a result o f hitching his star to Gates. The son o f two librar­ ians, Allen met Gates at Lakeside, a Seattle private school known as a breeding ground for some o f this city’s leading creative lights in art and finance. Paul is two years older than B ill; they hooked up at middle school when a clunky teletype-like computer was brought into Lakeside. Paul dropped out o f Washing­ ton State University to work for Honeywell, in Boston. There he again linked up with Gates, who was at­ tending Harvard. The rest is comput­ er history, with new layers o f legend piled on with each passing year. According to the 1993 book “Gates," by Stephen Manes and Paul Andrews, Allen saw a Popular Me­ chanics cover featuring a prototype personal computer, then set about with Gates finding a soul for the new machine. The pair started Microsoft 20 years ago this month, combining shrewd business practices and dogged programming genius with strokes o f great luck. Allen had the program­ ming brains, Gates the financial sav­ vy. It was Paul, in 1977, who said he expected the personal computer to become as much a part o f every day life as a telephone, and who envi­ sioned things like E-m ail and sug­ gested the name Microsoft. He talked early on about a “wired world” - a term he says he coined. In 1982, Allen discovered lumps in his neck, soon diagnosed as Hodgkins Disease. He beat it with . months o f radiation therapy, emerg- , ing a changed man. “You realize life is short,” he , said. “ Facing your own mortality forces you to reevaluate your priori­ ties.” In 1983, Allen - against his part- . ner’s wishes - left Microsoft three years before it went public. The two remain .close, though; they plan to vacation together this year, and still meet for pizza or a movie at one o f . their wired palaces. While Gates is often portrayed as predatory and ruthless, Allen is typically called a nice guy, though somewhat personality-deficient. HAYNES WINS MIDDLEWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Portland Boxer Andre Haynes defeated Shane Scw artz o f For, Collins, Colo, to win the middle­ weight division o f the National Po­ lice Activities League B oxingCham - pionships. Haynes and two other local box­ ers competed in the Oct. 30 - Nov. 4 tournament held in Dallas, Texas. They represented the Knott Street Gym, the Portland Parks Bureau and the Police Activities League ofGreat- er Portland. The other boxers George Calder, a junior middle weigh, and Chad Davidson, a banter weight, lost in the quarter finals. The athletes qualified for the event at Portland’s Clyde Q uisenberry M em orial Amateur Tournament on Oct. 7 at the Matt Dishman Community Center. B y winning the middleweight division (maximum weight limit o f 165 pounds), Haynes, 25, earns the chance to complete at the U.S. Olym ­ pic Team Trials in Oakland, Calif., A p ril 2-7. “ I was very excited and sur­ prised to compete with the best let alone win,” said Haynes.-“ It was a thrill to be involved with the national P A L tournament.” Haynes said knowing he will get to compete in the Olym pic trials gives him “confidence, inspiration and something to drive toward.” H aynes graduated from Jefferson High School and recently from cosmetology school. He is em­ ployed as a stylist. He began b o xin g as a teenag­ er, but started ta kin g it se rio u sly at Knott Street G ym in 1993 He is coached by R ay M onge and Joe C aldera. Haynes w ill be needing help for his trip to the Olym pic trials. Costs for the first round are expected to be $2,000. For sponsorsh ip informat ion, contact the Police Activities League at 823-0250. 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