Volume XXV, Number 46 Committed to cultural diversity Trent For Home Team Join In Celebrating Our Trail Blazer rookie Gary Trent is in northeast Portland 's King Neighborhood. What s he s doing? Jazz Sensation Boney James Contemporary Jazz Saxophonist Boney James and his new album. Seduction. See Metro, inside. See Arts And Entertainment, page B3. ortíanh longtime Portland resident Urban League of Portland and the N A A C P ’s who was denied a teaching Portland branch. He has been a member of job in the city because he was Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity and is a founding black and then went on to become a member o f the groups’s local graduate center successful businessman was honored and undergraduate chapters at the University Saturday with a Lifetime Achievement of Oregon and Oregon State University Award. He and his wife o f 56 years, Johnnie Charles B. Maxey was flatly turned down Obina are the parents of five adult children; when he applied for a teaching position in Caroline Avidon of Israel; Virginia Johnson Portland in the 1940s. He had experience as of Virginia; Donna Easter ofOakland, Calif.; a teacher and coach before coming to Ore­ and Charles W. Maxey and Johnathan R gon, having graduated from Texas College in Maxey o f Portland 1940 with a major in economics. A long-time member of Bethel AMF. But he was told for a black man he was Church, Maxey also is active in youth and "too young" to be teaching young white church activities. women. M axey was among six African Am er­ Maxey pushed aside the racism and built ican men honored for “ taking a stand a successful life as an entrepreneur and com­ and m aking a difference," by the local munity activist. chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority He said it was a move he never regretted. during a banquet at Shenanigans’ s on A native of St. Augustine, Texas, he the W illam ette. moved to Portland in 1943 to work in the The others honored for going "beyond shipyards before apply ing for a teaching job. the 9 to 5 to ensure our community’s growth,” In recalling the school system rejection, were Lolenzo Poe for youth services; Roy Maxey said, “ It was hideous. Jay and Bernie Foster for business achieve­ "I could have been discouraged and bro­ ment and Charles Jordan and Art Alexander ken when I wasn’t able to make a living in the for community service. area that I was trained,” he said. Poe is director of Multnomah County’s Maxey had options because o f his col­ Department o f Community and Family Ser­ lege training. He opened Maxey’s Barber vices. Foster is publisher o f the Skanner Shop, originally on Northeast Weidler Street. newspaper o f Portland and Seattle His other ventures were Maxey’s Better Jay leads Roy Jay Enterprises and Buys Grocery, an appl iance store on Weidler, the Oregon Convention and V isito rs Se r­ a liquorstoreon Martin Luther K ing Jr. Blvd. vices. Jordan is director o f the Portland and Freemont Street and a three-store com­ Bureau o f Parks and Recreation and mercial property investment in northeast Alexander serves as executive assistant Portland. to Portland C ity Com m issioner M ike Ch a rles B. Maxey, recipient of the Kappa Alpha P s i Lifetime Achievem ent Aw ard Maxey has served as a leader in the Lindberg. pictured above with his wife Joh nn ie Obina Maxey. A Civil Rights Leader Chosen PresidentClinton has named A. Leon Higginbotham Jr. o f Massachusetts to the U S. Commission on C iv il Rights. Until he retired in 1993, Higginbotham served as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals. He has more than 60 honorary degrees. The commission was established in 1957 to investigate voting and civil rights dis­ crimination complaints. Schools Get Gloomy Report The nation’s schools have made few academic gains and in some cases even lost ground since its 10-year quest to reach ambitious improvement goals by the year 2000. According to last week’s report by the National Education Goals Panel, in­ fants are healthier, parents are reading more to their children and math scores have climbed. But reading scores o f high school seniors have dropped and student drug use has climbed. Assassination Report Ignored The Israeli secret service, already un­ der attack for letting an assassin approach Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin unchal­ lenged, acknowledged on Sunday it had received a tip in June about the confessed killer’s intentions and did not follow-up. The disclosure shocked the grieving na­ tion. Powell Won’t Run For President olin Powell, a black son of " I’m not Dwight Eisenhower,” he told New York. Jamaican immigrants whose television interviewer David Frost. " I’mColin He was commissioned a U.S. Army sec­ father came to America on a Powell.” ond lieutenant in 1958. banana boat, seemed form idable And there were some hard realities he His career assignments ranged from two S eattle's Mayor presidential material as a soldier-hero was well aware of. combat tours as a junior officer in Vietnam, Is Funniest with the popular appeal of a Dwight Recent polls showed him running be­ where he survived a helicopter crash, to plum Eisenhower. Seattle Mayor Norman Rice won a hind Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole among Pentagon jobs, military colleges and White “funniest mayor” contest last weekend by But Powell, 58, a retired four-star gener­ Republicans, even though he did better than House advisory stints. It was quickly appar­ al and former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of comparing his rain-soaked city to a mois­ Dole when matched against Clinton. ent he was or; the fast-track and he climbed Staff, announced on Wednesday after a long turizing pad and speaking in an underwater Many conservative Republicans consid­ steadily to four-star general rank. period of private agonizing that he will not gurgle. The African American leader was er Powell too liberal because of his stated His tenure as chairman ofthejoint chiefs run for president in 1996 despite heavy pub­ on H B O ’s “Comic R e lie fV II” show. Rice support for abortion rights, gun control and ran from Oct. I, 1989 under Republican lic pressure to do so. also made humor about Seattle’s green image. That deflated a “ Powellmania” phenom­ enon fanned by polls suggesting he could beat Democratic President B ill Clinton and Glickman Leaves provide a fresh, exciting new brand o f nation­ Trail Blazers al leadership. Marshall Glickman, who rose from But the speculation had also been tem­ ball boy to president of Portland Trail pered by talk that perhaps the general — a Blazers, Inc. and the Oregon Arena Project, dignified if not Olympian figure — could not resigned on Friday. Glickman, the son ofj stomach the sort of wilting public scrutiny Trai 1 Blazer founder Harry GI ickman, said and questioning a White House candidate he wanted to explore future career oppor­ must endure. tunities. But there was speculation o f pow­ That point seemed prophetic as Powell er play moves in the Blazer front office. admitted at a news conference that a presi­ dential run would require “a passion and a James Brown's W ife commitment that despite my every effort I Recants Abuse did not yet have.” James Brown’s wife now denies he hit The sense of letdown among supporters her and wants to drop domestic violence high and low was sharpened by his record of charges against him. “This has been a total integrity and glittering achievement He had mistake,” Adrienne Brown said in an affi­ raised himself up from obscurity to rarified Gen. Colin Pow ell a nd one of his m any honors, the Spingarn M e d a lp re sen ted b v heights as the first black chief o f the U.S. davit released Friday in Columbia, S.C. former N A A C P Executive Director Benjam in Hooks. Brown, 62, was arrested Oct. 3 1 after his military in the sort of rags-to-riches saga affirmative action programmes promoting President George Bush until Sept. 30, 1993 success story people love. wife called 9-1-1 and told deputies he hit equal opportunity for minorities in jobs and underClinton, when he retired after35 year her in the face. She said in the affidavit, she Many simply assumed he would seek the education. Some of them pledged to oppose of service. accidentally hit a mirror. White House — how could he not9 — and his a Powell candidacy with all they had. He caught the public eye dur.ng th, saga inevitably sparked comparison with the Cohn Luther Powell was born April 5, 1990-91 G u lf War against Iraq, when he bon Eisenhower epic o f 1952. Governor Finds 937, in New York C ity’s tough South Bronx much of the burden of selling the effort to thi "Ike,” a popular idol since his days as district, the son of a seamstress and a ship- public with crisp, clear televised briefings. Approval Rating allied commander in Europe in World War pingclerk who, Powell likes to recall, arrived Since retirine h e h a s w o r k e d „ „ After 10 months in office. Gov. John II, was drafted into presidential politics by in America aboard a United Fruit Company Kitzhaber has an approval rating o f 69 Republican leaders who knew a winner when steamer in 1920. percent among fellow Democrats and a they saw one. He rode a wave of “ I Like Ike” Powell’s own ticket to success was the respectable 43 percent among Republi­ enthusiasm to an easy victory, and two White Reserve Officer Training Corps, a programme cans, according to a recent poll. The rat­ House terms. for university students that absorbed most of ings are among the highest of any Oregon Powel I was always uneasy with the “black his energies when he was, by his own admis­ governor in recent history. Ike” parallels. sion, a so-so student at the City College of C SPORTS Sternwheelers Race Sunday “f 1 i he Great American Stern- I w h eeler R a c e ” betw een A Oregon’s two famous riva sternwheelers, the “Sternwheeler Columbia Gorge” and the “Steamer Portland” is set for 2 p.m. Sunday. The race takes place on the Willamette starting at the St. Johns railroad bridge and ending between the Freemont and Steel bridges, downtown. It’s a re-match of last year’s classic, in which the "Portland" nar­ rowly defeated the “Columbia Gorge” in the first race o f its kind in over 40 years. The race also is a grand celebration of river heritage. Last year, a large number of pleasure craft and thousands of on-lookers watched from bridges, overpasses, riverbanks and waterfront parks. Th is year, a new inclusion in the event will be other notable boats including the members o f the “Antique & Wooded Boats Society”, the Sterhwheeler "Cascade Queen" and the historic replica of the sailing ship “Lady Washington.” Seats are available on board the "Co­ lumbia Gorge” for guests to ride during the race. A good location to watch the begin­ ning ofthe event is at Swan Island. The best location to watch the finish o f the event is Waterfront Park. Join us as we celebrate The Portland Observer’s 25th year in the community by placing an ad in our Silver Anniversary Souvenir Book. 4747 Martin Luther King Jr.Blvd, Portland, OR 97211 Call (503) 288-0033 FAX 288-0015 Drop by or phone We look forw ard to your participation. ENTERTAINMENT CLASSIFIEDS i