'i ■ bmwrwms ’ Y >r» •' T he P uri land O bserver • N ovember 8, 1995 P age A5 bseruer Mortgage Rates Fall, Buying Expands Cheaper mortgage rates lured home buyers into the market this fall leading to a rebound in sales, the Commerce Department said. Sales rose 3.3 percent in Sep­ tember to a seasonally adjusted an­ nual rate o f 727,000 units, following a revised I I I percent plunge in August to 704,000. Housing is a key contributor to economic growth not only because it is big employer during construction but also because o f its so-called “mul­ tiplier effect" from subsequent pur­ chases o f goods like furniture and appliances as well as services. Sep tem b er was the fourth straight month in which sales o f new homes exceeded 700,000 a year — a level o f sales vitality not seen in nearly two years since the four months from September through December 1993. In another indicator o f resurgent economic activity, Chicago purchas­ ing managers said their Chicagoland Business Barometer posted a solid rise in October with big gains in production and orders. The index measure rose to a seasonally adjust­ ed 53.4 in October from 49.0 in Sep­ tember - the first monthly gain after four consecutive months o f decline - with any measure over 50 pointing to an expanding manufacturing econo­ my. Wall Street cheered the reports, with stocks soaring during the day. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 35 points at 4,792 in after­ noon trading. Bonds also posted moderate gains. Analysts said the reports high­ lighted the vigor in a variety o f sec­ tors that currently are nourishing the nearly 5-year old recovery from the last recession in 1990-91. “ Housing, capital spending and exports, that’s where the strength is coming from,” said economist Eu­ gene Sherman o f M .A. Schapiro and Co. Inc. in New York. Sherman forecast the nation's gross domestic product w ill expand at a 3.1 percent annual rate in the final three months o f this year after exceptionally vigorous growth at a 4.2 percent rate in the third quarter. Not only were new-home sales fairly buoyant in September, but so were sales o f existing homes. Last week, the National Association o f Realtors said sales o f existing homes rose 0.7 percent in September the fifth consecutive monthly increase — to an annual rate o f 4 .15 million units from a 4.12 million-unit rate in August. “Tum bling mortgage rates do wonders for the housing market and they certainly have done so during the third quarter,” said economist David Lereah from the Mortgage Bankers Association. New-home sales were running at an average 741,000 a year during the third quarter, an 11 percent in­ crease from the second quarter’s 666,000-a-year pace. D avid Seiders, an econom ist for the N ational A sso cia tio n o f Home B u ild e rs, said member sur­ veys show prospects rem ained fa irly stro n g for the next s ix months though not lik e ly at the levels seen in the third quarter. “ W e’d expect the sales pace to ease down m oderately from this rate to a more sustainable range,” Seide rs said, w hich still w ould represent a healthy hous­ ing market, one lik e ly to dissuade the Federal R eserve from low er­ ing interest rates again this year. Regionally in September, sales o f new homes rose 12.7 percent in the Midwest to a rate o f 151,000 a year and were up 6.9 percent in the Wes, to 2 3 1,000. Apartment Charged With Discrimination Ahousingdiscrimination com­ plaint based on sexual harassment has been filed against Tom and Kathy Weathers, operators o f the Joyce Hotel and Kim berly Ray “Ken” Zipfel, manager o f the hous­ ing downtown housing complex. The complaint, announced by U.S. Attorney for Oregon Kristine Olson, alleges that the defendants violated provisions ofthe Fair Hous­ ing Act o f the C iv il Rights Act. The case is a consolidation o f eight complaints that were filed against the defendants by former tenants o f the hotel, a single room occupancy residential hotel at 322 S.W . 11th Ave. The defendants rented or at­ tempted to rent rooms at the Joyce on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. At least two o f the complainants were referred to the Joyce Hotel by out­ side agencies concerned with the homeless. The eight women and one man were subjected to unwelcome sexual advances and requests for sexual fa­ vors, the suit charges. In addition, several o f the women were allegedly subject to unwelcome physical con­ duct ofa sexual nature by the resident manager, defendant Zipfel. The complain, further alleges the Weathers, knew or should have known about the sexual comments and conduct. The Weathers are charged with failing to take prompt remedial action to end the harass­ ment. The complaints were investi­ gated by the Housing and Urban Development agency which deter­ mined that reasonable cause exist­ ed to believe that housing discrim ­ ination had occurred. H U D issued a charge o f dis­ crim ination, but the com plaints chose to resolve the matter in feder­ al court. The law suit seeks in ju n c­ tive, com pensator and p un itive dam ages on b e h a lf o f the co m ­ plainants. Homelessness Grows On A Global Scale A half billion peo­ ple in cities and towns worldwide are homeless or live in inferior hous­ ing, a burgeoning prob­ lem that threatens the economic and social fab­ ric o f many nations, a U.N. agency said in a recent report. “ Homelessness is on the increase everywhere, in the developed world as well as in the underdeveloped world,” said W ally N ’Dow, head o f the United Nations Center for Hu­ man Settlements. “No one can afford the exploding urban blight, socially, economically and politically.” Housing shortages and poor hous­ ing conditions — the results o f mas­ sive urbanization — are life-threaten­ ing, said the center, which provides technical support to governments. Sub-standard housing, unsafe water and poor sanitation in densely populated cities are responsible for 10 million deaths worldwide every year, it added in a special report. The problem is getting worse because housing cannot keep up with an exploding urban population, which will double from 2.4 billion in 1995 from five billion in the year 2025. “ We w ill witness at least a dou­ bling o f the homeless and shelterless people (unless we act),” N ’ Dow said. “ That’s a catastrophe. It ’s a clear and present danger.” The center said the cities with the worst housing problems include Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with 79 per­ cent o f the people homeless or living in inferior housing; Jakarta, Indone­ sia, with 54 percent, and Bogota, Colombia, with 50 percent. T o cope with the urban popula­ tion explosion, the U N . agency called for a new partnership between gov­ ernments and businesses, better use o f scarce resources and the elimina­ tion o f excessive building regula­ tions. “One ofthe most important fac­ tors is how we release the land, how we provide access to the land, who controls the land,” N ’Dow added. According to the center, by the year 2015 the 10 largest cities in the world w ill be in Asia, Latin America and Africa. Only one o f them — Tokyo, with 28.7 million inhabitants will be in an industrial country. The others— Bombay, India, with 27.4 million res­ idents; Lagos, Nigeria, 24.4 million; Shanghai, China, 23.4 million; Jakarta, Indo­ nesia, 21.2 m illion; Sao Paulo, Brazil, 20.8 million; Karachi, Pakistan, 20.6 mil­ lion; Beijing, China, 19.4 million; Dhaka, Bangladesh, 19 m il­ lion and Mexico City, 18.8 million — will all be in the developing world New Y o rk and Lo s Angeles in the United States and Seoul, South Korea, w ill fall from the top 10 in the next 20 years. Internet Links Customers To Real Estate When Greg M cDonald was considering a transfer to the Cleve­ land area from East Providence, R.I., he and his wife, Lisa, wanted information - about the city, the suburbs, the schools, the housing market. So he did what comes naturally in this connected age. He sat down at his computer, logged on to Prod­ igy, entered the on-line service’s Interne, gateway and used a World Wide Web search utility to find Cleveland resources. In the process he ran across the Web “home page” o f Barb Izzi, a real estate agent with Smythe Cramer in Hudson. He contacted her through electronic mail, and she responded the same way. That introduction eventually led to the M cDonalds’ purchase this summer o f a house in Strongsville In Northeast Ohio and around the country, real estate companies and their agents are turning to the Web as a promising way to reach potential customers. Izzi had listed only four prop­ erties on her Web page, with a color picture and information about each. Though the house the McDonalds bough, wasn’t one o f them, the page “gave me an idea o f the type o f housing that was available in Cleve­ land,” said Greg McDonald, a C h i­ cago native who works as a perfor­ mance contracting manager for Johnson Controls Inc. in Garfield Heights. And communicating with an agent on the Internet, he found, "was a very convenient way" to begin house hunting. “ I saw ( Iz z i’s) picture (on the Webpage), I knew who 1 was talking to, but 1 never actually verbally spoke to her” until he had made a final decision to go after the promotion that would relocate his family to Northeast Ohio Izzi lays claim to being the first real estate agent in Northeast Ohioto have established a business presence on the Web. Since she hired someone to se, up her home page in March, she said, thousands o f people from all over the country have tapped into it with their computers and modems. Those “ hits” have included about a dozen serious inquiries, including the McDonalds. Another came from Ed and Jo Yuhas o f Dublin, north o f Colum ­ bus. He works for Nestle in Colum ­ bus, and his division is being con­ solidated with operations in Solon. A s they planned their reloca­ tion to this area, the Yuhases checked out Iz z i’s Web offerings and other listings. They eventually decided to build a new house in Aurora - a deal Izzi brokered Bu, the Web was their introduction to the local hous­ ing market. Now other local real estate of­ fices and agents are getting in on the Web action. The Web is a way o f “ listing individual homes for the entire world to see,” said M ike Evans, a manage­ ment consultant for R E /M A X In­ ternational real estate agents in Cleveland. “ If you lived in Seattle and you knew you were going to be transfer­ ring to the Cleveland area, you would be able to dial into the Cleveland area and find the homes that were for sale in this marketplace.” Not all the homes, though Most real estate offices in the area are just discovering the Web, and i, w ill be a while before all the homes avail­ able in the Multiple Listing Service books are also listed on the Web Homeownership Forum WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1995 FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 8:30 PM. HOLY CROSS CHURCH/PARISH HALL 5227 N. BOWDOIN. REFRESHMENTS & CHILDCARE PROVIDED. 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