■W iiii T V^iâSSfÎ^?«96«fe> 3r» ;,a T he P ortland O bserver • N ovember 8, 1995 • ' P age A3 * V ' I ‘ < - A ,i I II Kaiser Permanente is helping employees displaced by the Bess Kaiser Hospital closure. U . ’ i One example is the Separated Workers Action Network — SWAN__ a committee linking Kaiser Permanente management with the labor unions representing many Bess Kaiser employees. They are working together to coordinate community resources for the people who are losing their jobs at Bess Kaiser Medical Center. Employees receive: •io t bi • Skills identification r ■ I . 1 k ‘ • Resume writing/interview training K t ( |n |» n nt I It • Job search information • Educational opportunities • Community resource referrals • Peer group support services Bess Kaiser employees April Andrews, CNA, (right) and Jose Escobar are trained to serve as SW A N partners by Lee Schore with the states Dislocated Workers Project. Bess Kaiser nurse Bruce Brown, RN, (left) a n d P hil Lopez, Bess Kaiser Director o f Envirornental Services, serve as co-chairs o f SW AN . KAISER PERM ANENTE Separated Workers Action Network (SW AN) employees are trained to provide peer support to staff 'through the transition period.