Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 08, 1995, Image 1

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Volume XXV, Number 45
Committed to cultural diversity?
November X, 1995
Join In Celebrating Our
On Kids!
The Duke Report
Adoptive fam ily advocates
put needs o f children first.
Our Lan ita Duke profiles the
box office hit "Get Shorty ’’
staring Danny Devito, Rene
Russo and John Travolta.
See page B3.
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ter 250
Worldwide Ban On
Hate Talk Urged
Bonds For
Veterans Issued
Oregon veterans can now borrow mon­
ey for housing at an interest rate o f 6.3
percent through the state Department o f |
Veterans Affairs, a rate that has not been
offered since the 1970s, announced Ore­
gon State Treasurer Jim H ill. The lending
follows the state sale o f $70 in general
obligation bonds and the state’s improved
bond rating outlook, changing from nega­
tive to positive.
PCC Enrollment Levels
The number o f full-tim e students tak­
ing classes at Portland Community C ol­
lege remains the same when compared to
attendance figures at this time last year.
However part-time student enrollment in­
creased 4.2 percent. A t the Cascade Cam­
pus in north Portland, full-tim e students
increased a slight .6 percent.
Tri-Met Faces Complaints |
Tri-met has named an independent
1 task force on customer service. The group
w ill be charged with reviewing the trans­
portation agency’s policies and procedures
regarding customer service and customer
complaints. T ri-M et recently came under
fire after two employees were caught hav­
ing sex on buses and were allowed to keep
| their jobs
From Brooklyn synagogues to West Bank settlements, Jews searched
their souls this week, asking whether the rhetoric o f hate that has
accompanied every step o f the M iddle East peace process led to the
murder o f Israeli Prime M inister Yitzhak Rabin.
For months, Jews in the United States, Israel and elsewhere have
been indiscriminately coupling criticism o f the peace process with
savage attacks on the Israeli leader, calling him a murderer, a traitor and
even a Jewish Hitler
Now with his assassination, the "people o f the book" are worry ing
deeply about the effects o f their words.
In a mass soul-searching, many Jewish leaders, regardless o f p olit­
ical persuasion, are calling for the ugly rhetoric to stop and for people on
both sides ot the ideological divide to recognize the sincerity o f their
I hey charge that the ugly words accompanying Rabin’s peace
efforts created a climate o f hate that paved the way for a Jew to k ill the
only Israeli prime minister bom in Jerusalem.
And they wonder what happens next i f the rhetoric goes unchecked.
More killings'.’ An end to the peace process? C iv il war among Jews?
In a search for people to blame for rhetorical excesses, many U.S.
Jews pointed at a prominent 72-year-old Orthodox rabbi in Brooklyn
who last June gave a religious justification for murdering Rabin — an
argument he recanted in a letter o f apology just days before the Israeli
leader’ s murder.
In remarks widely reported in the Jewish press, Rabbi Abraham
Hecht cited a religious law that allows a person to be killed who
“ w illfu lly , consciously or intentionally hands over human bodies or
human property to an alien people." Hecht quoted the revered medieval
Jewish scholar Maimonides as saying o f such a person, " I f a man kills
him, he has done a good deed.”
Hecht, who was not available for comment on Monday, had already
apologized for his comments, saying in a letter to Rabin late last
month: “ I wish to repudiate any words and actions o f anger and which '
have caused hurt.”
Continued to page A6
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Hos/e Dean is president of Doris' Cafe. Inc. and with her latest outlet, Doris' Cafe at The Rose
Quarter, area residents are once again challenged to "beef it up, pork it down, but don't chicken
out it you want the greatest barbecue in town. ” The popular restaurant is one of the featured
ethmc foods served in the new arena.
(Photo by Michael G. Halle)
Sheriff Names Minority
Newt’s Popularity
ive command officers in the
Multnomah County Sheriff’s
office will be responsible for
hearing the concerns of minority
residents under new assignments
ordered by Sheriff Dan Noelle.
Newsweek magazine reports that Newt
I G ingrich’s GOP col leagues “ may love him,
but the public doesn’t. Polls show only a
third o f the people like him... and even that
number is dropping. Meanwhile, support
for the Republican agenda itself is slip­
p in g ”
Each o f the officers w ill be charged
with hearing from residents o f a particular
minority community.
The policy is intended to give the pub­
lic information on who they can call to
address particular m inority concerns and to
make the s h e riff s department a community
friendly environment.
The assignments are as follows: Com­
mander Vera Pool is assigned to the African
American community and can be reached at
251-2542; Commander Mel Hedgpeth w ill
hear Hispanic community and can be reached
at 251-2523; Commander B ill Goss w ill hear
the concerns o f the Native American commu­
nity and can be reached at 251 -2422.
Commander Rich Haug w ill respond to
sexual minority concerns and can be reached
at 251-2514 and C om m ander Jackie
Jamieson w ill hear from the Asian commu­
nity and can be reached at 2 5 1 -2545.
Noelle is asking that the commanders
Homeless Shelter Opens
As temperatures drop, the Salvation
| Arm y has opened a winter shelter at its
Harbor Light Center, 123 W. Burnside,
where 100 homeless men and women can
sleep in safety and out o f the cold. The
Salvation A rm y’s mission is to serve peo­
ple in need, so for decades it’ s been a top
priority for us to provide a refuge from the
cold for our neighbors without homes,’
| said Harbor Light director M ajor Neal
Flu Prevention Urged
Health and Human Services Secretary
Donna E. Shalala last week urged older
Americans to receive flu shots before the
onset o f the flu season, saying that thou­
sands o f serious illnesses, hospitalizations
and deaths can be prevented by the immu­
nizations. She also released figures show­
ing a significant increase in Medicare pa-
I tients receiving shots.
Vera Pool
get a “ hands on" viewpoint o f m inority
interests and concerns by participating in
community meetings, round table discus­
sions and having direct accountability to
community leaders.
The assignments are initial steps to in­
sure that the sh eriff s office remain responsi­
ble to the people that is serves, Noelle said.
A nni
Support For Congress
Is slipping
...will be celebrating our 25th Anniversary on December 8th, at The
OAME Ptaza, 4 134 North Vancouver Avenue. In recognition of future
Writcrs/Jouralist 2 Awards will be presented:
• Middle School - $50 cash Award (to be used towards materials and
A W all Street Journal/NBC News poll
shows public support for the extremist
GOP Congress is slipping. Sixty-four per­
cent o f those surveyed believe the Repub­
licans w ill go too far and make changes
that are bad for America. Meanwhile, only
| 40 percent o f Americans have a positive
opinion o f the Republican Party, the low­
est since the GOP won the majority in
- —
..........., I
James DePreist conducts the Portland Interscholastic League school choir's as it
performs a rendition of the Canadian and American national anthems before the Trail
Blazer's season opener in the new Rose Garden arena. (Photo Michael G. Halle)
writing supplies)
High School - $100 Scholarship
Content-Writing skills - poetry/essays/stories limit 200 wutds
Send contest submittions to 4747Martin Luther King Blvd.. Submittions must
be postmarked no later than November 27, 1995. Phone Contact: 288-0053.
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