Int P oru and P age A3 O bserver • N ovember 1, 1995 Drug Sentencing Bill Called Race Based The drug-sentencing bill, H R 2259, attracted little notice in Wash­ ington, compared with the attention focused on the pitched debate over the future o f health care and welfare. But prisoner rights groups say word o f its passage flashed through federal prisons across the country. And soon after there were rum­ blings o f possible disturbances. Prison officials will not say if they believe the uprisings that fol­ lowed were related to Congress’ vote. But the disturbances have suddenly drawn attention to the debate over mandatory federal sentencing laws for crack cocaine offenses. These laws, which Congress voted to maintain in the bill, are harsher than those for pow­ dered cocaine crimes, and many say they have a disproportionate impact on poor, black men “ It is both unfair, impractical and u n w arran ted ," said Laura Murphy, director o f the American C ivil Liberties Union in Washing­ ton, who called race issues in the criminal justice system “the new fron­ tier” o f civil rights. “ How can you go to an inner- city family and tell them their son is given 20 years, while someone in the suburbs who’ s using powdered co­ caine in greater quantities can get off with 90 days’ probation? When peo­ ple understand the truth about the way these laws are imposed, the fact they’ ve had no deterrent, and the race-based nature o f these prosecu­ tions, then I think a sleeping giant is going to roar.’’ But others say the violence and addiction that lie in the crack epi­ demic’s wake explain why such of­ fenses are more harshly punished “ What about the gangs, the ri­ valries, the shootings, the killings?” said J im Shedd, an agent and spokes­ man for the Drug Enforcement Ad­ ministration in Miami. “ Everybody’s forgotten about the amount o f violence that goes with crack cocaine It's not a racist thing, but unfortunately that’s what it’s turned into.” During the march on Washing­ ton by hundreds o f thousands of black men, and later in an emotional debate on the floor o f the House of Representatives, speakers de­ cried federal laws that say it takes 100 times more powdered cocaine to draw the same mandatory' minimum sentence of five years in prison that awa is a person convicted o f pos­ sessing five grams o f crack The U S. Sentencing Commis­ sion. created by Congress to draft, monitor and amend sentencingguide- lines for the federal courts, recom­ mended that legislators scrap the 100- to-l ratio, and make equal the amounts o f crack and cocaine pow­ der that draw the same base sentenc­ es. It suggested a number of enhance­ ments that would more severely pun­ ish offenders who had also used a weapon or committed other crimes. Instead lawmakers passed legis­ lation that rejected those recommen­ dations and urged the body to re­ examine its findings. The Congressional Black Cau­ cus sent a letter to President Bill Clinton urging him to veto Con­ gress’ bill. Rep M axine W aters, D -C a- l i f , who attacked the sentencing laws during the H o u se ’ s debate, has written to prison wardens asking them to relay to Attorney General Janet Reno their co n ­ cerns about the impact o f the uneven penalties. Crack is the only drug that car­ ries a mandatory prison term for pos­ session, whether or not the intent is to distribute, said Paul Martin, deputy staffdirector for the sentencing com­ mission. Possession o f heroin or pow­ dered cocaine, without intent to sell, is a misdemeanor carrying a maxi­ mum o f one year in jail. The commission had also sought to make punishment for simple crack possession equal to that of other drugs. Although federal statistics find that hal f o f crack users are wh ite, the sale and use o f the substance, a cheap­ er form o f cocaine, is often concen­ trated in poor, urban, minority com­ munities, experts say. Last year, 90 percent o f those convicted o f federal crack offenses were black, and 3.5 percent were white, sentencing commission o ffi­ cials say. By contrast, 25.9 percent o f those convicted on federal powdered cocaine charges were white, 29.7 percent were black and 42.8 percent were Hispanic. “ When we saw those statistics," said Judge Richard P. Conaboy, the sentencing com­ mission’ s chairman, "our theory was a law, no matter how well-intentioned it was, if it’s causing such discrepant results, then the law has to be changed and a new method has to be installed." Gingrich Presents Contradiction Ever since Newt Gingrich as­ cended to power in January, he has presented a perplexing profile on the subject o f race. He is the white leader o f à con­ servative revolution whose aim is to shrink the government’s role in so­ cial welfare and return power to the states, yet he also calls for compas­ sion and preaches the moral impera­ tive o f lifting the underclass up from poverty. When Gingrich, a fiercely parti­ san Georgia Republican was sworn in January, he credited the “ liberal wing o f the Democratic Party" for ending segregation. He went on to use that momen­ tous occasion to remind his new flock o f “ the moral urgency o f coming to grips with what’s happening to the poorest Americans.” After the M illion Man March, he iflade an impassioned speech to a group o f white conservatives: “ I do n ’ t think any white co n ­ servative anyw here in A m erica ought to look at L o uis Farrakhan and ju st condemn him without askin g yo urse lf: “ Where were you when the ch ild ren died? W here were you when the schools failed? W here were you when they had no ho pe?” Gingrich has stood as a protec­ tor o f the destitute District o f Colum­ bia and although he opposes quotas, he has not called for an end to affir­ mative action. Two portraits hang in his office in the Capitol, those ofGeorge Wash­ ington and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Yet, G ingrich’s critics see an unbridgeable gulf between his talk and his actions. Under Gingrich’s leadership, the House has set about overhauling the nation’s landmark social welfare programs - Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, the earned in­ come tax credit, to name a few - that critics say w ill surely increase the hardships o f those trying to escape poverty. “ There’s a massive contradic­ tion,” said Ronald Walters, chair­ man o f the political science depart­ ment at Howard University “ He set a theme o f racial reconciliation and harmony, and yet when you look at his support for the new crime bill and welfare reform and the devolution o f power to the local level and the build­ ing o f prisons, with no emphasis on rehabilitation, and the destruction o f HU D and the withdrawal o f resourc­ es, these are all deleterious to the life o f inner city residents.” One o f the starkest displays o f the gap between his words and his actions is evident in the case o f the District o f Columbia. Unlike President Clinton, who made a brief foray into a black neigh­ borhood when he first moved to Washington and made no further public overtures, Gingrich appeared far more committed. Saying he wanted to make Wash­ ington an “ urban jew el,” the speaker formed an unusual alliance with Mayor Marion S Barry Jr., a Demo­ crat, sat through a long town meeting with local residents and intervened when a House subcommittee pro­ posed to curtail the district’s right to self-government. But when Gingrich recently sup­ ported severe budget cuts that city officials did not expect. Barry, who was not warned or consulted, said that Gingrich had betrayed their bond o f trust and that the cuts would wreak havoc on the city. At the M illion Man March, in­ stead o f being praised as the “trans­ formational figure” he likes to piesent himself as, Gingrich was harshly re­ pudiated as a force o f destruction. The Rev. Jesse Jackson com ­ pared him to B u ll C onnor, the racist Alabam a p olice ch ie f, say­ ing G in g ric h ’ s p o licie s inspired hundreds o f thousands o f black men to march on W ashington last week in the same way C o nno r inspired the legendary march for c iv il rights in 1963. V O L U N T E E R S Hormone Replacement Study Healthy women volunteers are needed for a two-year research study. The study will help determine whether investigational hormone replacement can prevent bone loss. You may qualify if you: • are 45 years of age or older and have a uterus • are at least one year, but not more than five years, past menopause M * Participants will receive the following at no charge: • study-related medication • calcium supplements • bone density measurement • laboratory tests • mammograms • physical and gynecological exams For information, call the Osteoporosis Research Center Congress Vote May Cause Harm Portland area activists have urged Oregon’ s congressional dele­ gation to support a controversial res­ olution opposing major rollbacks in environmental protection. A congressional committee w ill meet within days to reconcile the separate appropriations bills for the Environmental Protection Agency passed by the House and Senate. A motion by Reps. Sherwood Boehlert, R -N .Y . and Louis Stokes D, Ohio, to instruct the conference committee to strip from the bill a series o f amendments, or “ riders,” that would prohibit the EPA from enforcing critical provisions o f sev­ eral major environmental laws. LeslieCagle,asurgeonat South­ west Washington Medical Center and board member o f the Portland Chap­ ter o f Physicians for Social Respon­ sibility, called on Oregon’s repre­ sentatives to vote with the health o f their constituents foremost in their minds. “ C le a n a ir and clean water are not lu x u rie s. They are the e s s e n t ia l e le m e n ts o f g o o d health,” she said. “ I f we ca n 't enforce the law s that protect our a ir and water, the results w ill be more sick n e ss and disease, as w ell as high er health costs.” Jonathan Poisner, conservation chair for the Oregon Chapter o f the Sierra Club, noted that the restric­ tions on the E P A ’ s regulatory au­ thority were inserted into the agen­ c y ’s budget at the specific urging o f lobbyists for polluting industries. “ These riders are clearly meant to fulfill the fantasies o f big poilut- ers. Unless they are removed, their dreams w ill become our nightmare,” he said. Randy Tucker, environmental advocate for the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group, said that the House leadership was making a serious miscalculation in opposing environmental protection. “ A ll year long, Congress has been thumbing its nose at us by gutting environmen­ tal protections,” he observed. “ These riders send the message that cam­ paign contributions from special in­ terests are more important than the health o f American citizens. This w ill be the third vote on the contentious issue o f attaching restric­ tive riders to the E P A ’ s funding. On July 28, Reps, Boehlert and Stokes introduced an amendment to the House version o f the EPA budget that would have removed all o f the anti-environmental riders that had been added in committee. These rid­ ers ban the expenditure o f funds to enforce key elements o f the Clean Air Art Clean Water Act, Safe Drink ing Water Act, and Superfund laws. The House narrowly approved the amendment, with 50 Republi­ cans in support. However, in an un­ usual parliamentary maneuver, the House leadership called for another vote on July 3 1. This time the amend­ ment was defeated on a tie vote, 2 10, 210. The EPA budget was then passed with the riders attached. Oregon's representatives voted along party lines on each vote, with the Republi­ cans voting to keep the destructive riders in the bill. In September, the Senate ap­ proved a similar version which in­ cludes a smaller budget cut and few­ er riders than the bill passed by the W A N I E Í) (503) 215-6465 House, but would still be extremely damaging to public health and the environment. t P ro v id e n c e P o rt la n d M edical C e n te r Food Stamps Benefits To Change A recent action by the U .S. C o n g re s s w i l l m ean an o th e r change in O regon food stamp benefits on N ovem ber I. On October 21, the President signed the budget b ill for the U.S. D epartm entof A g riculture. In that b ill. Congress included a p ro vi­ sion ro llin g back a sm all increase granted to food stamp recipients on October I. The rollback w ill mean a reduction o f $1 to $2 in the amount o f food stamps for many Oregon fam ilies, beginning with their Novem ber benefits. The ac­ tion is expected to save $ 1 1 m il­ lion nationally each month, the new change invo lves the “ stan­ dard deduction" that is subtracted from a fa m ily ’ s income when their food stamp benefits are calculat­ ed. That deduction was ju st in ­ creased as part o f a number o f changes made October 1. C o n ­ g ress’ action returns the standard deduction to its former level. Fam­ ilie s who don’ t have income w ill not be affected by the change. A p p ro xim ate ly 1 31 ,0 0 0 O r­ egon ho useh o lds, made up o f 2 8 7 ,0 0 0 peo p le, re c e iv e food stam ps each month. The average amount o f food stamps received by a household is $ 16 0 a month. T w o d iv is io n o f the state D e­ partment o f Human R esources - A d u lt & F am ily S e rvice s, and Se n io r and D isab led S e rvice s - ad m in ister the program . The cost o f food stamps is paid by the federal g overn­ ment, with ad m in istrative costs fin a n ce d by state and federal funds. HOUSE TOO COLD? Here we have an unfortunate example of a homeowner who neglected to call PGE’s Power Smart program. It’s a pity, really. We would have been happy to tell them all about insulation and weatherstripping. Delighted at the prospect o f discussing programmable thermostats, argon-filled windows and pipe wrap. Luckily, it's not too late for you. (Assuming your phone isn't encased in ice along with the rest o f your residence.) As pan o f our ongoing effort to tell you about the latest energy efficient technologies, w e'll also be happy to give you tips on water heating, lighting, appliances — anything to help you use energy more wisely. Simply call I -800-722-9287. 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