Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 25, 1995, Image 9

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Volume XXV, Number 43
Committed to culjiual diversity.
October 25, 1995
^ n rtía n ó (Ohseruer
School Hosts
Haunted House
Chills and thrills w ill be part o f the
halloween fun at the Our Lady o f Sorrows
School haunted house, 5239 S.E.
Woodstock Blvd. The dates o f the event
are Friday and Saturday, Oct. 27 and Oct.
28, from 7 p.m. to midnight, and Sunday
and Monday, Oct. 29 and Oct. 30, from 6
p.m. to 10 p.m.
Men’s Clothing Needed
Sturdy men’s clothing for the home­
less and those in need o f work clothes are
being collected in a special “ Make a D if­
ference Day,” effort for the Portland Po­
lice Bureau’s Sunshine Division. Shoes,
jeans, hats, coats, etc., o f good quality can
be dropped o ff at the Church o f Scientology
Celebrity Center at Southwest Salmon
and Broadway.
B ra d D o rs e y (above) o f A T & T W ireless
S e rvices does landscaping in fro n t o f an
a p a rtm e n t on n orthe a st R oselaw n.
Kids (left) from the n eigh b o rh o o d in the
n o rth e a st R oselaw n area jo in e d A T & T
W ireless em ployees in a vo lu ntee r p a in tin g
p ro je c t
Catlin Gabel
Rummage Sale
The tradition o f fabulous bargains
continues when the 51st annual Catlin
Gable Rummage sale is held Nov. 2-5 at
the Multnomah County Exposition Cen­
ter. The sale fiI Is some 25 semi-trucks and
occupies over 60,000 square feet o f space
once it’s sorted by department. Proceeds
go to support student financial aid.
Medical Exams For Kids
Shriners Hospital w ill give free health
lexams for children who may benefit from
orthopedic or burn scar care, Saturday, 8
a m. to 2 p.m. No appointment is neces­
sary. To participate, bring appropriate doc­
uments such as adoption papers, custody
agreements, birth certificates and immu­
nization records to the hospital at 3101
S.W. Sam Jackson Park Rd. For informa­
tion, call 241-5090.
Casino Auction For
The M ake-A-W ish Foundation pre­
sents it’s fifth annual casino/auction night
and costume party, from 6:30 p.m. to 11
p.m. Oct. 27 at the Willamette Valley
Vineyards in Salem. Tickets are $17.50.
M ake-A-W ish is an organization that
grants wishes to children, battling life
threatening illnesses.
AT & T Workers Descend On Northeast
Volunteers and buckets o f paint, ham­
mers, nails and shovels went to work last
week in a fragile pocket o f Portland, the
Northeast Roselawn area.
More than 150 volunteers from A T & T
Wireless Services joined the Albina M iniste­
rial Alliance, the Franciscan Enterprise o f
Oregon and the Northeast Community De­
velopment organization in the “ community
Cornel West
To Present
Crisis Line
Needs Volunteers
Portland Women’s Crisis Line has
openings on its volunteer board o f direc­
tors. Women from all walks o f life and
women o f color are encouraged to apply.
For more information call the organiza­
tion at 232-4176.
Faces Of Liberty
On Display
A traveling photo-journal exhibit.
Faces o f Liberty, from the American C ivil
Liberties Union Foundation o f Oregon, is
on display in the Sylvania Portland Com­
munity College library through Nov. 2.
The exhibit contains a set o f 10 panels that
document nine Oregonians who stood up
for basic civil liberties.
Training For
Spill Workers
Stop Oregon Litter and Vandalism is
offering free classes Oct. 25, Nov. I and
Nov. 2 to train volunteers to help in the
event o f oil spills, should they occur on
Oregon’ s coasts or inland waterways. To
register call SOLV at 1-800-333-7658.
Boston Pops Tickets
On Sale
The Boston Pops Esplande Orchestra
HolidayConcert comes to Portland Dec. 5
at 8 p.m. for an exclusive northwest stop in
the Rose Garden. Tickets are on sale at the
G I. Joe’s Ticketmaster outlets, Blazers
on Broadway and the Rose Quarter Ticket
O ffice or by phone at 224-4400.
Calendar information will he given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
C orne l W est
service week” effort.
The volunteers focused on the painting
and the rehabilitation o f homeless shelters
for several families. Landscaping and minor
repairs were made for elderly and low -in­
come residents. A T & T Wireless Services
supplied the materials.
“ This is exactly what has been needed on
Roselawn,” said Cornetta Smith, executive
He w i l l p re s e n t th e 199
C ha m b e rlin Lecture at 7:30 p.m. i
Agnes Flanagan Chapel on the Lew i
and C la rk campus. H is ta lk is free
but seating is lim ite d and ticke ts mus
be reserved in advance.
West is a professor o f philosophy
o f re lig io n and A fro -A m e ric a n stud
ies a, H arvard U n iv e rs ity . He ha:
authored 11 books on an im pressivt
range o f to p ic s , in c lu d in g A m ericar
p ra g m a tism , M a rx is m , dem ocratic
th eo ry, A fric a n -A m e ric a n theology
and lite ra tu re and h ealing the r if t be­
tween blacks and Jews.
His most recent titles include Jews
and Blacks: Let the Healing Begin, co­
authored with Michael Lemer; Race Mat­
ters; Keeping the Faith: Philosophy and
Race in America; Beyond Eurocentrism
and M ulticulturalism and Breaking Bread.
“ This project w ill have a long-term ef­
fect on the morale and well-being o f this
neighborhood,” Smith said.
The three non-profit groups provide
continuous help to low-income families in
north and northeast Portland. But each orga­
nization is faced with the challenge o f pre­
serving and creating affordable housing in an »
environment o f rapidly escalating Housing
Study Shows ¡cycle Helmets Work
regon’s bicycle helmet law is
being credited with a dramatic
drop in the number of severe
b ic yc le-rela te d
in ju rie s ,
according to a new Oregon Health
Division report.
The study also shows that helm et
use among c h ild re n has doubled.
Dr. K a trin a Hedberg, deputy state
e p id e m io lo g ist, says that helm et usage
rates have risen from 25 percent to 50
The law, w hich went into e ffe c t in
July 1994, requires c h ild re n under 16 to
wear helmets w h ile rid in g b icycle s. The
H ealth D iv is io n conducted the study to
evaluate effects o f the le g is la tio n on
b icycle heim et usage and head in ju ry
“ T his report c le a rly shows that the
law has been e ffe c tiv e in increasing h e l­
met use among c h ild re n ,” H edberg said.
Head in ju ry is the most com m on
cause o f death, d is a b ility and serious
in ju ry in c h ild b ic y c lis ts w ho crash.
N a tio n a lly each year, about 600 per­
sons die and 181,000 persons are treated
in em e rg en cy room s as a re s u lt o f
b icycle -re la te d head in ju rie s , o ffic ia ls
In Oregon from 1991 to 1993, 208
c h ild re n b icycle -re la te d in ju rie s were
ornel West, one of the mo:
prominent African-Amer
can intellectuals engagec
in the public discussion of race an
class, w ill speak Thursday i
Portland on “Race Matters: Th
American Crisis of Poverty, Wealt
and Power.”
director o f the Albina M inisterial Alliance.
“ We began sheltering homeless families here
in 1987. We thought. I f we run who’ s going
to take a stand?” ’
Smith said the Ministerial Alliance is
currently w orking to create affordable hous­
ing, but faces an increasing homeless popu­
lation due to low-income families displaced
by rising rents.
Annual Cat
et owners are urged to take
extra precautions to protect
their pets this Halloween.
“ Spooky masks and costumes may be
fun for people, but hey can terrify some
animals, said Karen Brittain o f the Oregon
Humane Society.
Halloween is second only to the Fourth
o f July for runaway pets. Pets should be
safely confined to a room away from incom­
ing “ trick-or-treaters” on Halloween night,
Brittain said. People need to take a look
around for such things as anti-freeze spills or
other toxic substances before securing their
animals, she said Brittain said black cat
owners may want to print their, pets indoors
now for the next several days.
Black cats at the humane society w ill be
available for adoption after Halloween. The
annual embargo is to assure that these cats are
not adopted for mischievous purposes
ro m a n a ro n c e a n a K a is e r H erm ánente p ro m o te b icycle h e lm e t sa fety this
s u m m e r in n orth a n d N orth ea st Portland. S in ce e n a c tm e n t o f the helm et law in
1994, K a is e r has d istribu te d o v e r 1,600 free h e lm e ts to area children.
reported, I4 o fth o s e c h ild re n died. T w o-
th ird s o f those in ju rie s in v o lv e d head
In a d d itio n , the study in te rvie w e d
parents and c h ild re n about b ic y c le h e l­
met use and know ledge o f the law.
A lm o st 90 percent o f c h ild re n and
th e ir parents knew about the le g is la tio n .
H ow ever, boys were less lik e ly than g ir
and o ld e r c h ild re n were less lik e ly tha
yo un ge r c h ild re n , to wear b ic y c le he
“ The study p oints out that a d d itio r
al e ffo rts are needed to increase helmi
use, p a rtic u la rly among o ld e r boys,
H edberg said
PSU President Gets Results
ortland State U n iversity
President Judith A, Ramaley
is being honored as a
powerful example of an educational
leader who stays committed, focused
and gets results.
Ramaley is being credited with helping
improve success at PSU with new student
retention programs, despite budget cuts.
“ People are complaining that educa­
tion reform is stuck. But we know that good
solid reform is going forward, such as that
at PSU," said Carol Stoel o f the American
Association for Higher Education
The group is presenting Ramaley it’s
first annual leadership award on Thursday
in Washington, D C.
Curricular reforms were initiated last
year at PSU on the freshman level. O f the
7 15 student who began, 535 finished, mark­
ing a retention rate o f 73 percent.
“ That kind o f student retention is re­
markable for a nontraditional institution,
such as PSU. The university should be
pound o f President Ramaley for what she’s
P o rtla n d S tate U n ive rsity P resident
Ju dith A. R am ale y
doing," Stoel said
PSU’ s new four-year general educa­
tion reform has been applauded by several
educational institution as a national model.