U r t ’r r r . * . î * u *;** V .< 7'** / * '* . < " - j* .-<•'•' P age A6 . ¿ > M O ctober 25, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver The Mother Of All Marches, Part II: What Took You So Long? B y P rof . M c K inley B urt a so cia l and econom ic m agnitude My goodness, gracious, d id n ’t as w ould draw ju st as m uch o ve r­ last w eek's assem blage o f b la ck seas attention as the upcom ing men shake up the w orld. U nited N atio n s an n ive rsary. I repeat, “ the w o rld ,” w ith B ut, true to form , b ig brother reverberating headlines in Europe, watched c a re fu lly over h is flo ck , A sia , A fr ic a and w herever else assu rin g “ h is ” p u b lic that, “ no, there is m edia; free, co n tro lle d or 'th e y ’ are not in revo lt, ju st rest­ hesitant. less from agitation by this u p p ity’ I made the rounds o f lo ca l M in iste r F a rra kh a n .” news stands that carry the fo reign We note, how ever, that C o n ­ press«Kind I had friend s on the gressm an Newt G in g ric h is not as Internet to m o n ito r e le c tro n ic dense as he and his fe llo w co n se r­ space. A n ab so lu te ly in cre d ib le va tive s som etim es pretend. B r a ­ global ¡esponse (w ith a few no ­ zenly, he stated, “The march ought table and predictable e x ce p tio n s.) to be a w ake-up c a ll for all o f I trust than none o f the rea d ­ A m e ric a . A n d in a w o n d e rfu l ers were naive enough to expect ir o n y , a ll o f us ow e L o u is that the lo cal “d a ily B u g le " n ew s­ Farrakh an a thank you for h avin g papers in O rego n w ould s u f f i­ told a ll o f us, if the pain le ve l (o f cie n tly trust their reader’ s in t e lli­ b la c k s) is great enough for him to gence to make proper and a n a ly ti­ be a leader, then we all have a lot cal judgm ents o f an event o f such b igge r ch alle n ge to le ad .” 700 N. K illingsworth M iracles C lub F und R aiser H elp K eep the D oors O pen W hen : F ri . & S at . O ctober 27 th & 28 th T ime : 7:30 p . m . F un D ancing F ood C ards D ominoes V ideo G ames O pen M eeting W e N eed Y our H elp ! or the D oors will be C losed ! A dults $5 14 & over C hildren $3 13 & under C hildren are welcomed , but need to be closely supervised by a parent !! T hank you for your support ! GRAND OPENING SALE FAME (Q FASHION) Kids • Mens • Womens Clothes • Big Sizes Hats • Caps • Hair • Wigs • Purses • Jewelry • Gifts Electronics • Watches • House Shoes • Slippers • Toys T/Shirts • 99c Belts • Stockings • Sox • Sunglasses All K inds O f Fashion Item s & Beauty Supplies. And Much Much More 3904 N. E. M.L.K. 335-8034 Hours 10:00-7:00 Monday-Saturday EVER YDA Y LOW PRIC ES C O M E -N -SE E Th at is an interestin g and re­ ve alin g statement from the most co ld and c a lc u la tin g leader o f R e p u b lica n s dedicated to repay­ ing the lo b byists, drug com panies, m u ltin a tio n a l co rp o ra tio n s and other cam paign contributors with m onies wrenched from the health and sustenance o f tens o f m illio n s o f ethnics, elders and children (not to m ention a few m illio n s o f plain- o ld -w h ite -fo lk s who have no po­ litic a l clo u t). Y o u had better b elieve that there is great concern in both high and low places: “ What in the world is it that these b lack fo lk s are g o in g to go home and “reconnect” about! T h e y were too quiet, too peaceable, two o rderly, too lo v ­ in g, B y G od , it ’s frig h te n in g .” A n d speaking o f b lack lead­ e rship, or w hite-appointed black his supporters wherever he went but his visit sparked protests by thou­ sands o f Cuban exiles, including his daughter. He told a mostly black, cheering crowd in Harlem: “ I’m still being left out o f the dinners and banquets as if nothing had changed, as if we were still in the Cold War.” He also gave a one-hour televi­ sion interview, telling C N N it would be very difficult for a dialogue to open between him and Clinton as the 1996 U .S. presidential elections drew closer. “ I think it is very difficult for something like that to happen in the near future, for the time being,” he said with a smile. “ I wish (Clinton) the best. But generally I only get to speak to (U .S.) presidents when they are no longer presidents,” he added wryly. Castro brushed o ff questions about protests staged by Cuban ex­ iles around the United Nations, even though thousands came out to jeer and call him an "assassin.” Am ong the protesters was his daughter A lina Fernandez Revuelta who fled Cuba last year and who says her father is a brutal dictator. “Castro must go. We are all try­ ing to get the embargo toughened,” she said. The United States has kept an economic embargo against Cuba since 1962 and Republican leaders in Congress want to tighten those sanctions to weaken his government. HALLOWEEN Musk Millennium A Je w S e a s o n th e ¿Sel e h r a t i o n A )e w S t y le s iS o rn p o rta b le (S lo th in g • 2 5 % off n e w item s fro m jA dini • 2 5 % off L e a t h e r -H a n d b a g s • $ 5 o ff a n y o rig in a l L ja m b in a doll, 32nd & E. Burnside 231-8926 /A y a n a ? "C an ish a, Jiokno, e tc • 1 0 % off ^A rtifa cts • 2 0 % off all 3 e w e lry S o le H o u rs S u n d a y 1 2 io 5 S u n d a y O c t 2 2 th ro u g h A 4 o n d u y - F r i d a y 1 0 fo 5 t3 O F r id a y O c t. 2 7 th V isa/M C ¿Join us a ll d a y S u n d a y 249-3790 A C -k a fu /A d d y , /A f r ic a n d r u m m e r T h e /A fric a n V illa g e ¿Imports 14 3 9 A )F A lb e r ta S T . P o rtla n d , O R 97211 23rd & NW Johnson 248-0163 S a t u r d a y ¿S losed fo r B ir th d a y C a k e D is c o u n t s n o t v a lid o n L a y - A - W a y ite m s The Integrated P a ck a g in g Corp, sig n s a $ 7 5 m illion contract with P e p s i-C o la to p ro vid e corrugated b o x e s for five yea rs. T h e contract m a kes IP C , a N ew J e r s e y com pany, o n e o f the la rgest African A m erica n o w n ed b u s in e s s e s in the nation. P e p s i’s Sco tt B u ch a n a n (from left) a n d Jim K o zlo w sk i a re jo in e d b y J o e W ilson a n d H e n ry R o d g e r o f IP C . P o lic e A eu x Case #95-34: Wanted Subject Portland Police Bureau De­ tectives, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers, are asking for your help in locating James Robert Ringrose. A felony arrest warrant has been issued in Multnomah county, charging Ringrose with TwoCounts o f Aggravated Theft in the First Degree. According to investigators, the charges, stem from the taking J a m e s R o b e rt R in g ro se and selling o f company owned wind -generator components. James Robert Ringrose is de­ scribed as a 53-year-old white male, with a birthdate o f A p ril 19, 1942. Ringrose is 6 ’0 tall, weights ap­ proximately 150 pounds, with blue eyes and graying brown hair. Aliases used by Ringrose in­ clude: John Paul Patterson, W. L. G riffin, PhillipG eorge Riley, John L. Lew is, O liver Spilling, John J. Baxter, and Peter Max Lee. Crim e stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crim e Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anony­ mous. C a ll crime Stoppers at (503) 8 2 3 -H E LP . Restitution Center Accepts Women Offenders Expires After 12-31-95 sa lé the m edia needs a q u ick “ ratings and revenue” generator to replace the O .J. Sim pson saga. Ju st im agine the number o f both white and b lack fo lk s who w ould be unem ployed if A fric a n A m e r ic a n s in d e e d re tu rn to “ reconnect” and to experience a sp iritu al renewal in their co m m u ­ nities; la y o ffs for policem en, j a i l ­ ers, prison guards, crim in o lo g ists, so cio lo g ists; ju d g e s, law yers, gun dealers, drug dealers and other m illio n s w hose liv e lih o o d d e ­ pends upon the u g ly econom ic infrastructure built upon the backs o f A fric a n A m e rican s. N ext week, re view in g “ Jew s and B la c k s ” by C o rn e l W est who w ill be in Portland this Th u rsd ay at L e w is and C la r k C o lle g e . Is there a real chasm ? M edia d rive n ? or both? Continued from front 10% Discount Coupon 1 s t ÿ A n n iv e rs a p y ... lo n g ” to wake up, we have C o n ­ gressm an L e w is posturing for the b ig stage and fle ein g fro m M in is ­ ter Farrakhan as though he ca r­ ried the plague. A New Y o r k T im e s news ser­ vice photo show s him Hanked by white congressm en B ill M cC o llu m and C h a r le s S c h u m e r as they “ ...announce a request to P re s i­ dent C lin to n for a co m m issio n to study race relations in A m e rica. T h e y say such a panel should have im p e cca b le ’ cre d e n tia ls.” Y o u know what that means, d o n ’t you. A l l p o lit ic ia n s and o th er shrewd m anipulators o f the a f­ fairs o f m ankind know that the best and q u icke st way to k ill an idea or a m ovem ent in a dem oc­ racy is to ca ll for a study. And it is not ju st the case that World Stage Plays To Washington ▲ • Lay Away • F A M E (Q FA SH IO N ) GRAND OPENING SALE le a d e r s h ip ( t h r o u g h p h o n e y boards, etc.) o f w hich I have been h ig h ly c ritic a l the past year, many readers o f m y la s, w ee k’ s article were in clo se agreem ent with the evaluation o f John L e w is o f the C o n g r e s s io n a l B la c k C a u c u s : “ L e w is has been roundly criticize d by many b la ck s for not having recognized the traum atic failure o f the 'm e ltin g p o t’ co n ce p t.” U n fo rtu nately, many o f our ap­ p ointed ’ leaders have continued to hold out the hope to b lack masses that they can broker cross- cu ltu ral or heavy "rain b o w " sup­ port for b la ck go als and asp ira­ tions - in lieu o f the internal stru c­ turing and econom ic developm ent practiced by other ethnic groups. So it is not su rp risin g at all that, w hile we are a sk in g some b lack leaders, “ what took you so Io A d \erti.sc In (I lie ]Jn v tk u iif (ÛlfH'vuev ( .ill 288-0033 Co-ed Residence makes Resti­ tution Option Available for Women The M C R C , in operation since 1987, began accepting females res­ idents on October 6, 1995.1116 tran­ sition to a coed residence is now complete and in full operation. M C R C is a program based cor­ rectional facility for sentenced of­ fenders. Its structure and programs allow offenders the opportunity to compensate the commun ity for their actions through direct restitution or through various work projects in and for the community. Residents are also required to maintain or look for employment, pay room and board to M CRC.attendclasses orprograms, participate in a savings plans and plan to meet family responsibilities. One o f the goals o f the Restitu­ tion Center is to help residents deve! op job skills that w ill facilitate reen­ try into the community and the job market. The Sheriffs Office Inmate Programs Division estimates that over 40% o f the clients in the M C SO correctional facilities lack a high school diploma or a G E D . Residents have the opportunity to study for a G E D while at the Center. Traditionally, there have few-1 er options for female offenders be­ cause they make up a significantly smaller portion o f the overall ja il population. In Au gu sto fl 995, Sher­ iff Noelle approached the Citizens A d v iso ry Board that oversees M C R C with the suggestion to ac­ cept female offenders. The addition o f fem ale in ­ mates e q u alizes the chances for co n stru ctive program a c tiv ity that p ro vide the opp o rtu nity fur reh ab ilitatio n. “Scapiing” James Taylor Is The Ticket To Arresi A Portland man was cited after he sold James Taylor tickets at an inflated price to a Portland Police officer. Under C ity ordinance, it is illegal to “scalp” or sell tickets for more than their face value to events at municipally owned facilities. James T aylo r is performing with the Oregon Symphony at the Arlene Schnitzer Performing Arts Center on October 31st. A ll tickets have been sold for the event. Hoping to see the show, officer Leo Painton, o f the Drug and Vice D ivision, called a phone number in a newspaper classified ad offering James T ay lor tickets. Officer Painton made arrangements to meet the man, who was selling tickets for $55 to $90. The prices seemed quite high, and Officer Painton called the box office to inquire. He was told that prices for the show were $33 to $38. and that the Performing Arts Center had been receiving complaints regarding the ad in the newspaper. O fficials said the man had bought 160 tickets. City Ordinance 14.36.070 prohibits sell­ ing or offering tickets to events at municipally-owned facilities at high­ er than the retai ( price. After conferring with the C ity Attorney’s office. O fficer Painton contacted the ticket seller, cited him for the offense, and seized 84 tick­ ets in the man’s possession. A rre ste d was T o d d S. Boedigheimer, D O B 07-02-66. He was cited and released. The ordi­ nance only-pertains to city owned facilities. Tickets can be resold, but not for prices above those printed on the tickets. People buying large numbers o f tickets intending to sell them shou Id determ ine whether the fac iI- ity is municipally-owned.