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The Accountant Reviewer confirms the eligible costs and conducts cost allocation reviews of Pollu­ tion Control Tax Credit applications. There will be an informational meeting on October 25,1995 at 3.00 PM in room 3A of the Department of Environmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland, OR 97204. Propos­ als are due November 20, 1995 and the term of the contract is from January 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997. A copy of the RFP is available from Maggie Vandehey Municipal Finance Specialist WQ:WF, Department of Envi­ ronmental Quality, 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland OR 97204. telephone (503) 229-6878. This RFP is available in alternate formats (e.g. large print, Braille) upon request. To obtain and alternate format, please contact Ed Sale in DEQ Public Affairs at (503) 229-6993. ★★★ I Exhibit I - Invitation . ★★★ City of Portland Invitation For Proposals Notice Of Opportunity For Public Hearing Proposals Due 2:00 p.m. On Various Dates I Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by I any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County M etropol­ itan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 3:30 p.m , Wednesday, November 22, 1995, at the Portland Building, 1120 SW 5th Ave., 2nd floor, room C, for the purpose of considering projects for which federal assistance from the I Federal Transit Adm inistration is being sought. Persons! reqquqesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri- Met’s Grants Administrator, by telephone at 503/238-4920, or I I in writing at 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR, 97202, by Wednesday, N ovem bers, 1995. Sealed Proposals will be received at the Bureau of Purchases and Stores, Room 1313, Portland Building 1120 Sw Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204 for the (Commodities), (Equip­ ment), (Projects) detailed below until 2:00 P M on the dates indicated. Plans and Specifications may be obtained at the above address. For additional information, telephone Buyer at num­ ber listed. Unless otherwise stated in the individual proposals listed herein, no proposal or bid will be considered unless accom ­ panied by a bid surety for an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the proposal. The City encourages bidding by MBEs and WBEs and will assist such firms to understand and participate in formal bidding prodesses. N o n -D iscrim in a tio n : No proposal or bid will be considered unless bidder is certified as an EEO Affirmative Action Em­ ployer as prescribed by Chapter 3.100 of the Code of the Citv of Portland. 1 Pr oposal N q . Description Parks Restroom Renovations - 11-14-95 Grant, Oregon & Wilshire. con­ tact Susan Akers, 823-5371. Prequalification required in Category 20, Building Alteration & Repair. Mandatory prebid is 9:30 AM October 30, 1995 W ilshire Park, NE 33rd & Skidmore, Restroom Area. 50 Store Room Remodel Peoject 11-07-95 for CBWTP. Contact Bill Frazier, 823-2505. Prequalification required in Cate­ gory 19 Building Constgruction or 20 Building Alteration & Repair. S u b B ids R e q u ested The Housing Authority of Portland has approximately 2600 units in Multnomah County and does about five million dollars of modernization work each year. Housing Authority Of Portland Attention: Dave Walter 8910 N. Woolsey Avenue Portland, OR 97203 Should there be any questions regarding this Invitation please contact Dave Walter at 735-4210 for additional infor­ mation. Washington County Justice Complex Bid Package: #2 (Parking Garage) Hillsboro, Oregon All Work Except Concrete Bid Date: October 26, 1995 2:00pm @ Hoffman Construction Company Concrete Work Bid Date: October 24, 1995 2:00pm @ Washington County Purchasing H Request for proposal No.: R952-43-0113 Request for Proposal due by 4:00 PM on: November 13,1995 Proposals will not be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals must be sealed in their entirety, and the pack­ aging clearly marked with the Proposer’s name, address, and RFP num ber. Proposals will be received untii, but not after, 4.00 PM, by Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, for: Multnomah County Department of Community and Family Services, Community Action Program is soliciting proposals for innovative projects to implement institutional change benefiting low income people. Projects up to $75,000 each will address community organization/advocacy/public edu­ cation or system improvements. Projects may last up to three years: increasing levels of match will be required. There will be an optional Pre-Proposal Meeting on October 19,1995 at 9:30 a.m. at the SE Health Clinic Auditorium, 3653 SE 34th, Portland, OR. Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if not in compliance with Request for Proposal (RFP) procedures and requirements. Specifications may be obtained from: Multnomah County Purchasing, 2505 SE 11th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. Phone (503) 248-5111, Fax (503) 248-3252. Franna Hathaway, CPPB, Manager Sub-Bids Requested Oregon Health Sciences University Baird Hall Second Floor Administrative Offices Remodel Bid Date: 10/25/95 Bid Time: 3:00 Mackay Construction, Inc. P. 0. Box 219007 Portland, Oregon 97225 (503) 292-2374 FAX (503) 292-2486 CCB# 62800 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority owned business and emerging small business enterprises. (Hoffman intends to bid the Concrete Work) HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minonty, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses. Housing Authority Of Portland Barrett Philpott Director of Low Rent Public Housing Call For Bid Multnomah County, Oregon Opening Date 49 The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) is requesting fixed fee proposals from professional firms, licensed in Oregon to produce contract documents for various disciplines of engi­ neering. The successful proponent shall provide services to develop mechanical, electrical and structural renovation work when requested by the Housing Authority of Portland. Copies of Exhibits II, III, and IV which outline the scope of work, list elements to be submitted in the proposal, and present criteria used in selecting the successful proponent will be forwarded, at no charge, to all firms with a full spectrum of engineering capabilities upon receipt of a Letter of Interest on the firm ’s letterhead. Letter must be received before October 26, 1995, to qualify for this invitation. Telephone requests for Exhibits are not acceptable. Letters of interest should be addressed to: - ■ - S u b B id s R e q u e s te d Multnomah County Central Library Renovation Resilient Flooring, Carpet, & Entrance Mats Bid Date: October 27, 1995 at 2:00pm 10 Day Advance prequalification with Multnomah County Required for H bids in excess of $50,000 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We d i e d ll The Proposed Program of Projects in this application: I A,§53Q7 FT A fu n d s Federal Local Total Share Share Budget $2,180,000 $2,180,000 $4,360,000 699,000 174,750 873,750 1,190,000 297,500 1,487,500 858,600 214,650 1,073,250 386,200 96,500 482,750 1,081,000 270,000 1,351,000 862,534 215,634 1,078,168 777,600 194,400 972,000 64,000 16,000 80,000 13,600 3,400 17,000 122,400 30,600 153,000 57,949 14,487 72,436 72,000 18,000 90,000 72,000 18,000 90,000 118,016 29,504 147,520 203,200 50,800 254,000 $8,758,099 $3,824,275 $12,582,374 B. Surface Transportation Funds (STP) 40-Ft. Diesel Buses $9,992,000 $1,143,629 $11,135,629 -Low Floor, 22 ($5,126,000) -Standard, 26-27 ($6,009,629) Protect I Operating Assistance SNT Minibuses Banfield Pylons | LR Maint. Equip/Vehicles Non-Revenue Vehicles Passenger Shelters Tires | Computer Equipment Paratransit Info. System SNT Vehicle Lift Shop Equipment [ Accessible Stops Signal Priorities Registering Fareboxes Engine Rebuild Kits | Rebuiltt Engr. & Trasm. TOTAL C, Congestion Mitiqation/Air Quality Program (CMAO) TDM/Rideshare (Phase 2) $700,000 $80,118 $780,118 Bikes on Transit 98,698 24,675 123,373 Sunset T.C. Ped/Bike Bridge 20,000 5,000 25,000 (2nd year of 3) he federal operating assistance would supplement Tri-Met I general operating resources for the period 78/1/95 to 6/30/96. The bus purchases will replace older buses which are sched­ uled for retirement. All projects have been selected through Tri-Met’s planning process, which incorporates public involve­ ment, and are programmed in the Metropolitan and State Transporation Improvement Programs. These figures may change depending on Congressional action. No persons, families or business will be displaced by the I projects. Projects described above are in conformance with comprehensive land use and transporation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for intereste dperonso ro agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic,, and environmental aspects of the projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri- Met at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri- Met at 238-4952 or TDD 238-5811, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m., to 5:00 p.m. A Copy of the grant application and Tri-Met's transit develop-1 ment plan are available for public inspection at the Tri-Met Grants department, 4th floor, 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR. The Program of Projects described in this Notice consti­ tutes Tri-Met’s final FY96§5307 (formerly Section 9) program. Any amendment to the program will be duly advertised to the public Bruce Harder Executive Director Tri-Met Finance & Administration equai opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minonty. women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses Sub-Bids Requested Century High School Hillsboro Union High School Distnct Bid Package #1 “Substructures" Bid Date: November 3,1995 - 2:00 P.M. Notice Of Cancellation Of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that the public hearing previously scheduled to be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Trans­ portation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at 3:30 p.m., Wednes­ day, October 25 at the Metro Council Chambers, 600 NE Grand ave„ Portland, Oregon, will not be held because no requests for a hearing were received. The hearing would have been held for the purpose of consid- enng a grant application requesting capital assistance from he Federal Transit Administration for the W estside-Hillsboro Light Rail Project. Tri-Met plans to request fiscal year 1996 funds for continuation of the rail project including $8,000 000 and up to $130,000,000 under two Federal Transit Adminis- trahon T'tte 49 programs and $22,000,000 in state funding available through the ISTEA Surface Transportation Pro­ gram. (The exact amount of federal funds depends on con­ gressional action.) These federal funds would be matched with up to $58,331,085 in local and state dollars. Project expenditures will support civil construction includinq tunnel excavation; final design; procurement of vehicles, track, electrification, signals, communication and fare collec­ tion equipment, and other system requirements, right of way acquisition; and project administration. The Westside-Hillsboro ra'l l|ne is expected to begin operation in Fall of 1998. In addition to continuation of the rail project, the application will include a proposal for a joint development program to develop housing on surplus land in the Goose Hollow neighborhood. While formal public testimony will not be taken on the appli­ cations at this October 25 meeting of Tri-Met’s Board of D'rectors the meeting is open to all. The application remain ? n i i ae r ° r 'nsPect,on at Tri-Met Grants Dept., 4th floor, 4012 SE 17th, Portland, Oregon. Bruce Harder. Executive Director Finance & Administration Lease Crutcher Lewis (General Contractor) 838 S.W. First Avenue, Suite 530 - Portland, OR 97204 FAX (503) 223-2874 - Phone (503) 223-0500 C C B »92919 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Parkrose High School/Community Center Portland, Oregon Bid Package No. 3 Stage 1 Concrete Foundations, Slab-On-Metal Deck Bid Package No. 4 Stage 1 Structural And Miscellaneous Metals Bid Package No. 6 Underslab Mechanical & Electrical Stage one Bid Dates: Bid Package No. 3 October 26,1995 At 2:00 P.M. Bid Package No. 4 October 25,1995 At 4:00 P.M. Bid Package No. 5 October 31,1995 At 4:00 P.M. DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.W. Flanders Portland, OR 97209 -----------— M W J .ff» a fc r .i-tn r (503) 226-3991 Fax (503) 243-2775 CCB #84045 The Donald M Drake Company intends to bid on Bid Package No 5. Cost estimates tor Bid Package No 3 can be viewed at 1740 N W Flanders Street, Portland. Oregon by appointment only Bid Package No 3 wHI be submitted to and opened by the Owner We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women, Vietnam era veterans disabled veterans, or emerging small business enterpnses