» ' * I -♦ - • •» ♦ U 9W V «4, f e ural diversity. ôefo&en *)& \ - » ( >etolxT 25. 1995 «w iener Race And Class Matters i Celebratine Our Cornel West, the acclaimed author on race relations in America, is coming to Portland. See Metro Section, inside. •• €*■ > Housing Page B2 Blazers Expectations The Portland Trail Blazers open the season with a new look. What will it bring? M CL lie See Sports, page B3. F r a n e e s S c h o e n -N e w s Un i V a r e i t v o f O r e q o n L i b iq e n e , O r e g o n ‘Her 250 37 d 03 IX k Rose Garden Seats Not Ready Marla Davis conducts the Portland Youth Mass Choir during Saturday’s grand opening of the Habitat For Humanity Home Building Center at Northeast 15th and Killingsworth. The group builds homes in partnership with low income families and plans to use the site to house it’s offices, a carpentry shop, meeting room and space for visiting work camps. See additional photo page B2. Fans were kept w aiting for over an hour last Wednesday when the new Rose Garden I opened for its first event. The Trail Blazer I e x h ib itio n game was delayed because courtside seats were still being installed at game time. The Blazers blamed the seat I manufacturer for not delivering and install­ ing the seats as promised. Portland went on to lose the game 99-95 to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Tri-Met Shuttles People To Arena 5 minutes form nine designated parking lots in the Lloyd D istrict. Jefferson Students Walk Out Jefferson High School students walked I out o f class last Wednesday to protest can cellation o f homecoming activities. Princi pal Alcena Booser called o f f the homecom ing dance and other events because o f rowdy student behavior follow ing an earlier pep ' rally. F ollow ing the protest, Booser agreed I to negotiate to salvage some o f the home­ Oldest Person Turns 120 Jeanne Calment’ s o f France went into I the Guinness Book o f Records last week as the oldest livin g person whose date o f birth can be authenticated. Simpson Golfs, Prosecutors Vacation ter, Sydney, celebrated her I Oth birthday w ith her grandparents, 3,000 miles away in Los Angeles. Police Practices Untrustworthy must craft rules w hich prohibit these tac­ tics.” EDITORIAL VV5 C lin to n , w ho opened the three-day anni­ versary celebrat ions, said the w o rld stil I need­ ed the U nited Nations. “ And so fo r another 50 years and beyond, you can count the United States in,” he said. B ut Irish P resident M a ry R obinson warned that “ i f we do not infuse the United N a tio n s ... w ith a new strength o f purpose and a new sense o f d irection, I fear that the praise he w orld’s leaders from we give to the U N. from this rostrum over President Clinton to Russia's these days w ill come in tim e to be read as its Boris Yeltsin paid homage to epitaph.” the United Nations on its 50th United Nations staff, however, this week anniversary, but could not agree on are doing what they can do w e ll- organizing how to make the world body more a w o rld event w hich saw C lin to n , Y eltsin, credible in the 21st century. C uba’ s Fidel Castro and Palestinian leader A t the same tim e there was no sentiment from any com er o f the w o rld to weaken the Yassir A rafat on the same podium in the same tw o hours. United Nations, w ith many developing coun­ tries demanding it take a far greater role in W ith more than 180 prim e ministers, presidents, kings and other o ffic ia ls converg­ ing on N ew Y o rk fo r the largest sum m it in history, the main events went smoothly. On M onday, as C lin to n and Russia's president Y eltsin were to hold a daylong meeting outside o f New Y o rk on the Balkans. And inside U .N . headquarters Presidents Nelson M andela o fS o u th A fric a and M obutu Sese Seko lead the list o f speakers during the peacekeeping operations has impacted adversely on the developm ent process,” said P re s id e n t C h a d rik a B a n d a ra n a ik e Kumaratunga o f Sri Lanka. The north-south s p lit between rich and second day o f ceremonies. Delegates Play To World Stage C there For many, the ve rd ict in the O.J. Simpson tria l speaks to the ju r y ’ s mistrust o f practices such as lies and tricks to obtain evidence,” she said. “ I f we are to trust po­ lice, O ur messengers o f right and wrong, we to the brink o f bankruptcy by ow ing $1.25 b illion a Republican Congress w ill not pay. “ The new agenda o f the United Nations w ith its heavy emphasis on San Francisco last week, shopping at M acy’ s and dancing at a true fact place called the D N A Lounge, while O J. Simpson was g o lf­ ing in Florida. Meanwhile, Simpson’sdaugh- pected because, “ the sad truth is that you can’ t always trust police who commonly use U.N. Struggles On 50th irthday economic p o lic y and projects that w ould benefit them. Prosecutors Marcia Clark and Christo­ pher Darden were together vacationing in evidence collected by the Los Angeles Po­ lice Department. U niversity o f Oregon Pro­ fessor M argie Paris says that should be ex­ poor countries was more evident than ever and Castro hammered away at the theme The United States was criticized by its allies and foes alike for d riving the world body T coming activities, but not the dance. *3 (Photo by Michael G. Halle) M A X ridership doubled and more than I 20,000 people used mass transit for the I opening weekend o f the new Rose Garden arena. In celebration o f the start up, M A X light-rail trains ran every 10 minutes, rides home on M A X and buses were free and shuttle bus rides were free and ran every 3 to W uban President Fidel Castro hotel. played a starring role at the The next stop was at one o f the country’ s United Nations and turned biggest black churches, where he held court New York into his stage, but he before said an enthusiastic crow d. was little chance o f a rapprochement soon between W ashington and Havana. Castro was one o f the biggest draws at ceremonies to celebrate the 50th anniversary o f the U nited Nations and he used the lim e ­ lig h t to slam the United States, attacking its superpower status, m ilita ry m ight and the trade embargo it has enforced against his country since 1962. Then he discarded his d iplom atic suit and returned to his trademark olive-green m ilita ry uniform fo r a trip down mem ory lane A t the Abyssinian B aptist Church he th rille d the congregation w ith stories and jokes about the diplom atic constraints he had to observe as a United Nations guest. “ I am not here because I was not invited to (President C lin to n s) dinner,” he said. “ But this business o f being surrounded by heads o f state all the tim e can be unbearable.” A ll in all, he said, he w o u ld rather be in Harlem. to a Harlem hotel that gave him shelter in 1960 when he was throw n out o f a m id-tow n FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Castro was greeted enthusiastically by Continued to page A6 METRO Taiton To Lead Development Commission Portland native and executive with Pacific Power and Light Co. has been named the new chairman of the Portland Development Commission. « A Carl B. Taiton was appointed to the governm ent agency Oct. 18 in vote by the five-m em ber PDC Board o f Directors. la ito n has served as a com m issioner on the board since 1987 w hile w o rkin g as general business manager fo r Pacific Pow ­ er. He leaves his em ploym ent w ith the u til­ ity after 22 years o f service to assume his new duties. “ I ’ ve looked forw ard to the o p p o rtu n i­ ty to serve PDC as its chairman fo r quite som etim e,” Taiton said. “ I expect a smooth transition o f leadership and am ready to ro ll up my sleeves to accom plish the w ork set forth in P D C 's five-year plan.” la ito n has been active in com m unity affairs, serving on the boards o f the N o rth ­ east C om m unity Developm ent Corp., the N orth/N ortheast E conom ic D evelopm ent A llia n ce and the Institute o f Portland M e t­ Carl Taiton ropolitan Studies and Portland State U n i­ versity. itary from 1963 to 1967. He majored in social society and business at M arylhurst and Lew is and C lark colleges in Portland w hile w o rkin g as a customer service repre­ He serves on the B lack Leadership Conference Steering Com m ittee and is on the A d viso ry Board o f the Neighborhood sentative fo r U nited A irlines. Partnership Fund Taiton served in the m il- He is m arried w ith tw o children. Security Tightened At Marshall arshall High School is taking students. extra precautions to protect Police said during the confrontation students after gunfire last Smith pointed a handgun at Gasper As week in the school cafeteria left Smith two w alked away, words continued to be students injured. exchanged and he allegedly fired several M The stu d e n ts w ere w o u n d e d d u rin g a s h o o tin g F rid a y m o rn in g at the s o u th ­ east P o rtla n d sc h o o l. James S m ith , 19, was arre ste d a s h o rt tim e la te r by P o rt­ la n d p o lic e . I he in c id e n t o c c u rre d s h o rtly a fle i 8 a.m . A u th o ritie s said S m ith was an e x ­ p e lle d stu d e n t w h o cam e in to the c a fe ­ te ria and c o n fro n te d B ria n G a sp e r, 15, w h o was seated at a ta b le w ith o th e r SPORTS shots from a revolver, strikin g Gasper in the head and torso. A nother student, Josiah Hubbard, 15, who was seating nearby, was shot in the leg. Sm ith then a llegedly fled from the school was arrested later He faces charged o l attempted murder, assault and possession o f a firearm in a public school. D e te c tiv e s in d ic a te the s h o o tin g c o u ld be re la te d to g a n g a c tiv ity . RELIGION CLASSIFIEDS