Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 1995, Page 6, Image 6

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O ctober 18, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver
business Loan Program Opens
Kaiser To Build Vancouver Clinic
At a recent ground breaking
I ceremony, K aiser P em ianente an­
nounced the beginning o f construc­
tion on a m edical and dental office
building in the Salmon ( reek area
| o f north Clark County
The property is near the inler-
I sections o f N ortheast 20th Avenue
land 144th, and 1-5 and 1-205
“Throughout the 50 years we ’ ve
I been in Clark County, ou r program
has grown and adapted to the chang­
ing needs o f our m em bers,” said
M ic h a e l
K a tc h e r,
K a is e r
| P erm an e n te re g io n a l m a n ag e r.
‘W e’re bringing this new outpa-
Itient medical and dental facility to
north Clark County to keep pace
with the growth in the area and to
give our m em bers convenient ac­
cess to the services they use most
I often.”
M edical services provided at
I the facility and include prim ary care
and some specialty care, as well as
X-ray, pharmacy, laboratory and
optical. “ W e’ve designed this build­
ing to hold a range o f health care
services under one roof,” said Dr
A llen W eiland, K aiser regional
medical director and a resident o f
Clark County. “T he flexible design
will allow us to add services as
I needed.”
K aiser Perm anente D ental Di-
I rector D onald Prasnikar said plans
call for closing the Hazel Dell D en­
tal Office, which K aiser leases and
I move services to the Salm on Creek
RSVP Picks
Top 1995
The Retired and S enior V ol­
unteer Program (R SV P) announced
the recipients o f the G us B acharach
V olunteer o f the Y ear and Station
o f the Y ear A w ards at its annual
V olunteer R ecognition Luncheon.
V o lu n te e r o f th e y e a r is
G ra c e G o u ld . G o u ld w as a p ­
p la u d e d fo r h e r e x te n s iv e v o l­
u n te e r s e rv ic e and le a d e rs h ip
on b e h a lf o f se n io rs an d p e o p le
w ith d is a b ilitie s . She b e g a n v o l­
u n te e rin g in V a n c o u v e r in 1963.
T h e V o lu n te e r S ta tio n o f
th e Y e a r A w a r d w e n t to
A .A .R .P . C h a p te r 9 3 5 fo r liv ­
ing up to its m o tto , “T o Serve
Not Be Served.” The local A . A . R. P.
organization raises funds to help
other non-profit organizations in
the community.
The luncheon was O ct. 7 at
Luepke Senior Center. S ponsors
in c lu d e d
A r b y ’s,
H o lla n d /
Burgerville, R eeser’sand Frito Lay.
O ver 300 volunteers, com m unity
sponsors and local dignitaries at­
RSVP coordinates the place­
ment o f over 900 senior volunteers
in V ancouver and C lark C ounty. It
is sponsored by the V ancouver
Parks and Recreation D epartm ent.
T heC ity o f Portland and the Port­
land D evelopm ent C om m ission will
hold a meeting outlining contracting
opportunities in the R iver D istrict on
W ednesday, O ct25 from 5-6:30 p.m.
at A lbers Mill. A lbers M ill at 1200
N.W . Front. There is free parking
adjacent to the building.
The R iver D istrict D evelopm ent
Plan anticipates more than $100 m il­
lion in public investm ent and more
than $750 m illion in private invest­
will continue to o p erate as well.
The new building is sch ed u led l
to open in the fall o f 1996. T o ta ll
“ T h e S alm o n C re e k fa c ility
w ill b e d o u b le th e siz e o f o u r
c u r r e n t H a z e l D ell D e n ta l O f­
fice . T h is w ill a llo w us to c o n tin ­
ue to o f fe r g e n e ra l d e n tis tr y s e r ­
v ic e s as w e ll as b e g in to ad d
s p e c ia lty s e r v ic e s .”
The C ascade Park D ental O ffice
in east V ancouver will rem ain open.
K aiser’s V ancouver M edical Office
and C ascade Park M edical Office
project cost is $20. A nderson C o n -|
struct ion is the general co n tracto r!
for the tw o-story, 8 2,000 sq u a re -
foot facility and a 50 0 -sp ace p ark -,
ing lot.
A bout 75,000 C lark C ounty res-,
idents use K aiser m edical care ser­
vices and 2 5,000 use dental c a re ,
Citizens Invited To
City Info-Fair
C itizens can find answ ers to
q uestio n s ab o u t p olice services,
neighborhood parks, street m ainte­
nance, neighborhood program s and
many other city services at tw o up­
com ing C ity o f V ancouver Info
This is an opportunity for citi­
zens in the Mill Plain A nnexation
area to get inform ation on annex­
ation by talking to city and county
staff. This is the first tim e Clark
County sta ff have participated in an
annexation Info Fair.
The first Info Fair is T uesday,
O ct. 17 at M arrion E lem entary
School, 1 0 1 19 NE 14th St. from 6 to
8 p.m.
T he second Info F air is set
T hursday, O ct. 26, at F ircrest Ele
m entary School, 12001 N E 9th St
from 7 to 9 p.m.
In addition to C lark County,
the Fircrest N eighborhood A ssoci­
ation and C ascade Park B usiness
A ssociation are p articipating in the
K ids are w elcom e. T he city ’s
travelling Funw agon will be on
hand with free gam es, face-paint­
ing and art projects.
C all the A nnexation Hotline
for m ore inform ation, 696-8285.
O c to b e r is N a tio n a l E n e rg y
A w areness m onth, a perfect tim e to do
som ething about saving energy in the
home. Pacific P o w er reco m m en d s
conducting a d o -it-y o u rself hom e en ­
ergy audit and incorporating som e
easy conservation m easures to keep
energy bills affordable and the hom e
m ore com fortable.
“There are m any steps o u r cu s­
tom ers can take to keep their energy
bills low and m ost o f those steps d o n ’t
need to cost a lot o f m oney,” says C arl
Talton, Pacific P ow er m anager.
C h e c k fo r a ir le a k s a lo n g
baseboards and ceilings, and around
w indow s u id doors. T hese leaks can
be sealed with caulking or w eather-
stripping to keep heat in and cold out.
W alk around the outside o f the
hom e, looking for cracks and spaces
that can be caulked. M ake sure the
attic and basem ent are adequately in­
sulated. Properly insulate all ducts
and hot w ater pipes.
C heck heating system filters and
replace if needed. F ilters cost as little
for the program will participate in an
individual needs assessm ent to deter­
mine w hat loan am ount the business
qualifies for.
Interested business ow ners can
obtain a loan application from the
Bureau o f H ousing and C om m unity
D evelopm ent 808 S. W . 3rd, #600,
the PCC Sm all Business D evelop­
m ent C enter, 123 N .W . 2nd, #321,
4 14-2828; or PSU B usiness O utreach
Program , O A M E C ascade Plaza,4134
N. V ancouver, 280-0884.
A pplications are due M onday,
Nov. 20 at 4 p.m . C all H ow ard Cutler,
Bureau o f H ousing at 823-2384 for
m ore inform ation.
A Veterans Day Celebration
In recognition of all
Active Duty, Reserve and Retired
Military Service Personnel
“Dress In Time ”
Saturday, November 11, 1995
Annie Pearls’ Restaurant & Lounge
320 SE 2nd
(B etw een O ak and Pine Streets)
8:00 PM to 2:00 AM
Food • Fun • Raffle • Fashion Show
No Host Bar
Music Provided by:
“The Man In Motion ” - Aaron Pruitt
Fashion Show
Doris Rush displays her Signature to Class
Tickets: $12.00 in Advance; $15.00 the day of the event!
Sold at all G.I. Joes TicketMaster outlets
Dress in a time era o f your choice!
Civilians are invited to help celebrate this one-of-a-kind event
5403 NE 42N D AVENUE • 287-0008
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
shop will concentrate on sim ple de­
signs, such as half-m asks and paper
plate masks. Sample finished masks
wiU be on hand for even more ideas.
Supplies for a variety o f masks will
be available at $3.
“ M askm aking” is the latest in
a series o f lunchtim e Brow n Bag
S em inars sponsored by the D ow n­
tow n V ancouver A ssociation. Res­
ervations are not necessary, but are
helpful, because space is limited.
For inform ation, call the D ow n­
tow n V an co u v er A ssociation at
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
Drapery Cleaning
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
Lined & Unlined Any Size
Of $12.00 or More
Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added
Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra
Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Expires 10-31-95
Inflation Buster Laundry Special
s8.00 OFF
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
Of $20.00 or More
Laundered Shirts
With $ 10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
| Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons |
Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons
Expires 10-31-95
Sk> a rrMkrmn ami wi
] 2 O Z.
( n*r <4 bmrf ramn »« rimi
32 oz.
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
s10.00 OFF
On Any Dry Cleaning Order
Of $30.00 or More
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
| Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons |
Expires 10-31-95
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
12 ox.
Mens or Womens
Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
fc — — — — (B^ xPires 10-31-95
Sleeping Bag Cleaning
Special s5.99
(iood On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only
Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupon:
i t s r STO Rtsm Tow n since
OCTOBEA l/ihfouoh?? !'*T,
Som N ip m
• • m to I » m
Jeanie's Cleaners
5403 NE 42nd Ave.
| Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons |
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
IDry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl
Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special
m ent over the next twenty years. In the
Contractors attending the m eet­
ing will be able to meet representa­
tives of four to five city bureaus, rep­
resentatives from the State o f O regon
and private developers-all o f whom
have pending projects in the River
^ x p ir e s 10-31 -95
Expires 10-31-95
next 12 m onths, the contracting pro­
cess will begin for a num ber o f public
im provem ents. The City and PD C are
com m itted toencouraging the partici­
pation of m inority, w om en and small
construction firm s in this process.
$4.00 OFF
Buv 2 b a g s n o w ,
fr e e z e o n e .
The M icrobusiness Incentive Pro­
gram is a one-year pilot program which
may be repeated if it is successful.
Funds for the program com e in the
form o f federal C om m unity D e v e lo p -.
m ent Block G rant dollars. A p p lic an ts'
as $1.
Maskmaking Seminar
Just in tim e for H allow een and
costum e tim e, Artist G allery 2 1 will
h o ld a fre e d e m o n s tr a tio n on
“ M askm aking’ at noon on T hurs­
day, O ctober 19, at the G allery,
1013 M ain in dow ntow n V ancou­
ver. A rtist Kara Pilcher, w ho has
exhibited at several m ask show s,
will lead the w orkshop.
Featuring materials you proba­
bly have on hand at home, the dem ­
onstration will give you ideas and
methods for m akingyourown, unique
Halloween mask. So that you can get
good results at home later, the work­
m onths. E ligible businesses m ust be
lo c a te d w ith th e K in g , V e rn o n ,
H um boldt, B osie, E ilot, and Sabin
neighborhoods. L ow -or m oderate-in­
com e business ow ners are eligible as
are those w hose expansion will lead to
the creation o f full-tim e, perm anent
jo b s.
T he key objectives o f the p ro ­
gram are to foster good business rela­
tionships betw een the businesses and
banks, particularly w here there has
not been the opportunity for such re­
lationships due to business size and
credit issues.
T o e n h a n c e an d e n r ic h th e
b o rro w er’s business m anagem ent ex ­
perience through intense technical
assistance; and to assess the potential
for public lending program s to m eet
the needs o f m icrobusinesses when
conventional financing is not an op­
K a is e r P e r m a n e n te b r e a k s g r o u n d fo r its n e w d e n ta l a n d m e d ic a l
o ffic e in th e S a lm o n C r e e k a re a o f C la rk C o u n ty . P a rtic ip a tin g in the
c e r e m o n y w e re Dr. A l W eila n d , K a is e r re g io n a l m e d ic a l directo r;
M ic h a e l K a tch e r, K a is e r re g io n a l m a n a g e r ; D o n a ld P ra sn ik a r,
K a is e r d e n ta l director; J o h n M a g n a n o , ch a ir o f th e C la rk C o u n ty
C o m m is s io n ; a n d D e n is e H o n ze l, K a is e r h e a lth p la n m a n a g e r .
The c ity ’s B ureau o f H ousing
and C om m unity D evelopm ent and the
Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission
(PD C) have estab lish ed a $ 50,000
pilot program designed to assist se­
lected sm all businesses located in in ­
ner N orth /N o rth east P ortland. T he
loan program offers flexible financ­
ing term s and intensive technical a s­
sistance to businesses that have the
desire and capability to expand their
Participating sponsors in the p ro ­
gram along with the C ity and PD C are
the Small Business D evelopm ent C e n ­
ter, the PSU B usiness O utreach P ro­
gram , The Bank o f N ew port, and the
Bank o f A m erica.
C a lle d
th e
T a r g e te d
M icrobusiness Incentive P rogram , it
is targeted to businesses that either
operate out o f a residence, or have
been in operation for less than 18
Expires 10-31-95