P age A4 O.J. Simpson Commentary • • e • .i, The State Vs. Simpson: The Racist LAPD Is The Issue b \ M onica M ooreiiead W orkers W orld N ew s S erx k i It took the jury less than four hours to come back with a ruling o f not guilty on two counts o f murder against O J. Simpson. Coming from apanelthat included lOwomen,eight African American and two white, this ruling is widely seen as a stun­ ning rejection o f racism-especially the racist role o f the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in their handling o f the evidence presented to the jury. In particular, the testimony o f fo rm er LA PD D e te c tiv e M ark Fuhrman, a key prosecution witness, feel apart when the defense played tapes showing him to be a violent racist. The verdict is a fairly accurate barometer o f how racism in the U.S. has impacted on the mass attitude, particularly o f African American and other oppressed peoples, toward the cops and the courts. In this case, especially after the public heard the outrageous parts of the Fuhrman tapes not played to the jury, racism eclipsed the other criti­ cal social issue in the spotlight-do­ mestic violence. Had Simpson not been a wealthy person with the means to afford an aggressive team o f law­ yers, it is unlikely that the racist conduct o f the police would ever have been exposed. Racism Of LAPD Put On Trial It was the false testimony o f Fuhrman that ultim ately put the LAPD and its racism on trial The defense presented recorded state­ ments by Fuhrman that exposed his hatred o f both African American and _ w om en-he is the founder o f a group called Men Against Women. This was used by the Simpson defense team to show how the LAPD was more than capable o f manufacturing evidence to frame O.J. Simpson or by R on P ani ei s a n v person n p rc n n o n f f any color. Fuhrman's remarks had to have impacted on the jury, even though Judge Lance Ito did not allow them to hear the entire Fuhrman tapes. The capitalist courts have complete juris­ diction over what is and is not sub­ mitted as evidence. Ihe big-business media could not hide their discomfort that so much attention was focused on the racism of the LAPD. They were also irritat­ ed to no end when Defense Attorney Johnnie Cochran referred to Fuhrman as another Hitler in his closing argu­ ments. Why should they be so upset? Fuhrman certainly hasa Hitlerite ide­ ology and promotes violence against people o f color, women, gays and Jewish people. Media, Courts And Cops Work Hand In Hand: at first acquitted in the beating o f Rodney King. Historically, the crimes o f the police and especially white police are exonerated by the media and the courts because they are all part and parcel ofthe same repressive capital­ ist state apparatus. Issue Of Domestic Violence: In the early stages o f this case, the brutal murder o f Nicole Brown Simpson brought widespread atten­ tion to the issue ofdom estic violence _ For instance, why isn't it man­ datory for batterers likeO.J. Simpson to get the necessary therapy and treat­ ment they need? What recourse is there when women-hating judges acquit or give light sentences tom aie batterers? What about indicting cops who either ignore or belittle those battered women who cal I for help, as Nicole Simpson did? The LAPD has proven time and again that it is no friend o f battered women. The same cops and judges also usually side f t ------------------------ The verdict is a fairly accurate barometer of how racism in the U.S. has impacted on the mass attitude, particularly of African American and other oppressed peoples, toward the cops and the courts. The last thing the media wanted to cover was the LAPD. They didn’t want to reinforce the view, prevalent among the workers and oppressed, that the cops play such a repressive role in society. I he cops exist to keep the op­ pressed masses down and to protect the private property o f the rich and against women in the U. S. Survey confirmed that 3 million women are battered annually by their spouses super-rich. The LAPD in particular has gained an infamous reputation for brutality since the 1960s and the Watts rebellion. More recently, the whole world saw how they behave when the savage beating o f Rodney King was recorded on videotape. The Fuhrman testim ony also helped to reconfirm that the cops and the courts work hand in hand, doling out unequal treatment to those o f color. Usually their victims are poor and the police get away with it. In a recent ABC poll, three out o f four African Americans stated that if O.J. were found guilty, it would confirm their view he was railroaded by a corrupt system. They must have remembered that four racist cops were and boyfriends, and thousands lose their lives. For a brief time, there was a national discussion on the epidemic proportions o f domestic violence and how to prevent it. But the big-busi­ ness media soon lost interest in rais­ ing domestic violence as a general phenomenon, even though it remains a big crisis. As we wrote shortly after the murders, the racist and sexist charac­ ter o f the state makes it virtually impossible for justice to be served. So the tragic m urderofN icole Brow n Simpson has done very little to gen­ erate any effective laws to prevent domestic violence or strengthen those laws already on the books. W with gay bashers. But it is not only the state that’s at fault. The capitalist economic sys­ tem itself perpetuates all kinds o f violence against women. Neither rac­ ism nor domestic violence can be eliminated, root and branch, under capitalism. Media Driven By Profits: For over a year now, no other news story has come close to the Simpson murder trail in terms ofthe Simpson murder trial in terms o f the sheer magnitude o f media scrutiny. Ih e capitalist media has attempted to turn this tragic event into a sensa­ tional soap opera in hopes o f enticing and seducing the masses. And it has succeeded. When enormous profits are at stake, nothing is sacred to the media- -all the more when a famous « person­ 2*1 O.J. “beat the system." It’s a system..* *> that keeps down people o f color and ’ • sends to jail every day poor people who can’t afford a team o f rich, expe- ' *• rienced lawyers such as O.J had at his disposal. But no matter the extent o f this accumulated wealth and fame, O.J. Simpson, like millions o f other Afri­ can Americans, was subject to na­ tional oppression. At least one cor­ poration paid $1 million to help the prosecution finance its case against him. How can the damage to mass consciousness done by the racism and sexism surrounding this trial be undone? A start could be made by launch­ ing a people’s investigation into the crimes o f the LAPD. They not only harbored a fascist but tried to cover ‘ ‘ up for him after he committed perju­ ry. They should be in the dock. What kinds o f information would come out if the masses in L.A.-- Black, Latino, Asian and white, wom­ en and men, lesbian, gay and straight, immigrant and native born-saw that a serious effort was being made by people from their own communities * 1‘ to expose the years o f police terror and repression? The first step would be to review 1' all the cases o f poor and oppressed peoples who may have been put in jail because o f bogus testimony and ' ■ the planting o f phony evidence by 1 the police. The biggest problem with the Simpson case is that it helped the ' ruling class sow deeper divisions between whites and people o f color. ' - The challenge for progressives is to find ways and means to advance a united class struggle against ra c ism ,' police brutality, sexism, lesbian and gay oppression-that are all part and parcel ofthe capitalist assault against iiiv the iia u national u iirti vv working class. ality is involved. With millions o f viewers watching the daily coverage of the trial, corporate sponsors paid hundreds o f thousands o f dollars for 30-second ads At least 30 books have been published so far since the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald G oldm an—the first less than two weeks after the murders. A TV m ovie based on the Simpsons troubled relationship was aired several months ago. There will be more publications and movies flooding the market focusing on the trial and its outcome. But once the focus o f the trial shifted to the noto­ rious LAPD, the profit-driven media frenzy exploded in the face o f the system. For progressives, it is a relief to see this tra i I come to an end. 11 turned into a big distraction from those is­ sues that the masses need to be orga­ nizing around-cutbacks in social services, layoffs, attacks on health care, union busting, reproductive rights and other right-wing initiated assaults. But under capitalism, everything is political and the Simpson trial was no exception. It became a public forum that exposed some o fth e ine­ qualities and injustices inherent with­ in class society. But the capitalist state and media have attempted to pit one against another. If you’re for acquittal, you must be insensitive to women. Ifyou think O.J. was guilty, you're racist. T hat’s how the media are presenting the response to the verdict, along with attempts to ma­ lign the jury and the jury system itself. Put The System On Trial: Because race and racism played a central role in this case and its outcome, many in the African-Amer­ ican community across the country are happy ------- r r j with the — acquittal because Vantage Point: The “N-Word” Is All Negative _______ The furor over the Furhman tapes, including his use o f the N- word 41 times has precipitated dis­ cussions about the meaning o f the word nigger and how it is used in the W hite community and Black com ­ munity. The September 3 issue ofthe Charlotte Observer ran a major fea­ ture article entitled: The “N-word:” History, continuing evolution. In the article the author correctly asserts that “ When whites use the word, its meaning is almost always contem p­ tuous, unmistakably conveying the notion that blacks are second-class citizens - and worse.” However, the author goes on to point out that we as Black people frequently use nigger in our conversations and that it is often used “positively.” Citing the research o f Robin Kelly, an African American history professor at New York University, the author notes that the N-word has be- COI11C rc v a lc u t in iic ir a l Iv rin c come D prevalent in thp the m musical lyrics and everyday language of the Hip Hop generation. Kelly observes that it is commonplace for young Blacks to greet each other as “nigga.” and that he has even heard “White youth in NewYork’sGreenwich Villagecheer- fully greeting their black friends in a similar manner.” Kelly further ob­ serves that, “white kids into rap and Hip Hop music are known as wiggers’ (white niggers). I recall that not so long ago one of the hottest rap groups in the country was NWA, Niggers With An Attitude. After having been virtually banned from the Black vo­ cabulary in the 60’s, young Blacks have resurrected the N-word and it flows from the lips o f many o f young people without any sense that the term is derogatory and self-defaming. The argument advanced by some rap and Hip Hop artists is that the N- word now has a positive meaning. F or example, Tupac Shakur claims tin t __ I that nigga means “Never Ignorant . GettingG oals Accomplished." In my view there is a better way to get our goals accomplished than embracing denigrating terms developed as an outgrowth o f white supremacy. The venerable Queen Mother Moore, has devoted her life to teaching and preaching that we must reject de­ grading definitions and images o f ourselves. Queen Mother has waged a long and relentless struggle against the term Negro, striving to “de- N egroize” our people as a basis for rescuing and restoring the race. Negro, nigger, niggah, nigga, the N-word is all negative. A princi­ pal goal o f The Black Consciousness Movement (BCM ) o f the 6 0 s was to improve our selfesteem by affirming our heritage and promoting positive images o f our people. A critical as­ pect ofthe BCM was the rejection o f the European standard ofbeauty. I he terms Negro and nigger were deemed Simpson Trial Recalls Portland History I was returning home from Los Angles, when the Mark Fuhrman, tapes were released. When I got home and read the Oregonian I was amazed, and some what upset to hear a spokes person for the Portland Police Department stating what happen in Los Angles could never happen in Portland: Although Portland has changed some what, I hate to be the bearer o f bad new, but I feel as a citizen who know that Portland isn't quite the haven against police brutality we would have the people o f Oregon and the world to know that we are guilty o f some o f the same things that the L.A.P.D have done. We forge, quickly but,he young men and women, who have been the victim of police haven't forgotten. The reason the Black United Front was organized in 1978 was because a lot o f our black men were being shot in unexplainablecircum- stances People were being shot, and killed and beaten, openly harassed 3y police, and nothing was done about it. They would investigate for a few weeks and would come back that’ what happen was justifiable. I complained to previous may­ ors that black men were being beaten in the elevator when taken to jail, this is before we organized the Black United Front. I also wrote a letter to the O b­ server about police beating a man so badly who lived next to me. I also know that a black man was b eaten so badly dow n tow n, w here the o ffic e rs stam ped his b la d d e r into a c o lla p sib le c o n d i­ tio n , took him to ja il, luckily for the man som e one c alled his fam ­ ily and she got an a tto rn e y to have him pu, in the h o sp ital. Also I got a lots o f complaints about police congregation at and old Safeway store where they wou Id beat men. Ovei eight years ago a black man was beaten so bad that he is mentality unable to care for himself. And there are still complaints where police have physically as well as verbally abuse women as well as men, by calling them whores and bitches trying to make them angry, so they could arrest them. I am not writing this to cause disruption but to le, people here in Portland and this state know tha, our laundry is not spotless. The change came for Portland when Mayor Clark was elected Mayor and broke the yoke and bind ofStan Peters and the Police Union up, until that time they ran City Hall. Mayor K atz’s choice o f Chief Tom Potter was also good for the city. And follow ing him C hief Charles Moose is a plus. B ut the b a rre l o f ap p les needs to be ch ecked on a regu lar b asis because th ere are still som e bad c o p ’s w ho are telling th ese young o ffe n d e rs to plead gu ilty to felony c h a rg e s when it should be m isd e m e a n o rs, and w ith the three strik e s you are out m ore o f our y o ung men will be put in p rison. T he ju d ic ia l is also a place w here black men have told they have been called n ig g ers and boy and o th e r nam es in the court room . Wake up Portland, ifyou don’t won’t your city to become what L.A. is. I wrote this on behalf o f those who can’t speak for them selves. . ( ■ . . . to be destructive designations/iden- tifications imposed on our people by white supremacy. We proclaimed that "Black is Beautiful” and accepted Black as a positive dimension o f our identity. However, Dr. Maulana Karenga, in keeping with the teachings o f Queen Mother Moore, advanced the view that, “Black is necessary, but not sufficient" in defining our identi­ ty. All other people identify them­ selves in terms o f culture, ethnicity and nationality, not merely color. We came to understand that our con­ sciousness o f our identity had been disrupted by the holocaust o f en­ slavement and the systematic effort o f the slavemasters to label our color, culture and land o f origin a badge o f degradation. We rose up, as an act o f Kujichagulia ( self-determination), to declare that we are not niggers, we are no, Negroes, and we are not just Black. We are an African people, Africans in America with a proud history and heritage; a people who gave the world its first civilizations, produced the w orld’s first multi-ge­ nius in the person o f Imhotep (the real father o f medicine), built the pyramids, bestowed upon the world astronomy, the decimal system, high­ er mathematics and developed Kemit/ Eygpt, the crown jew el ofthe ancient world that influenced the evolution o f human history for thousands o f years. We are not negroes, niggers niggas or niggahs. We are African with an Aptitude. As Dr. Romana Edelin, Presi­ dent o f the National Urban Coalition contends, we need a new cultural offensive which will recapture the vision and energy o f the ‘6 0 ’s in terms o f what Dr. Karenga calls the “ identity, purpose and direction” o f our people. For whatever reason the history o f what we attem pted to achieve in the 6 0 ’s has not been passed on to the younger generation, or that history is dismissed as irrele-. vant. In some instances negative lan­ guage, images and symbo Is have been . promoted by the White controlled music industry via o f Gangsta Rap and other forms o f self-defaming “ Black” music. We certainly do not need to sim­ ply condemn Black youth and the , young generation for wha, might be. considered their wayward ways. But we should not patronize or capitulate to the destructive promulgation of neg­ ative popular culture either. Our task is to teach, instruct and guide with love, care and resolve On the question ofour identity the lesson must be clear. The N-word is all negative. We are an African people, determined to be free, proud and productive on the world stage of history and humanity. “Up you mighty race, you can accomplish what you will.” Join us in celebrating our .' t A i ' A H M IV E H S A R V Sincerely; Vesla Loving I