P age B8 O ctober 18, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver Carla Freeman is a member of the African American Health Coalition. "Health issues in the African American Health Community are very important to me. 1 want to make sure the information is out there so people are taking advantage of opportunities." « Terry Fitzpatrick is a former teacher and volunteer for Beach Elementary School for four years delivering food, clothing and books. Because he cares about education in the neighborhood, he says serving on the Beach site-based council is very rewarding. Tim Hall is a board member for the north/ inner northeast YMCA currently operating out of Matt Dishman Community Center. Tim says he especially enjoys developing the programs offered by the YMCA for children and families in the community. He also served on the Urban League Career Connections Job Fair as a consultant. Photograph hy It's My Kind Of Face-Chris Johnson horn left to nght: fun Hall, Momreh Hoffman, Vayakone Vongthong, Brenda Rockwood, Terry Fitzpatrick, Carla Freeman.