• • , 4 '’ •» - Ô.UT v *--•»TfiUv** T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 18, 1995 (Lhc ^Jnrtíanh CObscrucr Shriners Reach Out To Help Children Counseling For Families And Youth Service Description: Janus Youth and Fam ily Services provides mental health services to c h il­ dren, teen sand fam ilies. Services c u r­ re n tly p ro vid e d in clu d e in d iv id u a l, group, fam ily and psychopharniaco- lo g ica l therapy and in d ivid u a l s k ills training for kids. S k ills train in g is offered on an outreach basis to kids at home, on bu s­ es, at jo b sites and elsewhere in the com m unity. At Janus they lite ra lly go the extra m ile to reach out to kids and fam ilies. The m ission o f J Y F S is to provide high quality, cu ltu ra lly competent men­ tal health se rvice s to unserved and underserved ch ild ren , adolescents and their fam ilies. Janus view s q u a lity as a co n tin u­ ous process o f evaluation and im prove­ ment base on feedback received from clie n ts, and all who are in vo lved in their care. Janus relates to their clien ts and constituents as partners in the m ission to create safety, healing, growth and reco very fo r ch ild re n , teens and fam i­ lies in need. They provide in d iv id u a l­ ized supp o rtive service s to all clients. S e rvice s are provided by a team o f mental health care professional that in clu des a board certifie d ch ild /ad o - lescent psychiatrist, licensed psychiatic nurse practitio n er, registered art ther­ apist, licensed professional counselors, and a licensed c lin ic a l so cia l worker. A ll services are review ed and approved by a p hysician . J Y F S is certifie d by the State o f O regon to p ro vid e mental Children who possibly need medical at­ tention for diseased or injured bones, joints or muscles or plastic surgery for cleft lip. palate or bum scars can receive a free medi­ cal check-up during a special clinic at the Portland Shriners Hospital health service s to ch ild re n and fam i­ Staff doctors w ill give the medical ex­ lies. ams to ch i Idren up to age 18 on Saturday, Oct Area of experience 28 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m If accepted for and expertise: medical care, patients are not charged for any Janus has been p ro vid in g mental o f their care The hospital is supported 100 health service s to adolescents and their percent by donations. fam ilies since 1977. T hey are s k ille d in No appointment is necessary . Shriners w o rkin g in the fo llo w in g areas: Hospital for Crippled Children is located at • Em otional and beh avio ral problem s 3101 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road, next to resulting from p sy ch o lo g ica l, p h y si­ Oregon Health Sciences University. It is not cal and/or sexual abuse part o f Doembecher Children's Hospital • A ffe ctive disturbance ( I E depres­ “ Throughout the year we hold screening sion, an xiety) clinics around Oregon, Washington, Idaho • G r ie f and loss issues and Alaska, but we never hold them here in • Thought diso rd ers Portland," said Phyllis Newton, Shriners com­ • A nger management problem s munity outreach director. "But we know there • Fam ily co n flict and com m unication are kids in this area who need our help." problem s Newton said the hospital wants to make • Youth who respond to art therapy sure that no child fall through the cracks and Janus is a subcontractor o f M u lt­ particularly children from minority groups. nomah C ounty p ro v id in g T itle X IX "W e hope to see at least 100 chiId at the fu n d e d s e r v ic e s th ro u g h the screening clinic." Newton said. E P S D T .(P e rio d ic , Screening. D ia g ­ Although the hospital alway s has a wait­ nosis, and Treatm ent) program / T h is ing list, it is shorter now than it has been in means that an A F S /T itle X IX (M e d ic ­ several years New patients accepted by the aid ) m edical card can be used to pay for hospital will likely be able to begin their care our co un selin g and therapy services. within 4 to 6 weeks. Children needing sur­ They also pro vide se rvice s to clie n ts gery can usually be scheduled within three who w ish to use private insurance. months or soon if care is needed urgently, Janus has a lim ited num ber o f ser­ officials said vice slots a vailab le fo r s e lf pay clie n ts Shriners Hospital specializes in ortho­ who w ould like a s lid in g fee based on pedic care o f children with chronic diseases fin an cial hardship. and disabilities. The medical center provides How to make a referral: inpatient and outpatient care including diag­ They are a va ila b le to respond t(/ nosis, surgery, rehabilitation and orthotics/ questions and take telephone referrals prosthetics. at (5 0 3 ) 2 33 -6 0 9 0 x 13 3. Please ask for Most o f the 6.300 children who go to Doug P u llin . M essages can be left at Sh mers have one ofthe-fbfl o\|(ngconditions: any time, day or night, seven days a Cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular week. dystrophy, scoliosis, hip dysplasia, missing Demitrion Rhone-Spears of Portland uses a specially-designed bike as part of his rehabilitation-physical therapy at the Portland Shriners Hospital. limbs/extremities, legg-perthes disease, bone tumors, club foot, leg length discrepancies, spinal cord injuries, skeletal growth abnor­ malities, marfan syndrome, hand disorders, abnormal gait (walking), bum scars, cleft lip/ palate and trauma rehabilitation. “ This is a unique opportunity for fami­ lies to bring in their child for a free medical evaluation from one o f our doctors," said Newton. “ W e’ll also open up key areas o f the hospital for families who want to tour the facilities and ask questions o f the staff." If the screening clinic becomes crowd­ ed, Shrine clowns «k ill be on hand to entertain the kids. Snacks and refreshments will also be provided throughout the day Those who ride I ri-Met will be given a free return trip voucher. For more information about the clin­ ic or how to apply to Shriners Hospital, call 241-5090. “The American Experience” Documentary Airs On PBS —-------------1 — _________ (Photo Credit: Edward Gray) From Left To Right: Children found in a shanty in an alley; Children with escorts from the Children’s Aid Society, Lebanon, Missouri, 1909; Elliott Bobo, age 8. Berryville, Arkansas, 1915; Bottom right Elliott Bobo, age 86, 1993. (Photo Credit: Library of Congress) Between 1856 and 1929, thousands o f neglected and orphaned children were taken from lives o f urban poverty and sent by train (Photo Credit: Kirk Pearce) to fanning communities to start new lives with new families. New Y ork's Children's Aid Society and Cultural Journey For Kids Covers Journeys For Kids And Their Families, an innovative geography, culture and history program, will run in 1,200 middle school classrooms in 24 cities over the next three years. The program is- sponsored by Holiday Inn Worldwide and its more than 1,600 ho­ tels in the United States in alliance with I IS A Today. More than 200 educators, administra­ tors, school board members, and public offi­ cials have attended special workshops hosted by Holiday Inn hotels to learn more. “ For a company with a history o f wel­ coming families on the move for 43 years, and with more than 2,000 hotels around the world, it was natural for Holiday Inn W orld­ wide to get involved in this program," said John Sweetwood, executive vice president and chief marketing officer o f the company “ We are encouraging young people today to investigate their geographic and cultural con­ nections in the hopes they can better appreci­ ate who they are and where they are going.” More than 36.000 fifth and sixth grade chil­ dren w ill receive the Journeys program mate­ rials throughout the year, along with weekly c o p ie s o f USA Today The fall curriculum w ill allow students, with the help o f their families, to trace their heritage follow ing the five geographic themes o f location, place, movement, human-envi­ ronment interaction and regions. The spring curriculum. “Journey to the Olympics,” w ill expand upon the geographic and cultural knowledge the students gained in the previ­ ous semester The Journeys For Kids And Their Families program begins this week in .classrooms across the country, and runs throughout the school year (Photo Courtesy of the Bobo Family) other east coast charities placed the young­ sters in homes in rural America. Elliott Bobo, who was 8 years old when AB he rode an “ orphan train” to Berryville, A r­ kansas, is one o f the elderly Americans who describe their remarkable childhood jour- neys on The American Experience: The Or­ phan Trains, airing on PBS Monday, No­ vember 27 at 9pm ET. Time Tested Phonics Helps Children Read I an effort to halt the decline o f c h ild re n 's reading s k ills , C a lifo rn ia 's top educators are recom m ending a co r­ rective course for sch oo ls, the réin tro ­ duction o f phonics, a time-tested ap­ proach, to early education reading c u r­ ric u lu m s . A u g m e n tin g th is »rend, L e a p F ro g 's new P h o n ics D esk and P ho n ics T raveler, learning aids which allow parents to teach phonics and read­ ing s k ills to their ch ild ren at home, are m aking a tim ely appearance in the mar­ ketplace. P u b lic and p ro fessio n al reaction to L e a p F ro g 's new teaching toys has been nothing short o f enth usiastic. Am ong the country s forem ost educa­ tors, D r. Robert C alfe e. o f Stanford U n iv e rs ity ’ s Graduate School o f E d u ca ­ tion, said, “ L earn in g to read and w rite is the door to success in school To ensure success in reading and w ritin g , parents should read stories to their ch ild re n and introduce them to the basics o f p rin t - letters, sounds, and w o rd s.” L e a p F ro g 's P honics Desk uses m od­ ern technology to help parents introduce the basics to their ch ild re n in a p lay fu l way, w h ile ensuring that learning is e f­ fective. Based on 50 years o f research, the P honics D esk teaches letter names (the best p red icto r o f reading success), letter sounds (the second best p red icto r o f readin g su ccess), and w ord fam ilies. C h ild re n learn to read and to spell at the same time - and it ’ s fun. “ Parents w ill fin d the D esk an en­ gaging activity and may learn a few things them selves. The D esk com p le­ ments story reading, and leads the c h ild to a s k ill level where he or she can not o n ly read but write And a ll o f this in a hi-tech package w ithin a p rice range that a ll parents can afford. “ I am very pleased with what L eap F ro g has ac­ co m p lish ed - and so are the parents, grandparents, and teachers who have tried the program with young ch ild re n - M y k id s w o n ’t leave it a lo n e !’ - high praise for an educational p ro gram .” The Phonics D esk is a v a ila b le at sp e cialty re taile r stores and T o y s ‘ R U s stores nationw ide