Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 1995, Page 12, Image 12

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P age B4
A lternatives
m M. I saacs
There is a strangeness that in­
vades your mind when you read the
secular magazines today, and the rea­
son seems to be that now even they
are reporting that something is hap­
pening to and in America, that causes
a tense strong feeling o f anxiety and
fear. People, like ants are rushing
frantically to and fro, collecting more
o f what they already have plenty of,
hoping to ease the anxious feelings
o f hopelessness. These urgent feel­
ings seem to pervade every lifestyle,
every type o f job, every household,
every Church family, every race o f
people, every organization, every
minority. Some people are able to
define these feelings; some are able
to rationalize and offer reason for
these feelings; but none offer solu­
tions (that are acceptable to all peo­
ple) to circumstances which cause
these feelings o f gloom and doom.
None offer a philosophy to both live
and die by. So....they frantically ac­
quire things to enhance daily living;
realizing that things cannot deter
death. Newly acquired things only
add to the fear that someone...out
there...will kill for these very things.
We hear so much talk about the
“generation gap’’; it is discussed and
smiled about, watched and identified
while it actually happens; we never
lift a hand to put a finger in the dike.
To late, we now reap the conse­
quences. Reflections and remorse are
not enough to satisfy the hunger for
what we’ve lost; lives o f children,
runaways, al ienation ofgrandparents,
dishonor o f parents; gone is a sense
o f continuity o f family heritage.
Our wars were so vicious that
we lost the ability to value life; thus
we kept quiet, even decided that there
was some merit in the demands made
by some women to choose to give
birth or abort a fetus. We did not
realize then, that so many babies
would be aborted by women seeking
to keep a certain lifestyle, or seeking
to keep a man not ready to accept
fatherhood; seeking to hide from an
accusing family, a domineering boss,
or from society. Regardless o f whom
these aborted babies would have
grown up to become, reflection and
remorse, even regret w ill not bring to
life again the thousands and thou­
sands slain nor w ill it ease the pain
suffered by some o f these women
who were surely intended to be moth­
ers. We watched quietly as the courts
made decisions against prayer in
schools. We are still keeping quiet as
a certain man travels through the
states assisting people to die You
w ill hear no mention o f Jesus Christ
on regular news channels; we do hear
seems to be the pervading emotion
among Christians; but remorse does
not heal a gunshot wound nor does it
halt a serial killer nor does it stop a
teen from emulating the horrors he
sees on T V. We regret, but we can­
not change what is a “done deed”
Most o f us have the urgent feeling
¿4 ________________
lAfe might reflect on where America
went wrong, why a violent thread
pervades all walks of life.
‘G o d ’ on occasion. Why is this?
Because “G od” can be anything a
man perceives as his god; But the
name o f Jesus separates believers in
the I rinity from non-believers; ei­
ther you believe in Jesus Christ as the
Redeemer o f mankind or you do not
believe; there is no middle road.
We m ight reflect on where
Am erica went wrong, why a violent
thread pervades all walks o f life.
Reasons might be found for the abuse
o f women, children, parents; but these
reasons offer no solutions. Remorse
that something must be done to re­
turn Am erica to a sense o f well be­
ing; to a respect and love for each
other; a return to G odly concepts and
precepts. The godless element among
us wish to see Jesus’ name eliminat­
ed from public communications, al­
though this country was built on a
belief in God. Let me ask this ques­
tion: Would you take someone into
your home, help them, save their
lives and then allow them to rewrite
your house rules, instruct your ch il­
dren, and disrespect your household
öffenwry if Anthony Branch, Sr.
In Memory Of
Virginia Lee McDonald
October 19, 1958 - September 18, 1995
Anthony Branch, Sr. was bom
Io n October 19, 1958 in Portland,
Oregon to Richard Branch and
Bernice Gibson. He was the last o f
eight children and within the Branch
family, there were a few problems
| as usual coming from a large fami­
ly. Anthony was a somewhat rebel-
I lious youngster. As a small child,
I Anthony went to stay yith his Aunt
Ralphleenon N E Rodney. Anthony
found his Aunties’ home to be o f
I great fun and spoiling, being the
o nly ch ild around. H is Auntie
showed Anthony much love, hu­
mor, laughter and discipline. An-
| thony soon began school at H igh­
land Elementary, Woodlawn Ele-
I mentary and on to Thomas Jefferson
High School where he graduated in
1976. Whileattending High School,
Anthony gained employment with a
janitorial service owned by Mr.
' Booker, who took Anthony under
his wing as his own son. Between
Aunt Ralphleen, Mr. Booker and a
host o f relatives, Anthony was
brought up right, instillinggood val­
ues, good morals and a good sense
o f direction. While still in school
and a young man, Anthony met
Monica Preston and from this union
came a little Cheese which is Antho­
ny Branch, Jr. Again, Aunt Ralphleen
stepped in and raised Anthony's son.
A ll was well with Aunt Ralphleen,
Uncle Ralph, Anthony and Anthony
Jr. After high school and a few years
o f employment, Anthony began ex­
ploring the streets o f Portland. Th ings
he had heard about, he was soon
caught up in and hanging out for
several years. In the hanging out, he
picked up a drug habit. After several
years. Cheese came to him self re­
membering what Aunt Ralphleen, Mr.
Booker, Uncle Ralph andothers had
taught him. Remembering all ofthat
Cheese realized that his life was
unmanageable. That was his first
step in his recovery. From there, he
took, inventory ofhim selfand came
up out o f the pit that he was in and
sought help for himself. Begging for
recovery with his addiction, Antho
ny, known as Cheese had made a big
change in his life. He was clean from
drugs, sober from alcohol, positive
proud, strong, brave and sure o f
himself. Anthony was a caring and
giving person who w ill be missed
very much by those who loved and
knew him.
Anthony leaves behind his son
Anthony Jr. o f Portland; mother o f
his son, Monica Alexander o f Port
land; stepdaughter, Gabrielle Den
nis o f Portland; father, Richard
Branch; mother and stepfather
Bernice and Lew is Harmon o f Port­
land; brothers, Sherman Branch o f
Philadelphia, Ronald Strong o f Se
attle, A lex Spearman o f Portland
and Byron, Marucs, Eric and R icky
Branch, all o f Portland; sisters,
Sharon and Deon Branch, both o f
P o rtlan d ; grandm other, H elen
Gibbson o f Detroit, M ichigan; one
grandchild; and a special friend,
Chris West
Funeral services for V irginia
Lee M cDonald, 64, of northeast
Portland, who died Oct. 13, 1995 at
Providence Hospital, follow ing a
long illness, w ill be held Thursday
at I p m. at New Hope Baptist
Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein. Inter­
ment will follow at Rose C ity Cem ­
etery. Arrangements are under the
direction of the Killingsworth L it­
tle Chapel of the Chimes.
She was born Sept. I, 1931 in
Florence, Ala., and moved to Port­
land with her fam ily in 1942. She
married Robert M cDonald in 1951.
Her maiden name was Peters.
She was a homemaker and a
member the Fello w ship Baptist
Survivors include her husband;
five sons, Dennis Sanders of Dallas,
Texas, Earnest Johnson Jr. of Port­
land and Marc McDonald, Michael
McDonald and Robert McDonald Jr.,
all of Portland; two daughters,
A. Funeral Director
The Loss o f a lo ved one
is alw ays a traum atic
experience. B ut it can he
m ade easier i f y o u con tact
a fa c ility th a t has y o u r
in terest at heart.
Jerome G. Tanner
A. Funeral Director
FROM 11:00 AM TO 9:00 PM.
MyraAnn McDonald and Monique
McDonald, both o f Portland; two
brothers, Lawson Peters and Antho­
ny Peters, both o f Portland; three
sisters, Martha L . Ollison and Marg­
aret W illis, both of Portland and Linda
Green of Japan; a step-mother, Rosie
Lee Peters of Portland; 18 grandchil­
dren and nine great-grandchildren.
Bethel A M E Church, 5828 N E.
8th Ave. will host it’s Annual Fall
Rally November 3, 1995 through No­
vember 5, 1995. The overall theme is
“The W orld’s Greatest G iver”.
On Friday, November 3rd at 7:00
pm they will celebrate their 106th Anni­
versary program and Reception. Father
Krueger o f St. Andrew Catholic Church
will speak on the theme “God’s Love -
Our Eternal Gift". There will be music
groups and they will honor “Ordinary
People . Saturday’s African Festival, from
5 >00 pm to 9:00 pm, will feature drama
and presentations depicting “History and
Heritage o f A fric a A fro-Americans
through leadership and Perseverance”.
On Sunday, November 5th, they
observe “Stewardship Day” at the
11 00 am service. The theme for the
day is “The Ministry - Our Service”.
I he Rev. Martha Redfield, Associate
Pastor o f First A M E Church, Seattle,
W A. will be guest speaker. Contact
the Church Secretary at 288-5429.
Chairperson is June Terry 281-0813.
non nee me nt
Name: Victorian Marie Clark
Date Of Birth: 10/11/95
Time: 4:24 PM
Weight: 8 lbs 8 oz Length: 22 in.
Parents: Leslie H. Garth - Clark, Mother
Earl F. Clark, Father
(503) 284-8705
Kt I V E R S A H V
Wlje Jlurtlanb ODbeeruer
Sunday School 9:30am
Morning Worship 10:45am
Evangelistic Service 7:30pm
Tuesday Pastoral Teaching 7:00pm
Evangelistic Service 7:00pm
Prayer 12:00pm & 6:00pm
4224 S.E. 62nd Avenue
(betw een Powell & Foster)
Portland, O regon 97206
‘Kev. -Dorsey McCullough, -Pastor
In Your Time O f Loss Our Hearts G o Out To You. Virgina. We Love You
From Mrs. Frieda. Iva, Joyce, Mabie And Larry.
Bethel African Methodist
Episcopal Church
To The McDonald, Johnson, Peters, Ollison And Willis Families
Cox Funeral Home Inc.
Mortician «St Funeral Director
by usurping your authority? Why,
12:1-2. “And be not conformed to
then, do G od ’s people bury Jesus
this world; but be ye transformed by
Christ to satisfy the godless people in
the renewing o f your mind, that you
Am erica; G oing against the very
may prove what is that good and
foundation o f this country? The God
acceptable, and perfect W ill o fG o d .”
loving people o f Am erica must re­
Romans 12:2. Romans 13:1-2, “ Let
new their minds (Rom ans 12:3), firm
every soul be subject unto the higher
up their belief in G od and realize that
power. For there is not power but
this country was not built on non-
God; the powers that be are ordained
offensive actions, but on a desire to
of God." Whosoever resisteth that
worship and serve God in peace.
power, resisteth the ordinances o f
Witnesses are cropping up every­
G od; and they that resist shall receive
where, agreeing that changes must
to themselves damnation” . Romans
be made, before we become fully to
13:13-14, “ Let us walk honestly, as
resemble the evil elements o f Asia,
in the day, not in riotingand drunken­
Europe and A frica and the Orient
ness, not in chambering and wanton­
Christian people can endure with
ness, not in strife and envying. But
patience, (while boldly witnessing)
put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
the decline o f our society; keep our
make not provisions for the flesh, to
own faith in God intact. “ Wherefore,
fu lfill the lust thereof’, considering
seeing we are compassed about with
all these things, let us in America,
so great a cloud o f Witnesses, let us
who believe in God, the Father, God,
lay aside every weight, and the sin
the Son and God, the Holy Spirit, put
which doth so easily beset us, and let
aside our anxious fears; “ Build up
us run with patience trace that is set
yourselves on your most holy faith,
before us”, “ Lo o king unto Jesus, the
praying in the Holy Ghost. Keep your­
author and finisher o f our faith. Who
selves on your most holy faith, praying
for the jo y that was set before him
in the Holy Ghost. Keep yourselves in
endured the cross, despising the
the love o f God, looking for the mercy
shame, and is set down at the right
o f our Lord, Jesus Christ unto eternal
hand ofthe throne o f G od” . Hebrews
life. Jude 1:20-21.
eSt. es/l/las^ IPafdiit Chwiafc.
103 NE Morris St., Portland, OR 97212
Sunday School - 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship Service -11:00am
Sunday School Teacher's Meeting Tues - 6:30pm
Bible Study Wednesday 6:00pm
Prayer Meeting Wednesday - 7:00pm
Church Phone Number
We Invite You To Come And Worship With Us.
The Church Where Everybody is Somebody And Chris! Is AU.
Dr. Joe S. Hardie, Pastor
Mt Olivet
Baptist Church
8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd.,
at Willis Blvd.
Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30am,
f)ible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A R eaching M inistry
Dr. Jam es E. M artin, Senior Pastor
(503) 240-PR A Y