Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 18, 1995, Image 1

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October 18, 1995
Helping Special
Hospital Hosts
Soccer Coach George Scott is
recognized for his work with
Special Olympics.
Area children will get medical
checkups at no cost at Portland
Shriners Hospital fo r Crippled
See Sports, page .45.
See Family Living, page B5.
m P uoi-. M c K i h h B ir i
were visibly expectant, swirling about in an
Supporters and participants in the giant
rally have had no trouble in articulating the
reasons and "need” for a coming - together o f
African American males to “reconnect, to
regain lost values, to restore a sense o f self
and inner spirituality that has been eroded by
racism, poverty and disdain." And always
with the thoughtful overview that "we, first,
must heal ourselves before we can engage in
an effective dialogue with whites.”
On the other side o f the coin there are
those, both black and white, who claim "you
cannot separate the message from the mes-
onday I sat before my televi­
intense interaction. Early on, various African
sion set, w atch in g and
American celebrities made cameo appear­
lis te n in g as the n a tio n ’s
ances on the tube L.C. Hammer, the rap
media, still reeling and struggling from
artist, was thoughtful and subdued as he
the O.J. Simpson verdict, struggled to
reiterated the purpose o f the March.
get a fix or spin on the precedent-
O f course, the "background radiation”
shattering “Million Man March”.
here is as intense as any in the universe and on
Multnomah County SherifTDan Noelle,
I Portland Police Charles Moose, Republican
and Democratic party representatives and
I others, signed a statement last week in sup-
' port of the Northwest Coalition Against
o f O re e
■ non
The Mother Of All Marches
Hate Mongers
Not Welcome
jn i v e r s i tv
The panoramic sweeps o f the Capitol
Mall soon made it a reasonable assumption
that, indeed, the projections o f a million
black men were within the ball park. At 11
a m., the enthusiastic but orderly throngs
Malicious Harassment. The officials want
to reiterate the fact that people like David
Irving, the notorious Holocaust denier and
hate monger, is not welcome in Oregon.
this exciting morning of the actual event, as
in the preceding weeks o f controversy, net­
work commentators and pundits were busy
pumping and prompting whoever might have
an opinion - and was willing to voice it.
senger — so, therefore, the whole exercise is
suspect.” Others say, simply, “The March
sends the wrong message”, but do not clarify
their own message. As expected, a number o f
women’s groups voiced vehement opposi­
tion as did some individuals o f the sex. But
we find Maya Angelou and other notables in
Spokesmen for two important jewish
organizations, B ’nai Brith and the Jewish
Continued to page A3
New Rose Garden Arena Budding
Freedom Project
Targets Vote
A neighbor-to-neighbor campaign for
jobs and justice is targeting north and north­
east Portland for signatures in a ballot initia-
I tive to raise the minimum wage. The effort is
I sponsored by the Portland Rainbow Coali-
| tion and other groups and also intends to
inform the public about bigoted initiatives
which scapegoat people o f color, women,
gays, immigrants and union members.
Hill M eets
With Officials
Oregon State Treasurer Jim Hill was
in Portland this week to hold a two-day
I conference on government financing. Hill
said the management o f public dollars has
| received a great deal o f attention since the
loss o f billions in Orange County, Calif.
School Enrollment
Portland school officials say increase
in enrollment is partly due to students
returning to school after dropping out.
Alternative programs and special high
school offerings clearly have attracted new I
students, according to school district. New
dropout retrieval programs are trying to
bring back to the classroom students who
had not attended school for one year.
Powell Linked
To Monarchy
Colin Powell can claim kinship with
I the British monarchy as well as several
U S. presidents, the publication Burke’s
Peerage reported Sunday. The retired gen­
eral is a descendant o f a lieutenant gover­
nor o f Jamaica who had a child by a slave
in the early 1800s, said the publisher. That
links home to ancient noble families in
Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
He also reportedly has linage to presidents
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and
George Bush.
* " P° " 'i>nd T' a" BlaZers sea,s m e r
(Photo by Stewart Harvey)
of the
the best
things about
ne . of
best things
being a multi-billionaire is the
ability to afford the very best
of anything, right now.
Well it w asn’t quite that easy and Paul
Allen didn’t pay for it all himself, but 27
months and $262 million later, Allen has
given Portland another Rose Garden.
And the Portland Trail Blazer owner is
like a proud father to be part of such a state-
of-the-art facility. It’s really nice to see a
structure o f such magnitude built with such
“ I believe it’s the best in the world, said
the M ercer Island resident Allen on his new­
est venture.
“The overall quality o f experience the
fan or concert-goer is going to enjoy far
exceeds my expectations,” Allen said.
Folks, this place is truly spectacular.
Like our rose garden in Washington Park,
it will take your breath away. While the garden
with real roses can leave you calm and collect­
ed, Paul's place will leave you awestruck over
the size and quality compared to the Blazers
former home, the Memorial Coliseum.
With much wider concourses, double
the restrooms, 600 televisions, and quality o f
food that is second to none, A llen’s Oregon
Arena Corp, and the Portland Trail Blazers,
Inc. have brought the city an arena that will be
the best for quite some time to come.
Whether enjoying the expensive malt
scotch and fine Cuban cigars on the top level
outdoor terrace or grabbing a hotdog and
heading to the $5 cheap seats at the top o f the
third level, there’s something for everyone in
Two o f the jurors who acquitted O.J.
Simpson are working day and night on a
book they hope will se the public straight
about what went on during months o f se-
' questration and the short deliberations. Ju­
ror Gina Rosborough said the media and
| commentators are saying ridiculous things.
“There was no race issue in the decision,”
I she said.
Man Burned Climbing
this playhouse.
One of the best things for fans is the fact
that those on the very top row in the new
garden will be sitting in the same plush seat
as Allen is at courtside.
If you think the Rose Garden is impres­
sive from the outside, it just doesn't do this
amazing structure enough justice until you
get close.
“ I’m especially pleased fora market this
size, that perhaps might not have expected
something as grand as this,” said NBA Com ­
missioner David Stern.
Stern was present for the opening gala
Friday night along with many o f the city's
best musicians and comedian Dana C'arvey.
the former Saturday Night Live star, lhe
$ 125 a ticket charity event was truly spectac­
ular with the festivities closing with the intro-
A man was critically-burned last week
after he climbed a fence to enter a substation
on Northeast Killingsworth and then tried to
climb an electrical transformer. He was
shocked by 115,000 volts o f electricity.
Doris Thomas (left), in
front of her popular
restaurant, Doris’ Cafe,
on Northeast Russell
and Martin Luther King
Jr. Blvd. Thomas has
expanded her business
to the new Rose
Garden arena. She is
joined by her. son and
restaurant manager
Keith Dean (right) and
Jim Wilson vice-
president of Cutting
Edge Concepts, a
division of Trail Blazer
owner Paul Allen’s
Oregon Arena Corp.
(Photo by Michail G. Halla)
d u cion „ f a $2 million t a u i . o f f ir e m d
c X “
Forces' - -
I he fountain is truly amazing and even if
you don’t get to a game this year, check out
this fountain during one o f the events - you
won’t be disappointed.
l he frail Blazers begin play Wednes­
day against the Minnesota Timberwolves
and former Blazer great Terry Porter, re­
leased this summer, will be in a Timberwolf
uniform - a new look with new surroundings
in his former home.
You can do many things with a garden -
depending on how much work you put into
keeping it growing, and with the NHL looking
to expand and the Trail Blazers having room to
grow with 8,000 more seats, the Rose Garden
arena should have plenty o f room to bloom.
Habitat Opens In Arena
Two Simpson Jurors
Write Book
A S’and
ortland Habitat for Hu­
Vernon and Woodlawn neighbor­
manity will celebrate
hoods, once housing retail shops,
the grand opening of
grocery stands, pharmacies and most
its new building center recently.
Shag’s Arena - a tavern,
and restaurant owned by former Port­
The event will include special
land wrestler Shag Thomas.
performances by northeast Portland
Over the last several years, the
musicians, food, games for kids and
building has remained abandoned.
much more. The celebration takes
Habitat will use the building to house
place from I p.m. to 4 p.am. and is
H abitat's office, a carpentry shop, a
free and open to the public
community meeting room and space
” The Home BuildingCenter will
for visiting work camps.
allow us to build more efficiently,”
“ The Home Building Center has
said C ynthia Winter, acting director
made the corner o f Northeast 15 th and
o f the non-profit ecumenical Chris­
Killingsworth a visual and economic
tian group. “This will enable us to
asset to the community,” said Roslyn
increase the number home homes we
Hill, owner o f the Garden Coffee
build through the years.
House, two blocks south of the center.
lh e Home B uilding C e n te r ’
Habitat families must invest 400
structure, originally built in 1928, is
hours o f “sweat equity” to help build
located on the comer o f Northeast
their homes. Portland Habitat for Hu­
15th Avenue and Killingsworth The
manity, founded in 19 8 1, is the oldest
landmark was a hub in the King,
Habitat affiliate on the west coast.
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