Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1995, Image 9

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Volume XXV, Number 4 1
Committed to cultural diversity.
October 11,1995
tCIje jflortlanh (©bserver
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German Fest Benefits
Gang Peace
The Berlin Inn Restaurant and Bakery
holds “ Taste o f Germany” Saturday with
proceeds to benefit Gang Peace. The event
features German foods, wines and beers
from I I am . to 3 p.m. at 3 13 1 S.E. 12th
and Powell Boulevard nearthe Ross Island
Bridge. Admission is $8, which includes
all food, wine and beer tasting.
Replace Violence
With Sports
The Y W C A Fitness and Swim Center
w ill have an open house for families to
exercise together on Saturday, Oct. 21.
Discounted admission rates w ill be o f­
fered. A fam ily swim w ill be held from
1:30 p.m. ta3:3O p.m. The events are held
at the Downtown YW C A, 1111 S.W. I Oth
Conflict Resolution
A conference for middle and high
school students involved with conflict res­
olution and peer mediation w ill be held
Oct. 17 and 18 at Portland State. Oregon
Peacemakers 2000: Students Against V io ­
lence is to encourage students to continue
mediation work and acknowledge past
w o rk . For in fo rm a tio n , c a ll Betsy
Coddington at 306-5607 orC larice Bailey
at 725-5590.
Support Training
The Portland Black Firefighters As­
sociation offers help in the process to be­
come a firefighter. A workshop to prepare
for the pre-employment and testing is
Thursday at 6 p.m. at Terrel Hall on the
PCC Cascade campus. Applications for
firefighter trainee positions are accepted
Thursday and Friday at 4106 N. Vancou­
ver. Contact Lt. Harry Harper for informa­
tion at 823-3692.
Human Rights Leader
To Speak
M exico’ s preeminent human rights
leader, Rosario Ibarra de Piedra, visits
Oregon Saturday. She w ill speak at 7 p.m.
in Port land State University’s Cramer Hall,
Room 171.
Zoo Boo Terror Begins
Zoo Boo, a screamfest o f monstrous
creatures, ghosts and headless goblins be­
gins Friday and runs through Oct. 31 at the
Washington Park Zoo. Gates open at 6
p.m. and the first trains w ill run just after
dark. Gates w ill close at 9:45 p.m. Sundays
through Thursdays and 10:45 p.m. Fridays
and Saturdays. Tickets are $6 for ages 12-
64 and $4 for children and seniors.
Beaverton Mall
Halloween Set
Merchants at Beaverton M all wi 11 host
a “ T rick-or-Treat, Tuesday, Oct. 3 1 from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. Parents are invited to bring
their children to the shopping center be­
tween 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Oxbow Park
Festival Opens
This weekend opens the annual Salm­
on Festival at Oxbow Regional park. The
Saturday and Sunday event inc ludes a salm­
on bake, Native American dancing, exhib­
its and more. For information call 797-
Comedian Headlines
Garden Party
“ The Church Lady” may disapprove
o f w ild revelry, but Dana Carvey w ill be
ready to “ party on” for the Rose Garden’s
openingevent Friday. The star o f Saturday
Night Live and Wayne’s W orld performs
at the Ultimate Garden Party, a $125 per
person benefit for local charity, to mark the
opening o f the new arena.
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
The media talks with Jefferson High School football team m em be r Antonio McKinney a fte "the D c m o c r a t T t e f e a t e d D ^ w e l ^ ^ a i ^ ^ t w ^ t e a t e n t e a ™
Jefferson at 5-0 is now off to its best season in years. See additional photo in Sports, page B3.
Peace Advocate Brings
Health Perspective
Mariah A. Taylor To Receive
Human Rights Award
he M etropolitan Human
care to people o f all cultures and back­
Rights C om m ission has
grounds, ages birth to twenty-one.
selected Mariah A. Taylor,
Ms. Lay lor is a major health resource to
R.N., M.S.N., C.P.N.P. as this year’s
the community, incorporating culturally ap-
winner of the Russell A. Peyton
Award. Ms. Taylor is the founder and
Continued to page
Executive Director of the
North Portland Nurse
Practitioner Community
Health Clinic.
peace advocate in Philadel­
phia will be in Portland Friday
to discuss how communities
can stem violence.
C hukw udi Onwuachi-Saunders w ill
present the public lecture “ Interpersonal V i­
olence: Framing Community Solutions," at
7:30 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert
A panel o f Portland area residents w ill
participate, including Richard Brown, a pro­
fessional photographer and community ac­
tivist; Marge Jozsa o f Neighborhood Health
Clinics; Tom Potter, former police chief; and
Beverly Stein, chairofthe Multnomah Coun­
ty Commission.
Onwuachi-Saunders led “ Operation
Peace in Philadelphia,” a long-term peace
promotion and violence prevention initia­
tive. She currently serves as a deputy health
commissioner in Philadelphia, She has been
in the forefront o f the effort to recognize
interpersonal violence as a public health is­
in 1992,660 Oregonians were murdered,
killed by police or killed themselves, making
(Photo by Michaei G_ Ha//e)
, ;
Dr. Chukwudi Onwuachi-Saunders.
suicide and homicide the seventh leading
cause o f death. And Violence results in un­
told numbers o f injuries health costs.
The lecture is free, but tickets are re­
quired. Call Kaiser Permanente’s Center for
Health Research at 335-6776 for reserva­
The Russell A. Peyton
Award is given for outstanding
service and commitment to pro­
tecting the human rights o f all
persons in the C ity o f Portland
and Multnomah County.
Mariah Taylor, a Certified
Nurse PractitionerofPediatrics,
has advocated for access to
health care for all people as a
human right, regardless o f their
ability to pay. She has operated
the North Portland Nurse Prac-
ic, 5 3 11 N. Vancouver Avenue,
since 1980, providing health
Mariah A. Taylor, R.N., M.S.N., C.P.N.P.
Oregon Tightens Health Plan Eligibility
ougher eligibility require­
islatu re , the changes inclu de the manner
ments and premium charges
in w hich incom e e lig ib ility is evaluated,
are some of the significant
from using one m on th ’ s incom e to an
changes coming to the Oregon
average m o n th ly incom e o v e r three
Health Plan.
m onths that fa lls below the federal p o v­
A b o u t 130,000 lo w -in c o m e O re ­
gonians w ill be a ffe cted by the new
rules, some w hich go into e ffe c t this
m onth.
M ost o f the changes w ill a ffe c t the
so -ca lle d w o rk in g p oo r w ho earn too
much to q u a lify fo r tra d itio n a l M e d ic ­
a id , but whose m o n th ly incom e fa lls
below the federal p ove rty level ($ 1,049
a m onth, fo r a fa m ily o f three), state
o ffic ia ls said.
“ These changes w ill help to hold
dow n costs, w h ile also d o in g the least
harm to thousands o f O regonians who
have dem onstrated a need fo r h e a lth ­
care co verag e,” said Jean I T horne,
d ire c to r o f the O ffic e o f M e d ica l A s­
sistance Program s in the Oregon De­
partm ent o f Human Resources.
A p pro ved by the 1995 Oregon L eg ­
e rty level.
An assets test w ill also be applied,
e lim in a tin g e lig ib ility fo r anyone w ith
liq u id assets such as savings accounts,
stocks and bonds (b u t not a house or car)
o f more than $5,000.
F u ll-tim e college students w ill no
longer be able p a rtic ip a te , unless they
are pregnant women or a s p e cific group
o f d isplaced w orkers e n ro lle d in a state
e m ploym ent departm ent tra in in g pro­
C h ild re n o f fu ll-tim e students may
continue to be e lig ib le depending upon
household income.
M o n th ly prem ium s ranging from $6
to $28 w ill be levied on a s lid in g scale
based on fa m ily size and incom e H ow ­
ever, prem ium s w ill not be charged to
those w ho are covered by M ed ica id as
part o f p u b lic assistance.
A n y health plan m em ber w ho does
not pay his or her prem ium w o u ld be
denied e lig ib ility upon re a p p lyin g fo r
Oregon Health Plan coverage.
E ffective Jan I , the number o f med­
ical co nd itio ns and treatm ents covered
on the p la n's p rio r ity lis t w ill be re­
duced from 606 to 58 I .
U n lik e the o the r changes, th is one
w ill a ffe ct a ll 394,000 members o f the
health plan, both those w ho receive
M e d ic a id as part o f p u b lic assistance
and those who are covered under the
M e d ica id expansion fo r the w o rk in g
State o ffic ia ls expect the changes
w ill save $123 m illio n over a tw o -ye ar
A sixth change, charging sm all pay­
ments when patients v is it a physician
or d en tist has been delayed.
M ore in fo rm a tio n is a va ila b le by
c a llin g O regon H ealth Plan representa­
tive s a t (8 0 0 )3 5 9 -9 5 1 7 .
Food Stamp
Benefits To
eople receiving government
food stamps will see a small
increase in the amount of
their benefits beginning this month.
The federal government has increased
the maximum amount o f food stamps a fam­
ily can receive because o f the higher cost o f
groceries. In addition, benefits for clients
served by Adult and Family Services w ill go
up dumig the wintei months to offset the
higher cost o f heating.
The exact amount o f the increase w ill
vary from family to family, depending on
size, income and expenses, state officials
About 13 1,000Oregon households, rep­
resenting about 287,000 people, receive food
stamps each month. The recipients include
the low-income, elderly and disabled. The
average amount o f food stamps received by a
household is $160 a month
The cost o f food stamps is paid by the
federal government, with administrative costs
financed by state and federal funds.