Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1995, Page 7, Image 7

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    I he
P ortland O bserver
O ctober
P age
Grand Opening of
ivory Coast
N a th a n iel a n d M arie C arter
Ivory Coast is located at 301 NE Killingsworth, Portland.
Ivory Coast makes men, woman and children clothes.
Alterations and fabric, all creations, plus weddings.
Business Phone: (503) 240-7447 • Resident Phone: (503) 775-5258
Cochran In
The Spotlight
ness growth and development was a
core set o f services.
The O A M E Cascade Plaza at
4134 N. Vancouver Ave. established
its core services as technical assis­
tance, access to capital, matching
capability with opportunity (clear­
inghouse), administrative services
and information and networking.
• Technical Assistance: The
Minority Entrepreneurship Program
provides technical support for Ore­
gon minority businesses. The pro­
gram addresses a wide range o f prob­
lems related to both skill develop­
ment and attitudes reflected in mi­
nority business owners and manag­
• A ccess To C ap ital: A lo n g
with the establishm ent o f a tech­
n ical assistance program , O A M E
can w ork in itia lly to make access
to cap ital p o ssib le for m ino rity
bu sin ess and later with m ajor
lending institutions.
• MatchingCapability WithOp-
portunity (C lea rin g h o u se): The
Clearinghouse is a program that has
a database o f minority businesses in
Oregon, their capability and their
business opportunities in both the
public and private sectors.
• A d m in is tra tiv e S e rv ic e s.
O A M E offers secretarial services,
typesetting, mail/postage service,
copying/folding and faxing.
• Information and Networking
Information. O A M E maintains a re­
source library o f magazines, publi­
cations, newspapers, public and pri­
vate documents, video and audio
tapes and playback equipment for
member use.
Any organization or individual
that supports the mission o f O A M E
may become a member and receive
services. O A M E seeks participation
and contributions form individuals
and organizations to assist in achiev­
ing its mission.
For more information contact
the O A M E at 4134 N. Vancouver
Ave., phone (50 3) 249-7744 or fax
IPO® K ll>f JÄKE
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Ladies ladies adies i>
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President B ill Clinton, revving
up his political engines, sees his re-
election bid as even more crucial
than his 1992 run for the presidency
because his would-be successors of-
fered “destructive” visions.
“ Four years ago. I ran because I
thought there was no action being
taken to give us a new economic
policy... Now I think the alternative
vision out there is destructive o f the
future we want,” he said.
Clinton, who is not yet an avowed
candidate for a second term in the
White House, said in an interview
with newspaper journalists he was
confident about his chances at the
polls next year because voters were
starting to look at his record.
He said one o f the reasons for
the remarkable ups and downs o f his
trouble-plagued presidency was “ if
Gentlemen gentlemen ntlemen tl
Tri-Met tri-met ¡-met me
Is is is is i
The the the he h
Best best best est es
Way way ay ay a
To to to o
Get get et et. e
you do things, you’ve got to make
people mad.”
In what seemed to be a vei led jab
at the conservative talk show hosts
who have pounded him repeatedly,
Clinton said if one’s critics had ac­
cess to radio and television programs
and other channels o f communica­
tions, “they will go wacky and they
w ill generate animosity.”
The interview took place over a
luncheon celebrating the 80th birth­
day o f Godfrey Sperling, a longtime
political reporter for the Christian
Science Monitor and focused on the
1996 election campaign.
Clinton, who recently spent five
days in a cross-country campaign
fundraising trip, said the policies he
put in place over the last two-and-
one half years were showing results.
“ It’s been a stormy time for the
To to to o
The the the he h
Rose rose rose o
Garden garden arden arden a •
Arena arena arena ena e
country, but if you look at what has
been accompl ished, I think the record
has been good for America and will
be good for our future,” he said.
The 49-year-old president said
the main difference between him and
his Republican critics is over the
extent o f people’s obligations to try
to help one another.
“ I think that if their view pre­
vails, it may be more like the '20s
than the ’30s,” he said, referring to
the 1920s, an era when rapacious
free-market policies sowed the seeds
o f an economic failure that led to the
Great Depression.
He recalled that congressional
Republicans voted en masse against
lis economic program, saying it
would bring recession, and that “ in­
stead we had the best economic per­
formance we’ve had in two or three
He also noted that the U.S. crime
Tate was declining.
Minority Entrepreneurs Promote
Economic Development
Johnnie Cochran, the head ofO.J.
Simpson’s "dream team” legal de­
Formed in 1987, the Oregon
fense, isoneof America’s best-known
o f Minority Entrepre­
lawyers who won celebrity status
Center is a non-profit,
through his celebrity clients.
with a mis­
He has handled a string o f high-
profile cases, including an out-of-court
settlement for Michael Jackson in the
ment for ethnic minorities in the state
child-molestation case.
o f Oregon.
But he has devoted much of his
The association is a partnership
professional career to fighting on be­
minority entrepreneurs, ed­
half o f mostly black victims o f police
the communi­
and other offic ial abuse. For Cochran,
57, who began the defense’s closing
The mission o f the group is also
arguments in the O.J. Simpson case
toward eliminating discrim­
Wednesday, race is a motivating force.
racism. The delivery
Last week he told the Congres­
O A M E Center servic­
sional Black Caucus in Washington
With and With­
thatthe American justice system treat­
ed blacks unfairly and was biased in
O AM E began with the estab­
favor o f the prosecution.
position that a central core to
"Race plays a part o f almost ev­
development o f a com­
erything in America,” Cochran said.
development, in
“Justice is neither colorblind nor is it
other words the creation o f wealth
equal in this country.”
andjobs. O A M E determined that if it
Yet, surprisingly, another o f
create and develop business
Cochran’s high profile cases is that of
ownership, jobs would be the result.
Reginald Denny, the white trucker
Paramount to successful busi-
nearly beaten to death by black rioters
in Los Angeles during the 1992 un­
rest. Cochran' s $40 m i 11 ion su it agai nst
the police for failing to protect Denny
is pending.
“ If the police were negligent in
the way they reacted, it shouldn't mat­
ter whether the victim is white, black,
red or yellow,” he has said.
Prosecutors, defense lawyers and
clients who have worked with Cochran
all mention the same things his home­
work is flawless, every word is calcu­
lated, he is tenacious and charismatic,
and juries love him.
Visions In
In celebration o f the Rose Garden arena
Grand O pening, Tri-M et M AX trains
will be running to and from the arena
every 10 m inutes on O ct. 14th, 9 a m -
m idnight, and Oct. 15th, 9 am - 9 p m .
It’s easy to use the Park & Rides along
the MAX lines.
T ri-M et will operate the Rose Quarter
to thc arena than any car ever could
The m ap gives you the low-down.
R i d e M A X or the bus to the event
'* * ’
and you'll g e t a Free Ride Home ticket
at the Tri-M et booth as part o f the
i !
« ,
from designated Lloyd District parking lots around the Rose Garden
T h e r e are 12 different Tri-M et bus lines that get you closer
I W I FacKIo
I ^5 I I
Rose Quarter Transit Conte*
Shuttle FREE both days as well. It runs to and
max .
A 7
Grand O pening celebration,
D r o p by the booth for your ticket
j |_______ an<J m ore *n f° ab ou t T ri-M et Rose
G arden service. We ll ge t you there
closer. We ll g e t you there cheaper. W e’ll g e t you there easier.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank y