P age A6 O ctober 11, 1995 • T he P ortland O bserver • • • • • • A R R E IN S U R A N C E SERVICES Life-Health-Group Disability Income Home-Auto Commercial Annuities Business Dee Baker's irthday ash I Ernest A Patricia Warren Independent Insurance Agents representing the finest insurance and bonding companies in the Pacific Northwest. PO Box 12128/2207 NE Broadway, #5 Tel. (503) 284-6595 FAX (503) 284-7607 Bobby Rice-Rush (from left) joins her mother Mabie Rush and sister Doris Rush, fashion show coordinator for the annual Virgo birthday bash. Area Residents Enjoy Spirit of Portland Cruise Join us in celebrating (ÏÏhe ^ ìo rtla ttò (Ob ser ü c r’s A N n I V EH S A H Y Doris Rush (right) models the latest styles. (Photos by Duane Lewis) ( k p ii : STO PPERS Police Probe Social Club Murder Portland police Bureau hom i­ cide detectives, in cooperation with C rim e Stoppers, are askin g foryour help in identifying and apprehend­ ing the suspects in a homicide. O n Frid ay, Sept. 15 at about 1:20 a m., four Vietnam ese males, 18 to 24 years o f age, entered the B in g K o n g T o n g Chinese Social C lu b at Northwest Fourth Avenue and West Burnside Street. One o f the suspects displayed a handgun, announced a robbery and ordered everyone to the floor. A s the p atro n s w ere b e in g ro bb ed, a s in g le shot w as fire d , s t r ik in g 6 1 -y e a r-o ld B in g W oon Jo e. A ft e r the sh o o tin g , the su s­ pects R e d from the c lu b . Jo e w as tra n sp o rte d to a lo c a l h o s­ p ita l w here he d ie d . C rim e Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for information, reported to Crim eSto p- Murder victim Bing Woon Joe. pers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crim e and you can remain anonymous. C a ll Crim e Stoppers a t(5 O 3 )8 2 3 -H E LP . Vietnamese speakers can call (503) 823-2073. Johnny Huff, Kathleen Huff and Linda Huff on deck of the new tour ship, the Spirit of Portland, during Dee Baker’s Virgo birthday celebration, which was a huge success. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies Man Killed On North Portland Street I Portland Police are investigat­ ing a murder that occurred about 9 :4 0 p .m . F r id a y at N o rth Killin gsw o rth Court and A lb in a A v ­ enue. Police were called to the inter­ section after a caller reported a man at that location staggering in the street, clutching his neck and saying that he had been shot. The victim , identified as P h illip Greene, 33, o f Vancouver, collapsed POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street I refuse to accept the idea that the “isness” o f m an’s present n a tu re m ak es him m o ra lly in e a p a h le o f r e a c h in g up fo r th e “oughtness” that forever confronts him. — Martin Luther King, Jr. onto the sidew alk and died from a gunshot wound to his head, police said. The initial investigation suggest­ ed that the incident began when the victim w alked up to a truck which stopped near the comer. Short ly there­ after a shot was fired. The truck then left the scene. N o arrests have been made. Detectives D ave Rubey and fe r­ ry W agner are the investigators. The Celtic Festival of Samhain is probably the source of the pre­ sent-day Halloween celebration. Their new year began on Nov. 1 and the previous evening honored Samhain, the Celtic lord of death. V 7 r Your Neighborhood Pizza Place Cascade Pizza and Deli 228-4651 New York’s Finest P iz z a s , S a la d s , C a lz o n e s , a n d Subs COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE FOR ALL OCCASIONS AND EVENTS 634 N. Killingsworth Portland, OR 97217 Across from P.C.C Cascade Step Taken In Vaccine For Multiple Sclerosis 285-5253 Single Pizzas Researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands may have taken a first step towards a vaccine for multiple sclerosis. In a report in the Lancet m edi­ cal jo u rn a l, they said u sin g the body’s own immune system cells Fiv e o f them had a form o f the disease characterized by episodes follow ed by relapses, and three had chronic progressive M S, in which the disease gets steadily worse. T w o to three years later, the patients with the relapsing form o f could help picvciil iccuneiii epi­ the disease had fewer relapses— an sodes o f the illness. M S is caused when the im ­ mune system turns against the body, dam aging the protective m yelin sheaths around the nerves. It can cause double vision, loss o f feeling and sometimes paralysis. Je ff Raus o f the Dr. L . W illiam s Institute in Diepenbeek, Belgium and colleagues injected inactivated T - cells into eight M S patients. average o f three compared to 16 before vaccination. A lso , in some patients, brain lesions seemed to develop more slow ly after vaccination. “O ur data suggest a moderate c lin ic a l improvement in some pa­ tients with relapse-rem itting M S who receive T -c e ll vaccination,” they wrote, adding that much more research was needed. i Calzones Sm 4.95 65 Checne Each addi Ilern Med 695 .75 Large 6.95 .95 Med 7 95 Large 9 95 Cheese and 2 Items $2 95 Spinach..............................................................$2.95 Vegetable (onion, green pepper,....................$3 29 mushroom, black olive) Meat (pepperoni, sa u s a g e ,........................... S3 79 ham, beef) S teak ................................................................ S3 99 Specialty Pizza Hawaiian (Ham Ät Pineapple) Salads Pasta Salad. Seafood Salad, Garden Salad, Feta Cheese Pasta Salad Pizza by the Slice Hot Wings E a t In o r Tb G .» Pepperqni .... $1.50 6.95 1 L a rg e P itta , one item 2 Large D eluxe Pizzas 1 Í P o p . v jm . muaaga, onion, gti«*nprppars, and mtishranmai 1 | 1 Larga 3 Ihpptng P in a and 10 Hot Wings 16.95 ! 11.95 Pick u* nr Rat in only NM valid with any atkwr aff.r a ararta | - lt > a _ a D ati 285-5253 Pizza/ Wings Comno 285-5253 »’.rh ag a» Rat in anly 1 Nat »alN Witti any other a»fcr 1 4 .» -U P Iii« -ÌW I ¡ 285-5253 1 1 ¡ 1 1 ! - - Free Cheese Sticks w ith nrder of 2 Pitsaa, 2 Tupping* 2 Med — S13.as ' 2 L< — »15.95 1 Ihrh «a nt Rat M ant» ALSO G in IN A BALLOON BOUQUETS OF BALLOONS H O U R S: M O N D AT - SATU RDAY 1 0 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 $395 Hoi Chicken Wing« ( 10) r •WEDDINGS «GRAND OPENINGS • • CORPORATE FUNCTIONS «BANQUETS • • BIRTHDAYS «FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL • M edium Two Topping Pizxa 7 .95 G et the second one 2.95 (503) 331-1101 a* ISeh ag or Kwt w anty Nat vaM with any other aflhr 1 C a«rwdw P ira n —a I9elt 1 285-5253 < earnde P i t t a J a Del 285-5253 Stork for Rent! 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