Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1995, Page 5, Image 5

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T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 11, 1995
Greying Market To Demand Fancier Homes
Hammer another nail into the
coffin. As if it weren’t thoroughly
entombed already, the image o f the
“Ozzie and Harriet” household —
the comfy white cottage, the two
groomed children, the enduring mar­
riage, among other icons— just took
another whack. This one came from
a panel o f trend-watchers who had
been assembled to weigh in on the
kinds o f homes that will be built at
the turn o f the new century and the
people who will live in them.
Starting with the mantra that a
huge segment o f the population is
approaching old age, the analysts
predicted that this graying market
will engage in a swell o f buying
“moveup” homes — bigger and fan­
cier houses, chock-lull o f electronic
objects and other creature comforts.
And these homes increasingly will
be inhabited, not by Nelsons, but by
families with names like Garcia and
Kim, the analysts said. These were
some o f the conclusions o f noted
trend- watchers — a demographer,
an architect, a technology expert and
a leading Chicago home builder
offered at “Looking Ahead to the
21st Century: Homes and Communi­
ties o f the Future” an annual seminar
organized by the National Associa­
tion o f Home Builders.
The panelists pointed out that the
shift away from that simple cottage of
yore has been rumbling around the
country for a while, and the home
building industry has adapted accord­
ingly. But they also noted that more
attention should be paid to the people
who will buy these houses, as they are
The Timeless Design Appeal Of
Ceramic Tile
becoming more monied, more sophis­
ticated and essentially more compli­
cated The speakers suggested that the
burgeoning moveup market, already
Through the years, ceramic tile
savvy in the ways of home ownership
remained one of the most e l­
and possessing considerable wealth,
egant structural and decorative ma­
won’t hesitate to enunciate their ex­ terials. Not only does it serve a
pectations. These include: Wiring. functional need, but it also reflects
Homes should have electrical schemes your personal sense of style.
Dramatic entryways. Elegant din­
that can accommodate their comput­
rooms. Distinctive bathrooms.
ers, CD players, microwave ovens,
Cheerful sunrooms. Classic kitchens.
satellite TVs, umpteen phones and Use ceramic tile wherever you want
more. Healthy homes. Consumers outstanding beauty and durability.
won’t compromise on potentially haz­
Ceramic tile is also the most flex­
ardous conditions in their homes, from ible of home decorating materials. It’s
radon to asbestos to an ocean of aller­ available in a myriad of shapes, col­
ors, textures and sizes providing ex­
gens that may lurk in building materi­ traordinary potential for custom de­
als. Buyers are increasingly aware of sign ... in areas of your home that you
what lies inside walls, under carpets may never have even considered!
S tair rise rs, for exam ple, can
and beneath the basement, and will
a particular style or color from
hold their builders accountable.
the foyer to a second floor family
room. Frame a window in one or
more colors and see how quickly it
becomes a work of art! Create your
own design on a tub surround in the
bath and repeat on the walls. Ce­
ramic tile offers total flexibility that
also allows color and design conti­
nuity from room to room.
American Olean tile company has
an extensive palette of styles, col­
ors and textures that can be inter­
mingled ... making it easy to create
a theme of color and/or design.
T riad™ G ra n ite and M arble
Looks from American Olean were
developed with color coordination
in mind, making them perfect ex­
amples of how ceramic tile can ac­
centuate your decorating theme.
For example, a kitchen and ad­
joining dining room feature beauti­
ful marble look tile.
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Time: 9 0 0 A M.
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