Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1995, Page 15, Image 15

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BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Senior Programmer
PPG Programmer
PPG Data Analyst
This position is responsible for
gathering and analyzing in­
formation, designing systems,
and performing or directing
others in development and
implementation activities. The
Senior Programmer Analyst
normally serves as project
leader or technical leader on
projects involving more than
six months.
Qualified candidates must have
a knowledge of program de­
velopment practices, a mini­
mum of 5 years work experi­
ence, fou ro f which must have
been in data processing, and
have a background identify­
ing problems, gathering re­
quirements and recommend­
ing so lu tio n s. C a ndidates
must also have experience
directing, monitoring, and per­
forming the development and
implementation of system im­
provements and have effec­
tive written and oral com m u­
nication skills to communicate
with management and staff.
Im p le m e n tin g system im ­
provements. A college degree
with co urses in statistics,
mathematics, accounting, or
computer science is desired.
For more information about
current openings call our
Job Information Line:
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
number or job title at the
top of your resume or in
your cover letter. Send re­
sume to:
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon/
HMO Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
W ashington Mutual Bank is
seeking self-motivated, sales
oriented individuals for Part-
■ Time and Full-Time Teller
positions in the greater Port­
land Metropolitan area.
'A nyone interested in a Teller
p o sitio n w ith W ashington
Mutual must participate in a
Teller Assessment. The as­
sessment will give you a bet­
ter understanding of the de­
mands of the job and will help
us obtain an objective mea­
surement of your aptitude for
a teller job.
Previous teller experience is not
a requirement. Minimum qual­
ifications include 6 mths cash
h a n d lin g , re ta il s a le s o r
bookeeping experience. Pro­
sp ective ca nd id a te s m ust
complete a TeHer Assessment
Request Form. This form is
available at all Washington
Mutual Financial Centers; the
Human Resources Dept lo­
cated at: 851 S.W . Sixth Ave.,
Suite #230, Portland; or you
may call (503) 231-8981 to
have one mailed to you.
Applications for teller will only
be accepted from candidates
who have passed the teller
Equal Opportunity Employer
Head Start Teacher Assistant
To cover long term maternity
leaves. Assignments are of
four and six months duration;
BA in education/ AA Degree
in (ECE) or one year paid ex­
perience in a preschool pro­
gram with a CDA or certificate
of proficiency. Obtain appli­
cation pkg., 9 am - 4 pm, Mon-
Fri, EOC of Clark County,
10621 NE Coxley Dr., Suite
207, Vancouver WA. 98662,
(360) 896-9912. This position
is open until filled.
The Primary Provider Group
(PPG) Data Analyst is respon­
The prim ary pro vide r group
sible for developing, maintain­
(PPG) Programmer Analyst
ing and enhancing the PPG
is responsible for gathering
risk model system and relat­
and analyzing inform ation,
ed risk arrangements.
designing systems, and per­
forming development and im ­ Q ualified candidates should
have a degree in business,
plementation activities. The
health care or finance and
PPG programmeranalyst also
have a minimum of three years
performs problem identifica­
e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g w ith
tion, requirements gathering
quantitative methods, finance,
analysis, cost/benef it and doc­
and health care, especially in
umentation activities to im ­
the area of managed care and
prove or replace systems.
provider risk arrangements.
Qualified candidates must have
Experience using Lotus 1 -2-3
a knowledge of project m an­
or similar spreadsheets and
agement practices, a m ini­
10 key is essential. This posi­
mum of 2 years work experi­
tion also requires being able
ence with OS and COBOL,
to travel on overnight trips as
experience in identifying prob­
well as being able to attend
lems, gathering requirements
early m orning or e ven in g
and recommending problem
meetings on a regular basis.
solutions. This position also
An ability to lift up to 50 lbs for
requires a background in de­
moving boxes or reports is
signing, developing and test­
also required. Strong written
ing program code and imple­
and communication skills are
m enting system im p ro v e ­
ments. A college degree with
more information about
courses in statistics, mathe­
openings call our
matics, accounting, or com ­
Job Information Line:
p u te r scie n ce is d e sire d .
Strong oral and written com ­
Pre-employment drug screen­
munications are a must.
ing required. To assure your
For more information about
resume is processed im m e­
current openings call our
place the position
Job Information Line:
or job title at the
resume or in
Pre-employment drug screen­
Send re­
ing required. To assure your
sume to:
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
Blue Cross and
number or job title at the
Blue Shield of Oregon/
top of your resume or in
HMO Oregon
your cover letter. Send re­
Resources Dept., 3rd fir
sume to:
100 S.W Market
Blue Cross and
Portland, OR 97201
Blue Shield of Oregon/
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
HMO Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W Market
S tandard I nsurance
Portland, OR 97201
C ompanies
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
People. Not Just Polocies.
Garlington Mental
Health Center
P s y c h iatric nurse needed
approx 20 hrs/week for com­
m unity mental health ch il­
dren’s program serving cul­
turally diverse population of
children ages 0-21. Duties incl
triage, assessment, med mgt,
psychoeducation, consulta­
tion & records mgt. RN or BSN
& 2 yrs exp req. Ref # CH-PN.
Receptionist needed for chil­
dren’s program. Exp w/high
volume multi-line switchboard
req. Other duties incl greeting
clients & assisting w. general
office duties. Typing 45 wpm
Receptionist needed for chil­
d re n ’s program p art-tim e .
Hours: T, W, TH 5pm-8pm.
Exp w/ high volume multi-time
swichboard req. O ther duties
include greeting clients and
assisting w/ gen office duties.
Typing 45 wpm req. Ref# CH-
Competitive salary & benefits.
Send/fax cover letter & re­
sume to: Garlington Center,
4950 NE MLKing Blvd, Port­
land, OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax:
EOE Minority/disabled encour­
aged to apply. No phone calls
Radio Operator/
Salem Media of Oregon Inc.,
C h ristia n fo rm a tte d radio
(KPDQ AM/FM), has an im­
mediate opening for an expe­
rienced Operator/Announcer
for a full-time overnight shift.
Qualified candidate must have
a professional announcing
voice; sufficient production
and operations experience;
and transportation. Referenc­
es required. An equal oppor­
tunity employer. Send resume
and audition tape to: KPDQ
Radio, Attn: Lew Davies, 5110
S.E. Stark St., Portland, OR,
Life/Conversion Benefits
Requires one year claim or cus­
tom er service experience;
demonstrated experience in
analysis, decision making and
basic math ; or equivalent com­
bination of education and/or
relevant experience. Must be
able to express ideas clearly
in written and oral com m uni­
cations; organize and priori­
tize own work as well as ad­
just work schedule to meet
changing priorities, deadlines
and workload. Working knowl­
edge of medical term inology
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Lead Analyst
For Chemical-Dependency Professionals.
The Information and Technolo­
gy Group has an opening for a
senior analyst. Primary re
sponsibility will be for manag
ing the BCBSO Lotus Notes
infrastructure and developing
new Notes applications. Du­
ties include management of
current servers and databas­
es, reviewing application for
s y s te m s im p a c t, tro u b le
shooting system problems,
capacity planning, and imple ­
mentation of new releases,
and working with business
users to build and implement
new systems.
Additional responsibilities in­
clude working with other sup­
ported desktop applications,
primarily cc:Mail and the Lo­
tus Suite. Some evening and
weekend hours will occasion­
ally be required, to support
production systems.
The successful candidate will
have program m ing experi­
ence, familiarity with Novell
and/or Unix networks and the
ability to quickly learn new
systems and technology in a
dynamic environment. Previ­
ous Notes experience and
training a distinct plus. Previ­
ous database experience a
Pre-employment drug screen­
ing required. To assure your
resume is processed imme­
diately, place the position
number or job title at the
top of your resume or in
your cover letter. Send re­
sume to:
The C o rp o ra tio n : C O D A, Inc. a private non-profit corpora
tion, has pioneered comprehensive addiction treatment servic
es to a diverse and complex population throughout Northwest
Oregon. Operating from one large outpatient site and three
residential sites (which also provide child development and
limited outpatient services), our services include intensive
drug-free outpatient, methadone maintenance, short - and
longterm residential, and detoxification. Our client population
is extremely large and diverse. We are a leader in designing
services for pregnant women, women with young children, and
to families.
With our range o f services, locations, and client profiles
CODA offers a challenging and multifaceted environment in
which chemical dependency professionals can grow and ad­
vance. CODA further encouraged professional advancement
with an energetic training program consisting o f monthly in-
service events, frequent special events, and cash and paid-time
allowance for off-premises training.
Recent and continuing expansion has created and exceptional
range o f career opportunities. Dedicated chemical-dependen
cy professionals are encouraged to apply. CODA is currently
recruiting for the follow ing positions:
P art-Tim e D etoxification Technician II: Works 8 A M -8 PM
Saturday and Sunday (24 hours per week) at our Tigard faci I ity
Pays $7.05 to $8.94 per hour plus benefits. Requires bachelor's
degree and relevant experience. Inquire about C2T33.
Relief Staff:
Residential R elief S ta ff (Gresham , Lents, and T ig a rd loca­
tions): Pays $6.62 to $7.50 per hour, Positions work on an on-
call, as-needed basis, usually evenings/weekends, providing
residential house coverage in the absence o f regular staff.
Responsible for milieu supervision and assistance with other
non-counseling tasks. Inquire about CBROO and C1TOO.
R elief Nurses (RN and LP N ): RN earns $ 10.24-$ 16.49 per
hour; LPN earns $8.86-$ 14.55 per hour. Positions work on an
on-call, as-needed basis, often week-ends or evenings (no night
shifts). Responsible to assess methadone clients, administer
and control medications, m onitor U A ’ s maintain medication
and client records.
Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Oregon/
HMO Oregon
Individuals currently serving any federal, state or county parole
or probation are ineligible for these position. Candidates must
consent to a criminal background check.
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD# 225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
T O A P P LY , obtain a standard CODA application form and
detailed position announcements for each position sough,.
Screening questions responses are demanded for each position
sought C ODA cannot accept resumes in lieu o f application
forms. Application Materials Are Available At And Must Be
Returned To CODA, Inc. 210 NE 20th Ave Portland, OR
97232; Tele:(5O3) 236-2290 Ext. 254.
Washington County
Sheriff’s Deputy - Recruit
$2182 per month
Apply by October 27, 1995
Call (503) 648-8606/TTY (503)
6 93-4898 for inform ation.
County application and sup­
plemental application forms
required. Apply to:
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 210
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124
Women, minorities, and people
with disabilities are encour­
aged to apply.
T reatment R ecovery P revention
CODA is an Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative Action Employer
Portland Development Commission
Regional Marketing and Recruitment Manager
The Portland Development Commission, as the City of Portland’s
agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development, is
seeking a Regional Marketing and Recruitment Manager. Looking
for creativity, self-motivation, supervisory skills, marketing exper­
tise, team organizational skills, excellent writing, public speaking
and interpersonal skills. Principal responsibilities include:
Executive Director
General Accounting
O regon C om m unity College
Association, which provides
Requires two years related work
membership services and leg­
experience with emphasis in
islative advocacy. Requires
accounts payable and/or ac­
excellent public relation skills,
count reconciliations; working
management exper. Salary
knowledge of WordPerfect for
range $52,000-$67,000. for
Windows and Lotus 1 -2-3 and
app materials call OCCA, 503-
d e m o n s tra te d d a ta e n try
skills; the ability to express
ideas clearly in written and
oral communications and the
Joyfully Married
flexibility to adjust work sched­
longing to adopt. Loving,
ule to accom m odate peak
home in London En­
work periods.
gland for your precious baby.
Application deadline is W ednes­
Open adoption welcome; we
day, October 18th, at 1 pm.
visit family in US often. Helen
Business hours are 8 am to 5
& Brian
pm and a room is available
from 9 am to 1 pm for com ple­
tion of applications. Applicant
Radio / CBSI
packets may be picked up and
dropped oft before or after
business hours at our guard
Christian form atted stations.
station on level 2.
Needed a F/C bookkeeper
Standard Plaza
experienced with CBSI, Word
Human Resource Office,
and group insurance. Must
Level 2
have minimum 2 years busi­
1100 SW 6th Avenue
ness radio background. Job
Portland, OR 97204
includes: bookkeeping; typing
correspondence, contracts,
Job Hotline #321-OPEN
and sales proposals; back-up
traffic coordinator and recep­
Equal Opportunity Employer
tionist on multi-line system.
Send or Fax resume for an
appointment to: Office Man­
Advertise I n -
ager, 5110 S. E. Stark Street,
Üïljc }.1tu fla n h ( O b s rrn rr
Portland, OR, 97215.
Fax: 503-238-7202.
Call 503-288-0(133
An equal opportunity employer.
• Manage regional marketing and recruitment activities including
resource development.
• Manage the process for national and international companies
selecting Portland Metropolitan area for office and manufactur­
ing facilities.
• Research and preparation of proposals.
• Market presentations to prospects.
• Develop and implement proactive national and international
marketing efforts.
• Develop and maintain organizational and individual relationships.
• Develop and implement budget and workplan.
• Participate in the development of target industry strategies.
Position requires Bachelor degree in Business or related field,
specializing in planning or economics and five to eight years
supervisory and/or progressively responsible position in economic
development or equivalent education and/or experience.
Interested applicants should pick up an application packet at PDC.
Applications must be returned by October 18, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. If
outside Portland metro area, please call our job hot line, (503) 823-
3463 and request a packet.
Portland Development Commission
1120 S. W. 5th Avenue, #1100
Portland, Oregon 97204
The Portland Development Commission values diversity in its
workforce and is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity
and Affirmative Action.
“How To Become Debt Free”
quickly and permanently.
Send for free information.
Include $3.00 for S/H. JVJ Business Enterprises, 1511
Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, Suite #A, Department MN-217,
Washington DC 20003