Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 11, 1995, Image 1

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    Volume XXV, Number 4 1
Committed to cultural diversity.
Virgo Birthday
October 11, 1995
Join In Celebrating Our
Area residents have fun
aboard the Spirit o f
See page A6.
A M M I V E B 8 A R ¥
Hilton Upgrade
Draws Party
Hilton Hotel Manager Serge
D Rovencourt hosts a
benefit gala for the
remodeled Portland
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O re g o n L iD r
See page B3.
Simpson Marriage
Reported, Denied
A newspaper reported Sunday that
O.J. Simpson headed to the Dominican
Republic to marry model Paula Barbieri.
But his top attorney, Johnnie Cochran Jr.
denied the report. The Listin Diario news­
paper quoted unidentified sources saying
Simpson, 48 and Barbieri, 26 or 27, left
Los Angeles Saturday for Miami and then
Santo Domingo. Last year, the newspaper
broke the marriage news o f Michael Jack-
son and Lisa Marie Presley.
James Tims (above) was one of the many partici­
pants in the annual United Negro College fund walk.
Portland alumni of historically black colleges and
universities join together to support the scholarship
fund (left).
Simpson Faces
Civil Suits
Wrongful death civil lawsuits have been
filed against O.J. Simpson by the families o f |
murder victims Nicole Brown Simpson and
Ronald Goldman. The lawsuits can proceed
I despite last week’s verdict, and Simpson,
All Ages Walk For College Fund
CIvtFl annual
a r v I “Walk-a-Mile
— ■■!!_
he sixth
broadcast his show live from the park at
to Save a Mind” fundraising
event for the United Negro
Walkers participated in groups, teams
College Fund was held Saturday
and at individually. I rophies were awarded to
Peninsula Park in North Portland.
the corporation, organization and church rais­
who did not testify in the criminal trial,
[ could be forced to take the stand.
Custody Fight
Over Kids Expected
Registration began at 7 a.m. with celeb­
rity Ronald Mcdonald leading the walk at 9
a m Rambling Rod o f K P TV Channel 12
O.J. Simpson’ s acquittal means he
likely w ill ask acourttogive him guardian­
ship o f his younger children, Sydney, 9,
| and Justin, 7. The change must be ap­
proved in Orange County probate court,
i where Nicole Simpson’s parents, Lou and
Juditha Brown were given guardianship o f |
| the children last year.
ing the most money in their category.
The event was co-sponsored by
McDonalds Restaurants o f Oregon and South-
The O.J. Simpson saga ended much as
[ it had begun, with Simpson being trans­
ported in a white van to his estate while
I news helicopters tracked him overhead.
| On June 17, 1994, Simpson in a white
Bronco with his friend A l “ A.C.” C ow l-
I ings driving, led police on a surreal slow-
| speed chase viewed by m illions
Verdict Were Watched
By Nation
Garcetti Deems
OJ Case Closed
Decrying an acquittal that he said was
based on emotion rather than reason, Los
Angeles District Attorney G il Garcetti said
that O.J. Simpson’s release would not
prompt a new search fora killer. “ I stand in
front o f you, we all stand in front o f you,
with the belief the evidence was there,”
Garcetti said.
Trial Cost Put
At $9 million
A breakdown o f money that Los A n ­
geles C ounty spent prosecuting O.J.
Simpson is estimated at more than $9
m illion. The expenses for the prosecution
was put at $3.6 m illion. About $2.7 m illion
was spend for sh e riffs department ex­
penses, which included $1.8 m illion tor
round-the-clock ju ry protection. Superior
and municipal court costs were $1.9 m il-
Iion, autopsies were $ 100,000 and account­
ing costs were $21,000.
Senior citizens and others take to the street on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd in front
of the Northeast Multicultural Senior Center Thursday to send a message
protesting the cuts to medicare proposed by Congress.
March Protests
Medicare Cuts
bout 70 people participated in
a protest and march in north­
east Portland Thursday to
protect Medicare and Medicaid
federal budget cuts.
The group paraded down Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd with police escort to demon­
strate the effects that cuts in basic health care
w ill have on real people.
Jim Davis and State Rep. Margaret Cart­
er, D-Portland, spoke on the need to protect
present Medicare benefits. Both speakers
encouraged seniors to voice their opinions
and vote.
Some seniors came dressed as ghosts,
signifying Medicare o f the future i f the cuts
go through Congress. Seniors passed out M
& M candies to remind people not to let
Medicare melt away in their hands.
At the end o f the walk, the group sang
together and rallied to encourage others to
contact their politicians. The event was spon­
sored by Save America’s Families Coalition
and the Medicare and Medicaid Coalition.
Doris’ Cafe teams up with Cutting Edge
Concepts (CEC) and Oregon Arena Corpo­
ration to serve succulent, southern-style bar­
becue during all public events at the Rose
Garden Arena. “ Doris’ at the Garden” w ill
operate from a custom designed food ser­
vice kiosk on the main concourse in the
arena. Some o f the popular menu items
being showcased are barbecue beef and
chicken sandwiches, rib sandwiches, plus
barbecue hot links and smoked sausages.
Red beans and rice, potato salad and com
muffins are just a few o f the side dishes
being offered.
This partnership is another way for the
Trail Blazers and O AC to reiterate it’s long­
standing commitment to support communi­
ty activities and functions that benefit the
north and northeast neighborhoods.
“ We were lo o k in g fo r a way to
b rin g part o f the c o m m u n ity into the
arena and we fe lt concessions w ould
be the p erfect avenue,” said Jim W il­
son, vice president. Cutting Edge Con­
cepts. “ A fter researching our options, we
chose D oris’ Cafe because we knew we
couldn’t make southern-style barbecue as
good as they do. It was a natural tie and an
easy choice to make because they’ re such
great people to work w ith.”
CEC is responsible for all food and
beverage concessions at the Rose Garden,
Rose Garden Commons and Memorial C ol­
“ This is not only a great opportunity
for myself, but also for the community at
large because it creates more jobs,” said
Rosie Dean, owner, Doris’ Cafe. “ I ’ m just
honored I was chosen to be their partner and
part o f the arena.”
Sheriff’s Dinner Supports Snow-Cap
M ultnom ah C ounty S h e riff Dan
Noelle encourages area residents to at­
tend the annual S h eriffs Office Spaghet­
ti Dinner.
Noelleand his staff preparcand serve
the feast as a benefit for SN O W -C A P, a
charity that serves people in need in east
Multnomah County.
As the winter months approaches,
the need for emergency food boxes, cloth-
ing, prescriptions, transportation and
utility support rises. The revenues from
the spaghetti dinner go directly to sup­
port these charitable services.
A ll food and supply items used to
prepare the dinner have been made avail­
able through a generous donation from
Cub Foods. The dinner is on Saturday
from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Rivercrest
Community Church H all in Gresham.
Rap Group To Benefit Gang Outreach
he Yaun Youth Care Centers
over, the youth attending w ill look at youth
is unleashing the Gospel
gangs and life on the streets in a new light,”
Gangstas as its newest weap­
said Rod Cook, Yaun executive director.
on in youth gang abatement. The anti­ th e Gospel Gangstas form ed four
gang rap group will be live and on
years ago in Los Angeles when three
stage Thursday at 7 p.m. at the
gang-bangers “ saw the lig h t or “ errors
Jefferson High School auditorium.
o f th e ir w ays.”
“ We hope that by the time the show’ s
to help with tuition, textbook and laboratory
expenses tor over 50 years.
funds contributed also help maintain
daily operating expenses at UNCF colleges
and universities. Oregon is home to scores o f
students and alumni o f UNCF schools.
Additional donations can be made by
contacting Adrienne Caver at 223-8990.
Doris’ Cafe To Serve
Southern-Style Barbecue
In The Rose Garden Arena
Mirrors Chase
The verdicts in the O.J. Simpson trial
were the most watched events in history.
Over 90 percent o f the T V viewing public
were tuned in when the not guilty verdicts
were read. Tens o f m illions o f Americans
dropped what they were doing and gath­
ered around television sets in homes and
west Washington, Nike, Inc., Washington
Mutual, Northwest Natural Gas and KPTV.
Nearly $35,000 was expected to be raised
during the event
The college fund helps historically black
colleges to provide scholarships and finan­
cial aid to deserving students. The UNCF has
been providing students with needed money
Promoters say the group has performed
before audiences o f 10,000 people and have
been courted by many record labels.
Yaun Youth Care Centers Outreach
o ffic ia ls say the P ortland perform ance
is “ perhaps the easiest way to reach a
large num ber o f gang affected and a f f il­
iated youth and to do so w ith a p o sitive
image that w orks.
Further, given their past gang-affiliated
background, the Gospel Gangstas arc able to
relate a message o f peace and love in ways
that today’s youth should understand, Yaun
officials said.
Tickets are $5 in advance or $7 at the
door. For more information call the Yaun
Youth Center at 281-7564.