T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 4, 1995 P age A 7 Mariners Fall In First Playoff RIEFS BASKETBALL NBA Refs Out, Replacements Hired Ruben Sierra smashed a two-run hom er to cap a fo u r-ru n sev en th inning and D avid C one p itch ed eig h t stro n g in n in g s as the New Y ork Y an k ees d e fe a te d the S e ­ attle M arin ers, 9 -6 , T u e sd a y in the first g a m e o f t h e i r A m e r ic a n L eague D iv isio n al P la y o ff series. The Y ankees, w ho w ere m ak ­ ing th e ir first p o st-se a so n a p p e a r­ ance in 14 y e a rs, re c o rd e d th e ir first p la y o ff w in sin c e G am e T w o o f the W orld S e rie s on O c to b e r 21st, 1981, a g a in st the Los A n g e ­ les D odgers. G a m e T w o is W e d n e s d a y night at Y ankee S tadium , w hich drew a re c o rd crow d o f 5 7 ,1 78 for the first gam e. T he se llo u t was the first at Y ankee S tad iu m since the 1994 se a so n -o p e n e r and the paid a tte n ­ dance re p re se n ts the largest crow d since the stadium underw ent re n o ­ vation for the 1976 seaso n . T ied at 4-4, R andy V elarde was hit by Je ff N elson to open the seventh. Bobby A yala relieved and was g reeted w ith a single by W ade B oggs that sent V elarde to third B e rn ie W illia m s th en lin e d a do u b le to deep c e n te r field that Ken G riffey m isjudged, scoring V elard e and se n d in g B oggs to third. Paul O ’N e ill’s sacrifice fly scored B oggs for a 6-4 lead b e­ fore S ierra dep o sited A y a la ’s 2 - 1 pitch well over the right-field wall. C one (1 -0) allow ed four runs and six hits over eig h t innings. C oe, who is 3-2 in eight p o st­ season starts, struck out five and The NBA began a lock out o f I members o f the National Basket­ ball Referees Association Sunday and hired replacement refs. The announcement came after the union rejected a no-strike, no-lockout agreement that the league said it would accept while a new collec­ tive bargaining agreement with the referees continues to be negotiat- |e d . The last collective bargaining I agreement between the league and referees expired on Sept. I. The NBA has offered a 10 percent sal­ ary increase for the 95-96 season and an overall 30 percent increase over five years. I he officials are asking for a 70 per cent increase ' for next season. m atched his season high with six w alks. It was the third tim e this season that C one has w alked six. C lo s e r J o h n W e tte la n d struggled in the ninth, but struck out Mike B low ers, who represented the tying run, to end the gam e. G riffey tied the gam e at 4-4 for Seattle w ith a tw o-run hom er, his second o f the gam e, in the seventh. The Y ankees took a 4-2 lead in the bottom o f sixth, as Don M attingly singled in W illiam s to Knott Street Boxing Tourney The best in Knott Street boxing is held this weekend at the Matt Dishman Community Center. The public is invited to the Clyde Quisenbery Memorial Allstar Ama­ teur Boxing Tournament, co-spon­ sored by the Police Activities League at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Portland Parks Bureau Center at 77 N.E. Knott St. Tickets arc $8 for adults and $2 for children. Knott Street Boxing Coaches Ray Monge and Joe Calder and hoping that boxers from the tournament will qualify for the National PAL Boxing Championships, Oct. 28 - Nov. 3 in Texas. The Saturday tournament is a The league said that replace­ ment officials have been hired to attend a training camp that will open Oct. I . They will officiate all NBA games starting with the first pre-season games Oct. 12. A no­ strike, no-lockout agreement with T he C h ic a g o B ulls M onday the players enabled the 1994-95 a c q u ire d c o n tro v e rsia l pow er fo r­ season to be played without inter­ w ard D e n n is R odm an, the NBA ruption. re b o u n d in g ch am p io n each o f the last four y e a rs, from the San A n ­ Olajuwon To Miss to n io S p u rs in ex c h a n g e for r e ­ serve c e n te r W ill Perdue and other Preseason Houston Rockets superstar c o n sid e ra tio n s. The acquisition o f Rodman, the center Hakeem Olajuwon said he I will likely miss the preseason due league’s prem ier rebounder, makes the Bulls the likely Eastern Confer­ to a back injury. The injury forced promoters ence co-favorite with the Orlando to cancel Saturday's pay-per-view, Magic. Rodman joins a Bulls team that one-on-one contest with Orlando Magic center Shaquille O ’Neal features All-Stars Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen andfillsChicago’sglar- scheduled for Atlantic City. Olajuwon suffered the injury ing need for a rebounding forward while in London promoting the since the departure of Horace Grant. “H e’s the best rebounder in this upcoming M cD onald's basketball [ championship. The NBA sends a league,” Chicago general manager team to the annual tournament, Jerry Krause said. "We certainly had which features the best teams from a weakness in our rebounding situa­ v a rio u s E u ro p e a n L eag u e. tion last year. We think he’s going to | Olajuwon had his back examined be an outstanding addition to our bas­ in Atlantic City Friday by Doctor ketball team. We spent 36 hours with pre-qualifier for the 1996 Olympic Trials. Proceeds from ticket sales and a raffle will help offset costs of qualify­ ing boxers toattend the national chain pionships. “W e're excited about any oppor­ tunities that involve youth in activities which keep them focused on disci­ pline and commitment,” said PAL. Activities Coordinator Nicci Johnson. “By working with Knott Street, we may get to help some boxers get a shot at the Olympics." PAL is a collaboration of kids, cops and the community offering rec­ reational, athletic and educational pro- snap a tie and cam e around to score on M ike S ta n le y ’s single. Dan W ilson w alked w ith the bases loaded in the sixth to tie the gam e at 2-2 for the M ariners. G riffey cut into New Y o rk 's 2-0 lead w ith a solo hom er o ff the facade o f the right field upper deck in the fourth. G riffey had three hits, drove in three runs and scored three tim es. Boggs gave the Y ankees a 2- 0 lead with a tw o-run hom er to cen ter field in the third. Boggs and Williams had three hits apiece. SAM BOWIE RETIRES AFTER 1 1 YEARS grams designed to encourage and de­ velop good citizenship. During the 1940s, PAL in Port­ land was founded by police officer Mickey Pease who believed that through boxing and other athletic pro­ grams kids could be turned around. This year, PAL served 1,800 kids in 10 programs. Tickets tor the boxing tourna­ ment are available at Catalina Restau­ rant, EZ & A l's Salon, Geneva’s Sa­ lon. One Stop Records, the Portland Parks Bureau community centers Matt Dishman and Community Park and the Northeast Precinct PAL office. For more information, call 823-0250. Sam Bowie, whose 11 year NBA career was plagued by injuries, announced his retirement today. I he 7-foot-1 Bowie was the second player selected in the 1984 draft - behind I lakeem Olajuwon and ahead o f Michael Jordan, lie played for the Portland I rail Blazers from 1984 to 1989, then spent four seasons with the New Jersey Nets and two with the Los Angeles Lakers. ihe 34-year-old Bowie missed the entire 1987-88 season and was sidelined for 438 games during his career because of leg injuries. Bowie played in just live games in 1986-87 and 20 in 1988-89, his final season with Portland. He also missed two lull college seasons at Kentucky while recovering from a stress fracture o f his left tibia. Bowie was traded by Portland to New' Jersey, along with a first-round draft pick, following the 1988-89 season for Buck Williams. He enjoyed his finest N-B-A season in 1991-92 with the Nets, averaging 15.0 points and 8.2 rebounds. I le appeared in a career-high 79 games during the 1992- 93 campaign, leading New Jersey in blocked shots (128). Heaveraged 10.4 points and seven rebounds during his pro career. Chicago Acquires Dennis Rodman Francis Pflum o f New Y ork's St. Vincent’s Hospital. Pflum diag­ nosed the injury' as a bi lateral sprain | o f the lower back. Olajuwon and O ’Neal were | scheduled to compete in a $1 mil­ lion one-on-one competition at the Trump Taj Mahal Resort. It was to be distributed by Showtime Event Television. Olajuwon and O 'N eal [ were to play 10 rounds for a total o f $100,000 per round. FOOTBALL Rockies Make History In Playoff Run The Colorado Rockies be came the youngest expansion team evertoqualify for post-season play, rallying from a six-run deficit and hanging on to defeat the San Fran­ cisco Giants, 10-9. The Rockies, in their third year, were scheduled to host the National League East champion Atlanta Braves on Tuesday, in a best-of-five series The Rockies win the NL wild-card berth. The Los Angeles Dodgers, who clinched the Western Divi­ sion title with a 7-2 victory over the Padres on Saturday, were to open the playoff s Tuesday at home against the Central Division cham­ pion Cincinnati Reds Dennis this weekend. Dennis was in Chicago. We had a lot of conversa­ tions with him, we felt good about those conversations.” Along with establishing himself as the league’s prem ier rebounder, Rodman has been named to the N BA ’s All-Defensive Team six times. But the 34-year-old Rodman is probably better known for his ever- changing hair color, his tattoos and his offbeat behavior. T he 6-8, 2 1 0 -p o u n d R odm an spent a tu m u ltu o u s tw o seasons w ith the S purs in w hich he had been su spended nu m ero u s tim es by head coach Bob H ill for m iss­ ing p ra c tic e s and “co n d u c t d e tri­ m ental to the te a m .” He averaged 16.8 rebounds and 7 .1 points in 49 games for the Spurs last year. “The Spurs won games before Dennis Rodman came here and we ll win games after Dennis Rodman. I think our fans know that,” said Spurs genera manager iregg P o p o v ic h . ’ n m s is not the p o in t h c ie . I lie ,cam is the p o in t" Hie last straw for Rodman in San Antonio may have come when he DRIVE A LITTLE, SAVE A LOT GRESHAM O CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH NEW 1995 NEON HIGHLINE L ist P ric e $15,081 #24068 NEW 1996 SEBRING List P rice $1 9 ,4 8 6 Air conditioning, power steering & more. $10,995 or $93” 3 Mo Gold Key Plue Price after $600 rebate, $400 recent college grad. Payment after 15% of $12586 MSRPdown $35adm. fee. Fixed value $8430 Rebate cannot be used in conjunction with Gold Key Plus. Air conditioning, power steering & much more. k95 224" 20 QUALITY STEP« INCLUDE: 10 QUALITY STEP* INCLUDE: • EXPER T SA N D IN G S MASKING • 2 COATS O F ADVANCED ACRYLIC PAINT • 1-YEAR G UAR AN TEE AG AINST FADING HURRY! 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