t • P age A6 O ctober 4, 1995 • Zoo Night Horrors Return NEW, RETURNS OVERSTOCK Haunting Fun Begins Oct. 13 F ra n k e n ste in , D racula and a num ber o f th eir g h o u lish fiends w ill m ake the M etro W ashington Park Z oo th e ir n ightly place o f te rro r b eg in n in g O ct. 13. T h e y 'll be h a u n tin g th e f ifth a n n u a l Z o o B o o , a sc re a m fe st o f m o n ­ stro u s c re a tu re s, g hosts and h e a d ­ less goblin s. ZooBoo, sponsored by KINK fm 1302 and Coca Cola with support from Sierra Antifreeze-Coolant, is entitled "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night." The frightening family fun fea­ tures hair-raising scenes inspired by literature’s most famous horror clas­ sics. V isito rs w ill be " tre a te d ” to a dark and m y ste rio u s m ile -lo n g ride on the z o o ’s train as it chugs along a sp in e -tin g lin g route filled w ith 26 th e a tric a l sets. Spooky scen es stolen from E dgar A llan Poe, S h ak esp eare and Jules V erne w ill keep rid ers in w orrisom e su s­ pense th ro u g h o u t. Dracula and his fellow vampires will be seen roaming among bats and coffins. Frankenstein and his hunch­ back buddy, Igor, will be dying to greet visitors. A huge dragon is guaranteed to attack the train at any time. Skeleton pirates will battle along the route while nearby a sea monster arises from the 4069 N.E. M.L.K Blue L IQ U ID A T IO N OUTLET C O M E A N D SEE W H A T Y O U R M O N E Y W IL L B U Y A T 5 0 % T O 7 5 % O F F R E T A IL P r e s e n t 1 0 % c o u p o n w ith p u r c h a s e fo r a d d it io n a l s a v in g s . vices for 19 years, five years at its current Gresham location. Residential treatment is particu­ larly effective for individuals and' tamilies with long histories o f drug abuse and crime. Due to community resources like AFTC, the number o f drug-addicted babies bom in Multnomah County has been reduced by 62% in the past five years. The fol lowing organizations and individuals have been invited and will be recognized for their support for CO D A ’s mission to prevent and eliminate drug and alcohol abuse in our community. G re sh a m M ay o r G u ssie W a s h in g to n P a r k Z o o . ocean depths. And werewolves, the mad barber Sweeny Todd and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will showcase their tonsorial skills at the "Bad Hair Night” junction. The train trip will end with in­ trepid travelers trekking on foot through the spooky mazes the Haunted Forest. Along the hay they will view a frightening carnival freak show fea­ turing bizarre almost-human "things’ who are billed as “Something Wicked This Way comes." The forest also features Thor's Thunder alley o f light- United Way a b r ic THE LARGEST, MOST COMPUTE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST O c to b e r 3 th r o u g h O c to b e r 1 7 ,1 9 9 5 ALL CALICOS All Q u iltin g S u p p lie s $0% OFF Includes Notions, Batting, Trims and Books ALL HOME DECORATOR FABRICS AND SUPPLIES 0 /* /o OFF Includes all prints and jacquards, curtain lace, upholstery vinyl, awning canvas, headliner, veltex. table pad, braber ft Dritz drapery hardware, home dec trims. THESE PATTERNS • McCall’s """ 1 w f i y • * * steal fro m m an y, it ’s research. — W ilson M iz n e r QUALITY DEPARTMENT STORE ITEMS NEW STORE HOURS OPEN T U E F R I 1 0 -6 , SAT 1 0 -5 / / S1AHK ¿TAtfcf T RETAII ll(H RS: Mi IN I HI 9iKi;inv9iiO|Mn ''M l Kl) \N 9 HO.iin ’ pu M \l>\N inmi.iin-“‘pm « 1 vmon vMi not T M i >\-| Kl " Mi.nn-5 Mipn, i sM I Kl>M 'HHi.ini-Apm I si \D M II im.iin- ipm rs sistant to the U.S. Attorney for the State ofOregon, and Bruce Goldberg, ’ S f RETAIL-WHOLESALE Plenty of FREE PARKING CARS • BUSES • RVs 700 S.E. 122nd Ave P ortland, OR 2 5 2 -9 5 3 0 R e p re se n ta tiv e s from local faith c o m m u n itie s w o rk in g in p a r t n e r s h i p w ith f a m ilie s , schools, and the com m unities that M.S., Assistant Professor, Depart­ ment o f Family Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University. surround them w ill sh are ex am ­ Other presentations and panel ples and re so u rc e s on how they discussions will focus on conflict are alread y m aking a d iffe re n c e. resolution, the Virtues Project, safe For m ore inform ation, call havens for children, and assets kids Northwest Parish Nurse Ministries need to succeed. Conference attend­ at 503-413-4920. ees will participate in developing a prayer and co venant to safeguard our children. JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5 4 0 3 N E 4 2 N D A V E N U E • 287-0008 li r ■ li ""T c ÖÜPÖN! r i In fla tio n B u s te r D ry C le a n in g S p e c ia l i ’4.00 OFF i On A n y D ry C leanin g O rd e r i Of $12.00 or More i Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only i Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons i i JEANIE’S CLEANERS i E x pires 10-31-95 r i i i i i i i i I I I I I I I I I I I ■C O U P O N ! In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l Drapery Cleaning L in e d & U n l in e d A n y S iz e 99* A PLEAT Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JEANIE'S CLEANERS ____ _____ E xpires 10-31 -95 r I ■CO UPO N! 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Fremont, Portland, from 8 a m. to4:30p.m . Registration begins at 7:30 a m. for this one-day round­ table conference, which will focus on family violence, gun violence, and antidotes to violence Keynote speakers will be Frank Noonan, As- O F TH E CO LUM B IA -W ILLAM ETTE _ A t p r e s e n t m in in g ra te s , know n re s e rv e s of g old w ill be depleted in about 20 years. ning bolts, a monster fighting hobbits at the Lord of the Rings set, and a wax museum with Lizzie Borden, Jack the Ripper, Rasputin and other evil char­ acters from the past. But the train ride is only half the fun for ZooBoo participants. Antidotes To Violence McRobert; State Senator John Lim; State Representative Sharon Wylie; Director o f the State ofO regon Alco­ hol an J Drug Programs JefTKushner; Multnomah County Commissioners, Director o f Multnomah County Al­ cohol and Drug Programs Lolenzo Poe; Director o f Multnomah County Com m unity C orrections T am ara Holden; representatives from the State o f Oregon Housing and Com­ munity Services Department, Port­ land D evelopm ent C om m ission, Children's Services Division, cor­ porate supporters, including Thrifty/ Payless Drug Stores; PGE; Georgia- Pacific Corporation; and Safeco In­ surance. Furniture • Bedding • Clothing Rugs • Housewares • Tools • Toys Electronics • Lamps • Flateware Auto Accessories And Much More! 4 fra/n e n te r s th e d a r k t u n n e l o t m o n s tr o u s c r e a tu r e s , p t o s i s a n d g o b l i n s d u r t n g Z o o B o ^ h ^ ^ Alpha Family Treatment Center Expansion CODA Treatment Recovery Pre­ vention will hold a groundbreaking ceremony, at 9:30 a m. on Tuesday, October 3, 1995, at its residential drug treatment facility Alpha Family Treatment Center (AFTC), located at 1427 S. E. 182nd, in Gresham. The expansion will increase bed capacity from 26 to 48 beds, with the new bed space designated for women with children and pregnant, addicted wom­ en and their babies. CODA, founded in 1969, is Port­ land and S.W. W ashington’s largest and most comprehensive non-profit drug and alcohol abuse treatment and prevention agency. CODA has provided residential treatment ser­ T he P ortland O bserver r i i ■C O U P O N ! I I T I I In fla tio n B u s te r D r y C le a n in g S p e c ia l I I Sleeping Bag Cleaning I I Special ’5.99 I Good On in Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I JEANIE'S CLEANERS E xpires 10-31-95 I I I